11 months ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

16s thank you
34s hello hello
37s we are prepping the Stream
44s oh it was the street
47s stream not live oh hang on a second oh
49s no encoder says it's working okay
52s mine are hard attack no big deal
54s everything's fine we're all fine here
55s how are you
79s foreign
84s [Music]
135s thank you
168s foreign
184s [Music]
201s this music is totally in the game yes it
204s is yep
231s foreign
235s greetings and welcome ladies and
237s gentlemen to the official Rockfish game
238s stream I am your host Eric Schroeder the
241s community Ambassador for Rockfish games
243s I am joined with Gary geekbite on the
246s line
247s hello awesome he's gonna be taking your
250s questions as we're going through some
252s gameplay the continuation of our
254s nightmare difficulty
257s play session so yeah because we're
259s picking up right where we left off
261s um and I want to make sure YouTube do
264s you see me today is everything connected
268s there just
270s want to make sure uh there's like a
272s little blip that happened like right
274s before I triggered everything and I just
277s want that confirmation otherwise hello
278s twitch hello steam anybody who's kind of
280s lurking on the steam homepage for
283s everspace too if you have questions at
285s all about what you're seeing there's
287s going to be a gameplay Centric
288s experience here otherwise there's
290s trailers to see more like doll up stuff
292s and all that stuff and then the
293s discussion boards whatever
295s but through our process here we're going
297s to be continuing along uh you do see me
299s good good glad everything is connected
301s fine YouTube that is good to hear
303s we'll be continuing on where we left off
305s we just bought this Vanguard
307s um I I actually want to adjust the
309s colors slightly
311s um because it's actually bothering me um
313s one of the things that I looked at right
314s before we started is we have this Green
316s Engine but the colors are a bit too blue
319s for my taste so I just want to adjust
320s this maybe down one
324s actually yeah I'm gonna do that just let
326s such a light little adjustment
329s um and actually let's let's do that
331s let's do the purple
335s just to make things a little bit more
337s Unison better we go I'll look at that
339s it's just it's a little better it's
341s nothing it's nothing crazy
344s but it makes me happy okay a lot of ship
346s customization lots of things can go
347s wrong and weird
349s you know
351s just wanted to tweak it anyway
352s um yeah so let's get right on into this
354s I mean like technically I guess I
356s already am
357s like I said we just bought this new ship
359s so uh none of these other ones are
362s gonna be swapped in anytime soon
366s um for those wondering uh generally like
368s whenever we have these streams yes of
370s course we keep it open to the community
372s answer questions all of that fun stuff
374s um sometimes we have like little teases
376s and presentations on up and coming
377s things right now we are in a beautiful
381s but probably slightly frustrating for
383s you uh part of our development phase
385s which is we're working on free content
387s yay and we can't show anything right now
390s because it would be too much uh teasing
393s so I don't have anything that I can like
396s deliver today but also note that I've
399s been having some chats here and there
401s and that is something that we want to
403s try and get back into the streams even
406s though
407s maybe we probably shouldn't because
409s there's a lot of stuff that we're still
410s working on but um it is something that
412s we want to try and push and like bring
413s you some new stuff whenever you're
415s showing up here not just getting
417s um I guess you could call it the same
419s old gameplay plus questions sort of mix
424s um but yeah we want to do more for you
426s we want to do more things that are
427s engaging and let you know what we're
429s cooking up so
430s just know that this in the pipe not
432s today but definitely something that we
434s are trying to push into more streams in
436s the future I also want to just quickly
438s look at actually we want to change this
440s over here I'm not too sure I care about
442s recharging Shields I want to do damage
445s with this guy
447s um
448s dropping energy orbs is good but I don't
452s think we even have the energy orbs
454s unlocked yet
456s we need some atheum that's what we
458s should probably be doing
461s uh so we'll have an additional charge
462s and we need that teleporter from
463s maneuverability of course the Vanguard
466s in and of itself this thing can go zoom
469s in it's got the Zoomies really good
471s handling really good speed in fact this
473s is the fastest ship in the game
477s this is the fastest ship in the game
480s straight up if you're looking at its
482s core speed values
485s so we are going to be utilizing that
488s speed for our evasion so we don't die
491s super fast
492s we have a Jaeger and a powerful Auto
494s Cannon
496s that's a nice little combination we all
497s we have all level 10 things we are at
500s level 11.
502s just to see how much it would cost us
505s you know it's not too bad that's not too
507s bad we're gonna actually we're gonna go
508s through here
510s and we're just gonna we're gonna upgrade
512s everything
514s we're just gonna upgrade everything that
516s we've uh
517s everything that we've got
521s just to make it a tad better
525s now obviously once we hit Level 12 then
527s this stuff's gonna have to start getting
529s replaced
531s but playing in Nightmare it oh we might
535s not be able to upgrade this one yeah we
538s need more Quantum processors
540s I could scrap this
545s I'm doing it all right I'm doing it oh
548s gosh
550s part of that feels nasty but we're doing
552s it
554s upgrading the levels here
556s all the way across but we're doing all
558s of this
559s all the way across the board
563s because yeah nightmare mode like it
565s kicks your butt if you don't prepare
566s accordingly
568s could I have bought stuff probably did I
571s want to spend my credits to do so no I'd
573s much rather use these little tidbits
575s that I've been collecting through the
576s crafting process and yeah just by doing
578s that alone I'm already seeing like my
580s attributes boosted ever so slightly not
582s by much but does make me feel a little
585s bit better a little bit okay maybe
587s personal sort of thing but still
590s all right beyond that the perks that I
593s really want to focus down tractor beam
594s as well as energy orbs
597s um and to do that we are also going to
599s just untrack this so the only two that
601s I've tracked right now are the energy
602s orbs and the tractor beam those are my
605s priorities we need aethem Crystal
607s so let's go ahead and change over to our
609s resource tracker and just
612s see where we can go for that atheum
614s Crystal
615s we have Latin cedo
618s and there's a little bit at abadan too
621s hmm
625s I really want to go back to cedo just
627s yet so I think what we're going to do is
628s we're going to just do a little bit more
629s exploration we could try this high risk
632s area that drops mines for the Vanguard
635s is not so great
637s um
638s let's just get a comparison point of
640s like our progress let's just see how
643s we're doing where things are at
647s this should give us a good um
651s case for
653s if things are well or not
660s even if things are a little bit well
668s we could also test with an unknown
669s signal real quick before we go over to
671s the high risk area this one's going to
672s be higher level than us hence the purple
674s when you see purple it's usually three
676s or more levels higher than you as the
678s location challenge
682s sweet this is
684s hot this is perfect
686s this is exactly what we wanted so we get
687s a free clothes container somewhere
690s probably have some Loot and enemies
693s shouldn't be too bad because I'm seeing
694s a bunch of drones
696s that's always nice
701s and those guys are off fighting some GMB
704s so
707s also resources if we get some atheum
710s Crystal oh I like what I'm seeing
713s I'm gonna feel real good if we get some
714s atheum
717s got some pure copper that's always good
721s Culver
722s okay
726s but ethium though
728s more Culver all right okay all right
731s game I understand
734s we're just bulking up a little bit
738s that shouldn't hurt us too bad ooh
739s wiring cuts
742s and some more copper neat neat
750s Outlaw drones a Raider and a scout
753s nearby oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
758s um
760s just gonna take a momentary breather
763s here before that nonsense
766s all right so we're gonna try and find
769s this open stash uh but priority Target's
772s gonna absolutely be that sniper drone
776s here we go oh he's coming to us that's
778s right that's right
779s come here ah
783s we're gonna use our Jaeger here
785s we just want to truly Focus this guy
787s down
790s whoa that was way too close for comfort
793s but we we got it
795s we got it and I think the reward we're
797s looking for is over by those guys
800s Proto Scout okay
813s okay
817s thank you
819s things are feeling pretty good
825s I'll tell you one thing going from
827s whatever ship we were flying before to
829s this one I'm feeling so much faster and
832s actually a little bit safer
834s perhaps I'm gonna get a little
835s comfortable and that's going to be my
836s demise but for now it's feeling pretty
839s good
844s oh they're too high a level I can't push
846s them around oh boy
851s there's the pain
854s the back pain
857s thank you
867s even more pain all right please stop
870s painting me
873s oh Adam
876s and our weapons are having prop and I'm
878s running into the oh gosh it is no no no
885s okay so this is giving us uh oh and
887s we're out of Health okay this is giving
890s us some good perspective of progress on
892s how things are going to be going for
894s this particular stream
896s I still want the loot I still want the
899s loot
901s yeah a broken pulse laser is uh not a
904s happy pulse laser we are going to try
907s and hope that these guys are just gonna
910s yeah there we go okay good good yes yes
914s that's what I like to see
917s one more
919s here we go
920s all right
923s you didn't drop anything and I'm upset
924s with you but perhaps we can find the
927s hidden stash and then just get out of
929s here
934s I see it
938s okay some solar panels ain't too shabby
941s we will take that
943s and immediately we're going back to base
945s two uh heal up
951s we didn't died
952s we are alive
957s no Damaris it's been so long I can't
960s remember what you've looked like
969s tips to speed up the progress of 100 in
971s hilarious man that's a great question
974s that's a great question there's a number
975s of ways that you can kind of speed up
977s that exploration process uh one is by
980s not dying uh I'm not sure if I'm gonna
984s be a good example of that history uh the
986s ship is fast but man is it made of paper
989s but sincerely there are there are
991s certain items that can help point you in
993s the right direction quite literally the
995s sensor is going to be one of the most
997s important ones pertaining to 100
998s completion to help you find better loot
1004s and I can kind of show you what I mean
1005s by that by just going straight on over
1007s to our inventory right now we just have
1009s a standard sensor which has fairly basic
1013s ranges for your ship Loot and resources
1016s but there are variants of the sensors
1018s that put more emphasis on the ships on
1020s the loots and on the resources
1023s respectively
1024s so if you're looking for something more
1027s akin to like the loot range to find
1029s Secrets a little bit better that's
1031s probably going to be the route you want
1032s to go
1035s in addition to that there are there is a
1037s perk that you get from a character later
1038s that helps a hundred percent completion
1040s elements uh we're not quite there yet I
1043s would love to just speed run up to her
1044s and get her but
1046s uh yeah currently our our state is
1050s try not to die which is not uh conducive
1053s for progressing the story just yet
1058s how did I see that container but not
1059s collected the last time that's silly
1061s let's go collect this container and then
1063s we'll
1064s I don't know if we should try the high
1066s risk area actually we'll probably go to
1067s another location complete um
1070s location challenge or two
1072s start building ourselves up in different
1073s ways
1075s see a couple of containers over here now
1078s they're good
1080s clobbered that thing see you later
1084s that's all the way on the other side
1087s just comedic at this point all right
1088s let's just go on
1090s we'll get that the next time we come
1092s back which you know will be like five
1093s seconds from taking damage again
1096s all right
1100s not Avon rest Yao and orbit data
1103s fishing's still a little too much of a
1106s problem for us
1109s I'm feeling like maybe we could go over
1111s to zarkov border control actually yeah I
1114s want to do this
1115s this seems good a customs made error and
1117s Vault worthy are both in our realm of
1121s not crazy challenging
1123s but are gonna give us credits experience
1127s the things we need
1129s things we need
1131s keep on bringing those questions guys I
1133s know I just answered one and Gary's
1135s probably mad at me but um we will have a
1137s part of the stream while we'll start
1138s answering them all in one grouping
1142s so I was hoping you're actually going to
1143s pick that one out to be fair I had no
1145s think of that one year you're good
1147s you're good good good I'm glad to hear
1149s it yeah I mean because 100 completing is
1152s you know it's it's not exactly easy when
1154s you have an open world space game
1155s there's a lot of secret areas and uh
1159s little happenings to find
1161s um in fact another thing that I should
1163s mention
1163s I think I still have it Bound by default
1166s oh I can't push it because I have cheats
1167s on never mind uh
1172s not by choice it's actually uh because I
1174s have to it's a it's a dove build
1177s but there is a functional way to drop
1180s markers so that you know like of an area
1183s that you haven't explored yet or one
1184s that you have so you don't go there
1187s again and find stuff that you would you
1190s know
1191s already knew about
1196s really don't want that map out okay here
1199s we go it's better and then you can go
1202s over there into the base nice
1205s wonderful
1208s oh that's a wall
1215s credits not many but I don't know we'll
1218s take them
1221s we have a battery over here and a secure
1224s container over there that needs them
1231s oh that's an energy sphere socket not a
1234s battery not a battery socket
1237s who is this guy
1245s is this the one there it's
1248s symmetry no this is not that one
1253s all right we're gonna put this battery
1254s down for the moment and we're gonna
1256s start uh completing other things here we
1259s have three other things here we have a
1260s race gate we've got the warehouse for
1263s Vault worthy we have the Waypoint to
1266s search for uh
1270s all the stuff
1277s that's correct
1293s yay loot
1295s everybody loves loot oh a color and a
1298s blueprint that's awesome we got our
1301s parcel
1308s okay next thing we want to do is head
1309s over to that Waypoint
1312s and we're not going to be able to open
1313s all of it okay yeah here's the more okay
1315s I could probably take a battery with me
1317s and that'll be very apparent once we get
1319s there but
1320s let's just go ahead and head over there
1322s first
1323s lots of unlocks today this is nice
1326s this is nice
1333s big green light saying hey there's
1336s probably something to look at nearby
1337s good good yeah that's a kind of a point
1340s of reference for any time you're
1341s wondering see those three generators we
1343s need batteries there and we've actually
1345s found all three batteries we flew by all
1346s of them
1348s um but the um
1350s the big thing that we're doing is this
1352s right here
1353s but anytime you're trying to 100
1354s complete keep your eyes peeled for
1357s things that are maybe a little out of
1359s the blue or uh just are sticking out
1362s like a sore thumb
1364s lots of points of interest are created
1366s by our designers
1368s um our level design process in order to
1370s reward following the eye candy
1374s poking about and figuring out like basic
1376s patterns like oh there's kind of like a
1378s stream of asteroids going off in this
1380s direction go to the end of that maybe
1382s you'll find something
1386s I just did that was your last mistake
1390s hello
1392s come here I am
1396s I am not a coward by hiding this is
1398s called strategory yes
1406s stop it
1409s aluminum
1410s there we go
1412s thanks hive
1417s I like how terrible English accent sorry
1419s oh of course of course I I also want to
1422s just point out that I love how the
1424s snarky uh British AI companion
1428s gave me a compliment while you are
1431s laughing at me
1433s that's great perfectly tired
1438s all right so we got Fort worthy taking
1439s care of now let's do the citizens of
1441s velocity race I always love racing with
1443s Vanguard because as previously mentioned
1445s this is actually the fastest ship in the
1448s game obviously there are ways to tweak
1450s and modify all of the ships to be very
1453s super fast but generally speaking this
1455s is
1455s probably your best bet for completing
1458s races uh to get platinum just to go for
1460s that true 100 if you will because you
1463s can still 100 without getting platinums
1464s on everything
1466s unless you count achievements in which
1467s case no you have to get platinums
1471s but yeah
1473s let's do this
1476s and uh as I've mentioned before I am
1479s skipping dialogue of story chains and
1481s missions and stuff like that just for
1483s the sake of saving a little bit of time
1484s for these streams
1489s [Music]
1492s can't even remember this one very well
1497s oh this is this is the long straight
1499s away oh we should have energized boost
1500s if they're ready oh well
1502s it's fine
1504s we don't even have that much energy oh
1505s my gosh
1507s we did not prepare for a race at all
1509s that's silly like just look at this look
1512s at this beautiful straightaway
1515s that would have been nice to have an
1517s energized boost
1519s oh well
1523s not too shabby
1524s I'll take it for now
1529s another big thing I always recommend uh
1532s actually I have a recharge booster huh I
1534s was gonna say I recommend using recharge
1536s boosters for these because the recharge
1538s rate generally uh AIDS in the process of
1540s racing but uh look at me it's probably
1543s because I have low frame rate right now
1545s whoa all right
1547s look at that
1550s it's probably because uh just level
1555s just need to make more progress to get
1557s higher stats build ourselves up you know
1560s the traditional RPG standard
1565s connection to the power fantasy you all
1567s know what I'm talking about
1571s I'm clearing all that away that felt
1573s really good but we got like no
1574s experience gains for that
1576s um
1577s so let's keep poking about
1582s just
1585s the energy Spirit dispenser oh it's this
1587s this guy right here this is the frame
1589s drop station all right
1591s noted
1600s let's just start taking some of these
1602s over to that location
1608s follow the green lights
1621s I could be playing this a little bit
1623s more carefully and instead of just
1624s boosting into the unknown there are like
1627s pockets of of um
1630s Well site I guess you could call it
1635s I'm playing a little bit more cheeky
1636s because I do know the layout of this
1639s particular site a bit more than other
1641s ones
1644s battery number one
1659s other batteries over there yep
1663s foreign
1667s the loot in this area this is also not
1670s too bad of a location to just kind of
1672s stock up on supplies because after a
1675s certain time oh my gosh I see the frame
1677s drops again oh my gosh
1679s talking about all the the tricks and the
1681s games like no don't do it frame drops
1685s all frames
1688s hanging their game don't worry we can
1690s also we can
1692s we can do this which will probably
1693s alleviate most of that issue yeah okay
1699s oh this is gonna be close
1701s maybe not as close as I thought it was
1703s gonna be
1713s but yeah there's a healthy amount of
1714s loot that will respawn look at this
1716s we're all maxed out oh that's great to
1719s see
1719s that is great to see
1724s before we start picking up other things
1725s let's get this battery we got two
1727s batteries left that one and there's one
1729s more over here
1730s just go get it
1732s and top off that side area
1735s it's a bigger one
1737s oh wait battery's done
1739s yes no I'm crazy I'm crazy on the end
1760s hello guy everybody who's sneaking in
1762s must be the new content
1765s nah
1767s sometimes the Stream
1770s of everspace 2 gets a little chunky
1774s um just because of having to encode
1778s for the stream itself in addition to you
1781s know having the game being run
1783s there's some some challenges that can
1785s occur at times
1789s this location is uh has been decently
1792s well optimized
1809s almost there
1816s my ship is so small yeah it's a small
1820s tiny little Feller
1822s I like them though
1829s look at all of this stuff is that not
1832s neat and we shouldn't collect any of it
1834s because
1836s because our pouches are full so let's uh
1840s I'm so glad we did all that hard work to
1841s not collect anything
1845s if I recall correctly there is a
1847s Port well no there might not be a port
1850s nearby
1852s we need to go somewhere else
1854s but we unlocked the thing that's the
1856s important part right progress was made
1860s so let's go to a port
1865s it's no it's not going to be my closest
1867s one again and I think I can
1870s dot no there's not a docking port here
1872s oh my God
1878s I think we have to go back to Noah
1879s already look at that look at this
1883s all right let's start answering some
1884s questions we're doing a little bit of
1885s back and forth then so let's answer some
1887s questions
1888s uh right good evening everyone hope
1891s you're all well a few questions lined up
1893s uh first up we have
1897s boob
1899s um he's noticing that the MPC flying
1901s patterns are a bit static and simplistic
1904s I know uh previously we've looked at AI
1907s kind of being almost dynamic in their
1909s flight pass
1911s um is there any chance that we could see
1913s an upgrade to the AI
1916s curious question it's definitely
1918s something that we've talked about
1919s internally um as far as like flight
1920s paths are concerned we've actually
1922s designated a lot of the flight paths
1924s that you see like GMB go on for example
1925s like say this is where you can warp in
1927s this is where you'd probably want to
1928s move to in the respective area since
1930s they are handcrafted right
1932s um that way they don't just go bonking
1934s into things or you know jump into a
1938s bounce right off of a station
1940s you know that would just be absolutely
1943s hilarious
1944s um and definitely didn't happen at all
1945s during development not once I think it
1948s was actually an animated gif that was
1949s shared with the community
1951s do you guys all remember that um it was
1953s like the multi-transport warping
1956s explosion do you guys know what I'm
1958s talking about when I say that
1959s but regardless
1961s um yeah very intentional Pathways we
1964s actually chose for a lot of the NPCs on
1967s that front
1968s but can we add more will we change some
1971s I mean it's possible I would say right
1974s now the biggest focal point we have is
1977s like adding in content so that's going
1979s to be I mean probably no spoilers I hope
1981s we've said a lot of this anyway
1984s like that's going to be stuff like new
1986s items it's going to be stuff like
1988s perhaps new perks it's going to be stuff
1989s like perhaps new locations it's going to
1991s be you know stuff to engage with and do
1994s things with and then once we've made
1997s Fair progress on that front that we can
1999s kind of go in and say okay what systems
2000s are going to complement this more
2002s accordingly and one of those systems is
2004s in fact the AI would it make sense for
2007s this enemy type to do this thing
2009s like a new enemy type for example would
2012s it make sense for uh that to do this
2014s thing could we expand upon what we did
2017s here with a previous location that we
2019s did back then
2020s etc etc
2021s so we'll see
2023s we'll see the that's the big answer to
2026s the question is we'll see I'm gonna be
2028s hopeful on that front
2030s um still I would be gentle with your
2032s expectation of it but yeah
2036s yeah I think uh people were also
2038s thinking how the AI react in a combat
2041s situation as well because I think there
2043s was something very early on in the
2045s kickstarter where we were looking at AI
2047s patterns Etc and how it's very Dynamic
2050s yeah and that was something that I
2051s mentioned too I was like yeah this is
2053s something we wanted to do or something
2054s we wanted to look into and see what the
2056s four capabilities would uh be like and
2059s unfortunately it was one of those things
2060s where if we wanted to pursue it was
2062s going to be a pretty hefty amount of
2064s development time just for that alone
2067s um and in the midst of that discussion
2070s we had so many other ideas churning
2074s um and we just never really were able to
2076s push through that very expansive time
2079s that it would have taken to do that we
2082s just had far greater priorities
2085s so through that entire process though
2087s you know it doesn't mean we say oh we
2090s can't do this right now we're going to
2091s do this and never look at that again
2092s right
2093s um so we'll see we'll see what the
2095s future holds together
2097s mm-hmm
2099s of it right uh next question from Wizard
2103s Jerry uh over on YouTube it's just a
2106s curious question they are wondering if
2108s they equip two Blood star uh gear pieces
2112s of gear will retaliators drop Blood star
2115s gear I.E will bloodstar to affect the
2118s drop chance for Blood star gear from
2121s Outlaw units work
2123s I do not believe that that does affect
2125s those I'd have to look at the Hard
2127s numbers but to my understanding that
2129s value only increases all other Outlaw
2133s types all other Outlaw types that does
2136s increa include like retaliators and
2138s cyrilla because they are technically
2140s Outlaws but it doesn't
2143s multiply the drop chances already on
2145s bloodstar
2148s so it's a good that's a great question I
2150s can follow up to give you greater
2152s Clarity on that like in the Discord
2153s because I know that you're floating in
2154s there um but yeah I'm rather confident
2157s that it does not affect those modifiers
2161s excellent excellent
2164s um right switching back to slower in for
2167s the next question on YouTube he's
2169s noticed that under signals you can
2170s destroy all GMB or Coalition present
2173s without any consequences to your
2175s reputation yep at the agony station you
2178s can eliminate all GMB and then the
2180s station turrets which have turned
2181s hostile and then doc and have a pleasant
2183s shopping experience yeah conversation
2185s with the locals all of this seems a bit
2187s odd will this be tweaked Changed music
2190s just died
2192s um hang on one second sorry
2195s [Laughter]
2196s timing okay yeah timing was was really
2199s bad there
2200s um so yeah basically
2202s um the reputation system was something
2203s of a a massive uh decision that we had
2208s to all come together with at Rockfish
2210s and figure out if it would be healthy or
2212s not to change how it was working as you
2216s guys probably know when we originally
2218s had plans for the reputation system
2222s before it was called Renown we wanted to
2225s have various faction relationships
2228s so without law or with like a
2232s sub-faction of Outlaw like the
2233s retaliators or with sub-factions of GMB
2236s like GMB defense GMB mining stuff like
2238s that
2240s um but we ended up scrapping that
2243s and the big reason is because it would
2245s have taken like 10 times as long
2248s to implement all these various chains
2251s and reward systems and interactions and
2253s then on top of that it would take even
2255s longer to figure out well if the
2257s relationship with this faction is like
2258s this then what should that one do to
2260s like balance things out like how would
2263s this how would it like if we were to go
2265s that route we'd want to go hard right we
2267s want to make that system work at every
2268s degree capacity possible
2271s and we couldn't do that
2273s not with our vision not with the scope
2275s not with our development team and time
2277s all of that we just we couldn't we
2280s couldn't do it so we said what can we do
2282s how can we make this satisfying for the
2285s player to Go Achieve things and be
2287s rewarded for it which is how we landed
2289s on the renowned system so it's just your
2291s Renown of everyone else and how they're
2293s seeing you right and your Renown is not
2296s necessarily bound to being good even
2299s though you do gain a lot of renown
2300s through doing good
2303s but you don't ever lose renown
2305s you don't ever lose Renown and again
2307s that was a decision that we came to
2309s internally as well losing Renown also
2311s would create a couple of unfortunately
2314s complicated systems that uh would have
2317s also added quite a number to the uh to
2319s the pool
2321s and thus it did not happen so I say all
2325s of this mainly to answer your question
2326s as you can probably uh tell what the
2329s answer is already but no there are not
2331s plans there are not plans to do that
2334s because of the time constraints and the
2339s needs that that would require
2344s so let's answer another question yeah
2347s um wizard Jerry on YouTube uh they said
2350s that they noticed an anime style girl on
2352s one of the screen scenes Prescott
2354s Starburst and they wondered if that was
2356s uh uh anything to do with any of the
2358s backers or was it designed in-house
2362s I'd have to get confirmation but I'm
2364s like 99.99 uh percent sure
2368s that it was just we wanted to add
2370s something that was like sci-fi reference
2374s Soul you know goodness
2376s so
2379s yeah our testers did invoke some
2382s curiosity with what we could do though
2384s and we um we have some little
2387s nods
2389s to or in I mean as you guys know through
2391s Early Access in and of itself there were
2393s a lot of adjustments and tweaks made on
2394s your part that's right you right there
2396s looking at this screen watching this
2399s happenings going on
2402s you know we've done a number but I don't
2405s think those in particular were because
2406s of
2408s any particular person it was more just
2411s we want to do this
2416s last question just for now is uh from
2420s flori on Twitch uh he's just wondering
2422s is there going to be any further or
2425s Pixies or bug fixes uh in the near
2427s future
2429s um I know obviously that we've come
2430s across a few little things that need
2432s tweaking here and there but uh wondering
2434s if there's anything planned
2436s yeah so I mean it's it's hard to say is
2439s there anything planned to talk about
2441s like all of that
2442s um because I mean the short of it is
2444s that I mean if we can add another
2446s addition to the game
2448s um to like fix a bug that is causing
2451s people grief like a black screen for
2454s example uh when just trying to play the
2457s game uh yeah I mean we want to get it
2458s out there as soon as possible
2460s um and that's just kind of the nature of
2462s how hotfixes are gonna work as soon as
2465s the elements can be in place in a
2467s stabilized build then yeah we we push
2469s push a hotfix because the problem is hot
2472s and it needs to be fixed it's where the
2474s train even comes from
2476s um as of right now
2477s there's not too many what I would deem
2480s critical hotfixes that are affecting a
2484s lot of people there's a couple of
2486s problems that are affecting a small
2487s number and we do still take those very
2489s seriously let me be clear and we would
2491s like to rectify certain issues and uh
2494s tweak some elements around
2496s so it's certainly possible that we could
2500s just surprise you all and you know next
2502s week push a button be like oh surprise
2504s patch you know whatever
2506s but can't really say wind that would
2510s potentially happen if that would
2512s potentially happen other than also
2514s confirming that there is going to be a
2515s free content update at least one free
2518s content update uh which that will likely
2520s be in a similar fashion where it's like
2522s oh hey surprise free content
2526s so cool
2529s excellent
2530s all done for now oh yeah and bite flux
2532s said like the Flack freezing bug yeah oh
2534s my gosh oh goodness bite that oh that
2538s that bug that was like that one bug we
2542s we had pulled several team members to
2545s try and like Focus that down and uh also
2547s had like a dedicated testing uh
2549s Community to help isolate that what an
2552s absolute frustration
2555s um not only for us to find but I'm sure
2557s for everyone who is experiencing that
2559s and gosh dang we knew we had to get it
2561s fixed though we knew we had to get it
2562s resolved and that's why we stayed the
2564s course and even though it did take
2566s several weeks uh it was imperative that
2570s we would knock that one uh out out of
2572s here get it gone
2574s and uh happy that we did
2578s can't Star Race during an active wait a
2580s second
2581s did I start something and not
2584s here let's go finish this maybe that's
2585s what it's talking about
2588s did I do I miss a thing
2591s skip the trader
2594s anyway yeah that Flag bug
2597s screw that guy
2599s if it comes back oh my gosh we're like
2603s there will be like a completely
2605s coordinated face palm then Psy from
2608s every single person working at Rockfish
2610s games so if you happen to have it
2612s um
2613s that sucks let us know uh but just know
2617s that will be that will actually happen
2620s um
2621s okay where is the Vault worthy uh is it
2624s on the side or is it up I can't remember
2626s on this one
2627s oh wait no I think I I think it's up
2629s here
2632s is it no it's not on that side on the
2634s other side
2639s [Music]
2646s oh
2650s this isn't the Vault worthy but we'll
2651s take it
2655s Jaeger and a recharge booster how do you
2658s compare how how you compare
2662s I'd rather have the slow Target
2666s I'd rather have the slow Target and
2667s recharge booster
2669s mine's straight up better wow okay
2677s also just a random Point anytime you get
2680s like a timed challenge where there's a
2681s door that opens for a certain amount of
2683s time know that if you fly through that
2686s and it's like an enclosed space like
2688s this
2689s if you make it inside the door will just
2691s reopen we we made sure that we don't
2694s soft lock the game on that front that's
2696s uh so never be scared of that
2698s never be scared of that
2700s there was a very short time where that
2702s did happen and we fixed it
2709s there it is all right
2731s back to me
2733s greater importance now
2735s something oddly satisfying about
2737s interrupting Hive every half second
2739s there not to one of those moments oh
2743s hello
2757s good good that drone was supposed to
2760s crash into something
2762s that's fine
2766s take what we can get and we won't throw
2768s a fit
2776s now we need to read
2783s wait when did Adam learn to read
2787s lore question
2790s read
2796s can't help but wonder if there's
2797s something not triggering properly here
2803s [Music]
2810s oh
2811s it's the last time I did this I was able
2813s to read that but uh you know what we're
2815s gonna just pretend like there's not a
2817s bug in the world because this is
2819s absolutely bug-free the perfect game
2826s clearly not hitting it hard enough I'll
2827s go back and just Full Speed Ahead I
2829s should probably do the trick
2831s Adam can't read he's a prime ballista
2832s that's true
2834s that's true
2837s I Wonder has something to do with the
2839s fact that the game thinks I'm trying to
2840s do a quest
2843s maybe I found a new bug
2845s or this could just be a development
2847s build bug
2848s here scratches all right
2851s let's see if this triggers
2854s if this will let me do the race
2856s then something's weird but if it doesn't
2859s I think that there's a bug associated
2861s with being in a conversation okay all
2862s right well maybe maybe not okay
2865s all right well we're doing the Race
2870s this is fine
2874s also these streams are pre-recorded that
2876s way there's no errors made during the
2878s course of these streams
2887s actually I like this race it's kind of a
2889s fun one
2890s just I can't go very fast yet I just
2893s don't have the energies
2896s or the skills goodness gravy some some
2898s player skills out there guys are nutso
2902s and I love it I love every second of it
2906s foreign
2908s [Music]
2912s I'll take that first try and a tier two
2914s Vanguard
2917s we're gonna try we're gonna try reading
2919s this one more time
2921s wait there's loot how did I miss how did
2923s I miss the loop
2925s let's get the loot first
2926s then we're gonna go try and read
2929s see if my Collegiate education will
2931s actually be put to good use
2938s I'll just scoop this up through the
2940s walls that's fine excellent
2944s yeah do what you got to do right
2951s all our questions were predicted by chat
2953s GDP that's right I'm actually a robot
2955s um I don't know how to explain that it's
2958s going to be awkward uh helping my wife
2960s understand that but still like it's you
2963s know it's day and age man it's probably
2964s what all automated
2968s crazy
2970s I wonder if I can get like a weird angle
2972s on this to read
2975s no you're still not gonna let me
2976s interact at all none nada okay all right
2979s game that's fine
2982s that's fine
2984s this is fine
2988s what was the this was an energy no
2990s that's that's the read okay that's
2992s well you know we did talk about this
2994s earlier about how like you can ping
2996s things to come back to and just in case
2998s that decides to like vanish from us and
3000s be like haha you can't remember where
3002s that's at I'm gonna do this
3004s I want to add that little blip there
3007s now you can add these blips uh by using
3010s numpad or not the the side the side
3014s keyboard thing you know with the little
3016s the little keyboard what's that called I
3018s forget what it's
3019s the non-power okay thank you
3022s um whenever you push the plus button I
3024s believe it's the plus button uh it drops
3025s that I rebound mine
3028s but uh yeah
3030s it's a numpad minus
3034s oh you but also anytime you uh use that
3037s even on the map like if you're looking
3039s around you can have up to three at any
3041s location I think I even did I drop one
3044s at one of these previous locations I
3045s felt like I did
3047s even maybe as an example oh maybe I also
3049s removed it but
3050s um now when we fly around you can
3052s actually see it on the map when you zoom
3055s in but also there's like a little dot
3056s right there you see that a little Dot
3058s and you can store up to three so it's
3060s like cataloged on this now
3062s saying hey you marched something perhaps
3065s you want to go back there and check it
3066s out at a later time or after you've like
3069s accomplished some goal so it's a it's a
3072s little quality of life feature that we
3073s added in part because of you guys so
3076s good suggestion y'all
3080s weren't happy with it
3090s oh I see spoot and I uh engaged with the
3093s reputation system discussion saying
3095s there's too few factions to justify a
3097s proper reputation system and I am
3100s inclined to agree
3102s I am inclined to agree
3109s I will also uh
3111s not say anything else on the matter
3114s in case Michael's watching
3123s you know it's kind of funny because at
3125s one point during development and uh just
3127s Clarity I'm what I'm about to tell you
3128s is a faux pas that I made a
3131s misunderstanding that I had
3134s whenever we were
3136s in the ideation phase of everspace two
3138s at one point I kind of thought
3141s the way that the gameplay experience was
3143s going to be is that like you had these
3145s different regions that had faction
3147s ownership of them and that faction
3149s ownership could change based on certain
3151s events happening in the game world or
3153s what you were doing and then you'd have
3155s like bases you destroy and capture for
3157s other factions and all of like this
3159s crazy fun stuff and I thought man that's
3161s that reminds me of like uh it actually
3163s reminded me of of Grand Theft Auto
3165s uh which one was that three
3169s where you have like the gang territories
3171s and stuff
3171s and I thought oh that could be a really
3173s neat system and then I like went off on
3174s these like little escapades with the
3176s team you're like oh yeah this is what we
3177s should totally do uh because I didn't
3179s realize that that wasn't what we were
3181s doing at all it wasn't in the vision it
3183s was it was way too complicated for what
3186s we were trying to accomplish and I
3187s imagine that you guys could pick up on
3189s that with how I described how we had to
3191s dump the reputation system and go for
3192s the renowned system
3194s uh but yeah at one point hey we found
3197s atheum crystal that's what we need
3200s that was my understanding and I was
3201s making all these weird suggestions to go
3203s that direction that were totally not
3205s applicable to the direction we were
3206s supposed to be taking the game
3210s we
3212s fun stuff
3215s it would be really cool though but you
3217s know it would be sincerely it would
3220s actually become a completely different
3221s game at that point like wildly different
3227s like even as if even if that was like a
3229s DLC that's probably a massive
3232s you'd have to like completely redesign
3234s yeah that's that'd be nuts
3238s that's not gonna happen either like just
3240s in case anybody's thinking that like I'm
3243s being a sneaky tease no no it's that's
3245s just not a thing that's going to happen
3260s excellent miss good good let's try that
3263s again
3269s oh you you got hit okay
3273s a little more tedious than it probably
3275s should have been
3283s fun fact did you know that EMP disables
3286s mines
3290s if you didn't now you do you can
3293s actually come in in a pinch
3296s help out in a pinch
3314s trying to remember how to solve this I
3315s know there's like some pieces nearby I'm
3318s just gonna keep blowing stuff up
3319s collecting some scrap metal and plasma
3322s almost always get those two resources
3325s exclusively from destructibles so if
3328s you're lacking plasma or scrap for
3331s especially the creation of
3333s certain components or consumables
3337s that's how you get them
3339s also buying from base two but I like
3342s this
3345s feel like
3346s there was like an added
3350s you have to explore something nearby to
3352s get the the things
3360s for still haven't got enough
3364s how many do we have wow we need like a
3366s hundred more okay all right okay
3371s wowzers that's a bit more than I thought
3381s yeah I'm bite flux you're you're nailing
3384s it actually with your your points um but
3386s there's only I'm just gonna read this
3387s aloud
3388s a fight flux on uh twitch says yeah
3391s there's only one version of the story
3392s the game lets you play so having
3394s reputations would be difficult since
3395s altering faction relationships with
3396s yourself and among each other could
3398s change the story progression uh yes
3400s absolutely uh that is definitely a
3403s factor
3404s um it's not the factor there were there
3406s there were a couple of the factors but
3407s it was one of many ramifications for
3411s going that route which would just over
3413s complicate what we were trying to do
3414s with every space to experience and why
3417s we didn't
3419s and not to mention just the sheer amount
3421s of time that volume of content that it
3425s would require
3427s excessive amounts of work
3439s let's get this does breast out of the
3441s way
3443s thank you
3444s careful those are explosive
3446s there's one bulletproof container
3451s and we will follow the trail of debris
3454s well we should have followed I should
3455s have indicated all this debris right
3457s here in the mines being an indicator of
3460s where this is hiding
3462s but I digress we didn't kind of follow
3463s this Trail
3465s from over here that's how we got there
3477s pretty sure the other power cores at the
3479s other site
3481s we'll find it we'll get there
3497s all right
3509s okay debris
3512s you're hinting like something's over
3514s here now
3519s foreign
3523s [Music]
3538s power core containers delightful
3545s thermal gun might not be a bad choice
3547s right now honestly
3551s our high speed sometimes it's better to
3554s just fly and shoot as opposed to focus
3557s down and shoot
3561s think on that one
3567s okay
3570s ah let's see
3574s we're gonna go ahead and dismantle that
3577s for the time
3580s another recharge booster how do you
3582s compare
3585s parents out of precision I think I'll
3586s actually take that
3589s I think I'll take that let's get rid of
3591s the autocannon
3593s and we'll take that cool I missed that
3596s other notification did we get 100
3598s completion or did we just complete the
3600s location challenge
3601s I missed it if only I had the companion
3604s that would tell me otherwise
3606s I'm pretty sure I got it but
3608s now you've got that next Mainframe
3610s component would you be able to just talk
3612s through what Mainframe components are
3615s and how you utilize them Etc
3617s absolutely
3618s so we do get that
3621s get that slot for us too
3622s Mainframe expansion comes over here
3624s we've got all these upgrades it's like
3626s oh I want more Firepower right wrong I
3629s actually have to have here let me reduce
3630s this one by one we'll reduce this one by
3632s one now we have four
3635s when we add here this is the one two
3637s three the third slot it's going to take
3639s three of them to add that one power each
3642s one of these slots costs one cost two
3645s cost three costs four cost five each one
3647s of these slots adds a five percent
3649s attribute increase to that respective
3652s attribute
3654s and right now I really want more
3656s Firepower I'd like to have a little bit
3658s more expertise too but uh it's it's fine
3660s so we'll go like this
3662s and this is okay
3664s what do we get on the data tab what do
3666s we
3667s oh yeah we need to take that back to
3669s Prescott
3670s hello
3673s sorry Prescott
3675s I forgot about you how dare I
3678s 100 I saw it thanks to the man offline
3680s one
3688s I see a comment says back on the block
3690s list no no no no no no no no
3693s we don't ignore
3698s well
3700s most of the time we don't ignore we just
3703s also make sure that we're responding to
3705s like
3706s valid questions and having conversation
3708s and appropriate topics and stuff you
3710s guys are free to like get somewhat you
3713s know
3714s off topic and stuff in the chats of
3716s course I mean it's an online chat uh if
3719s it gets too much obviously we'll shake
3720s our finger at you and maybe even show
3722s you the door hopefully it doesn't get
3723s that far
3724s but uh yeah let's you know that's a
3727s process it's process
3732s yes I can yeah we have cool parcel
3736s delivered
3741s 2000 XP and credits all right
3744s that was nice
3747s that was nice
3749s all right let's go ahead and start oh we
3751s can't sell here we need to go sell
3753s somewhere else so
3756s there's your parcel
3757s then I'm gonna go to a shop
3759s [Music]
3761s maybe not Cato let's go to
3763s [Music]
3765s let's go to GMB office
3767s peruse some jobs
3772s I'm gonna start poking about maybe in
3775s the main mission chain maybe maybe
3782s 22 Flawless wow
3786s it's expensive
3789s that's a little it's a little pricey
3792s a little pricey how many more do we need
3794s for this 16
3799s I mean to start having energy orbs drop
3801s I think it's totally worth it honestly
3803s so uh let's go ahead and buy 16 of these
3807s chonkers clunk wow
3810s doing their 5K though
3813s all right
3815s but yeah let's go ahead and invest
3819s get some energy orb drops energy orbs
3822s can be rather delightful when it comes
3824s to uh maintaining and keeping your
3828s charge throughout the game
3830s as I'm leveling it up the benefits
3832s continue every time these drop they give
3834s you like a little bit of a weapon and a
3837s uh inner in a engine boost
3839s uh just gives you a little bit more
3841s energy back and as you can see as listed
3844s here every time you're upgrading them
3845s those benefits just keep going Crystal
3848s dyed hang on a second can we craft
3850s Crystal diet
3852s [Music]
3854s oh yeah oh yeah we could just make we
3856s could just make one more we're using
3857s ethium Crystal which we need for the
3859s other book but that's fine let's just
3860s let's go let's just yeah
3866s now they're also going to heal some
3868s Shield energy oh sweet destroying
3870s destroying can also drop look at uh
3874s we're just going we'll get the bigger
3876s energy orbs the unique ones the purple
3878s ones
3879s that just give up oh gosh look at this
3881s look at this we are cruising and now
3884s we're blocked heat detector and Culver
3885s Crystal
3887s all right
3888s that's fine I think heat detectors
3890s require cool for Crystal if I'm not
3892s mistaken
3893s uh
3895s oh no they don't they require
3897s Flawless atheium excellent good good
3899s wonderful
3902s all right well let's sell some stuff get
3903s some of our credits back at least
3905s [Music]
3908s I'm finding a lot of things that don't
3909s have a lot of value over here in Union
3914s sell that for creds
3917s [Music]
3927s [Music]
3929s all right
3939s it's not a better modifier I'd be
3941s contemplating that more but because it
3942s sucks I'm just getting rid of it
3946s um
3946s [Music]
3950s I don't think so
3952s I don't think so I think I need the
3953s focused power of a auto Cannon plus it's
3956s got the powerful modifier on it and
3958s that's just that's real good that's real
3960s good
3961s so all right
3964s that's a little upgrade
3971s I slept on the energy orbs too long yeah
3974s pandini yeah no I totally I totally hear
3976s you there
3977s they are seriously good
3980s energy cores are are very valuable in
3983s fact I'm going to change this over to uh
3986s energy leak to have my opponents drop
3988s energy orbs the idea with this ship
3990s believe it or not is to get in close
3993s generally behind your foe actually
3997s there's no foes
3999s getting close behind your foes to
4002s maximize damage so it's kind of like a
4004s close combat fighter but not a like a
4007s front fight like you have to think of it
4009s like an actual Rogue class from a
4011s fantasy game
4013s um like that's how it's more defined in
4016s its play style and so you're supposed to
4018s be up close in combat with this ship
4020s um with how fast it is you can usually
4022s run circles around your opponent maybe I
4025s can give an example of that here with a
4027s faux or two that's out in the blue
4034s saw shots being fired but no I'm not
4038s okay
4048s nope nope nope nope
4052s a few too many for my tastes oh my gosh
4063s that's not too this isn't too bad we
4065s could do something like that here let's
4067s they're drones uh they're all drones
4070s which is not going to be effective use
4072s against but hey they're isolated also
4075s it's starting to hear a ping
4077s I mean something Secrets nearby
4083s now you're in range okay
4088s now actually this uh
4091s this isn't a good example either because
4093s these vipers also are up close and
4095s personal
4097s can usually be a little problematic
4101s that's fine
4104s where was that pinging coming from down
4107s here yes
4110s into the cotton candy we go
4119s so in a case like an area of this nature
4122s sometimes it's not just a matter of
4125s keeping your eyes peeled
4127s but it's keeping your ears open
4128s [Music]
4131s for all those 100 completionists out
4133s there
4134s completioners out there
4144s there are other areas and we've been to
4146s one before in a previous stream where
4147s you actually you can see a debris field
4149s that go right over there right over
4150s there you see the debris field that's
4152s going down you follow that trail there's
4153s a secret down there as well
4155s a lot of the secrets we hide in the game
4157s they're not just randomly plugged in to
4159s make your life miserable and you have to
4160s like scrub every square inch
4164s a lot of times we are making intentional
4167s level design choices for those
4172s I think maybe we do have like one cheeky
4175s secret that's like
4176s you have to just randomly come across it
4178s just because
4180s but I don't I honestly don't think it's
4182s even that hard to find it's one in cedo
4185s what I'm thinking about
4189s it's the dispenser that's the socket
4192s cool look at this
4194s this game basically plays itself am I
4197s right
4202s uh oh
4210s I'm not really sure how that works but
4212s okay
4213s I think I was supposed to put it in a
4215s tube
4219s but I'm not going to complain
4223s think the idea
4225s no maybe not no maybe this isn't one
4228s that I thought it was supposed to be
4230s [Music]
4231s oh no this is this is totally the design
4234s that it was supposed to be yeah so um
4236s so let's try to do this the way that
4238s it's
4239s meant to go
4240s so whenever you shoot this
4242s it opens up this chamber man I just
4245s totally found an exploit excellent
4247s you're supposed to open up this chamber
4251s I'm going to align this a bit better by
4253s going like this so you want to shoot
4255s that and then you want to shoot that
4257s through and you want to open this too so
4260s that it keeps going down the tube you
4262s want to open this it keeps going down
4264s the tube and then it goes into the
4266s socket like that instead of just flying
4268s up to it and uh
4272s going going through the wall
4276s I'm gonna Mark that down as a bug uh but
4279s you know
4280s if you haven't completed that challenge
4281s yet go ahead and uh you know exploit the
4283s heck out of it that's hilarious
4285s there you know walls are a tricky
4288s business can we all agree that hitboxes
4290s are just
4292s I feel like hitbox is like one of the
4294s things that just drive a developer mad
4301s we accomplished it the way that it was
4303s supposed to but we also cheesed it so
4305s we're gonna we're gonna call that as a
4306s win
4308s you just uh make sure I got the naming
4310s convention right here oh my gosh
4327s oh
4329s back to the game we go
4332s that was actually that had a pretty good
4334s drop too it was a nice one
4341s level tens let's go fight him why not do
4344s we have more questions that have built
4345s up
4346s uh we've got a couple lined up sweet
4350s uh YouTube uh use a nilo Nova uh I just
4354s wanted to ask uh are we going to see any
4355s improvements to crafting uh currently
4358s past a certain point in the game there's
4359s no reason to craft superiors after you
4362s get into the star Forge stuff okay yeah
4365s so um we never want to the crafting
4367s system to be the be-all end-all of the
4370s game and we've mentioned that a couple
4372s of times it's meant to complement the
4374s player as they're progressing through
4375s much actually like you saw me when I
4377s started the stream I had all level tens
4379s I upgraded it I upgraded all my stuff
4382s because I wanted to have uh the best
4384s chances and since I've been investing
4386s into the crafting system it's going to
4387s hook me up on our progress through the
4390s game
4391s in the in-game state we did not want
4393s there to be importance or imperative
4395s crafting systems that replace looting
4399s looting is King in our game you need to
4402s go find stuff found stuff should always
4405s be better than stuff that you craft
4410s of course the modifying system can make
4413s something you find even better and on
4415s the front of modifying we may or may not
4418s be revisiting certain aspects or adding
4421s certain aspects to how that comes
4423s together I cannot confirm we are going
4426s to but we have had a number of
4428s discussions pertaining to how those
4430s elements are coming together and how
4432s they're not coming together
4434s and some degree or capacity in some
4436s cases
4437s um and yeah might be something that we
4440s look into can't do any sort of
4442s guarantees on that front either
4445s short answer is crafting is we're fairly
4448s happy with where it's at
4450s um modifying in a late game state to
4453s make the crafting system more meaningful
4456s could see changes Maybe
4459s not definitive
4461s next question please
4463s uh right Flory wants to know over on
4466s Twitch uh this place is Aries in Union
4469s that are protected by the Orca or in the
4472s Drake system uh places uh looked after
4475s by the Coalition but they're not
4477s protected by the Orca in terms of The
4479s Wanted system is there a specific reason
4481s for that yeah so basically the ocar
4483s aren't uh really even in the Drake
4485s system the Drake system is a bit closer
4488s to the Colonial line
4490s and the Drake system was more uh it was
4492s like a hot resource area at the start of
4496s the war but over the course of the years
4499s of the war going on the resources were
4501s heavily depleted
4503s um and there was a faction that was two
4506s factions that were created from it
4508s actually
4509s one that wanted to continue serving the
4511s Colonials and give them everything they
4513s possibly could
4514s um and then the other faction that was
4515s like wow the Colonials have completely
4517s drained us we're going to go do our own
4519s thing
4520s um which are those earlier and the
4522s retaliators
4524s um and having whatever resources are
4528s left within Drake like Drake's been
4529s mostly procured from its resources
4533s um and so it wasn't really a target for
4535s the ocar to assail the Colonials there
4538s just wasn't a military force there it
4540s was just an empty system to them right
4542s it was just filled with gang wars at
4544s that point so even after the war is
4548s concluded
4549s um whatever the Colonials were
4551s rebuilding the DMZ and figuring out
4553s where the hot places of Transport were
4556s in in Commerce and everything else the
4559s Drake system still wasn't really
4561s Revisited because there just wasn't a
4562s lot being offered there especially in
4565s the case of a lot of violence of these
4567s gang wars that continue to transpire
4570s the Coalition also uh was uh formatted
4574s through some of those events as well but
4576s the the short of it is that
4579s um there was no reason for the Colonials
4581s to go in and say oh hey we want to
4582s protect this territory that's overrun by
4584s effectively criminals uh so that
4586s agreement was never made so the okar do
4589s not protect the Drake system
4590s [Music]
4592s do not protect it
4596s I was a big explanation for a very
4597s simple question but that's sincerely why
4600s okay yeah flory's just kind of uh put it
4605s in a different term he's just wondering
4606s why the uh where's The Wanted system
4609s only used by the Orca and not other
4611s factions oh yeah well that also kind of
4613s goes into what a reputation system idea
4616s we had before looked like
4618s um
4619s so
4621s yeah the ocar reputation System stuck
4624s around
4625s um in the sense of The Wanted system
4628s but other factions we kind of separated
4631s them out saying you know they're more
4633s neutral parties in all of this whereas
4635s the okar are like they are okar there's
4638s a very intentional reason why the okar
4641s are marked differently than just GMB
4643s which are Colonial right intentional
4647s reasons for that
4651s so yeah that's that's really the short
4653s of it it stuck around the other ones
4655s didn't
4665s uh next question if there is one yeah
4667s right you've got one sorry yo just
4669s finding one of those pesky scammers on
4671s our Discord um
4673s how dare they indeed get out uh all
4677s right slowly tetson over on YouTube
4680s um will we eventually be seeing jobs in
4682s places like zarkov and maybe kite uh
4685s possibly even keoni down down the line
4688s it seems there could be jobs sectioned
4690s at the vezna colony perhaps there's
4692s possibilities for that like in adding
4694s more stations and more places to like
4697s say I don't know uh
4699s get a new ship from uh but it's
4703s something of a uh something of a
4707s discussion point right now I say that
4709s not as a job to any of my co-workers by
4710s the way uh it's but yeah I mean it's
4713s it's certainly
4714s um
4715s that's certainly something that we think
4718s certain locations could use a little bit
4721s more but we also don't want to go too
4723s crazy on that front we don't think that
4725s every single system needs to have one of
4728s everything right some systems need to be
4730s more for uh resource collection instead
4733s of you know station trading you know so
4736s there's
4737s there's a lot of factors that come into
4738s that it's possible we could revisit an
4741s ad but
4742s um yeah I think it's more likely
4747s it's more likely that we will add new
4749s locations altogether
4752s that could offer some of those
4755s desired services
4758s I'm pretty sure I haven't 100 of this
4761s location yet there's a there's a number
4762s of little secrets here and there we
4764s might just have to revisit this whenever
4765s we have more information
4767s oh
4770s a lead wait didn't we get this one
4772s though hang on a second
4775s are you teasing me game did I actually
4778s not collect something down here
4783s I I didn't get this
4786s I could have sworn I made that a talking
4788s point but yeah we follow the debris into
4790s the cloud
4791s get the valuable shipwreck excellent
4794s wow and then you can also see that light
4796s over there so you have some semblance of
4797s where things are at that way you can get
4799s out
4800s that's not always the case but we tried
4802s to make
4803s visual cues so that you're not 100 lost
4805s in the clouds because that's not fun
4808s we adjusted them
4810s another Friday and another amazing
4811s Rockford stream welcome well
4814s welcome to everybody who's swinging in
4816s right now you guys really make my day
4818s and I appreciate you so much
4820s it is good stuff
4822s did we have another question Gary or
4825s um we've got a suggestion from frog and
4827s I don't know if we be something that
4829s would look to implement potentially
4830s further down the line about with
4832s different unknown signal type where you
4834s get 20 plus G and B Freighters jumping
4837s in uh and it's kind of a challenge mode
4839s to see how many you can take down before
4841s they jump away so
4843s love that
4844s um and
4850s we added in more job or not job types
4852s actually there were a couple job types
4853s but a couple new unknown signals that
4856s were not actually playing like we were
4857s just they just organically sort of
4859s evolved into the game we're like it
4861s would be nice to add these sort of
4862s things in one of those things
4865s and maybe shame on us I'm not sure one
4867s of these things is the equivalent of a
4868s beanbag
4869s right it's that you go to a site and
4871s it's a trap right and we wanted to have
4873s like the sort of wave battle thing and
4875s we were like looking at each other going
4877s why haven't we done like these wave
4878s battle things and like hardly any other
4880s part
4882s uh Grand and you know we also introduced
4884s the the battle uh you know system as
4886s well and and stuff like that uh but we
4889s want to yeah it's possible we could do a
4891s little bit more of that there's certain
4893s things that we would like more of and I
4895s think that that particular description
4897s of what you're talking about probably
4899s one of them I've been kind of veering
4901s away from yawan orbit but you know what
4903s we're getting into the the last 45
4905s minutes of the stream here I want to
4907s dive in let's see let's see what we can
4909s do
4910s we got our time extender at the ready
4913s we have a pretty decent Loadout it's
4915s nothing to write homebound
4917s it's a decent Loadout we got some
4919s teleportation to get out of Dodge like
4921s we did earlier in the Stream and didn't
4923s cost us a life
4925s um we've got pretty nice EMP
4928s pretty nice
4929s um uh the magnetic Repulsor
4943s in fact this side mission is also one of
4945s those hold your ground
4947s missions I think it's so appropriate
4949s um that I'm flying over here right now
4952s but yeah these waves can be
4955s these waves are a little bit brutal like
4957s you ask anybody who who did this like
4959s even at the level that you're supposed
4961s to be it's a level 12 mission
4964s um we're a level 11 right now it might
4967s sting a little bit
4969s oh hold this Mission but it's it is a
4971s challenge yeah
4975s so we're gonna clear out some of the
4977s turrets
4978s um
4982s select some explodey bits too maybe yeah
4985s oh yeah
4989s oh copper went into the Rock how dare it
4993s hello there this is a live stream we're
4996s supposed to look the best
4997s making us look bad
5000s unfortunate all right so we're gonna
5002s grab this power core fly on down here
5005s plug it in plug it in
5010s that is a commercial reference jingle
5017s props to those who recognize it
5023s yes it was oh my gosh I love it
5026s you guys are smart thank you thank you
5029s for your smartness
5034s now I'm also going to wipe out this base
5035s first before we start because I
5037s sometimes can float around when I'm
5039s defending and I don't want to get
5040s joinked by a turret or a missile defense
5043s platform
5045s of which as you can see there are many
5048s ouch pain
5051s okay we're just gonna
5053s I'm just gonna wait here for some of
5056s those
5057s punks to come around and greet us there
5059s you are there you are yeah
5063s there's there's more than I would like
5066s this one like one or two and there's
5068s like four
5074s all right all right okay oh maybe
5076s there's just there was just three the
5079s math has never been my storm
5082s nice strong suit
5086s all right
5089s a little bit more just taking time
5093s no rush
5096s you you punk over here
5103s like I feel the urge like how many of
5106s you guys like whenever you're doing like
5107s the circle straight or you just like
5109s wanna
5111s in your seat you're just
5115s I just have like this uncontrollable
5117s urge
5119s I mean I say that and I can't control it
5120s but still
5124s speaks
5128s oh my gosh
5132s yeah
5134s see me play a platforming game
5142s and scrape up some more destructibles
5144s here
5146s that that is a tower excellent
5149s [Music]
5163s oh come on
5165s thankfully these things are do not take
5167s very long
5169s oh my gosh
5172s you can't just fly in and do that when
5174s everything's gunning you down you have
5176s to clear out the territory first which
5178s is actually why some of those are
5179s designed like that
5181s I promise it's not to annoy you it's so
5183s that it takes time
5186s to clear out the area first
5188s is intentionally designed like that
5191s albeit slightly annoying
5197s oh
5198s we're not growing too much hang on a
5200s second
5204s All Things Considered it's looking like
5205s this territory isn't given us as many
5207s problems as I thought it was going to so
5210s I'll take that
5217s those are turrets okay
5221s those are mines that's a missile I do
5223s not want to collide with
5240s Ramen
5244s okay let's uh
5246s let's take out this basement I think we
5248s can at least start the first one
5251s the first one he said yep yep the first
5253s one
5261s [Music]
5263s I don't like that noise
5266s it's not a happy noise
5276s neat
5281s we'll get this container flip around
5282s gotta there's some more loot can you see
5284s them Crystal we need so much more atheum
5287s Crystal
5298s thank you
5307s sweet that's a lot of credits that makes
5310s me happy
5312s did you just try shooting a bulletproof
5313s container you stop it
5318s I was hoping nobody would notice but
5323s I was just it was a demonstration to
5325s show how it's not effective yeah totally
5327s do
5328s percent
5332s guys don't do that it's dumb
5337s there we go
5339s more destructive balls
5343s yay I think that's about it over here
5347s okay let's go ahead and uh
5349s we'll go ahead and start this data
5352s fishing
5355s Hold the Line
5358s right before let's just make sure
5362s um
5363s that's unfortunate
5370s that's a that's a good weapon fat
5373s consumption sucks
5377s [Music]
5381s tempting that is really tempting
5387s foreign
5392s all right I think we're gonna We're not
5394s gonna do it right now uh we need the
5396s Precision
5397s because missing calibrated Prime zapper
5400s shots is just it's your energy you have
5402s no energy left and then you just die
5405s um
5407s I do like the plus 11 speed we're gonna
5409s swap that out I know we're getting
5411s Precision instead of Firepower but I'll
5412s accept
5413s I'll accept that for now
5415s all right
5417s and just because let's just give
5420s ourselves a little save you save
5424s if we're gonna add to the death count
5427s this stream Now's the Time
5430s so we have to stay in a fairly decent
5433s area
5435s to this in order for it to charge
5442s we might be okay just because of the
5443s speed of this particular ship like we're
5445s fairly invasive
5447s so long as I don't do anything super
5449s gone
5454s [Music]
5457s all right
5458s foreign
5465s palpitation I feel like I need to go see
5468s a doctor
5469s that was ridiculous oh my gosh
5473s all right well you know we're just gonna
5476s we're gonna play things slow literally
5484s we're just gonna
5489s absolutely Wild
5492s for a brief second I thought that was
5494s another Detonator drone it's like are
5495s you stupid
5497s no it was not
5500s geez
5510s an elite oh no ah no all right we're
5513s gonna save the very little time extender
5515s there that we have
5517s um
5524s where are they coming from
5528s okay where'd that Elite go
5532s did you did
5538s [Music]
5541s okay this is fine secondary weapons
5545s damaged
5549s all right
5554s next one I'm sure it'll be totally great
5559s jeez
5565s smart man would go to a station to
5567s repair
5568s but I am not a smart man
5571s let's keep going
5575s what could possibly go wrong you might
5577s ask
5580s absolutely nothing
5584s the sheer level of skill and ability
5586s that I possess
5588s unprecedented
5597s not close enough hang on a second
5601s I need to get this guy actually oh man
5602s that was cool I sent him into the uh
5607s into the uh the fuel canisters
5612s he went a little further than I wanted
5614s him to go
5616s come over here
5617s we're gonna wait to use our other
5619s devices reap really there we go
5623s [Music]
5626s that was nice we we could use a little
5628s bit of a stop boost there
5631s we've been putting in the work after all
5639s there's turret on the side
5641s and just it's the gun oh no
5646s did you see the line I saw the there you
5648s are you punk oh get out of here no one
5651s invited you
5656s no
5660s no
5666s I don't think that would have ended our
5667s life we actually need a supercharger
5668s Shield that's a power that our uh our
5672s beautiful little ship here has that no
5674s other ship possesses we can super power
5676s our ship
5679s that's too many sounds nope please
5686s hang on let me transfer your call uh
5690s all right
5695s here we go
5699s actually that's beautiful we want to be
5700s behind them
5704s I don't like the numbers of missiles I'm
5706s hearing though
5723s we were playing with fire and it's kind
5725s of fun
5732s where are all these missiles coming oh
5734s there's another bomber
5736s all right
5742s come on come on come on come on come on
5745s yes
5746s yes
5748s you can leave that's fine
5752s okay
5760s take a little breather
5762s we can loot yay yay loot
5766s looting is fun
5782s probably gonna have to scrap some stuff
5784s that's okay let's go ahead and scrap
5787s the Lesser value items
5799s we'll be fine for now what do you got in
5801s here okay I like how I don't have to
5803s make room
5804s oh
5809s that's delicious I will take that
5813s thank you very much
5815s all right round number two let's go
5818s ahead and Save
5821s whoo
5824s hack terminal
5829s that's right accessing
5831s it look is a complicated process yes it
5834s is
5857s using cover what Advanced AI going on
5860s what in the world
5863s surprised we didn't get too far away
5864s from that so
5866s I'm glad we didn't
5868s whoopsies
5880s thank you
5883s I gotta take this guy out first though
5884s he's weak
5885s I have to
5887s I I really didn't have to
5891s ah he's too far
5898s thank goodness they don't have railguns
5901s or uh what's it called
5904s railguns
5910s hang on I'm I'm trying to think and uh
5914s do combat that's not a good combination
5923s phase two complete
5925s all right
5927s I'm a little impressed with myself a
5929s little a little impressed myself that I
5931s didn't actually just go up in Flames
5933s there I'll take that
5934s this is going to be the true Testament
5936s this is phase three
5948s oh
5949s [Music]
5953s there it is
5959s oops
5961s I honestly I wonder
5964s I wonder
5966s um I felt like I pushed the uh teleport
5969s button I don't know if I heard it or not
5971s but I wonder if that was clipped and
5973s like you watched in slow motion if you
5975s could see me use the teleport and I just
5976s teleported directly to the missile
5979s because you can't teleport through
5980s things
5981s I wonder if that happened
5985s I'm very curious
5990s but okay all right
5992s now this should be this should be after
5995s the second one was done
5997s right do we save did we
6000s shoot did we save oh no
6002s do we have to do the second one again
6003s yeah I think you only said before the
6006s second one okay no we got we got we got
6008s the second one it did auto save cool
6011s so depth counter's at 12. yep all right
6016s well that's fair I'm playing with fire
6018s it was about time I got burned
6021s and we're gonna do it again
6029s no you it's right there
6032s oh
6034s dummy me all right
6036s now the big bady's gone
6039s not that all of them are
6047s just doing a little bit of
6047s loop-de-looping
6049s it's like tons of shoes
6061s foreign
6068s there's not a dock here I thought there
6070s was a uh a docking port here so enemies
6072s would all fly out and be crazy but maybe
6074s there's not
6076s maybe I'm thinking of another one
6078s man honestly we we should we should
6081s really go back to a storefront okay I
6082s can't even hold all the stuff that I'm
6084s getting
6085s I mean I guess I'm getting resources
6088s I like how I just hit a random trigger
6093s look we got it we got it from that shot
6097s nailed it first time
6103s here we go
6105s jeez
6108s do we have more questions that have
6109s built up by the way
6113s lined up I know you've been
6114s concentrating yeah I appreciate that
6117s so uh one question for nilo Nova over on
6120s YouTube uh we're gonna see any larger
6123s ship spawns like in Everest one where
6126s the Orca forgets could be found in
6128s random systems and destroyed that we're
6130s going to see those I think it's kind of
6131s a follow-up from
6132s uh beaded frogs uh suggestion
6136s sure I mean yeah I mean we would love to
6138s add bigger better ships right we would
6141s love to do that so we'll see if we can
6143s or not
6150s um
6151s yeah I mean it's it's like I I don't
6154s know because there are a lot of
6157s technical elements that would come with
6159s that I mean what I will say let's let's
6161s add one more layer onto the answer here
6163s because I think it's relevant
6165s um you know we did show the concept art
6167s for the outlaw Dreadnought quite some
6170s time back in development right the
6171s Dreadnought is a massive ship that you
6173s would be able to fly into that's not off
6176s the table
6181s cool let's keep going
6186s uh
6188s Tiki one from slow Arena on YouTube what
6190s does Eric love more minds or detonated
6193s runs
6195s um
6198s that is so mean
6201s I mean look when I'm I'm a I'm a I like
6205s the lightweight chips right so both of
6208s those can prove to be a challenge if
6210s you're not being careful right if you're
6212s not uh aware of what's going on around
6215s you
6216s um and you miss one little thing it can
6218s be the end of your run right
6222s there's something about that that I love
6224s about the light Fighters
6226s I love the maneuverability there it's
6229s in a way for me
6231s it is a skill check ship
6234s the light ships rely on your ability as
6238s a pilot
6239s to overcome your adversaries whereas the
6243s medium weights and the heavyweights
6245s they're more on other aspects of skill
6248s but instead of it piloting skill it's
6250s more of like
6251s um
6253s itemization skill like what are your
6255s combinations that you're exploiting over
6257s your enemies and same thing with the
6259s Heavies right like you have a bit more
6262s weight
6263s in regards to your back end values as
6268s opposed to your front end when you look
6270s at a heavyweight ship handling is like
6273s something like a hundred
6275s a hundred
6277s okay
6279s absurd difference here but also for a
6282s heavyweight they actually have values
6284s here
6287s right so it's a trade-off and I'm not
6289s even saying like one ship is better than
6291s the other like these are the qualities
6292s that they have about them when you're
6294s playing a light ship it's going to come
6296s down more to your specific skill as a
6298s player to navigate maneuver the game
6301s Space whereas if you're in a heavy it's
6303s going to take your player skill in
6305s regards to your setup your itemization
6307s and your capitalization of that on your
6310s opponents it's a different type of skill
6312s it just looks they're just they're
6313s different that's what I'm trying to say
6315s and for me I love the light weights on
6317s that front the challenge they face are
6320s big damage items like mines Detonator
6324s drones stuff like that
6327s so all right we're going to uh
6330s save first and let's answer one more
6332s question before I start this
6334s right right it was a good question too I
6337s said it was mean that was a good
6338s question it was a good question
6341s uh last one we've got lined up for the
6342s moment from Wizard Jerry uh is uh is
6345s there any particular enemy unit that you
6348s specifically like in terms of its model
6350s or AI design oh yes
6354s yes there's there's several
6357s um I know this is gonna sound probably I
6360s don't know if I don't know if this
6361s sounds basic or not I love our standard
6363s uh Outlaw Scout
6365s I think the standard LL Scout it's like
6368s it has such a memorable
6369s design like you can see it from afar
6372s even without seeing the title of the
6374s ship you know what it is just based off
6376s in the distance I love how it has a
6379s fairly standard dog fighting approach
6381s where you get locked into this
6383s one-on-one combat like even a standard
6385s Outlast I just I really do appreciate
6387s that particular design in and of itself
6390s now going beyond that going into some of
6393s the more uh intricacies of enemy design
6396s I'm a big fan of our Tormentor which is
6399s a ship that operates like a drone that
6402s is a missile boat
6404s I love it I love the way that it
6406s operates so it's not in tandem with a
6408s lot of the way other ships are moving
6409s around the game Space so you have to
6411s think how to engage it separately from
6413s everything else it makes it sometimes a
6417s challenging foe based on what it's
6419s approaching you with
6420s and it also looks really freaking cool
6423s like just two massive missile Chambers
6426s right and like oh gosh it it's really
6430s cool I really like it
6432s I really like the Tormentor torments are
6434s suck why does why because we wanted more
6437s enemy diversity that's why
6439s that's why
6441s um I'm also a big fan of the outlaw
6443s Raider which
6446s um is an evolution of the outlaw
6447s Marauder from everspace one
6450s um I just I like aesthetically it
6452s pleases me
6454s um mechanically
6456s Weber drones are my demise they're also
6459s absolute pain
6461s um but uh yeah so there's a lot of that
6464s there's a lot of that tormentors making
6466s me kill myself with my Flack yeah well I
6468s mean yeah so when you see a Tormentor
6469s and you know that that's gonna happen
6471s stop firing your flag
6474s there are key of moments in the game
6476s that are like if you use this then this
6478s is a result when you start seeing that
6481s stop try something else
6486s hmm
6488s if you're using your Flack for literally
6490s everything I would argue you're doing it
6492s wrong
6494s all right now answering All Those
6496s Questions uh let's go ahead and try this
6498s terminal guys we have about 15 minutes
6499s left I only had like I had a handful of
6502s screenshots um I think what I'm gonna do
6503s is I'm just going to wait for next week
6505s to do that that way we can finish or
6507s hopefully finish this Mission chain
6509s um tidy it up now that we hit Level 12
6511s we might actually start considering
6513s doing the uh primary uh Mission next
6516s time
6518s but uh yeah
6520s so we're just gonna top this off with
6522s some more gameplay we'll still answer
6524s questions of course
6525s oh heck no oh all right
6530s great great care must be had here
6535s also I cannot stand mad caps they're
6537s like one of my least favorite enemies
6540s did I say mad cops I'm at sniper drone
6546s I don't hang up hang on
6550s thank you
6555s mad caps uh I don't like because they
6558s have mines
6559s foreign
6561s [Music]
6565s see look at that we almost just bonked
6566s into their minds right right there like
6569s what in the world how did this guy not
6571s die
6573s is this all mad cop this is just
6574s explodey boys oh boy
6577s whoop
6579s all right game is testing my patience
6583s this is the final gauntlet
6586s get out of here
6591s we have to deal with it I know
6594s Scout okay
6599s hack faster hive
6610s [Music]
6629s [Music]
6635s this is
6649s Josh you go see my therapist after this
6656s we did it boys
6660s we got him
6661s that that was satisfying
6665s that that was truly satisfying I very
6668s much enjoyed that I hope you guys did
6669s too
6670s I hope you guys did too I I that felt
6673s good
6675s that felt really good to accomplish
6677s now let's see if we can find the energy
6679s thingy um in the area to light that
6681s thing up I think it's over here
6684s maybe I can't remember
6687s is there something over here not nothing
6690s I could have
6694s oh wait no is this the
6696s no
6698s my brain is getting fried after all of
6701s that strategy
6707s I haven't been up here yet so maybe it's
6710s up here
6719s random Minds okay
6722s [Music]
6726s I didn't even I didn't even see that
6727s mine what ended up
6733s I mean In fairness from a realistic
6735s standpoint you shouldn't be able to see
6736s mines at all right like that's that's
6738s the point of them is they surprise you
6739s they get you
6740s but obviously there's some gamification
6742s here that was uh that was a little scary
6746s I was scared
6748s all right let's collect some resources
6749s now I feel like we've earned it
6760s oh the hardened ore patch that's right
6764s we gotta power you up uh Power course
6767s there's two nearby I think one's oh it's
6770s right there okay uh there's another one
6772s that's nearby too just have to you know
6774s yeah use your brain
6780s which granted right now it's a little
6782s challenging for me to do that so uh
6785s thankfully they're not too far away
6789s a good good oh we have to blow this up
6797s neat
6800s and take you over here
6807s oh we're blocking traffic hang on
6813s oh okay well hopefully this doesn't blow
6817s us up
6818s this will shield us right
6822s wait that doesn't explode I thought that
6823s exploded
6827s okay
6828s um
6838s we're just gonna keep our distance from
6839s this one
6844s wow
6847s I don't know who I wronged the game's
6851s trying to equalize my league but
6855s all right
6859s we're just gonna collect the rest of the
6861s resources here and we're gonna probably
6863s gonna call it good
6866s not really feeling like tempting any
6868s more fate
6870s that's uh pretty happy with the progress
6872s that has been made
6874s built basically a full level we got a
6876s lot of uh upgrades a little bit of
6879s perfect progression not nearly as much
6880s progression as I would have liked but
6882s those energy core drops uh energy sphere
6885s energy orbs
6887s they're all kind of the same thing but
6889s not really uh yeah those are gonna make
6891s a huge Improvement now
6893s just regaining armor and energy on the
6895s Fly can make a huge difference
6898s as I'm sure a great many of you have
6900s discovered
6903s if you guys do have any sort of last
6904s minute questions now is the time to ask
6913s otherwise I'm gonna keep poking about I
6916s can't
6916s for some reason I can't remember where
6918s the energy
6920s uh dispenser is
6924s sworn it was one of those bases but
6927s maybe I'm
6929s forgetting
6931s the questions ready to fire your way
6934s yeah go for it
6935s hey slowing Texan on YouTube uh there
6938s are GB Elite Mark two ships now will we
6942s see more Mark twos uh in different ship
6945s types and maybe even Mark three ships in
6947s the future
6948s it's possible
6953s I've got to keep things basic there yeah
6955s I mean it's it's possible but uh
6957s can't really say if it's going to happen
6959s or not
6961s we do
6962s um
6963s to kind of just round out that question
6964s though just know that we do have plans
6966s like we want to make more enemies right
6969s different enemy types and I suppose that
6972s can come in the form of variance too
6973s like a Mark III or you know something
6976s like that
6977s but yeah just just know that
6983s back on YouTube uh kind of a random
6986s question but they said uh will we see
6988s the Cyclops or Wing module for the
6991s bomber and obviously some of the Year
6993s Falls are in yeah yes you will have tier
6995s four variants of every single one of the
6998s current wings that are in the game that
7000s is what we want to do and we are
7002s sticking to it
7005s yep next question
7008s a wide line over on Twitch she's just
7012s asked uh could you show your mouse
7013s settings please it looks uh I think
7015s they're a bit curious on how you've got
7016s it set up
7017s uh sure yeah so my mouse settings
7022s um I mean I have my mouse dead zone
7024s maxed out which is that circle thing in
7026s the middle
7026s um I have my auto aiming strength set to
7028s defaults which is 0.5 and my mouse
7030s sensitivity I've turned it down ever so
7032s slightly I do use the software position
7034s and floating and in addition to that I
7037s have I'm blocking this one it's it's
7039s automatic rolling I have off I do not
7041s like to be rolled without my permission
7043s game so I am in charge of the rolling
7046s and the Boost Behavior I I use hold
7049s um in addition to that I also have a
7051s couple elements on my display shown so
7053s the mouse dead zone which I have
7054s increased is displayed so again that's
7057s the that's the blue circle that you see
7060s that blue circle that's the mouse dead
7061s zone so so long as my mouse is in there
7063s you'll see my ship is not moving at all
7065s not moving at all I love being able to
7067s see it I love seeing the center point it
7069s just helps me know where I can like
7070s reset even though you can also just tap
7072s the alt button to reset your position as
7075s well
7076s um but aside from that
7078s um
7079s yeah I'm showing the damage in XP
7081s numbers just more for the sake of
7083s viewership I think I generally turn them
7085s off as well as camera shaking I did turn
7087s it back on again
7088s and I think that's about it
7092s as far as as far as input stuff goes
7095s oh yeah absolutely absolutely Wireline
7098s yeah it's uh it's my pleasure
7101s my leisure for hooking you up with those
7106s details baby frog I would like to know
7109s if we get highest here ships in the
7111s future dlc's uh like a tier four plus
7114s for example sure could you see us
7117s getting an extra device slot or
7119s something like that included
7121s a device slot is a tricky one we are
7126s pleasantly pleased with a four device
7129s slot Max uh for a number of reasons not
7131s only balance wise but also for input
7133s wise
7134s um for being super blunt
7137s um but in addition to that having more
7140s device slots
7141s um I'm gonna go back to the the balance
7143s side of things
7144s having four active devices already is
7147s quite powerful
7149s like the the upgrading your ship tier
7152s just for a device slot in and of itself
7154s don't mind the other stats but like the
7156s extra device slot in and of itself is a
7158s super powerful boom right
7160s so I would be surprised if
7164s that got through my balancing approval
7167s but you know obviously I'm not balancing
7169s the whole game and I'm not deciding
7170s everything uh but I would not personally
7172s want that
7173s so that gives you some sense of
7177s where we're kind of standing
7180s now in regards let's just
7188s oh gosh
7191s how far back I haven't saved in a while
7194s oh gosh I'm gonna have to I I was just
7196s like running around cleaning stuff up
7198s that is
7199s I'm not even I'm not even mad that's uh
7202s that's amazing
7203s but
7205s um oh this is this is fine this isn't
7207s too bad
7209s literally nowhere to go
7211s thanks
7213s um I lost my train of thought with the
7214s question but but something something
7216s reasons uh yeah we we just don't want to
7220s we don't want to do more devices and uh
7223s slots more device slots there could
7225s definitely be more devices
7227s um and we don't want to um
7232s yeah needless complication that would
7234s make a balancing act all the more
7236s ludicrous
7239s we don't want to go too extreme in my
7240s front
7242s I think the other thing that can come
7243s into plays that we want players to think
7245s about what their builds are going to be
7247s not having everything available yeah
7250s yeah sure
7251s we didn't collect all of this stuff yet
7253s so I'm guessing the laser beams not
7255s turned on yet either
7258s I might just do that off stream because
7260s you guys saw it you saw that I did it
7262s before
7264s didn't see a thing didn't say anything
7266s jerk
7267s oh my gosh so we have one more question
7270s to answer before we conclude this uh
7272s nothing completely lined up
7274s oh my gosh
7276s I'll tell you what those mines they come
7278s out of nowhere don't they
7280s geez
7281s shame on me for answering questions
7284s instead of paying attention today
7289s well guys thank you so
7291s used to thank you all for showing up for
7293s the streams you know it's it's always
7294s I'm always having a good time because
7296s you're here you guys are the ones giving
7298s me the energy to do this I'm always
7300s happy to help answer questions
7301s regardless of the size of our audience
7304s it could be
7305s two people that show up me and geek
7308s and that's fine I'm down for that I'm
7311s down the Clown
7313s but the fact that you guys do continue
7314s to show up and be present here and are
7317s out to have a good time and you know ask
7320s meaningful questions too thank you
7323s really does mean a lot it's huge
7326s so we will keep doing these streams on a
7328s once a week basis sometimes it will be
7331s me sometimes it will be Gary
7333s yay and uh that's how it's gonna go
7338s hopefully Gary can be up next so I don't
7340s die in the next stream
7345s I've already finished all night myth no
7347s challenge
7350s ridiculous
7352s I'm just doing this right now to kind of
7354s conclude but uh my goodness yeah we are
7356s we're wrapping things up uh for
7358s everybody who's kind of like watching
7359s redoing this because we died and we
7361s didn't save shame on me to a degree
7365s um but yeah really do appreciate you all
7367s here
7369s try not not blow up the laser that was a
7372s huge explosion
7373s um it's made out of super precious
7375s metals of extremeness durability
7380s 100 percent
7382s are we gonna
7384s oh it broke I wasn't paying attention
7386s look at that reading chat again how dare
7388s I
7390s how dare I
7394s really is my pleasure guys and sincerely
7396s like I really enjoy doing these streams
7399s um and it's it's your guys you you
7401s showing up you're the ones who make it
7404s so so thank you really do appreciate it
7407s what's the composition of that metal uh
7409s something something alien uh unique
7412s mysterious
7415s bro
7417s I don't know fox says it's durabelian
7420s durabellium yes that's yeah precisely
7428s beautiful all right
7430s um I'm not even gonna collect that
7431s because I think that's in a wall We're
7432s Gonna Save
7433s brilliant
7435s brilliant tactic here
7438s uh and guys sincerely you have all just
7440s been absolutely awesome and I have been
7443s absolutely Eric Schroeder your community
7445s Ambassador for everspace 2 your servant
7449s your guide your community Ambassador
7452s well along the side of Gary our
7454s community manager
7456s thanks folks awesome uh don't stop being
7460s awesome and we'll catch you in the next
7462s stream next week same time same sort of
7464s style probably uh just a quick reminder
7467s we are pushing and by we it means like I
7471s and a couple other key members we are
7473s pushing to have more little teasers in
7475s upcoming streams that's going to be
7477s something that's going to come back
7478s we've been in a little bit of a lull
7480s because a lot of stuff we're working on
7481s just simply isn't teasable uh but that
7484s is something that we want to be bringing
7485s to the table here as a form of
7486s entertainment and you know just showing
7488s you that we are in fact still working on
7490s the game there's a lot of progress made
7491s I can't show you but we want to show you
7493s some of it at the least
7495s um so yeah just just know that uh have a
7498s fantastic weekend and uh
7501s yeah
7502s cool toodles
7534s foreign
7543s timers are so cute
7551s you know all things considered like I
7553s was a pretty good Progressive stream
7555s Progressive in the sense of progress
7557s that I made on my save file
7560s um probably not the right term to use
7562s but you don't understand what I'm saying
7564s words are you know weird uh but uh yeah
7566s again thank you guys seriously thank you
7568s for showing up and being awesome
7570s uh that last mine though oh my gosh
7575s wow absolute Savage absolute Savage mine
7580s uh it's my own fault I should have been
7582s minding my own business
7586s all right all right we're past that one
7589s all right
7590s um there's not really too much news to
7593s share in regards to like the everspace 2
7596s discount realm when you see them you'll
7598s see them I know that there's you know
7601s every now and then there's you know the
7602s sales for everspace one as well so just
7604s keep your eyes on that if you have no
7606s idea what I'm talking about definitely
7607s wish list Aerospace one the DLC uh
7610s everspace two if you haven't purchased
7611s it yet um so you can capitalize on those
7614s moments
7616s um and again for anybody who is not
7618s aware we are working on free DLC that is
7620s coming to our space 2 uh will not be uh
7625s you don't have to buy it but we are also
7627s working on premium DLC which will be a
7629s healthy addition to the game a lot of
7631s that style of content
7633s um which will be coming out uh later
7636s so uh in addition to all of those things
7639s I just said
7640s um Michael did share with us that we are
7643s going to be having a news drop uh
7645s pertaining to just kind of like the
7647s Outlook of everspace 2 development he
7650s said very soon I feel like very is an
7653s adjective that shouldn't be used there
7654s but it is going to be in a territory
7657s that is coming soon to you guys so that
7660s you'll know what's on the docket uh if
7663s any sort of plans may be changed or were
7664s modified any additions stuff like that
7667s um we will let you in on all of those
7669s fancify details uh soon
7673s okay let's uh
7676s let's do the thing
7679s like a road yes a road map what did I
7682s call it did I call it something else
7686s I shouldn't have talked so much after
7688s the stream was over because I just uh
7690s Rod my voice
7693s okay
7713s [Music]
7719s [Music]
7746s books
7748s [Music]
7757s [Music]
7776s [Music]
7781s a little more chill I like that one
7785s there you go have a wonderful weekend