2 months ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s I'm Mathilde
1s and this is Sven.
2s He's the artist and
3s programmer - hey
3s - and I'm
4s the sound designer of
5s the game "ODDADA".
6s It's basically a
7s roguelike music maker
8s where you go through
9s different levels and
10s build your
11s own music piece.
12s Then you can unlock
13s new gadgets that will
14s allow you for even
14s more musical
15s possibilities.
15s So it's really an
16s experimental, winding
18s down sort of music
19s experience.
20s It was really a
21s friend who introduced
22s Mathilde to me.
23s Because she's a sound
24s designer but also the
25s game designer,
26s It's a very unique
27s game I think.
28s I don't know anything
29s about music so it's
31s tough to make a music
32s game that way.
32s But I think that's
33s also what
34s makes it cool.
35s I tried to explain a
36s musical
36s concept to Sven.
37s He's like "I don't
38s get it but I have a
38s vision in
39s my head now".
39s So then he invents a
40s machine in ODDADA
41s that sort of
42s visualizes that in a
43s way that a musician
44s would never do it.
45s So I think the
46s combination of these
47s two worlds makes it a
48s really weird but
50s unique experience.
51s People have been
52s making really
52s interesting songs.
53s So if you want to be
54s part of that, if that
55s sounds interesting,
56s go get it!