EVERSPACE 2: Titans Leviathan Livestream

Greetings, Pilots!
In less than a week, you’ll all be getting your hands on EVERSPACE 2: Titans and all the exciting challenges this DLC holds.
Can’t wait to see more? Erik is prepping to show off an entire Leviathan run along with all the cool new legendaries, item sets, consumables, craftable catalysts, and resources found along the way in our stream this Friday!
Tune in September 13 at 11am PT / 2pm ET / 8pm CEST on the ROCKFISH Games Twitch and YouTube for an early look at content soon to be available in EVERSPACE 2: Titans! Bring your questions and we’ll answer them if we can!

If you haven’t wishlisted Titans already, head on over to the store page here on Steam or on your preferred platform today!
See you during Friday’s stream!
Lee and your ROCKFISH Games Team
The post News first appeared on EVERSPACE 2.