about 2 months ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s [Music]
21s [Music]
42s [Music]
47s [Music]
62s hello hello hello good evening good
64s afternoon good morning and a Happy New
65s Year to you all welcome along just
68s making sure everything's working
69s everything's as it should be and then
71s we'll be ready to start so grab a drink
74s Parky boms and let's see what the new
77s year's going to bring us back in the m
90s [Music]
98s [Music]
144s [Music]
166s [Music]
176s hello good evening good afternoon good
178s morning how are we all I'm abulous for
180s you to join us thank you very much hello
182s oh we got Michael's in we've got Lee's
184s in everybody's in oh everybody's piling
187s in this evening and most important is
189s you guys coming back in
191s 2025 uh yes um so what have we got
194s planned for today now after all the
197s excitement that we had at the end of
198s 2024 uh if you watch the stream you know
201s that we massively went over time but
203s that was uh thanks to a wonderful
205s interview with Michael so if you've not
207s seen it go check out the VOD on that and
209s uh we had loads of questions we had a
211s few things of uh looking back at 2024 uh
216s in segmented parts and also we did a
218s little teaser so if you never saw that
220s uh we might show that again later on uh
222s just so that those that missed it you
224s might see uh what we have been chatting
227s about but um yeah we're going to carry
229s on with our hard playthrough you know
230s that I've been progressing very very
232s slowly and dying a few times as uh B
235s frog this is the worst stream of the
236s Year absolutely I mean it's probably the
238s only stream of the year but things can
239s not get better uh if you've got any
242s questions as Lee's already put do tag
244s Lee in on the chat uh he'll CLE them and
247s then we'll get to see what questions you
249s ask and then I'll try and answer as many
252s as you we can anyway uh We've also got
255s the screenshots we got our first rfg top
257s pick of the Year oh yes we got some
259s doozies there's been some tough tough uh
261s images coming uh from uh the beginning
264s of the year so we're going to be looking
265s at that and then obviously that all goes
266s towards uh the end of the year
268s screenshot that we'll have woof way off
270s in December who's talking about December
272s already who's talking about that um plus
274s if you did see the last stream and you
276s have watched a little teaser um what do
279s you think what are your theories I want
281s to know what your theories and what your
283s ideas are about everything that's coming
285s with the expansion I want
287s to just see what's going on in your
290s little mind and and just think H I'm not
293s say anything but I want to I want to
295s know what you've been thinking I want to
297s know what you've been kind of digesting
298s and theorizing uh about our new
301s expansion that uh is coming sometime in
303s 2025 so uh yes yes indeed indeed uh
308s there we go I'm just having a look at
309s seeing everybody Flor how you doing frog
312s space is awesome Lou long uh I saw Lyn
314s as well how you doing Lyn um so what we
317s may
318s do uh is we may look at switching to a
322s different ship new year new ship so
324s we've been playing think we the bomber
327s and the Sentinel so we might look at
329s another um
331s another option if we can find one that's
333s within our price range and something
335s that we might try so we'll have a little
336s look anyway but do you get those
338s questions coming in uh if if you want
340s give us your theories give us everything
342s that you've been thinking about and uh
344s yeah let's let's load up and see whether
347s we
348s [Laughter]
352s die right there we go just checking
356s everything is one there we are hello
359s hello little Cent fancy seeing you here
362s oh I've seen you for a while right I
364s just need to catch up with everything
365s that I've had to table I'm going to do
367s it's going to put that in
369s there that's a nice little speed gain
372s there isn't it what's uh it's just an
375s upgraded version isn't it so we'll swap
377s that in nothing there smoke screen could
382s yeah maybe maybe and we'll you with a
384s mission so drone wrestling docket
387s settlement Haven rest
389s detoxification we are level 18 but we'll
391s see and then picking up the pieces go to
393s ath or orbit as
395s well okay okay undiscovered site over
399s there okay tell you what we'll do uh
401s let's let's go there shall we let's jum
404s powder here let's get on our
407s way I hope you had a good festive period
409s however you spent it I hope you had a
410s really nice New Year as well um all nice
413s safe and glad that you're all here with
415s us uh myself yeah it was good good
418s Christmas thoroughly enjoyed it we had
420s uh lots of family around uh that was a
422s good time of year and I did a lot of
424s cooking lot of
427s [Laughter]
434s cooking right cardus the transponder
438s identifies it as a stock g&b freighter
441s he does there are indications of signal
444s forgery signal forgery that's just not
448s allowed R it's me
450s you can attach topside ah okay fair
453s enough so this is obviously um drone
455s wrestling which is part of the Titans
457s DLC and uh we just need to speak to
460s cardinus ship look at that glowy Trum
463s like Ship What's So secret we can't talk
464s about it over comms you've had contact
468s with a certain bis data collector surely
471s he told you there's no such thing as a
473s secure
474s channel did you know about him we stay
477s aware of each other based on your report
480s I project the hijackers are restoring
482s the minawa systems its hangers had been
485s removed for scrapping the next time I
487s run into it it'll have more fire support
491s precisely that requires escalation on
494s our part I'm providing you with codes
497s for the minawa fail safe beacon in your
499s next encounter I need you to infiltrate
502s the ship and activate it what's a fail
505s safe Beacon they're installed on all
507s Colonial warships in the event some of
510s the chat messages I we get to them after
512s this little
513s convers never heard of that the exist of
517s fail safes is classified that's why
520s we're discussing this in person but I
523s need to go turn this thing on normally
525s the ship's crew would activate the fail
527s safe Commander Patel prevented that when
530s he mutinied next time the dreadnut
533s appears I go after the fail safe what
535s will raka and Yun be doing I have
538s contractors in every system in case the
540s minawa appears thewa dispatch when it's
544s spotted love
546s it I'll be in
548s touch excellent excellent uh yeah um Lee
553s was just referencing that I'm on deer 15
555s of turkey sandwiches to be to be fair I
558s actually did over Christmas uh kind of a
560s bit of a personal thing I did actually
561s cook two Christmas dinners uh within 5
565s days and uh cuz we had different family
566s over so yeah we had a lot of turkey I
568s managed to get a lot of it so yeah I'm
571s I'm kind of uh out of turkey
575s now dear dear love it love
578s it uh oh somebody did get a uh where oh
582s yeah dring lemon yesterday I got my
584s Elite badge in the game finally well
585s done congratulations and anybody who
587s working towards some of your
588s achievements in the game uh keep going
590s I'm sure that you'll all love them and a
592s reminder about achievements as well
593s especially steam uh we've had some
595s people that have gone oh my achievement
597s didn't trigger and sometimes we need to
598s look at it as a bug but you need to
600s remember you must have steam running I
603s know some people bypass Steam and they
604s just run it from the executable uh the
607s game uh now if you do that then the
609s achievements will not trigger okay so
612s you must have steam running if you want
613s to get the achievements some people are
615s bothered about achievements that's
616s perfectly fine we put them in there as a
617s little additive uh but if you do want to
619s get the achievements then you must have
621s steam running so just a little reminder
624s there um I will come up with another
625s little reminder later on for some other
627s things which I've just remembered which
628s I uh I will make a little note of cuz
631s you know I have I have notes oh yes let
634s me just write that down because I will
636s forget it you know I'm getting I'm
637s getting on a bit now you know I can't
638s remember everything I've got to write it
639s down so yeah I see the questions are
641s coming in if you do have any any then
643s don't worry we will uh plow through them
645s in a little while uh but yeah let's get
647s uh let's get on our way so picking up
649s the PCS level 19 Vault worthy spelunking
653s for man caps finish the magic of uh
656s Umami or twin stations
661s I tell you what we're going to have a
662s look at the map and see what we've got
663s around
664s here
667s okay I tell you what we'll go actually
670s no we
673s won't let's just visit nefty cuz I just
677s want to see if there's
680s anything worthwhile
688s buying by let's head to nties let's get
691s over
704s there go better fast forward always
709s handy let's see what ships we've got if
712s anything's takes our fancy we shall buy
714s it
722s right you got to love this area the team
725s do a wonderful job I know it's kind of
727s I'm a fan of the game as well uh so what
729s the art team uh everybody on the art
731s team uh produce visually and uh in
735s sceneries like
736s this chef's kiss absolute chef's kiss
740s yeah God I love it right let's dog let's
742s see what they've
744s got Mr Roslin how can we help you today
747s how can you help yeah okay let's just do
750s a quick
753s repair yes indeed let's have a little
755s look uh let's see what we've got well uh
758s I can't afford the tier three plus what
760s am I actually rocking at the moment
765s uh actually what are we rocking
770s um okay not not a fan not
773s necessarily so we've got intercept out
775s of our gun uh and the gunship out of our
777s price range uh we can't afford it little
780s bit too
782s expensive uh we've got a
784s stinger uh which is going to be an
786s upgrade we've got the Reaver uh Sentinel
789s bomber Harbinger uh of the Vanguard the
792s spirit Scout the Raptor and then The
794s fulman Vindicator okay that's the full
796s moon one
800s uh kind of
808s uh yeah L's a T2 plus which is what I'm
811s actually kind of rocking yeah so now
813s this brings up a kind of uh interesting
815s little um uh note point of note because
819s some people AR aware of it and I know
820s we've got quite a lot of uh uh new
823s players obviously with the sales that
825s have been happening uh over the
826s Christmas period Etc now you may look at
831s uh upgrading your ship periodically in
833s the game you don't have to do it every
834s stage of the way however we kind of
837s facilitate the allowance of swapping
840s ships very easily and the reason for
842s that is that literally the price that
844s you buy a ship for is roughly the price
847s that you're going to be able to uh sell
849s it for so you can see just as a tiny
851s little tweak on this one if I swap to
853s this tier 2 plus cental it will be 926
857s credits so I do
859s have uh quite a bit of money back from
863s my original purchase obviously if I was
865s going to buy it outright it'd be 159,000
867s credits but for for me to do this little
870s upgrade it would be 926 but uh anyway um
874s there's nothing really as an upgrade
876s because obviously I'm running a tier two
878s so we we'll carry on we'll see if
879s there's anything keep mentioning the the
882s Stinger maybe uh I'll see if I can get
885s something a little bit more uh see we
887s can get any more tier 3s uh and a bit
889s more choice so we'll have a little look
891s around so uh yeah do have a uh uh have a
895s think of anything that we uh we may
897s change to okay
900s yeah Catalyst oh yeah we dropped didn't
903s we we got the barrage and the auto
907s dismantler yeah okay I'm just trying to
909s catch up with everything that I've been
911s progressing with on this so that's fine
914s that's fine that's fine right so we we
918s really need to decide where we're going
919s um should we look for the vault in Vault
922s worthy I think that'll be a cool want to
923s do we've not done that so
925s Aries uh and an Andra so let's go to
931s the jump Point let's get out of here
933s let's get out of
937s here let's adjust so we can get out of
948s here right off we go so yeah I want to
950s hear your theories uh about what you saw
953s uh in the teaser trailer I will show it
955s again um probably at the end so anybody
958s that's missed it you can uh
960s have a little think yourselves uh while
963s we continue work on uh a new wonderful
973s expansion how you doing
977s crispy we did a little teaser okay uh in
981s the in the last stream uh it is up on
985s YouTube so you can go look there if you
987s want to have a look uh but I have got it
989s uh so everybody can have a little look
991s see as
994s well it's going to be the same
997s one right let's get through here
999s transport
1003s geop always love
1018s these ah you just got to love that over
1020s you you've just got I'm sorry but you
1023s got to love this if you don't like this
1026s I mean that's that's just a work of art
1029s isn't it that's
1033s just a work of
1036s art absolute work out right so uh let's
1041s go to an and let's jump
1055s the chat's flowing
1057s through yeah I Floy just said here we
1061s have the first place of today screenshot
1063s yeah I just I took a screenshot and
1064s that's just that's it I I I win myself
1067s you
1070s know you
1073s guys you
1076s guys
1077s right let's go over here we're upside
1082s down oh hello drive safely Mr drone that
1086s was very careless very careless right
1090s let's check here what we've got welcome
1093s traveler may I interest you in a new
1095s organic printer Froman printer no thanks
1099s I have enough scrap on my ship as it is
1102s that is too bad printing yourself a new
1104s pet is all the rage back in the home
1107s worlds I bet it is excuse me sir uh may
1111s I have a word with you oh sure hello y
1115s joh Dava good to meet you y DAV I happen
1118s to overhear your conversation about
1120s scraps on your ship you don't happen to
1123s be a scavenger by any chance I've heard
1126s that Scavenging is a big thing in the
1128s belag grades and I'm keen on making a
1130s significant investment well if you're
1133s looking for unused junk you should check
1134s out cedo they even have a whole junkyard
1137s there rotting away on oh damn what are
1139s you doing telling him all this
1141s stuff oh you've been to the place then
1145s maybe you know someone there you could
1146s introduce me to uh I just briefly met a
1150s scrapper bot who St muffin just said
1151s he's Revisited the game after a really
1153s long time started a new save and has
1155s roughly taken 114 screenshots already
1158s that should be easy enough to I love the
1161s fact theate don't worry my father
1166s brought me keys for all kinds of gates
1168s out here it's my turn to uphold the Dava
1171s family name and expand our business to
1173s the Bel the DAV theard yeah I want to
1177s know who came up with uh yon Dava sure
1181s there's a lot of explores going off in
1183s the background is
1185s there I don't know what's going on I'm
1188s just uh a bit curious I think I'm just
1190s going to have to
1191s um uh
1194s hello oh
1196s hello that'll be why
1201s I thought they were getting a bit ansy
1203s around here and it's these
1209s guys okay you're a teleporter I'm not
1211s going to worry about you wow I was
1214s getting seriously attacked here all
1215s right Viper thank you you're gone
1221s blueprint right can we just have a a
1223s little bit of peace and quiet please you
1224s know I'm trying to do a stream here and
1226s you know everything else and there's all
1228s sorts of is going
1230s off oh well that's
1232s handy they blew up the Freer nothing to
1236s do with me
1238s Governor right uh let's just do dock
1243s again welcome back sir a pleasure to see
1246s your fine self today hey
1250s likewise
1252s right so let's just uh let's go to the
1254s shop let's see what we just picked up oh
1257s okay we could activate that of
1260s that to
1264s sell arm almost better but not really
1267s let's
1271s sell I'm just kind of crunching for some
1274s cash in the moment uh try and get the
1276s the stock up a little
1279s bit um smoke screen I'm not going to use
1283s yet so I'll just get rid of that
1285s secondary supplies not
1288s bad 75 okay that was definitely better
1291s we'll just dismantle that for some stock
1295s level 19 could be
1298s good
1302s [Music]
1305s energy yeah I do like the Rattler but
1308s I'm not too
1309s sure right let's just sell that no we'll
1313s dismantle it we'll dismantle it for the
1315s T that gives us the blueprint on the
1318s blue 52
1320s 4131 okay that's just an AR that's on
1323s there that's the Rog Set
1326s uh sell that we'll just sell some stuff
1330s let's get rid
1331s of yeah uh
1334s confirm keep that always keep them cuz
1337s they come in handy speed
1340s gain ecob booster that we'll
1345s crack right search the indicated area
1349s there we are so we're over there way
1350s point let's go find
1352s it let's head over
1364s there
1366s okay did hear something around
1377s here it's such a long time since I've
1380s been here I can't remember exactly where
1381s the vault is oh there it
1384s is it's one of those vaults I think I'm
1387s getting The Knack of this that is
1389s preferable since I am unable to be of
1394s assistance think I cracked it let's have
1396s a look let's have a
1398s look color ship color we got cement we
1402s got another ship color some
1405s credits what else did we
1407s get mag Bean love
1411s it and another container casings diode
1415s and some more cash hello there's another
1417s one some now no injectors as well hey
1421s you stop right there oh here we go we
1424s had finished that one well I just did
1428s that was your last
1431s mistake
1433s boom love
1436s it oh that's
1444s cool
1446s nice actually oh it's this that's trying
1450s to tag me go away thank
1453s you what I wanted to do is I just wanted
1455s to check while I was here cuz I did hear
1458s the Ping sound
1471s what's
1489s there that was a bit dark and murky
1492s there wasn't it that was really dark and
1494s murky
1499s right where are you
1503s aha container nice another blueprint
1506s radial repulser okay and we got the
1509s autonomous reactive
1512s radar good and some scrap a little bit
1515s of scrap it's always
1518s good
1519s cool so ship range on that's quite
1524s good uh yeah I may switch to that just
1528s just because of the increasing Firepower
1530s and
1532s structure i' lose a little bit of range
1535s on the ships but yeah I think we'll I
1537s think we'll quit right instead cool just
1541s had the little ping sound and I was like
1544s what's over there always good to go look
1546s for the secrets yeah the
1548s clouds the clouds look so
1551s Lush again top marks team top marks
1555s hello another container keep finding
1557s these containers
1559s it's definitely the oh look a side quest
1562s syndrome and off you go you get
1564s distracted and there you find another
1568s little item and you go looking over
1575s there there's a container there okay
1579s energy
1583s dispenser I don't tend to do all of like
1586s kind of the uh puzzles Etc in an area CU
1590s I like people to work them out for
1592s themselves so I don't always show them
1594s um so you may have to work these out for
1597s yourself but you know I'm sure you will
1600s all very clever people right let's dive
1602s back down to the trading H pick up all
1603s this other debris that's lying
1609s around yeah the positional audio for the
1612s for the Ping sounds uh of the items that
1615s are kind of hidden does work very very
1618s well actually
1619s that's why I knew it would be me and I
1620s was looking down and I could see that it
1622s was there generator there secure
1624s container there's a bulletproof
1626s container there just going to get rid of
1628s all those nasty nasty things those
1633s mind's up that okay wiring kits and
1637s stuff hey that's ours oh what great
1641s Smugglers oh for
1643s God somebody just have you know
1649s I think there is a lesson to be learned
1651s here definitely that some containers may
1653s still have owners around no that it may
1656s not be worth dying over two barrels of
1658s clothes and a wiring kit H come on hive
1661s where's your fun it's always worth it
1664s and another ship color I like that
1667s soulfire love their name love their name
1670s open this container what we got
1672s credits we got
1675s credits want them all right
1680s let's just flip onto here let's get dog
1684s cuz we'll sell some stuff I don't want
1685s to be carrying it all around don't want
1686s to be carrying it all around let's look
1688s in the shop so what we got we can sell
1691s yeah we just get rid
1695s uh
1701s yeah part Together We Stand that's fine
1708s see that was uh yeah we got the other
1710s Ras didn't we or did we swap that out no
1713s we swapped that out didn't we so we
1714s would
1715s have okay I'm not too bothered about
1719s um an armed holographic ship will
1721s materialize nearby I mean it's that's
1723s good don't get me wrong uh as an
1726s addition
1727s but sometimes you just got to you know
1730s swap it out
1732s and let's see so we'll just we'll sell
1736s that we'll sell that sell that yeah get
1738s the
1740s medicine uh what's the energy on
1744s that okay
1747s [Music]
1752s I'm see that is actually quite handy cuz
1754s that just gives us the Together We Stand
1756s set back again which I think is better
1759s than the Blaster I don't mind blasters
1761s but I'm definitely not a fan of them but
1765s I know some of you guys absolutely love
1767s them but I can't help you
1772s wrong uh scatter gun no don't I don't
1774s like scatter guns either not a fan never
1776s been a
1777s fan yeah so we'll keep those that we've
1780s got Cruise
1782s booster yeah yeah anyway anyway yeah
1785s we're good about another 5 minutes if
1786s you got more questions uh do throw them
1788s in we'll uh we'll dive through those uh
1791s in about 5 minutes time so uh Aries
1793s relay station at uh in Union so let's
1798s just have a look at on the map is
1801s there let's get out of
1809s here the detail if you've never actually
1811s flown around some of the structures the
1813s actual detail that is in them he's
1815s actually quite phenomenal the team have
1817s done a wonderful job again I know I'm
1818s blowing the trumpet of the team kind of
1820s here but uh I think it's some of those
1822s things that you just miss you know
1824s sometimes everything's a little bit too
1825s hasty you know when we're scrapping
1827s without laws and everything
1829s but he's really nice just to take in the
1830s detail that the team have put in so do
1832s check it out do check it out right let's
1837s jump whoosh while we're jumping I just
1840s grabbing a quick slurp of my
1856s te right
1859s is that where we're supposed to be
1861s going no going to the wrong direction
1864s want to be that way I'm bre turn there
1867s we go want go that
1868s way
1875s nice yeah I see a good tip there from uh
1878s from Bey frog if you're ever struggling
1880s to find
1881s things um you may come to an area and
1884s you're like I don't know where something
1885s is I can't find it photo mode is very
1888s very very handy and I will show you that
1889s in a little bit once I get down to this
1892s little
1893s station because it is very very handy uh
1896s and because it pauses the game as well
1898s it means that you're not going to be
1899s fighting so if I go
1901s into uh photo mode now you can obviously
1905s have a little look around if you hold
1906s down shift on on PC if you're like I
1908s don't know where something is let me
1910s just have a little look can I have a
1911s look in here okay there's a button there
1912s I didn't know there was a button there
1914s oh okay so you can find that so if
1916s you're looking for secrets
1918s just use the photo mode it's very very
1920s handy and if you don't want the uh the
1922s UI over there you just press h and then
1925s you can get rid of that and then
1926s obviously when you in it you want to be
1927s taking a load of photos a load of
1929s screenshots so you can then put them on
1931s the Discord onto steam wherever they are
1933s and then we can peruse them every uh
1935s every week and then sometimes we might
1937s just pick them for the team to have a
1938s look at so uh method in the madness
1941s using the uh uh screenshot uh photo mode
1945s rather so take some of your best
1947s screenshots uh and uh yeah look at that
1949s how many people have seen that the
1953s Jewelers best prices there we go and if
1955s you ever want to come help it back out
1956s there we go right there's the we let's
1958s search The
1961s Vault let's see if we can find it cuz I
1963s can never remember where it
1964s is I haven't played through these
1966s missions in such a long
1968s time let's open the container oh
1972s signaler love it
1979s all
1980s right so the
1985s Vault sounds like a game show The
1992s Vault a dock as well where is the Vault
1997s here I've actually forgotten it's been
2000s such a long
2002s time whoop container let's have that
2019s that was
2025s handy oo can you hear that sound
2030s effect now that is from uh the sustained
2033s cardenas's support pulse laser that's a
2037s nice sound
2042s name there we
2044s go that and then luckily for us he
2048s opened the door at the other side
2050s yay that would have been embarrassing
2052s wouldn't it right
2064s uh been feeling a bit off myself maybe
2067s it's Rel
2069s where is the Vault around here it's been
2072s such like I said it's been such a long
2073s time since I've been here it's
2075s definitely not in here in my it's ding
2093s mezy come on where are you exploring
2096s exploring
2099s I seem to think he's on the end of the
2100s structure
2102s somewhere I could be totally wrong cuz I
2104s like say I've not been here in such a
2106s long
2113s time but if we can't find it we'll move
2115s on and we'll find something else
2117s obviously no that's not what I wanted to
2119s do one
2121s ke let's just dock here let's see what
2124s we can buy sell get rid of L your needs
2127s I'll cut you straight down deal no
2129s questions asked no questions asked no
2131s questions asked curious about who you're
2133s selling to the common old Gees are for a
2136s reason young fellow like yourself should
2138s realize not sticking your nose into the
2140s Affairs of others is what keeps you
2142s alive in the DM obviously I'm a lot
2144s older than I look you're either lying to
2147s me or you've been spending a fortune on
2149s modification I've been around long
2151s enough to judge character I'd say the
2154s latter oh you have no idea oh you have
2157s no idea indeed indeed right let's just
2160s sell some stuff I mean that's that's not
2163s bad that recharge rate is quite
2167s nice but I tell you what we're just
2169s going to sell it we're just going to
2171s sell it for the time
2172s being yeah uh sell the liquor oh he's
2176s good clothing
2178s gone that is an upgrade the autonomous
2180s so we'll keep hold of that and do that
2183s right this actually would be a very cool
2186s time to
2188s let's just stop and we can ask some
2190s questions or answer some questions can't
2192s we um let's just do that oh actually
2195s quick restock yeah there we go I'm just
2197s going to launch out so we can have a
2199s nice lovely
2201s view of the surrounding area while we
2205s answer some questions there we go I tell
2208s you what we'll just do that yeah no
2210s we'll do that that's cool that's cool
2213s right let's have a look at these
2214s questions that we've got if you got any
2215s more do throw them in if we don't get
2217s round two answering right now we shall
2218s follow up in a little bit with some
2220s more uh first up we got a question from
2223s drowning lemon over on YouTube please
2226s please please let me buy ship
2227s modifications at Stores um I think it's
2231s one of those things that's kind of crept
2233s in um as as the gamees progressed uh for
2237s obviously what we call quality of life
2239s kind of things um now I don't know uh
2241s and this is a genuine answer I don't
2243s know if it's something that we've
2244s potentially looked at um I will
2246s definitely follow up with the team uh to
2248s see if it's been suggested or uh
2251s possibility of it now a lot of ideas
2253s that we do get we do listen to them and
2256s it's something that we do harp on about
2257s we do listen we do obviously take the
2259s feedback on board but sometimes we're
2262s not always able to actually put those
2264s things into place um and that's not from
2267s uh uh not wanting to uh there's a lots
2270s of things that we'd want to actually put
2272s into the game but we just don't have the
2274s resources to do them uh and that could
2276s be either time or the ability to do such
2280s of those things and a lot of time it is
2283s down to the dev time um it's just a sad
2286s reality is that we've only got so many
2288s hours uh in the day we've only got so
2290s many months in the year and uh we've
2292s only got so much money as well to do all
2294s these things so whilst we'd love to have
2296s funding like some other big games and
2300s mentioning no names then that would be
2302s fantastic but we unfortunately we can't
2303s always accommodate everything uh
2306s although we would love to
2308s uh Flory over on Twitch how you doing
2310s Flory are you playing on the dev Branch
2312s or the release so is there any potential
2314s of an accidental spoiler I love I love
2317s this question um I am playing on the
2320s retail release so if you boys and girls
2323s are playing this is exactly what you're
2324s playing um if when we get to the point
2328s of uh showing off anything um then I
2332s will probably be playing on the
2334s development build however for safety's
2337s sake so I don't make a whoopsy unless
2339s anything comes out of this uh pie hole
2340s of mine uh then no there won't be any
2343s accidental
2345s spoilers
2348s hopefully uh digital Soldier 2K 24 over
2351s on YouTube uh are you going to get level
2354s five
2356s ships that
2358s um drops into a bit of the unknown
2362s because a I don't know uh and B if I did
2366s I wouldn't be able to tell you
2369s um so I reason uh Ken over on YouTube as
2373s well will the next everspace going to
2375s have multiplayer
2377s version um now there's been a lot of
2380s calls even with ever Space 2 for
2382s multiplayer um and uh obviously we've
2386s said for a long long time that pretty
2388s much there's not going to be multiplayer
2390s forever Space 2 in a future we don't
2392s know we're not at that point for talking
2394s about obviously we're very very hard at
2396s work working on the expansion
2398s uh that's going to be coming sometime
2399s this year um but uh in terms of a
2403s feature such as
2405s multiplayer that is a lot more work for
2410s a team um to do simple fact of life any
2413s multiplayer is a lot more complex than
2416s uh single player uh but we do hear what
2418s people say as I've said we do listen to
2420s the feedback uh and and not it down and
2423s desires desires within the team desires
2425s within the community the player Bas
2427s whatever it is is uh then definitely we
2429s do listen to it can we say anything
2431s about the next game no because we're
2434s nowhere near that point at the moment no
2436s way uh Lou long on YouTube how does the
2439s pilot get in the ship uh well you'll use
2442s the uh the door or the uh the ramp or
2445s whatever it is to get in there I'm sure
2446s he's got some steps now obviously we
2448s don't show that because we're very much
2450s a uh you are in the ship all the time
2453s kind of scenario apart from cutscenes so
2455s we never go into that b into that kind
2457s of detail but um it's certainly a
2460s traditional way of the player get into
2463s that ship uh grip cage on YouTube uh if
2467s there is one feature the team would love
2469s to implement without worrying about
2470s limited time resources what would it
2474s be well that's that's I don't know
2478s really that's a difficult one to answer
2480s for the uh for the whole team uh because
2485s I I could imagine that between the whole
2488s team you would get 20 different answers
2491s uh so it's very very difficult um would
2494s I like to see multiplayer yes I think
2497s playing with your friends enjoying that
2498s kind of atmosphere is cool uh would it
2502s be the the the one that everybody would
2504s want not necessarily so yeah it's uh
2508s it's a difficult one to answer is that
2509s one but like I say you you'd ask the
2511s same question to 20 people and you'd
2513s probably get 20 different answers so uh
2515s I'm sure there's lots of stuff that they
2517s would have loved to uh to throw in now
2519s you could take the example of ever space
2521s one uh there was a lot that the team
2523s wanted to throw in there but because of
2526s limitations in time resources Etc ever
2529s space one wasn't what the team
2532s originally had uh planned um but
2535s everspace 2 is more so of that so um you
2539s can see how things can be restricted
2541s from one game to the next and then with
2544s different development Cycles uh
2546s abilities
2547s uh planning learnings Etc then things
2550s can obviously improve over time so yeah
2553s bit of a bit of a difficult one that one
2554s to be to be honest to to totally answer
2556s but yeah I think there's many thing like
2558s say if you ask Michael or if you ask Lee
2560s what they put in there might be
2561s something different to uh to what I
2564s would uh prefer anyway so Lou long again
2567s on YouTube is this expansion in the Aon
2570s system uh without giving too much a
2574s where you'll be going there but it's not
2582s everything yeah Michael's just said
2584s actually is so much to create so little
2586s time and that really is um uh the Crux
2589s of the matter for for all development uh
2592s what whoever it is where whatever it is
2594s unless you got kind of got in limited
2596s funds uh you have to kind of draw the
2598s line somewhere because everything is
2601s like there's a time limit to to
2604s everything so uh yeah we'd we'd love to
2606s throw everything in but uh yeah we just
2608s can't we just can't uh Flory hey back
2611s with another one on Twitch did we ever
2613s have Rockfish team screenshots so where
2615s every member takes and shares one and we
2617s get to see it or could that be something
2619s in the future for a stream we' love to
2620s see what the devs themselves would call
2622s their best screenshot that would be a
2624s very good idea however one thing I will
2627s say is that it would have to be
2629s something that the team would probably
2630s do in their own time um because
2633s obviously they're very very busy working
2634s on on the stuff so asking them to do
2636s stuff outside of their time can be a
2638s little bit uh difficult however I also
2641s suspect Tony would take probably some of
2643s the best photos because we we already
2646s use him he's he's a wizard taking superb
2648s photos so I think my if we're going to
2651s put some money on it I'd definitely say
2652s that uh there was uh Tony would would
2655s would in that one however I can
2657s certainly throw it to the team uh just
2660s to say hey if you're flying around
2661s playing the game you take a great
2663s screenshot no spoilers no spoilers uh
2667s then uh I could certainly try and bring
2669s some to uh to one of our streams if
2671s you'd like to see what uh what those uh
2673s those guys on the team actually produce
2675s good idea Flor actually well don't I
2677s shall not that down I have Pen in
2680s Hand
2686s uh oh WR that down WR down down uh
2690s medbed how you doing over on Twitch uh
2692s is there any possibility to purchase
2693s stinkies directly from you due to
2695s political situations stream does uh
2697s steam does does not accept my money uh
2699s we don't uh we're not a storefront we
2702s don't have the facilities to uh sell
2705s keys so everything is done via platforms
2708s um in this case obviously it's either
2710s steam you either the good old games um
2712s XBox PlayStation so yeah we we don't do
2717s uh an out an out
2720s um uh store as such uh everything is
2723s done through Partners so yeah
2726s unfortunately we can't do anything on
2727s that store for yeah Humble Bundle as
2729s well uh is another another option so
2732s yeah there is a there is a few
2734s especially if you're playing on PC uh
2735s different uh platforms that you can try
2738s so hopefully one of those might be able
2740s to work for you Alexandra type
2743s descriptor got to love that name on
2744s YouTube uh will the parasites quest line
2747s continue in
2751s Aon it's one of those questions that I
2754s can't say anything to because if I deny
2756s it people will say oh oh we think he's
2758s lying if I said yes you'd be like Yay
2760s spoiler we can't say we honestly can't
2763s say uh so unfortunately it's one of
2765s those we'll see we'd love to I know you
2769s guys again we've heard this you know the
2771s love for the parasite story uh one of
2773s the favorite quest lines so who knows
2776s would be
2780s DB oh dear I think we need a trademark
2783s on that would be dope
2787s oh dear so yeah Michael said yep would
2789s be dope wouldn't
2791s they read to that what you will anyway
2794s uh that's all the questions and I think
2795s Alexander I think you said it was your
2797s birthday o over the Christmas period uh
2799s happy birthday to you anyway um I hope
2801s you had a wonderful day so anyway Let's
2804s uh let's fly on if you've got more
2806s questions do keep throwing them into the
2808s chat in about another 20 30 minutes or
2811s so we'll we'll go through some more
2812s because I'm sure you boys and girls will
2813s have plenty of questions uh and if
2816s you've got any theories ideas about the
2818s coming
2819s expansion let us know we want to hear
2821s them you know we want to be like ooh
2826s oh we're not going to tell you anything
2828s that's the that's the the the literal uh
2830s thing of it is we're not going to tell
2832s you how close you are how far away you
2834s are from The Mark now has anybody seen
2836s this Vault cuz I forgot where it is and
2838s I can't remember it's doing my n a
2840s little bit I'm sure it's on one of these
2843s arms or
2844s something this job has been more
2846s stressful than I Reon
2848s nope not there where are
2859s you I don't plan on doing so again
2861s messes up your
2871s systems you can just fly through
2880s aha I'm glad I did that that was do my
2884s Ed I couldn't remember where it was then
2885s hey that's what we
2887s found your self-certainty without any
2890s shred of further investigation is AA
2899s hello it's open let's have a look let's
2902s have a look I think that's all of
2904s them oh can we
2908s our attention back to matters of Greater
2910s importance now no no we can't important
2913s exactly moments where I think our
2914s disparities are gone this is not one of
2918s those moments okay I love you too Hive I
2921s told you he would crack
2923s it oh there we
2926s go
2928s oink there we go that confused me
2930s actually that I had the the uh the
2934s silhouette of the other ship it did
2936s confuse me
2940s but yeah the these ideas and everything
2942s else we're happy to hear them if you
2944s want to put them on Steam you want to
2945s put them on Discord um either for you
2947s know for every Space 2 um then it's good
2950s suggestions and we love to see them we
2952s absolutely love to see them like I say
2954s we've been quite honest and upfront I
2956s think all through development about
2957s things that we wouldn't be able to do I
2959s know obviously like co-op's been
2960s mentioned so often and we've been very
2962s upfront about it there's certain
2964s features that are just not feasible uh
2967s but sometimes you kind of inspire us
2968s with ideas and you know help us think oh
2971s yeah this is a desire this is something
2973s now this is one of my jobs that I do
2974s every month is that I look to see what
2976s people give us in feedback and ideas uh
2980s and then I collect that information and
2981s then I put it to the team in kind of
2983s like a Hot Topic uh thing so we do
2986s actually you know really really uh read
2989s into what you guys say um and that's why
2992s I you know will will read a lot of
2994s comments I won't necessarily always
2996s respond to all of them but I will read
2998s them cuz that's part of my job so God I
3001s love the sound of this
3002s laser and I think it's very very loud
3007s WOW let's go over here and clear out
3009s these as
3013s well I just enjoying killing all these
3019s Outlaws oink well executed thank you
3023s give me all your stuff right there we go
3025s so we did that we did that we we
3027s completed that mission uh okay SP
3031s looking for
3032s mapsy we should really go do that
3034s shouldn't we so Union setto
3038s orbit uh let's just go
3040s there that's Gauntlet to orbit there we
3044s go sponging for Mad caps let's go
3067s all
3072s right I was just flying over there let's
3075s finish my
3081s tea there we go I see more questions
3085s coming in don't worry we'll get to those
3086s in a little while while uh just be with
3088s us where the outlaw gang is supposed to
3090s be hiding the from the Port Authority
3093s mentioned some caves let's go and find
3095s them let's go find them right let's just
3098s take out these Outlaws cuz I just know
3100s they're going to come and give me a lot
3101s of grief
3104s W there one down than go two down
3111s boom
3114s drones boom love
3122s it yeah we had a recent poll if you
3124s didn't see it uh about all the different
3126s kind of main characters that we have in
3128s the game and who was your favorite uh
3130s and by quite a stretch Hive was
3132s definitely the favorite and
3134s uh we weren't shocked at all when madx
3139s was not anybody's
3141s favorite but as I said in the last
3143s stream we do feel that that's Testament
3145s to the writing team because he he's
3147s quite an obnoxious character as madx and
3149s he kind of loved the guy uh so uh you
3152s know we think he's done a uh a great job
3156s in writing because obviously then you
3157s think yeah I don't like him you know did
3160s the Prescott Port Authority send you y
3163s I'm here to clean this place out you are
3165s welcome to try okay just loveing this
3175s sound that's such a pew pew noise as
3179s well i' use a rocket on it why
3185s [Music]
3186s not just got to be careful cuz I don't
3188s want to use my Flack because if I
3190s do that could end nastily for
3199s me right here we go
3210s energy
3213s dispenser okay so scrap metals there
3215s whoa
3220s dude damn it you're a good shot yeah I
3222s know I am that's what they pay me for we
3224s had the same job once unfortunately
3227s money doesn't buy you respect at least
3229s not the pathetic sums they must remember
3231s to think about that okay way point so we
3236s know that's in there
3238s now what we can do is a little bit of
3241s Good Farming in here collect all the
3243s stuff so here's an interesting question
3246s when you go mining for
3249s resources are
3252s you a flack Guy where you just one shot
3255s and done or are you a laser mining laser
3259s which is your chice I know I've asked
3262s this before but obviously we've got
3263s different people watching and I'm sure
3264s we'll get different answers Flor Flack
3267s yep loving it Flack everybody's like I
3271s ain't got no time for that oh what about
3273s rocket time yeah okay yeah I suppose you
3275s could use Rockets if you feel like that
3277s you know z g Scott's going on the Flack
3280s is
3282s whatever people are like nah I'm not
3285s wasting time n whatever I want those you
3287s know extra resources
3289s for where are you I think possibly over
3292s here cuz somebody's shooting at us
3294s that's not very
3295s nice oh
3305s you go you even had an armor drone
3310s unlucky okay just love that the raka
3314s decoy actually fires uh Flack mining uh
3318s is there from
3319s Excel bed frog AR 9000
3324s absolutely oh dear
3328s beam laser so oh yeah frog Frogg is a
3330s beam laser as well as obviously the fun
3332s the AR 9000 cool yeah it's so different
3335s people are so different in their choices
3337s you know some it's what you value in
3339s your time you know uh do you want the
3340s extra resources or
3342s not where is
3344s he is he back inside has he actually
3347s gone back inside I think he has is
3355s he okay let's so let's go working for
3358s people who have nothing but contempt for
3360s you hello and you're just plain
3372s thugs let's end this let's end
3381s this there are no more signatures nearby
3385s this was the last one
3387s just backing off because of all them
3388s mines and I don't want to get hit by
3392s them there we go done right got drone oh
3396s hello what's uh what's over there
3402s turret okay I think they're outside just
3404s getting very confused cuz they detect me
3407s when I'm actually
3409s inside hello let's go through
3414s here boom
3419s there anything else through here oh you
3421s love coming through the
3425s hello power
3428s go excellent love
3435s it excent yeah these are the ones that
3438s were outside that were detecting me that
3439s were just kind of harassing around
3446s going tweak that uh game sound down just
3449s a smidge I don't want to be blowing
3451s anybody's ears off because that is quite
3454s loud there we
3456s go there we go
3480s he didn't want to go down does
3483s he there we go right got ship
3490s hello oh was the rakeema again go blind
3493s me that
3495s doesn't I keep thinking there's a sniper
3498s drone somewhere having to go on me and
3499s it's not it's actually uh the
3502s decoy oh we're getting full we're
3504s getting full of stuff we definitely want
3506s that ship Coler come on oh hello
3508s somebody's having to shot at
3511s me H it's probably a turret in here
3513s somewhere it was just yeah there we go
3516s getting a bit antsy it's not very
3522s nice yeah I'm just going to uh
3527s hello just going to St there just see
3529s the question about um the dev Diaries
3532s and I know Le's just put it up there uh
3535s we don't tend to do Dev Diaries however
3537s G is lined up for um an interview with
3541s myself either live on stream or
3543s pre-recording if you don't know if you
3544s go to our Discord um we have a specific
3548s section where you can ask uh questions
3552s to various members of the team uh that
3554s are lined up for interviews uh so if
3556s you've got something maybe specifically
3558s for gal that you need to to ask then do
3560s drop it in there and then if it's
3562s suitable we'll be able to uh possibly
3564s ask it during the interview uh not all
3567s of them is uh is suitable you know some
3570s of the questions that we do get are kind
3572s of they're investigative they want to
3574s know a little bit more which which is
3576s fine it's just that we might not be able
3577s to answer them so for for obviously
3579s obvious reasons so if yours doesn't get
3581s answer don't worry but please do uh drop
3583s by the Discord
3585s discord.gg rockfist games put your
3587s question in there uh and when we get it
3589s all lined up uh we'll see if we can drop
3592s that question in for G and several of
3594s the other um Dev team as well who are
3597s willing we've even got Lee coming on at
3599s some point as well in the future so if
3602s you've got any questions for Lee who
3603s he's our PR and marketing director uh
3608s then uh yeah get them in there ask away
3611s ask him what his jobes and all that kind
3613s of jazz and uh yeah let's uh let's find
3621s out do you know having not had that
3624s decoy before that is actually quite
3626s awesome though they uh they do actually
3627s fire now I'm kind of aware of it I'm
3630s going to like
3633s wa so of something just rattling off a
3636s shot right next to my ear right AUM
3638s Crystal come
3640s on oh oh oh there we
3645s go I thought I'd have to not that down
3647s as a bug but yeah it's just a little bit
3649s of a odd angle with some of the
3652s resources uh so if you shoot from a
3655s certain angle and it doesn't break the
3656s resource uh then just give it a little
3659s bit of a turn a little bit of a tweak
3660s and you should be
3662s fine um we might know we should on the
3664s inside more resources you never know
3666s when you're going to need
3668s them there we go there we go and some
3674s titanium
3676s lovely some more there
3679s oink
3684s perfect right that was all good that was
3686s all good hang on we've got some oh yes
3689s that's oh there's the energy sock that's
3692s the one we did didn't we we
3695s thought yeah digital Soldier I know what
3697s you mean about the scatter gun some
3699s people love it especially if their play
3700s style is very up close and personal to
3703s to the enemy but for me no I I I'm not a
3705s scattergun uh player either uh we do
3708s need to get rid of some
3709s stuff because I feel like
3712s we are kind of ring out
3718s let's actually let's go to Prescott
3721s shall we let's go back to Prescott we
3723s haven't been there in a
3724s while shall we jump let's
3728s jump deaths are at 11: not 11:00 p.m.
3731s it's just total deaths uh during this
3733s play through but yeah in 2025 I haven't
3735s died
3739s yet I'll take every win I can when it
3741s comes to dying in this game uh for those
3744s of you as well I do play on hard
3745s difficulty my skills are not up there to
3747s play on nightmare or anything baby steps
3750s okay baby
3754s steps as much as I'm sure you'd all love
3756s to see me dying repeatedly doesn't
3758s always make for the best stream in the
3759s world I mean this is Prescott quarantine
3763s inspection hello could you dock at BR
3766s Labs is there a problem what no this is
3770s a
3771s scientific this is a business
3773s opportunity please
3776s okay living fossil again that's the
3778s stter mission for uh the
3783s Leviathan The Return of the Byron pod
3786s horn I got report that you cleaned out
3788s the caves cleaned out the caves it's not
3790s easy to smell you're fighting for your
3792s life all day you know I'm just messing
3794s with you if you can't take it you don't
3796s have to work for us don't worry I
3799s probably won't thanks for the creds and
3801s good
3802s riddance there we go SP give her mad
3805s caps nice
3807s credits yeah God I love it let's have a
3810s quick restock
3811s go so what did we get we got a lot of
3814s new Resources with a pick up which is
3817s fine Primary Weapons uh so that was the
3820s beam laser and the Blaster and then
3823s consumables is the radial Repulsor uh
3825s releases a shock wave outward from the
3827s ship that forcibly pushes surrounding
3828s enemy sorry medium and smaller enemies
3831s within 750 m that's actually quite
3833s handy very quite handy
3838s uh there we go
3841s right so what we'll do is we will speak
3846s to the little scientist over here just
3850s to kick that off then if we get any I'm
3854s here mention what's your scientific
3855s business opportunity M Dr
3860s Capia nebula recently why would you
3863s think that the jump gate to Kay was shut
3865s down
3866s the microbes on your hole are a match
3869s while you were there did you see the
3872s bones the giant skeletons floating in
3874s space Oh yeah B plans to investigate
3877s that extinct species but well okar War
3882s redeemers jump gate locked down so 30
3886s years on this unresolved file got handed
3888s to absolutely the bones I need to get to
3891s the Kay nebula and scan those remains
3894s you don't need my permission go go ahead
3897s what I'm asking is so if you got any
3899s more questions uh do send them in uh tag
3902s Lee Rockfish games uh and then we can
3905s answer them in a few minutes or so I'm a
3908s busy guy I have a discretionary budget I
3913s think they meant it to cover food and
3914s fuel but safety is important too
3917s obviously safety is paramounts pretty
3920s high on my list when do we leave oh uh
3923s now I just need to grabb a mass
3927s I've got a favorite like who doesn't
3929s I'll meet you at the everybody has a
3931s favorite Mass
3933s spectrometer this Dr kardia is
3936s definitely telling us
3938s there I pulled Dr kapadia's file Zeno
3942s biologist several degrees but an
3944s unremarkable career she seemed nice
3947s enough you think anyone who declines to
3949s shoot us is nice
3953s enough that's very very true have to be
3955s fair right let's just just dock here uh
3957s freance hanging let's just see we've got
3958s a ship dealer here as well so you know
3960s we can have a look let's just check out
3963s everything that we want to get rid of
3965s yeah uh see there's the baron enforcer
3969s scatter gun does a lot of damage as you
3971s can see but not a fan never been a fan
3975s uh get rid of that another Baron
3976s enforcer uh
3979s armor I do prefer the Misan plating uh
3982s but some point that is going to have to
3984s go I think
3988s definitely even though it's more armor
3991s um it's just a Firepower and the
3992s increased full repair for the time being
3994s which uh I think we'll keep let's get
3997s rid of them coil gun can
4001s go see it's getting all close now isn't
4004s it the rockets that can go energy
4007s injectors yeah they can go as
4010s [Music]
4012s well I you can go yeah
4016s anything else no charid that we don't
4020s really need
4024s that that recharge speed I think is just
4026s too low for for me to keep hold of so
4029s let's uh let's get rid of it let's get
4032s rid of
4036s it everybody's asking can we now have a
4038s mass spectrometer DLC
4041s when don't give Michael ideas
4047s right anyway let's oh we're going to
4049s check the uh ship dealer weren't we
4051s we're going to check the ship
4054s dealer it was the mash spectrometer that
4056s threw
4058s me right let's see what we got o got
4061s some tier 3s we've got some tier 3s
4064s which is a little bit of an
4066s upgrade so we've got the
4069s Vanguard we've got the Sentinel
4073s again oh we've got the bomber oh I love
4076s b a bomber look at that bomber
4079s oh got to love the bomber and then
4081s obviously the striker is very very
4083s similar as well the
4087s Stinger so the Vanguard would be an
4089s upgrade now
4091s interestingly uh I've been a very much a
4094s medium stroke uh heavy kind of player I
4099s do prefer the gunship and and the bom
4101s but I do like the Sentinel and that's
4103s probably the ones that I've been kind of
4104s going through but for the you that don't
4107s know it says the description here um if
4110s I just tweak it up so you can actually
4111s read it a little bit uh so the the
4114s Vanguard with Advanced maneuverability
4116s systems the Vanguard class fighter
4118s enhances Shields through immersive
4119s acceleration impressive acceleration
4121s rather weapons are attuned to thrust
4124s particulate increasing critical hit
4126s chance with targeted
4129s enemies yeah Beed frog you're always
4131s going to say uh Striker are you
4134s yeah it is it is I mean it's I mean you
4138s got to love the design Haven you it's
4140s very iconic is the design and obviously
4143s the uh the striker designed for quickly
4145s engaging multi Target entanglements yeah
4147s so uh yeah apart from the
4151s Vanguard maybe it's light I'm not a
4154s light
4155s fan uh and then I don't really want to
4157s switch to the bomber because I played
4159s the bomber in the Sentinel so we'll
4161s we'll keep looking we'll keep looking
4163s we'll keep looking
4167s in fact what we could do is let's go to
4176s k let's go find
4179s quo
4181s whoop I do like my glowy effect that's
4184s really cool sorry if I'm a bit sniffly
4186s I've got a bit of a sness problem again
4188s can't get rid of it keeps coming back so
4190s it's just irritating my sinuses at the
4193s moment
4198s uh sticky turrets in everything I yeah
4201s okay has you got anything good no Ramen
4205s we really don't believe you don't
4207s believe you right nothing there we've
4210s got some jobs we could possibly do so if
4211s you ever feel like uh you're playing on
4213s a high difficulty and you struggle a
4214s little bit with you in terms of
4217s your um leveling you like okay I've got
4220s to take it a little bit slower uh
4222s certainly as you go up the levels you
4223s can feel like I need to improve my gear
4225s progressively I I you know I can't take
4227s on the the higher levels as easy uh I
4230s certainly found that and it's it's
4231s nothing to be kind of ashamed of it can
4234s be quite difficult don't forget you can
4236s come and do jobs on your level like for
4238s me I could take a level 17 you get a
4240s little bit of XP from killing things
4243s same with this one level 19 probably
4245s easier to do to get it uh
4248s um uh the ability to you know level up
4251s that little bit uh bit by bit so always
4254s have a look around you don't always have
4255s to be plowing through the the main story
4257s or always doing side quests CU as soon
4260s as you see one it's like oh side quest
4261s I'm going to go do that uh so have a
4263s look for your your jobs different types
4265s of one ramen delivery now I'm going to
4267s pick up this Ramen delivery because I we
4270s there was a little conversation in um
4273s the steam forums uh and people were oh I
4276s hate I hate the uh let's get this
4279s started the Drone controls Etc and
4281s they're very very different but as you
4283s could see
4286s these specifically are just little side
4289s missions just for fun uh and if you want
4291s to you can do them and yes the handling
4294s of the drones is significantly different
4296s to handling of the ship but what we want
4298s to do is have a little bit of challenge
4299s they're a very small objects so they
4301s could be uh susceptible to you know
4304s movement in a different way and they're
4306s very much almost like they haven't got
4310s um iner dampeners on so it can be a
4314s little bit different but but there's
4316s nothing wrong with trying them and then
4318s if you fail them don't worry it's
4319s nothing you know drastic or oops there
4322s we go so they do wobble about a little
4323s bit uh and you got obviously take them
4326s to where you need to be you got to set a
4327s time limit uh but You' just got to be
4330s mindful they're almost like I want to
4332s say driving a boat piloting a boat
4334s because you've got some inertia so you
4336s have to kind of slow them up you don't
4339s want to be just hold down W uh because
4342s they will keep going in that direction
4344s or whatever Direction so yeah just take
4346s it slow and steady there's there is a
4348s time limit for a little bit of pressure
4350s not done
4351s yet but they do wobble about a little
4353s bit and uh but as with most things we
4356s like to have options in the game we
4358s don't everybody like hey you just got to
4359s play the main story you just got to play
4362s the uh the side missions and that's all
4364s you can do we we put in a lot of effort
4366s for other
4367s activities um and we think this is one
4369s of the cool ones uh and even the racing
4372s uh some people love the racing some
4375s people Lo it uh but that's fine uh
4378s everything's optional uh to a degree so
4381s uh and we like to give our players a bit
4383s of variety so uh if you don't like
4386s something best avoid it I think that
4388s goes for for most things in life I think
4390s it's not just gaming but yeah do the
4392s things that you
4403s enjoy there we go
4408s yay Mar finished the job finish the job
4412s I will transfer the payment
4415s immediately there we go right just claim
4418s the rewards Nanobots thank you very much
4421s there we go excellent so yeah whilst we
4424s obviously don't get too much you can
4426s work on the Renown as well uh you can
4428s see that there is a certain Renown with
4430s a
4432s uh uh factions as such right let's just
4435s hold up there before we do anymore uh we
4437s still got a little bit to do on the
4438s Renown just above my head here you can
4440s see that we're doing that we'll just
4441s switch to some of the uh the questions
4445s that have come in well we have a little
4447s look show you at the ship it's a nice
4449s model that one isn't it excuse me right
4452s uh crispy muffing over on Twitch uh will
4456s the new DLC be paid or free uh it's
4460s definitely a paid DLC um anybody that's
4463s been around for a while knows that we
4465s did
4466s and and dangerous and incursions they
4468s were our free updates which did
4471s significantly uh change the game and
4473s bring a lot to it um however uh the
4478s first expansion which was Titans which
4480s was uh last year was our first pair DLC
4484s uh and then we're nearly coming up to 2
4485s years now uh of um everspace 2 been been
4489s launched in obviously April I think it
4491s was April the 6th
4493s 2023 is when we actually launched if I
4495s remember correctly so um yeah the next
4499s one is going to be paid um we're we're
4503s Studio we've got plenty of developers
4506s you know that we're just subject to the
4509s world economics just like everybody else
4511s so we need to be paid um you know
4513s there's not a Magic Money Tree as much
4515s as people would love one so yes uh the
4518s work and the effort and everything else
4519s that's going into this DLC does mean
4521s it's going to be a paid one
4525s right next up zero g Scott from twitch
4529s uh any PLS uh PLS any plans rather to
4532s add player control capital ship gameplay
4536s uh categorically no uh the reason for
4539s that is that the game is D basically
4541s designed around ships of kind of this
4544s size or slightly bigger so it's a kind
4547s of single pilot scenario we don't
4550s actually have kind of the space for
4554s space irony uh um for having kind of
4558s capital ship gameplay it's not how we
4559s were designing the game so I know people
4562s obviously love the environments and
4564s think oh I'd love to take on a battle
4565s cruiser and this and yeah it's uh it's
4568s just not something that we we've got
4569s designed for the game so no we're not
4571s going to be having Capital game game
4574s ship um space Is Awesome on YouTube uh
4578s what's your favorite side quest so far
4580s um I I think a lot of people will have
4583s this one as well and we did touch on it
4584s a little bit ear cuz there was a
4585s question about it uh and it was the
4587s parasite uh quest line I think that's
4590s very very intriguing and uh I believe it
4593s was Kevin that devised and wrote the the
4598s quest line uh and yeah it's definitely
4601s one of my favorite very
4603s intriguing uh I did thoroughly enjoy
4605s that one so yeah uh Alexander type
4609s descriptor um do you plan to release
4611s some Dev Diaries where you could show
4613s the uh how those guns and engine sounds
4615s were recorded um I think we kind of
4617s touched on this about the um the dev
4620s dares and having the interviews with
4622s people like G and stuff like that um
4624s it's again it's very much a time thing I
4627s i' I've asked the developers
4630s to uh spare some of their time to do an
4633s interview um so doing all the
4635s preparation around it you know maybe
4637s getting screenshots and things can be
4639s very very difficult we do try uh but
4642s again probably one of our most precious
4644s resources in the in the company is time
4647s um you know we're not a huge team uh and
4650s we have a lot of things to do people
4652s wear many hats so to take you know an
4654s hour two hours out of somebody's time to
4656s just say hey can we do an interview you
4658s know we've got to be very mindful of
4660s that time so uh whereas we're not going
4662s to be doing like a full you know how
4664s this is how we record it maybe in the
4665s future if we if we had the time it'd be
4667s something we could look at but no
4669s promises on that one but certainly we'll
4671s do uh we'll ask as many questions in our
4673s uh Dev interviews
4676s super Scrapper on Twitch uh I just got a
4678s 3D printer
4680s congratulations uh is there any way to
4682s get some models from everspace 2 uh
4684s there are some of my favorite ship
4685s Styles now this has been asked before um
4689s and I know uh I believe a couple at
4691s least a couple of members on the team uh
4693s do actually do 3D printing themselves
4696s but to again to convert those ships into
4700s kind of 3D models so you could print
4702s them yourselves is probably consuming uh
4706s and I think um it would be something
4709s that would be nice to have but I
4712s wouldn't guarantee anything uh along
4714s those lines being made available uh so I
4717s can't see it happening if I'm perfectly
4719s honest but uh yeah we hear what people
4722s say we definitely hear what people say
4723s about uh especially with the uh
4725s explosion in 3 3D printing
4727s now uh drowning lemon on YouTube is
4730s there a way to stop the automatic spin
4732s sometimes want to stay level with
4733s something and keep rotating
4736s um now do you mean with inertia
4739s dampeners or are you talking about the
4742s role
4744s um I sounds like it's the the role that
4748s you're talking about if I go to settings
4751s into game I think it is is game or
4758s input
4760s uh automatic rolling it's just kind of
4763s down here uh you can turn that on and
4765s off that will obviously stop your ship
4768s from rolling back to kind of level uh
4771s for for one so the roll okay so looking
4773s your flight behavior in input uh for
4776s automatic rolling so that you can turn
4778s that off I have it turned off as well if
4780s I was to turn it on then obviously it
4782s would kind of put me back to a level so
4784s it's entirely up to you how you who you
4785s want to play
4788s that there we go Michael's got the
4790s perfect answer there I was hoping he was
4791s going to chime in ha uh but there we go
4794s the issue uh is regarding the 3D
4796s printing that super Scrapper was just
4798s asking about so the issue is that
4799s players ships are put together in engine
4802s using ship models so we cannot just
4803s export the STL data from 3ds Max for
4807s easy 3D
4809s printing so there we go so it's an
4813s answer not always the the the ones that
4816s maybe you you want but there you go uh
4818s so hope that kind of explains things a
4821s little bit more again it something we'd
4823s love to do but it's just not easy to do
4824s so
4825s yeah um but I think it was at the I
4828s think it was
4829s Matias at the
4832s last uh rfg day in August I think he was
4836s one of the uh 3D printers if I remember
4839s correctly I'm sure he was I'm sure he
4840s was I'm going to have to ask him now
4842s later when I when I if I remember but
4844s yeah hopefully that kind of answers if
4846s you've got any more questions keep them
4847s coming in uh we're going to crack on uh
4850s see if there's anything else that we can
4851s uh we can do here uh and we'll answer
4854s some more questions in a little bit why
4856s have I not been there yet why have I not
4858s been I've been to I haven't been to a
4859s lot of places in Union yet
4862s interesting uh twin stations right yeah
4865s let's go do that one cuz that's uh I'm
4867s going kind of by the lowest numbers and
4868s then bringing them up are
4873s we right let's go let's go to The
4878s Gauntlet let's we away we go
4897s yeah if you ever kind of worry uh or
4898s sorry wonder about certain controls or
4900s is it available just have a look in uh
4903s in your settings in input and then if
4905s you want mouse and keyboard game pad
4907s whatever customize controls if you want
4908s to get really into the nitty-gritty of
4910s customizing things uh but yeah
4913s definitely have a look in here cuz there
4914s certain options like boost Behavior it
4916s is another favorite for some people is
4918s that I hold down the Boost because I
4919s want to turn it on and off but you can
4921s change that to a toggle so that you can
4922s tap the key it'll go on tap it again
4924s it'll take it off so it's entirely up to
4926s you with some things like that and then
4928s also if you like the inverted controls
4931s um you know some people do because they
4933s kind of get used to maybe using a
4935s joystick before and then it's kind of be
4937s a different control scheme so yeah
4939s definitely check out in the input
4941s section on the uh on the
4943s settings right let's go to the goldet
4945s shall
4947s we
4956s talo oh yeah uh definitely initial
4959s dampers uh one thing to to know is that
4961s inertia dampers we do consider an
4964s advanced flight uh
4966s system simply because just going to hold
4970s that there because there can be if we
4972s had them on by default as new player
4975s would come into the game and go I'm
4978s still moving and I got turn around
4979s what's going on and it could be very
4981s very confusing so we always have it
4983s Unbound to start with uh so as you can
4986s see I'm still floating and I'm still
4988s turning sideways uh that's my ship not
4990s me um but it we do consider it an
4993s advanced flight it's very very good for
4995s advanced
4996s players so if you utilize it in combat
4999s more power to you uh but that is the one
5002s of the reasons why we have it Unbound um
5004s just l because it would be very very
5007s confusing and very very irritating for
5009s brand new players uh and we want the new
5011s experience to be good for a player when
5013s they step into the game if they had that
5016s experience and almost like kind of semi
5019s neonic or Newtonian physics was applied
5024s then it would put them off the game and
5025s we don't want that that's why it's an
5027s option for for our more advanced
5030s players yeah like chrisy muffin has just
5032s said it's it's nice to be able to shoot
5034s back while moving moving without
5035s spending boost exactly so yeah it can be
5038s very very handy to do this is the
5040s research station Theo scientists wanted
5041s me to check up on indeed it would be
5043s surprising if there was still research
5045s being conducted
5047s here let's try get there we go
5050s boom didn't see that coming did you
5058s ah
5060s hello nice
5071s there we
5075s go there we go right let's pick up some
5081s stuff right uh this is a tip from me you
5084s don't have to do it but this is what I
5086s do if I'm in an area and I'm think I'm
5087s going to be investigating it and I see a
5089s lot of these nice little glowy objects I
5091s get rid of them first and this is where
5094s a flack come in very very handy because
5096s you can just kind of take pot shots and
5098s it'll get rid of most of them it will
5101s get rid of all of them and it'll be the
5103s one that you miss that you'll fly into
5104s later on and you'll destroy yourself and
5106s you'll be like why did I do that so I
5110s tend to just get rid of them just to
5112s save myself some anguish and
5114s heartache some more hiding underneath
5117s because I do expect to be flying around
5120s here and then blowing myself up and
5124s crying into to my
5128s water oink so yeah just clearing whoop
5132s all of those away are they all gone
5141s nope there we go shoot the
5144s container okie dokie right so hello
5149s what's we got here then okay power
5151s socket so there's a socket there
5155s let's fly let's fly
5160s away we need to open that door that's
5162s the
5163s entrance we need to probably go to the
5165s other
5167s end
5169s whoop into here shall we avoid the laser
5173s because that just gets
5176s painful and then into here so we know
5179s there's a generator there we need to
5180s shoot it somehow there we go one down
5195s doep
5197s now okay so we need to find socket sorry
5201s an energy
5202s core where is that oh yeah so the power
5206s core dispenser that's what we
5210s need I think you're right there Michael
5212s yeah I think this is where Eric was like
5214s yeah several times kind of didn't learn
5216s the first time or the second time I
5218s think it was about the third or the
5219s fourth time where we kind of realized ah
5221s yeah very sneakily placed I'd like to
5224s have a word with whether sneakily put
5225s this
5228s here right it's an unstable one so uh
5231s let's not hit the laser
5233s beams because that would mean we got
5235s boom boom and that wouldn't be fun
5246s there we go yeah I to be fair I kind of
5249s learned from Eric's mistake there get
5251s rid of all the mines first then you
5252s can't run into a mine can you
5256s Tada there we go oh lots of
5260s plants I think it is a garden around
5263s here get
5267s out biomass love it let's some grab some
5272s debris dodgy sounding cheese in the
5276s world oh they are love the physics I do
5280s love the
5280s physics more
5283s debris uh let's that way
5287s oink get and
5291s you right so we need to hit that as well
5295s there we go yay open the
5302s gates Oh wrong side let's go go through
5304s the Gap can we squeeze through the Gap
5306s without breaking anything oh let's just
5308s skid along that's
5311s fine Hey Oh wrong way nope
5316s nope there we go what's with those tools
5319s contain dead Anem only remaining sample
5323s still alive is located over
5325s there right let's open this up then po
5329s pop
5332s doink and anym there there we
5336s go oh yeah the debris definitely had the
5340s uh inertia damping is off I assume the
5344s scientist can tell you more about it
5347s everything else here is either dead or
5348s long gone yeah guess a cool environment
5351s how cool is this love it love
5354s it trebian tan right let's go back
5359s to actually where do we want to go where
5363s do we want to go
5366s uh oh yeah uh that one
5371s yeah so we want be going back to there
5374s it's set the way point let's get out of
5376s here come on let's
5379s go all we
5382s go flor's like could you show us how to
5385s fly into all their mines
5392s no right let's go
5403s we actually going to hang on yeah we do
5406s so we need to yeah we do need to go back
5407s to there yeah I was like do she need to
5409s go back to se yeah we need to go back
5416s to so yeah bring your questions if
5419s you've got your questions we'll answer
5420s them uh again in a little while
5438s [Music]
5444s right there was a drone carrier
5448s somewhere interesting don't know why
5450s that was at hiding
5458s yeah e I've Just Seen A little question
5460s from you there is there a way to lock
5462s items in the inventory uh no there isn't
5465s um you just as you quite rarely said
5466s there you just need to be very careful
5468s whether you um uh when you dismantle
5471s stuff whoops that was nearly painful um
5473s so yeah be be just be mindful uh
5501s o right let's go to the Colonial
5503s research station and hand in this
5509s Quest Mission thing
5515s boink there we go I went to the research
5518s station but it was in shambles shambles
5521s it was just a shambles no no no not now
5524s they were so close so close they've been
5526s bioengineering hydras to neutralize
5529s radioactivity my people at home need
5531s this I found a Hydra sample if that
5533s helps show me yes yes yes this is it
5539s please this is it as a sign of gratitude
5541s take
5542s this cool
5545s quick restock that's
5548s good
5550s sharp
5563s uh there's a quite a recharge delay and
5566s a shutdown duration is quite high in
5568s comparison to that the recharge speed is
5571s a lot quicker increasing Firepower uh an
5574s increasing crit damage and also because
5577s it'll be the second one of the set I
5579s think I probably putting on um I maybe
5584s just the one one combat am
5589s regenerates yeah so one com arm regen 2%
5593s per second as long as the shields are
5594s full so
5596s that's we'll keep hold of that see if
5598s see how it fares it may be okay but
5601s might not
5605s uh SP
5607s wi cool right so picking up the pieces
5611s detoxification let's uh do that one
5615s that's just going to be good on our
5617s level so we got to go to a and
5620s rest let's head
5623s [Music]
5625s back back to Union Bridge or where we go
5631s [Music]
5638s uh oh yeah Eve aain over on YouTube
5641s there is a question there I I'll just
5642s kind of answer it uh is the capital ship
5645s spinning like a top at high speeds a
5646s common enough urren uh or was this a
5649s one-off kind of uh
5652s Rarity it it's basically the Redeemer um
5657s we we know and we're tracking an issue
5659s with it which we're trying to mitigate
5661s uh which is basically they just got
5663s starts spinning and then they disappear
5665s off into the
5666s distance um we kind of know what the
5668s cause is but fixing it is a is a
5670s different thing and I know it's on some
5672s of the uh the technical teams play it to
5675s uh uh work on this uh I blame the uh the
5680s hamster that's inside it um because it
5683s literally
5685s just Flo says You Spin Me Right Around
5688s baby right around uh but yeah it's
5690s definitely uh definitely we'll call that
5691s a feature uh but yeah it's just
5694s unfortunate kind of side effect of uh
5697s some of the physics within the game um
5700s but we we'll just call it a
5702s hamster but it's very effective method
5705s of getting out of
5709s there yeah it couldn't uh I I think
5713s sometimes the accuracy of the enemies is
5717s slightly skewed obviously depending upon
5719s your player level uh difficulty rather
5723s so uh
5725s when you throw into the mix a uh a
5728s spinning ship that you're trying to earn
5730s with it can be a bit
5735s difficult yeah Le just said little known
5737s fact space TR future space travel uh is
5740s hamster powered I thought everybody knew
5743s that I I was
5746s convinced full of Unown
5750s Treasures uh the first rodent in space
5752s that's going to be uh you know hamster
5755s he going to be called Gary you know I'm
5757s calling it right here it's going to be
5758s called
5761s Gary right let's just sell some stuff if
5763s we can get rid of that we don't need
5764s that uh we got anything always have a
5766s look at the shops as well I know it's we
5768s we're very much a looter shooter and we
5770s want you to be out there grabbing loot
5771s as you as you see it and you know
5773s killing enemies and the drops and
5774s finding the the things but always look
5777s in the shops as well because sometimes
5779s you might just find something that just
5780s gives you a little bit of a perkup
5782s especially resources as well if you're
5783s looking for uh crafting ingredients
5785s that's very very handy too uh but yeah
5789s here now these even though they're on my
5791s level level 17 level 18 there's nothing
5795s there one little tip as well um
5798s regarding the uh
5802s Renown when you kind of get your
5804s resources Etc uh sorry your rewards not
5808s uh not resources if you are very close
5811s to like this point here which is
5812s obviously level four of
5816s rename um wait to collect on them if
5820s you're very close to leveling because
5822s obviously the level that you are given
5825s them is relative to the level that you
5828s are so if you're kind of like me I'm
5831s getting close to level 19 and I was very
5832s very close to getting this Renown reward
5834s I would wait until I got to level 19
5837s just so that you got a level 19 item so
5839s don't claim it
5841s beforehand uh grip CID so guess in the
5844s future we will measure ship power with
5845s hamster power yeah obviously that's what
5848s HP stands for you know it's not it's not
5850s horsepower we've moved on we're we're
5852s now on hamster
5854s power the the numbers obviously the
5856s numbers will physically have to increase
5858s you know you might get say 300 brick
5860s horsepower it'll be like 3,000 hamster
5863s brick power you know
5866s obviously people just don't know these
5868s things do they not keep up with science
5870s and technology
5875s oh there's already been a hamstring
5876s space ah but did he power a ship did he
5879s did he have anything to do with a ship
5880s that's the question I mean I can imagine
5883s that he's been some form of science
5886s experiment you know and how they react
5887s to you know lack of gravity and things
5890s like that but have they piloted a ship
5892s have they powered a ship that's what we
5894s need to
5896s know you l space on a balloon oh
5900s okay I
5902s see I don't think this is is
5909s good house the power ships are not
5912s enough we need hamster control ships
5915s exactly
5916s see grip Cod you know he knows where
5919s where the future
5921s lies hamster
5923s power we need to see if I can get one of
5925s the art team to come up with a nice cute
5931s hamster right let's go to a and rest
5933s shall we
5935s we keep an eye on the time cuz we are
5936s coming up to uh 8:36 here in the UK so
5940s if you got more questions throw them in
5942s uh we'll either answer them on the Fly
5944s uh if they come in in in little dribs
5946s and drabs or we'll answer a bunch
5949s together as we normally do let's head
5951s down here to Aven
5956s rest okay what you there yeah okay you
5959s got I found a little thing shoot that
5963s hel
5964s I just love these little drones that fly
5966s around it's just like just doing me job
5969s just happy doing me
5971s job bit wibbly wobbly as well right
5974s bulletproof container thank
5979s you okay got another one down here
5984s sneaking
5990s through
5992s sorry call my insurer
5996s sorry that made a bit of a mess of his
5998s paintwork bed Adam so glad you came let
6003s me introduce you to my father Professor
6005s Bernard LEF first a followup on the uh
6008s on the hamster going into space well He
6011s piled piloted a balloon but apparently
6013s he slept through most of the journey I
6015s am ever indebted to you for rescuing me
6017s from the clutches those poor Maniacs you
6020s know you bear the Striking resemblance
6022s of a subject for dissection c i once
6024s made must be my age my memory playing
6027s with me that's not weird is it Bernard
6030s so you made a full recovery how did you
6033s manage that my colleagues worked
6035s diligently to reverse the effects of the
6037s dark energy which bombarded my mind and
6039s found a way to accelerate recovery by
6041s using subsonic
6042s wavelengths interesting that's why we
6046s asked you here we think we can do the
6048s same for the redeemers we can save them
6050s from their Madness but we would need
6052s your help oh well I am approached for a
6055s lot of favors you know undoubtedly
6058s because you are such a competent person
6060s obviously your he knows a good character
6063s when he sees one doesn't he what are you
6065s planning my father's team has developed
6068s a device which can funnel these dark
6070s energy blocking wavelengths and transmit
6072s them over short distances so to say we
6076s have developed an infrasound burst
6077s missile which if delivered within range
6079s of a redeemer can disrupt their link
6081s with the ancient curse which has them in
6083s the grip you see he's clever Bernard
6087s their territory confront them up close
6089s and give them a therapeutic dose of this
6091s infrasound
6092s frequency they were all just normal
6094s people once I suppose they deserve a
6097s second chance I told you he was a good
6100s man with a good heart father he was
6102s she's not wrong IM in this vital work
6105s that would seem the right thing to do
6107s Bravo your kindness in this matter is to
6110s be commended meet me near the Redeemer
6113s base and we we will begin our work what
6115s you're coming too this might be
6117s dangerous berar I know the risk I've
6120s seen the darkness all the more reason I
6123s must be there to calibrate the device
6124s and bring Salvation to those poor souls
6127s indeed I will meet you there thanks Adam
6130s aren't you a little worried that your
6132s father is throwing himself back into
6133s Jeopardy welcome along Muki over on
6135s YouTube he we do do these Dev streams
6138s every two weeks obviously we took a
6140s break over the Christmas period but yeah
6142s uh so yeah just a reminder we did make a
6144s little shift in our um uh Cadence of
6147s these streams so obviously this week um
6151s is uh the first stream of the year and
6152s then we're going to have another one in
6153s two weeks so our next stream will be the
6155s 24th see I can do math I can add 14 to
6159s 10 I went to school
6162s obviously but uh yeah sometimes uh it's
6166s an interesting conversation that just
6167s happened there between Bernard and and
6169s Adam and a lot of people say oh Adam's
6171s you know he so easy man at he kind of
6174s gets involved with a lot of people and I
6177s know a lot of you people here that have
6178s been watching and been around for a long
6180s long time and I know when Eric's spoken
6181s about the law
6183s before um Adam for all intents and
6186s purposes on on the outside um he's very
6190s much a you know say mid-20s kind of guy
6195s um who has some almost or socially
6199s awkward interactions with people uh and
6202s that literally is down to the them and
6205s it's kind of a spoiler here with him
6207s being a clone uh he is literally he has
6210s fragments of memories he has you know
6213s some implants of memories and he's
6215s learning as he goes but he never has
6216s that full kind of consciousness of of
6218s kind of growing up so what we like to
6221s think of Adam as is a toddler in a
6225s mid2 year old person's body essentially
6228s so I think the prime example is this is
6232s his interactions with kind of Dax and
6234s everybody else and it's a little bit
6237s kind
6238s of he he he's just unfamiliar with how
6241s to react around people um which can be
6246s you know it can seem off now but you've
6248s got to remember the the law around him
6250s and how he is a uh uh a social toddler
6254s essentially as as flor's put it there on
6256s Twitch he's definitely is so if you ever
6259s think hang on he why is he you know
6261s getting kind of dragged into this why
6263s don't he just say no and why does he you
6265s know not seem caring enough then that's
6269s pretty much the reason why um so
6272s yeah excellent right let's uh let's
6275s crack on a little bit
6278s more oh hello remote hang we're not
6281s going to go there yet because that's
6282s just silly o that thing's pinging that
6285s thing's
6287s pinging
6289s uh corrosion
6291s mindes oh that's the wrong Rockets
6296s okay what about the
6301s corrosions yeah I think I might need to
6304s s switch these out they're exactly the
6307s same well okay apart from the last
6309s missiles do plus 100% see that one 20%
6312s chance to refund firing
6316s so we're going to pull them on I think
6318s we'll Swatch them out them
6322s out right something down there but I
6324s can't see it right let's see if we can
6325s get on a
6327s mission so go to the Ascension in Kate
6330s nebula living fossil go to the abandoned
6333s jump gate right let's just check on the
6336s map we haven't been there
6338s yet in fact we'd have to go back to
6342s zarov and then to the K nebula for that
6345s as well so okay let's go to C right then
6349s let's go there shall we
6353s let's avoid all the traffic before I
6355s kind of get anybody's way and have
6357s another Insurance
6362s claim but yeah if you do have any
6364s specific questions that you want me to
6365s answer uh if I can um then please do put
6369s them in the chat we'll go through them
6371s um in a little while when we have a look
6374s at our Rockfish games top picks where
6378s the community have uh I've chosen some
6380s of the community shots that we've had
6382s and uh we'll take a look at those and
6384s see how uh how the team have voted and
6387s is yours included who's the winner of
6390s the week right let's get rid of some of
6396s these go away because every time I want
6398s to go flying you guys are in the
6403s way point thank
6406s you hello oh love it Aima just took out
6411s that that was awwesome love it I'm
6415s really enjoying that it's the uh the
6416s autonomous isn't
6418s it yeah oh not the autonomous
6421s it's that one together we stand set the
6425s holographic will blitter materialize
6427s anybody blitter it smaller targets I am
6429s enjoying that actually that's the first
6430s time I've actually picked that
6432s up right oh go away turret
6444s uh Muki I know this is a question that
6446s obviously uh comes up quite often and
6449s and Le just kind of answered it there
6450s for you as well uh nothing to share on
6452s future games uh at the moment uh we're
6454s still very much in uh uh production mode
6458s for forever space too so uh who knows in
6461s the future we'll see when the time is
6470s right all of a sudden I'm into a bloody
6472s fight with these outlaw
6474s me just like
6476s knock
6486s way he's in a spiral oh wello that was a
6489s lucky hit that was a very lucky hit
6492s right you can go
6497s wow
6500s blueprints you discovered a blueprint
6503s I've discovered a scatter gun which I'm
6505s not going to use tnb Elite Fighters
6508s incoming these guys are always I'm
6510s getting out of here I don't want to be
6510s taking on them as well hey uh thanks for
6513s coming bye
6523s now one of my favorite audio tracks in
6526s the game this one just so
6529s mellow could just fly around here
6542s right off we go to the abandoned jump
6550s gate crispy's favorite super light track
6553s is in Kon yeah very
6556s much I mean there's some absolutely here
6560s amazing tracks this place is creepy
6563s quiet but spooky compared to an ancient
6567s tomb it's not so bad what are you hoping
6569s to find at the bones a clue to when the
6572s species went extinct vacuum is a
6574s preservative well in some ways see if I
6578s can find a sample of marrow then I can
6580s cross index with a historical record of
6582s Stellar radiation and sorry shop talk
6587s you're probably not
6588s interested I wouldn't have asked if I
6590s wasn't interested let's get going doc
6592s lad's get going D yeah uh Muki just
6595s asked over on YouTube how many uh uh
6598s members of the team are there there's
6600s roughly around 25 of us yeah uh and
6602s Michael just did confirm that it's about
6605s that uh we've got most of the team are
6608s based in Germany uh in and around
6610s Hamburg but then there's several members
6612s of the team like myself who uh who live
6615s around the
6619s globe so we'll get through here uh well
6622s we need to find somewhere Dock and we
6624s don't want to be fighting these but I'll
6626s go away will you just leave me
6628s alone I'm on them try to
6631s getar their eyes winess
6635s we okay just wow something just
6641s absolutely H my shield
6648s there wow hang on you go as well thank
6652s you that was the last I heard about
6656s redeemers scientists that went mad are
6659s they always that did really my shield I
6661s thought I was going to pop that so let's
6664s not linger let's not linger for the
6669s remains right so we just need to find
6671s somewhere here let's go to orro cuz we
6675s need to get
6677s docked let's get let's get let's get
6680s ducked
6684s [Music]
6686s right aot away we go and then we'll
6690s switch over cuz time is pushing on we're
6692s going to have a look at some screenshots
6694s from you boys and girls uh that I've
6696s picked out and then the team have
6698s decided who they're like the favorite oh
6701s there's lots of stuff here so maybe I've
6704s been here
6706s before right let's just get
6710s docked make our way through okay there's
6713s lots of things happening over there
6714s which you don't want to be getting
6715s involved in oh
6718s hello looking a bit peaky on the ship
6721s side
6726s there right there we
6728s go let's get DED let's get safe just run
6732s out of energy
6734s do yeah there we go
6738s whoop
6740s marvelous we'll take that as a no death
6744s stream I like it yes we go for No Death
6747s We Will Repair though repair select it
6750s wouldn't be funny if I just all of a
6751s sudden blow up that's not fun that's not
6753s fun all right uh lots of
6756s stuff we'll do that the next
6760s time and what we'll do is make sure I
6763s save because I've done this before where
6764s I haven't saved and I'm like oops right
6767s so let's overwrite that save yes there
6770s we go that's all right
6773s little intermission then we're going to
6775s switch over and then uh we'll have a
6778s look at some screenshots don't go
6779s nowhere back in a
6783s [Music]
6789s out well we're just doing that don't
6792s forget you can follow us on Discord or
6793s join us on Discord Tik Tok Facebook
6796s Instagram Twitter uh if you're watching
6799s on YouTube you can watch us on Twitch
6801s and vice versa we're also on Facebook as
6805s well everywhere else and we do need to
6807s update this one we are on Blue Sky as
6809s well the new social media platform there
6811s do go check it out while you have the
6814s time right let's just get out of the
6816s game I need to quit the game not
6818s literally I just need to quit the
6820s game so if you got more questions do tag
6824s uh rfg lee or Rockfish games in on there
6827s and we shall ask or answer those rather
6829s as we go through our next seimon
6834s which is of the screenshot and let's
6837s bring that up hit that button and
6841s then shth there we go here we are look
6845s at that that was good was it excellent
6848s excellent no don't worry me isuki uh
6850s like I say what we normally do for the
6852s questions is that we collect them open
6854s into like a every 30 minutes or so we'll
6856s start answering the questions so yeah if
6858s you've got more questions then please
6859s please ask them away we're always happy
6861s to answer we might not be able to tell
6863s you uh an answer or give you an answer
6865s um depend upon the type of question but
6867s obviously we will tell you that while we
6870s answer so right so as you know every
6874s time we do a stream uh I collect some
6877s questions uh sorry some screen shots
6879s rather from um various places it could
6882s be steam it could be our Discord could
6884s be our social media platforms uh and I
6887s kind of pick out a select 10 and then I
6890s what I do is I always put those 10 to
6891s the the team literally the rest of the
6893s dev team and then over the week prior to
6896s the stream they get to choose uh their
6898s favorite uh so we always have one winner
6901s now what we're going to do this year is
6903s each time we do a stream we're going to
6906s have uh obviously a winner of the
6908s favorite and then that favorite is then
6911s going to go
6912s towards uh the end of the year um
6917s screenshot that we had just previously
6920s uh and there so we'll we'll pick out a
6922s best best of the best from the winners
6924s from each of our streams so uh more
6927s questions coming in uh I'll answer them
6928s in a second but I'm just going to show
6929s you this one and this one is from Deton
6933s edor uh 954 from Steam who uh put this
6937s in now I quite like this just literally
6940s because of the engine effect uh this is
6942s the reason why I chose it a lovely
6943s engine effect on the back of this very
6945s glowy very red uh Sentinel there which
6949s obviously one of the very iconic uh
6952s Carib ball um nef's kind of territory uh
6956s in Sito which uh I actually really
6958s really like this but uh you know it
6960s wasn't the best he wasn't chosen the
6961s best but there you go uh down below as
6964s well we've got some news that goes
6966s through it's always a little bit of fun
6968s that we uh that we create so do have a
6970s little read of that um but yeah just a
6973s reminder any questions do ask them um
6975s we've got one from there uh Muki yeah
6978s we've answered that one about the dev
6979s team size uh and what is my favorite
6982s ship class
6983s in ever space one and ever Space 2 with
6988s ever space one my favorite was always
6989s the Sentinel uh I always enjoyed it uh
6992s and when I first started playing the
6995s game um way back in I want to say
6999s 20 15 16 now is it really gummy going to
7003s be 10 years since the kickstarter for
7007s ever space
7008s one really that long ago wow where
7012s where's the world going so yeah
7013s definitely The Sentinel for me uh in
7015s ever space
7016s one uh hand on heart probably for ever
7020s space to I would have to
7022s say the gunship I do like the gunship uh
7026s I think he's a big chunky boy I know
7027s people kind of toss up
7029s between uh the gunship or the bomber uh
7033s and the bomber can be more prevalent in
7036s people's choices uh but I do like the
7038s gunship uh so next up is this one is by
7043s flux from our Discord uh and he actually
7045s named this one uh and it was Mr Spock
7048s pinch obviously you know your kind of
7051s Star Trek law uh that you know Spock
7054s would there on the shoulder there you go
7056s that kind of thing so that's his
7058s inspiration uh for that one but you
7060s think he's just he's just pinching two
7062s of his fingers together just to
7064s go nip someone's neck so that one's a
7067s real cool picture from flux over on our
7070s Discord now next up is somebody who
7072s posting uh their screenshots on our
7075s Discord and also on our steam uh page so
7078s we can see them uh this is ke Kelly suu
7082s I I sorry if I do butcher that name I've
7084s never got the pronunciation right yet
7086s and I like this one simply because of
7088s the water obviously the the the ship the
7090s Scout uh Outlaw is in uh and it just
7094s looked like um I think it we would call
7096s it a boy uh but you may in say North
7100s America call it a buoy um but obviously
7102s it looks like something's been left
7104s there in the water so uh very very very
7107s nicely done from Kelly there they are
7109s cranking out some excellent screenshots
7111s uh and I implore you if you haven't
7113s already do join our Discord to check
7114s them out uh which is very very cool uh
7117s and you're happy and free to post away
7120s as many as you can I will search through
7122s them to find the best to put to the
7124s team uh another one there uh this time
7129s uh somebody who's done some um uh screen
7132s shots for us before over on Steam uh M A
7135s Gibler uh hell of a name to to kind of
7138s get your mouth around on there but uh
7140s yeah M A JBL over on Steam this actually
7143s did this actually did uh have a little
7146s bit of conversation around it because
7147s the team were like uh what's going on
7150s with all the
7152s freighter uh they're kind of going in
7155s all directions and uh colliding so uh
7158s the there was a little bit of concern
7160s that that there would been a bug uh in
7162s this screenshot but uh um I thought it
7165s looked like a drive-in Cinema uh with a
7168s lot of freers that you know we're just
7170s going to have a big screen roll down and
7172s everybody's going to be uh watching one
7174s of the latest movies on it but yeah uh
7176s that one is from Muka jibla uh question
7180s from Miyuki Again on YouTube uh what was
7183s your biggest inspiration When developing
7185s everspace one and everspace
7187s 2 uh now personally I wasn't on the team
7189s when we were developing the games but I
7191s know for a fact
7193s um that there is a lot of inspiration
7197s from obviously your general sci-fi uh
7200s series whatever it is your Star Wars
7202s your Star Trek all that kind of genre
7204s but specifically looking at
7206s games you we we kind of take inspiration
7209s from different genres not only the space
7211s game Classics like freelancer Star
7214s Lancer uh things like that we we also
7217s kind of um kind of shift towards Diablo
7220s Borderlands all the kind of you can find
7223s so many different um aspects that are
7227s entertaining and fun in a load of
7231s different genres of gaming so if you can
7233s drag those elements into your game
7235s because they're fun then why not so yeah
7239s you definitely got to have a a wide view
7242s of gaming because just because some you
7244s say a platformer for example or an MMO
7247s and you think a that would never fit
7249s into a uh uh into a space looted shooter
7253s then there might be a certain element
7254s but yeah Michael uh yeah Michaels has an
7258s absolute love for Destiny 2o uh and he
7260s has a lot of um uh a lot of love for
7263s certain elements of that so there's uh
7265s definitely a hint or three of of Destiny
7268s uh in in our game as
7270s well so that was M JBL and moving
7273s swiftly on another very atmospheric one
7276s uh with the clouds again the uh the art
7280s team do wonders with this kind of of
7283s imposing uh an almost
7285s claustrophobic uh and forboding kind of
7288s uh environment uh and this one is from
7290s leonis over on Steam uh this one was in
7294s sixth place overall uh from the team uh
7298s definitely a kind
7300s of one that you just wats around the
7303s corner am I going to be in trouble am I
7304s going to find something that's not nice
7306s to
7307s find now this one is from perin Prime
7311s over on steeve and this one I thought it
7314s caught my eye literally because of the
7317s composition of it and if
7320s you I would guess that most people would
7323s look at this and think of one specific
7325s thing and that would be James Bond and
7328s that is exactly what they called it they
7329s called this one golden eye um which it's
7334s like the iconic scene of going down the
7336s barel of the gun and there's James Bond
7338s in our case it's a striker at the end of
7340s it but uh
7342s yeah is a lovely idea and this is the
7345s kind of difference and the the Ingenuity
7348s of what people can produce in the game
7350s it's not necessarily just a Vista or
7352s it's just you know looking at a ship
7354s that looks really cool they all are
7355s really good but then when they integrate
7357s certain things within that environment
7360s uh and then you go oh that's clever
7363s those unique shots uh but the team
7365s didn't think it was the best okay don't
7368s shoot the messenger I just brought the
7370s these screenshots to the team uh and
7373s definitely uh this I thought this was a
7375s very good one so this one was in uh
7377s fifth place from perin
7380s Prime next up is a wonderful shot a very
7384s simple one from somebody that was called
7386s Simple Dean over on Steam but as you can
7389s see the outlaw there is uh taking
7391s evasive maneuvers from a lot of incoming
7394s Rockets heading their way uh from that
7397s bomber uh whether they escape I very
7399s much doubt um but uh very cold
7402s environment and I think everybody on the
7404s team really like the action of this with
7406s the curves of those Rockets heading
7409s towards the impending doom of that
7412s Outlaw which is going to be very unlucky
7414s if you've got any more questions do fire
7416s them in uh we haven't got long left uh
7418s and we're going to be wrapping up soon
7419s so I want to answer any that you've got
7422s outline uh this one is from Neo 34 so
7427s this is third place uh in the team's
7430s choices um every body knows where this
7433s has come from uh a nice five star Ark
7436s 9000 just about to do
7441s some damage should we say uh possibly to
7444s the player as well if they're that close
7446s but you'd have to hope that they'd uh
7448s made evasive maneuvers and got out of
7450s there but I think this is a wonderful
7451s shot and the team did two uh so this was
7454s in third place from
7456s ne34 over on
7459s Steam and then this one this one was my
7462s favorite but it didn't win this was my
7465s favorite uh and this one's from Conair
7467s over on Steam as well I just loved the
7471s distance of this shot I thought it was
7473s absolutely fantastic how far away
7475s everything was the scale of everything
7479s with those kind of gas Harvesters there
7482s um superb I really really liked it and I
7485s like the curvature of the the planet as
7487s well again we just we produced great
7491s artwork and the team just uh Fabulous As
7493s it so yeah I I thoroughly like this one
7496s but it didn't win uh so I don't vote by
7498s the way I don't vote I think I'd leave
7500s it totally to the team to the team but
7504s this one uh sorry that was Conair but
7507s this one is again from Steam and this is
7509s the winner and this is
7513s Nelson's a gunship action shop depth of
7518s field blur you name it the whole
7520s shinanigans the whole N9 Ys going on
7523s there and this one won by double the
7527s amount of anything else and if I'm
7530s honest superb uh and the whole I'd say
7534s about half of the team thought this was
7536s the best one I only allowed them to vote
7537s once by the way they're a little bit
7540s button happy they're like oh I like that
7541s one oh I like that one oh I like that
7543s one and then they just vote for so I
7545s kind of got to be a bit bit strict with
7546s them and say you only allowed one so
7549s yeah this was the this was the winner
7551s but by quite a stretch so this is
7552s definitely a worthy winner uh for the
7554s start of the year do you know I'm going
7556s to give him a round of applause I'm
7557s going to give him a round of applause I
7558s just need to find it so uh uh that is
7561s Nelson over on Steam who was the worthy
7565s winner of this inaugural 2025 uh
7568s Rockfish top pick now before we go I
7571s like to run through just a few things so
7573s that you're all up to dat up to speed
7574s with everything that I've kind of got to
7576s tell you and stuff like that so uh just
7579s to remind if you haven't seen we do have
7580s the Bob t-shirt uh available for players
7583s in the US um I haven't got it on today
7586s uh it's a little bit nippy in it so I
7587s I've got a slightly thicker shirt on uh
7591s but there is a bob t-shirt available if
7592s you haven't seen it I'm going to put it
7594s into the chat so that you can all see it
7596s uh so if you're interested do take a
7599s look uh over there over on the IGN store
7602s that's available for you to purchase uh
7605s currently if you are interested in
7607s everspace 2 uh on Playstation there is a
7610s current sale on for 65% off that is the
7613s highest discount we've had across the
7616s board on uh forever Space 2 so we've had
7619s it on Steam uh and Xbox Etc but that 65%
7623s is the highest discount we've had you
7625s can also get 20% of Titans and 20% off
7628s the supporter pack over on the
7630s PlayStation store now if you are
7632s interested in our first game uh Rockfish
7636s Games first game anyway which is ever
7638s space one you can get it over on
7640s Nintendo switch uh we've got 80% off 80%
7645s off the Stellar Edition uh over on there
7648s so if you are interested do go grab it
7652s uh Mizuki is that on Playstation in the
7655s online store correct that is correct yes
7658s definitely on the online store so if you
7660s go check it out there have a look see uh
7663s right I'm just going to remind you
7665s because we had an issue over the
7667s Christmas period um account safety
7670s especially on Discord is something that
7672s we are very
7674s very we're always aware of because we
7677s know that people um can
7681s be um dubious in nature uh so what I've
7686s done is you might have seen it I did
7688s post up a kind of reminder uh about the
7691s instances that can happen especially on
7693s Discord where people are losing their
7696s specifically Discord or steam
7700s accounts now because of the nature of
7703s the messaging that you will get you can
7705s have a direct message from people who
7707s you do not know uh and they will say to
7710s you various things have happened they've
7713s reported your steam account can you
7715s contact this person to resolve it and I
7717s don't want to get you into trouble
7718s everything along those lines is fake do
7722s not whatever you do engage with those
7724s and I I it's heartbreaking when I have
7727s to deal with people who have lost their
7729s accounts on Steam um Etc and I don't
7732s want anybody else to be in that
7733s situation so I try and keep you as safe
7735s as possible but really uh try and help
7738s yourselves just a little bit so if you
7739s do get any kind of Nefarious messaging
7741s and you're not sure do not engage with
7744s that person at all message me uh you can
7747s do that directly you can send me a DM or
7750s send a message to modmail atmail on our
7752s Discord and I will get the message when
7755s I can uh either I'm online or whatever
7757s because I'm not online 24/7 obviously
7759s but never ever answer any suspect did uh
7762s spam messages or anything like that uh
7765s so yeah they they kind of do really
7767s nefarious means and unfortunately over
7769s the Christmas period one person did lose
7771s their Steam account luckily valve did
7774s reinstate their account but I don't want
7776s it to happen to anybody else where they
7777s kind of delete stuff from their account
7780s they spend stuff on their account or
7781s anything like that so just please be
7783s very very careful and I always have to
7785s like a send out a reminder at the
7786s beginning of the year because it does
7788s happen quite
7790s frequently but I'm going to wrap up
7792s there because way over time we always go
7794s over time we have so much fun I just
7795s enjoy this uh thank you to Michael and
7797s thank you to Lee for for being here uh
7799s the CEO the pi director it's wonderful
7802s to have them and collecting questions
7803s and answering questions for you the guys
7805s and this is what we do so remember we're
7807s going to be back in two weeks time two
7809s weeks time uh so we're going to
7813s hopefully see what happens in the mean
7816s time uh but as always thank you very
7818s much for joining us I'm Gary your
7820s community manager I love streaming for
7821s you you guys we're going to have a great
7823s 2025 uh we hope to see you very very
7826s soon uh enjoy yourself be good whatever
7828s you're doing in the world and enjoy some
7830s other space too we'll see you in the
7832s next one bye-bye for now
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about 1 month ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link