4 months
ago -
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Transcript (by Youtube)
10s | [Music] |
52s | [Music] |
69s | [Music] |
86s | good evening everyone hope you're all |
88s | well hope you're all Ticky boo I just |
90s | doing some final checks making sure |
92s | everything's live that should be live |
93s | everywhere that we should be we'll be |
95s | with you very shortly don't go nowhere |
99s | [Music] |
114s | [Music] |
126s | [Music] |
138s | [Music] |
146s | [Music] |
196s | [Music] |
214s | [Music] |
231s | Tada hello everybody good evening good |
233s | afternoon good morning to you all hope |
234s | you're all well hope you're all Ticky |
236s | tooo let's set some game sound up there |
237s | we go how are you all have you been |
240s | fabulous this weekend I hope you have I |
242s | hope you've had a good week whatever |
243s | you've been doing and thank you very |
244s | much for joining us as always with our |
247s | uh bi-weekly streams um so here we are |
250s | again don't they come around again quick |
252s | don't they come around uh good to see |
254s | you all I can see all the Chats on the |
256s | twitch on the YouTube uh I think we've |
258s | got steam up and |
260s | running I won even tell you about that |
263s | uh there he is indeed indeed we got Lee |
266s | on um the Rockfish games account so if |
268s | you do have any questions as always uh |
271s | do send them in uh he's going to be |
273s | cating the questions for us and |
276s | uh Gary again never lit a wizard is |
279s | never lit we know this never lit uh he |
282s | means to arrive precisely when he wants |
284s | to uh how are you all anyway I hope |
286s | you're all fine um this week uh okay |
289s | we've got our usual game play uh |
292s | hopefully me not dying too much you know |
294s | because that's kind of embarrassing on |
296s | my part playing through on hard uh as we |
298s | always do uh we we've also got coming up |
302s | uh an absolute great interview from uh |
305s | one of the dev team uh I've been trying |
307s | to get them not strong arming them or |
309s | anything like that but I've been trying |
310s | to get them to uh to come on do some |
312s | interviews we did have Yan uh previously |
315s | and um we've managed to get one of our |
318s | other team uh senior gameplay programmer |
321s | uh Tobin himself uh which is a nice long |
323s | interview so you're going to want to get |
325s | cozy for that one uh that'll be coming |
326s | up in about an hour's time uh and then |
329s | we're going to be doing our usual Q&A |
331s | and everything uh through the uh through |
333s | the evening uh and then I know some of |
336s | you have been asking for this anyway I |
338s | have been practicing but we're going to |
341s | try and do the bomber run with no |
342s | inertia dampeners at scrapyard yes let's |
345s | see what we can achieve there I have |
347s | been practicing some failures some |
350s | successes but hey we'll give it a will |
353s | see if we can do it live on stream it's |
355s | always a challenge isn't it h and then |
357s | as usual we're going to be finishing up |
358s | with our um screenshots um rfg devs have |
363s | picked and boy of they picked they've |
366s | really |
368s | really struggled this week to to choose |
370s | their Top Choice it was very very |
373s | close you'll have to see who wins out on |
376s | this one so um yeah if you got any |
378s | questions already do get them fired in |
381s | we'll try and answer them the best we |
382s | can uh if not then we'll follow up with |
384s | you as always uh yeah I think I think |
389s | Le's very very uh true there in the |
391s | comments yes it can be uh can be |
393s | difficult to get the the team to come on |
395s | uh we respect their privacy as well uh |
398s | and uh we're very thankful for those |
400s | that do come on as well so we managed to |
402s | have a cracking interview which I'll |
403s | show you in a little bit so anyway |
406s | without further Ado let's get loaded up |
408s | uh my stream save here there is at Kato |
412s | Palace yes absolutely we're back there |
414s | aren't |
416s | we so I hope you've all been playing I |
419s | hope you've all been trying to finish |
420s | those uh 2,000 lunacy Rifts Adam there |
425s | you are come on in Dear Boy actually I |
429s | was hoping to see Daryl this time yeah |
430s | cuz we just finished and we just sted |
432s | when we saved darl is indisposed at the |
435s | moment is but I can appreciate you need |
438s | some kind of explanation for the |
440s | missions he be good Mr will be good we |
442s | be good got a bit hot out there I can't |
445s | believe I went through all that for |
446s | fruit we've known each other a while now |
449s | Adam you're like family to me and we |
451s | have cause for |
453s | celebration Champlain uh was it Jerry |
455s | actually good question just about |
457s | regarding the in as while Mr kto was |
459s | talking there some of them actually are |
460s | quite shy and some people just don't |
462s | want to be on camera um or just to be |
466s | involved in that kind of thing we |
467s | totally respect that um you know not |
469s | everybody's kind of outgoing um so yeah |
472s | sometimes it can be a little bit |
473s | daunting because even though being a |
475s | Game Dev does mean at times you have to |
477s | interact with the public |
480s | always do you want to be doing it kind |
481s | of on camera or you know uh we could |
485s | almost say it's not part of the job |
486s | description no we're very thankful for |
488s | those that do come on we've got some |
490s | more lined up as well and I think even |
492s | even the big boss man himself CEO |
494s | Michael is uh is going to drop in at |
497s | some point so we'll have a good chat |
498s | with him about everything to do with |
499s | being a CEO and all that kind of |
501s | shinanigans which will be |
504s | good I risked my life three times for |
508s | plushies you did |
510s | sorry you RIS your life for |
514s | plushies so we know that this quest uh |
517s | this Mission rather is going to give us |
519s | a nice nice new weapon that we're going |
522s | to be slotting in uh so if you ever want |
524s | to pick up one of the legendaries very |
526s | early in the game or earlyish mid |
529s | level definitely get one from this quest |
532s | line which is always useful and I did |
534s | use it honey previously on one way run a |
538s | couple of hours |
540s | anyway to love to love indeed love I |
544s | guess Maryann will see you out don't |
547s | forget to check in with her for jobs |
549s | every now and then okay Mr C oh wait I |
552s | have something for you a wedding gift |
555s | I'm feeling generous find feeling |
558s | generous you've always got to be dubious |
560s | when he's been generous haven't you |
561s | you've always got to be dubious uh right |
563s | let's just have a a little look what |
564s | we've got so xmax the spot obviously is |
567s | the continuation of the main story we've |
569s | also got early retirement which is uh |
572s | one of the missions for the Titans so we |
576s | might do that one next we'll we'll see |
578s | what we can do but let's just get |
579s | launched let's see where we |
582s | head all manner of things going on there |
584s | Mission completed same day delivery |
587s | we've got a new |
588s | decal credits all sorts of shenanigans |
592s | and let's just have a little look see |
593s | what did we actually get and there you |
594s | go it's our first legendary of the run |
597s | which is the Crimson Sun flat Cannon uh |
600s | and this is very very nice I do like |
601s | this um and it is quite powerful uh for |
605s | quite a while so I am going to swap it |
606s | over for that for the time being um so |
611s | got that yeah we got we're okay let's |
613s | have a look at our perks I just want to |
614s | make sure everything's going on terine |
616s | resource selling probably not storage |
619s | ship |
620s | dealers okay4 Got Some Coal we okay I |
624s | tell what I'm going to do we are going |
625s | to invest into that and some CA Crystal |
628s | as well cuz I think that's that's very |
630s | very handy uh just to improve the choice |
633s | of ship |
635s | dealers |
637s | um okay solar panels we can't really |
640s | do can't do titanium but we haven't got |
642s | solar panels yet so we always need to be |
644s | on the lookout for a |
649s | shop |
651s | uh F enough B frog uh htk although he's |
656s | very very busy uh and he is a very very |
658s | busy man as all the dev team are and |
660s | this is why we're very very thankful |
662s | that they take time out of their day uh |
664s | cuz we're doing a lot of these |
665s | interviews as a |
666s | pre-record um he has actually said that |
669s | he will come on to one of these but it's |
671s | going to be in the future okay so don't |
673s | expect it right now we got to get them |
675s | all lined up uh and fingers crossed we |
678s | shall uh we shall have more of them to |
680s | come but yeah we'll we'll deal with that |
681s | in a little while right then so we kind |
685s | of need to go see where cardinus wants |
688s | us to go doesn't he uh |
691s | um it was last zarov I should head there |
695s | okay okay so we got to go Smuggler's |
697s | back door so down to C RS wake okay |
701s | let's get out of here then shall we |
703s | let's get out of |
705s | here hello help if I press the correct |
708s | button wouldn't |
715s | it oh dear yeah the the ark 9000 uh |
719s | fishing Mini |
720s | game that would be awesome that would be |
723s | awesome not tell sure we'll get we'll |
725s | ever get it but it would be awesome I |
726s | know some of you guys have been uh |
728s | requesting something like |
739s | that should we dive into a distress call |
742s | I haven't done one of these in a little |
743s | while so we can test out our new flat |
746s | Cannon let's let's see this could this |
749s | could be a b of a problem oh we've got |
751s | the distress go |
753s | oh here no back come on let's get that W |
758s | oh come on there you go thank |
766s | you |
769s | well okay not doing too well there are |
777s | we okay that's them |
781s | down we got Rockets haven't we there |
783s | what we'll do we'll use rockets on |
786s | you another wave another |
790s | wave yeah I know that was |
796s | easy okay that was quite handy with the |
799s | Box let's get rid that Demolisher if we |
803s | can there we go he's gone down at least |
807s | Scout Maybe |
816s | R I'm |
822s | good we've won the we won yes did of |
825s | course we did of course we |
829s | did oh we completed the challenge as |
831s | well oh that's handy oh look I actually |
833s | even turned off by accident my um intial |
836s | down this whoops |
840s | I'll fly with them on while I need |
844s | to right so let's look at the inventory |
847s | mines okay yeah keep all of them plating |
850s | no just dismantle that for bed beam |
856s | lasers that did eat through my energy |
859s | quite badly as well so okay uh energy |
862s | calls a 16 that's not too bad it's not |
864s | too bad I just was going through |
866s | everything very quick anyway we did a |
868s | distress call that's quite handy oh we |
870s | shall crack |
875s | on uh Beed I don't know if you actually |
877s | heard but I am actually going to do the |
879s | racing challenge today I did actually |
882s | mention it at the |
888s | start |
890s | back now I'm going to preface this I |
892s | have been |
893s | practicing and |
896s | it's I've got a probably about 33% |
899s | success rate around that something like |
909s | that right let's get down I see you did |
916s | yeah right okay hello let's not whack |
920s | into that look up oh yeah um let's just |
924s | go to The Smuggler base let's see if |
925s | he's got anything nice |
933s | right container let's see what we got |
935s | freebies give me some |
937s | freebies Small Arms |
940s | okay hello why do we talk let's |
947s | [Music] |
949s | help yeah let's do a quick restock on |
952s | that yep get them purchased so shop |
954s | let's just sell some stuff shall we just |
956s | to make a bit of money although we're |
958s | not too bad for money to be |
960s | fair um see that's I'm not a fan of gold |
965s | cannons but you know yeah just get rid |
968s | of |
968s | [Music] |
969s | them |
971s | ooh we picked up the Rogue |
976s | Rascal those might get swapped out for |
980s | [Music] |
981s | those that's a tempting Little Nugget |
984s | isn't it the last three missiles do 100% |
987s | damage 30% damage uh for each second the |
990s | missile flies Okay yeah cuz that one's |
995s | they're |
997s | pulled |
1000s | okay you know when you bit |
1003s | undecided uh okay so what modified does |
1007s | that one more yeah okay we'll get rid of |
1009s | that uh Blaster ra |
1013s | gun see The Shield |
1016s | St is good but it's not part of the |
1019s | autonomous set which is what I've got so |
1021s | I'm not going to use that cargo unit |
1024s | again that's part of the autonomous tell |
1026s | you what we're going to do we're going |
1026s | to get rid of that then yeah let's |
1029s | just we'll put that there as some more |
1032s | stuff Okie doie let's crack |
1037s | on whoops thanks very much as always for |
1040s | joining us on these streams uh we do |
1042s | like to do them for you for a bit of |
1043s | entertainment and obviously for you to |
1045s | ask questions and uh and see what's |
1047s | happening in the world of development |
1049s | um hello what are you doing shooting at |
1051s | me that's not very friendly is it go way |
1055s | Mr Dr thank you |
1059s | go oh containers see containers they're |
1062s | a bit like side quests aren't they you |
1064s | you see side quest and then you just off |
1066s | you go I must stop |
1070s | myself |
1073s | yeah uh I know the uh the interview does |
1076s | run um uh quite a long time uh that |
1079s | we've got with to and it's not a problem |
1081s | obviously because it was a great little |
1082s | interview and we had a great chat about |
1084s | all things to do with uh development and |
1087s | uh and stuff which you'll see uh I'm |
1089s | sure you'll all enjoy it uh so what I'm |
1091s | probably going to do pull up blueprint |
1094s | is as I see the uh as I see the |
1096s | questions that Lee is colleting so if |
1098s | you want to tag him I'll probably try |
1099s | and answer them on the Fly uh as we go |
1103s | so that we get a bit more gameplay and |
1105s | uh hopefully no death uh but then we'll |
1108s | see |
1109s | um uh see if we can answer them as as we |
1115s | go I G and oh g& B we leave me alone |
1121s | that's just what I need exactly it's |
1123s | just what we need right where you are |
1125s | our bosss a with you I bet he does |
1127s | nobody tells me what to do let's just |
1130s | jump away a little bit right where UG |
1132s | and |
1135s | B oink |
1148s | W that did hit hard |
1155s | that let's just scoot away let's just |
1158s | turn |
1159s | around |
1164s | okay the lock I gone |
1169s | okay that can do a great deal of damage |
1171s | but H let's H in hit |
1177s | now there we go you some credits we get |
1182s | these other the credits as |
1184s | well absolutely the accumulation of |
1187s | credit seems to make humans happy |
1189s | apparently it does o ship wreck let's go |
1192s | get |
1193s | that let's go get |
1196s | that of you hello |
1200s | okay |
1201s | Ramen everything that you need uh yeah |
1204s | um I've just seen a question from deor |
1206s | over on Twitch uh just regarding the uh |
1209s | track IR uh yeah we did actually fix |
1212s | that uh a while ago I believe earlier |
1214s | the when we changed from one real Engine |
1216s | 4 to one real Engine 5 we we did |
1218s | actually fix that so that should be all |
1220s | working should be all fixed um so yeah |
1223s | there was a glitching especially around |
1226s | um uh big settlements like Prescott Etc |
1230s | where the the cursor would jump around |
1233s | uh quite dramatically or the um |
1234s | crosshairs rather so yeah that should be |
1237s | all fixed uh if anybody gets a report |
1240s | that there's an issue then please as |
1241s | always do let us know uh we'll have a |
1245s | look Roslin we've intercepted a Mayday |
1249s | from a convoy under attack by a large |
1251s | Outlaw missile I have another contractor |
1253s | responding back them up remember we're |
1257s | looking for containment we're looking |
1259s | for containment uh so this is obviously |
1262s | uh for those of you don't know these |
1263s | missions that I'm just starting up with |
1265s | cardinas here um he's part of the Titans |
1268s | uh specifically this is the Leviathan um |
1271s | quest line that we're going to be |
1272s | following just for a little bit uh just |
1274s | to open this up so if you haven't |
1276s | already purchased the Titans DLC you'll |
1277s | get to see a little bit um we got a |
1280s | question from Flory over on Twitch uh |
1282s | since space whales are now alive and |
1285s | well how is space cracken |
1289s | I think I mean we might as well just go |
1291s | through the whole um repertoire of |
1293s | different creatures I think you know |
1295s | we'll have space Dolphins uh Krakens uh |
1297s | shrimp spare shrimp should should we see |
1300s | if we can get that uh shoe horned in |
1302s | there um how about I don't know |
1306s | um space sharks yeah we try that should |
1310s | we try |
1314s | that um John Tesh over on YouTube uh |
1320s | um uh when will we release a PS5 Pro |
1323s | patch um we're certainly looking at |
1325s | these kind of things and improvements |
1327s | that we can make with the PlayStation 5 |
1328s | Pro which was obviously I think was |
1330s | released yesterday if I remember |
1332s | correctly um so yeah if we can make |
1335s | improvements on that then we will um but |
1339s | uh we can't say anything on that just at |
1340s | the moment and typ Kibbles uh will Gary |
1344s | beatbox at the end of today's stream to |
1345s | compensate you really don't want to see |
1347s | my my beatbox in and uh |
1350s | yeah not that I've really tried to be |
1352s | fair that's probably why it's quite |
1361s | horrendous uh I was just going there uh |
1364s | sorry how you doing over on Twitch uh |
1366s | any plans to uh explain the Leviathan in |
1370s | the Drake |
1375s | system uh it could be something that we |
1377s | could look at um I think that's very |
1379s | much down |
1380s | to I'd say the rating team um whether we |
1383s | kind of put explanation in there um but |
1387s | not everything will be explained |
1390s | um I'm just going to hold out that now |
1393s | one thing I will say is that sometimes |
1395s | obviously we put things in and we don't |
1396s | always completely embellish the law |
1399s | around something because we put some |
1401s | things that are really good for game |
1402s | play or a good uh fictitious element now |
1406s | if we could create an absolutely huge |
1409s | huge world and fill it all the law in |
1411s | we'd love to but that's going to take a |
1413s | very very long time uh sometimes you've |
1415s | got to remember it can be just for |
1417s | gameplay elements rather than uh |
1420s | complete World building however uh if we |
1423s | can at some point explain certain |
1425s | elements then yes we we would definitely |
1426s | do |
1427s | that uh demonator um there was a system |
1431s | called athon not sure if you got the |
1432s | name right you did well done uh is there |
1434s | a way to get there um Aon is only |
1437s | available through |
1440s | um uh some of the main story line uh |
1442s | some of you will obviously have got |
1444s | there some of you might not have um but |
1447s | you only get there during those uh |
1450s | gameplay story lines not |
1454s | afterwards right last time we came here |
1457s | I died I just remembered this is not |
1459s | your typical jump gate definitely not |
1461s | typical jump indicate that this is the |
1463s | gate to the K nebula certain markings |
1466s | bear a resemblance to architecture of |
1468s | the Ancients however recently let's blow |
1471s | some of these things up while hives |
1473s | having his little J Jaber there neul it |
1476s | is renowned for its inhospitable nature |
1478s | due mainly to the dangerous Flora which |
1480s | inhabit it there are also of fora unique |
1485s | to the area which have yet to be |
1486s | entirely what is the range on this 2,000 |
1491s | and that's 1,700 okay let's open up with |
1493s | you interfere without |
1495s | invitation prepare to be met what the |
1499s | hey turn down the volume guys yeah turn |
1501s | down the volume jeez Surrender Your |
1503s | Vessel and Sh yourself of your material |
1506s | guard in order to pass through the |
1508s | portal of redemption and gain Eternal |
1512s | wisdom the good thing we Splash damage |
1514s | is when anything has a shield it can |
1516s | generally get around it especially if it |
1518s | splashes at the side of |
1523s | it okay right so |
1527s | we okay |
1529s | okay we do need to open up some of get |
1534s | rid of that hey hold up who are you |
1538s | thank you for the intervention but I |
1540s | must hurry to save my father they have |
1543s | to save father he went through only a |
1544s | short time ago whoa whoa wait please you |
1546s | are in no way equipped to take on those |
1548s | crazies why don't you tell me about your |
1551s | situation and what you know about these |
1553s | freaks gmbb have abandoned the Kay |
1555s | nebula and the redeemers have taken |
1557s | complete control over it yep they claim |
1560s | to have captured wardens and that they |
1562s | can commune with the Ancients themselves |
1564s | but I believe they may have become |
1566s | possessed by them the black eyes exactly |
1571s | and soon unless I act fast they will |
1573s | turn my father into one of them why |
1575s | would your father have gone there in the |
1577s | first place exactly he was Leed there |
1579s | with the promise of being able to study |
1581s | a warden up close other scientists went |
1583s | before him just hold on a minute while I |
1586s | think about this try to clear the gate |
1588s | for safe passage |
1592s | first okay that's that nope they didn't |
1595s | come so let's go do the other |
1599s | side around here isn't it for that |
1609s | one |
1611s | go oh go oh it's this one isn't |
1615s | it there we go |
1623s | anybody can turn up nope I need to |
1625s | destroy that |
1635s | one there we go you will be crushed into |
1639s | submission and your soul fed to the |
1643s | ancient all right take it easy |
1656s | there we go you were able to just get |
1658s | around his shield which made that a lot |
1661s | easier a lot easier I really can't let |
1663s | you do that not in that craft look why |
1666s | don't you let me track him down I'm sure |
1669s | he would appreciate your loyalty and all |
1670s | he would but he would prefer it more if |
1672s | you remain safe exactly I suppose he |
1675s | would but time is so short what's your |
1678s | name I am imen my father is left lights |
1682s | on IM I'll track down your father these |
1685s | cultists are seriously dangerous if you |
1688s | stay put here I'll be in contact shortly |
1692s | thank you please be quick I'll do my |
1697s | best I I know you're teasing there b |
1699s | frog uh B frog has just asked if I'll |
1702s | ever play or feel confident enough to |
1703s | play on a proper difficulty setting now |
1706s | I play I'm playing on hard uh normally |
1709s | most games that I play I play through on |
1710s | normal and then if I feel like I can up |
1712s | the uh the actual difficulty level then |
1715s | then I will um however and this is for |
1719s | for all the uh the players out there |
1721s | that maybe watch this in the future |
1723s | whatever level of difficulty you want to |
1725s | play on whether it's very easy to |
1726s | nightmare that is um entail it to you |
1730s | and it's what the enjoyment you get from |
1732s | that game if something's too hard turn |
1734s | it down and conversely if it's too easy |
1737s | then feel that challenge and tweak it up |
1739s | um that's why we have the options there |
1741s | uh we do want people to enjoy the game |
1743s | um I think if I was dying you know every |
1747s | time I was in a in in a battle with |
1748s | something then yeah it probably be |
1750s | entertaining for for a little while but |
1753s | then eventually I think it would get a |
1754s | little bit tiresome so uh and plus |
1757s | people want to see me flying around and |
1758s | that if I keep dying it doesn't |
1760s | generally become as much fun uh guess |
1763s | they want to see all the combat and the |
1764s | various places so uh yeah one day one |
1768s | see I might be able to get to uh to |
1772s | nightmare and this is one of our most |
1774s | wonderful Vistas within the game I think |
1776s | anywh uh with the |
1779s | jellyfish uh the star in the background |
1782s | this is very interesting and |
1785s | then is that a warden they really have |
1789s | captured a damn Warden the beams appear |
1792s | to be draining the entity of its energy |
1795s | until now it was not thought possible to |
1798s | harness the the power of the Ancients |
1800s | what witnessing here however radically |
1803s | Alters that assumption I am picking up |
1806s | the life signal of the young lady's |
1808s | father from a nearby |
1810s | vessel keep a trace on it |
1815s | hi yeah that death counter is still sat |
1817s | there I think we're at 7 or 8 something |
1819s | like that around there it could still |
1821s | happen your priority is your search for |
1823s | Eduardo now you see these redeemers are |
1825s | level 19 here that one's a 1718 so this |
1828s | is kind of I'd have to be careful with |
1831s | that Elite over there that would |
1833s | potentially be difficult for for me to |
1835s | uh and uh end up in a whole world of |
1840s | hurt I may take on |
1843s | these just here if we can but I'm just |
1846s | going to sweep around pick on these |
1849s | level 18s perhaps there another Crusader |
1852s | there your impurity must be crushed by |
1855s | the indignation of righteousness |
1858s | wow these guys aren't playing at |
1870s | [Music] |
1875s | all okay Purge the trespasser from our |
1884s | domain H the E again why I was cloting |
1889s | off into the uh Into The Ether there a |
1891s | little |
1896s | bit okay that's one |
1900s | down there we go don't with them okay go |
1905s | reactive |
1908s | Rader all right |
1911s | okay think we'll leave those alone for |
1914s | the time being let's just dive out of |
1915s | here |
1923s | uh sorry just asked another question |
1925s | over on Twitch uh did a Dev voice the |
1928s | redeemers if so can we get a live demo |
1930s | someday I don't believe it was I believe |
1933s | it was under the voiceover artist um I'd |
1935s | have to double check but I'm fairly |
1936s | certain it wasn't one of the devs some |
1940s | of the devs do have their voices in the |
1941s | game uh specifically um I say |
1944s | specifically uh partially in the kind of |
1947s | background traffic behavior um around |
1950s | Prescott I know that there's definitely |
1952s | some in there so um yeah but I don't |
1955s | think they they vo the |
1957s | redeemers right let's |
1960s | just let's just check so uh so go to |
1964s | ulanov Rift okay just sh |
1970s | there oh we just jumped through didn't |
1972s | we I need to go back |
1973s | again I forgot I came in |
1976s | here let's just go |
1978s | about I went through the gate and I was |
1980s | like no I don't need to go through |
1989s | that let's just |
1995s | H boink thank |
1998s | you there we go CLE the |
2000s | jellyfish yeah we've open that up anyway |
2003s | at least we know we can come into here |
2004s | now let's get through |
2006s | here but yeah I'd have to definitely uh |
2009s | double check I'm fairly certain it |
2011s | wasn't any of the dev team that did the |
2013s | voiceovers for the |
2018s | redeemers but I I'll ask on Monday see |
2021s | if anybody can remember if they were |
2022s | involved in any Shenanigans of |
2036s | that oh yeah decean been playing the |
2039s | game with a hotas and uh no accuracy |
2041s | help makes the game difficult yeah I can |
2042s | imagine it would to be fair uh I can |
2046s | think that uh it's one of the toughest |
2048s | ways to play the game um but then again |
2050s | a lot of people like the immersion which |
2053s | I'm all for uh sometimes I play with a |
2055s | track IR uh which is uh nice because |
2059s | kind of head tracking so you can look |
2060s | around when you need to similar to |
2062s | having you you know holding down the out |
2064s | key as such but when you're in the |
2065s | combat uh just your head movement allows |
2067s | you to do that so at some point I'll |
2069s | I'll bring that back out so that people |
2070s | can see how we uh how we've utilized |
2073s | head tracking I have done it before so |
2075s | uh yeah we'll uh we may do that in the |
2078s | future good call good |
2080s | call right let's get there let's do our |
2084s | first part of the Titans CU i' gone off |
2086s | in a wrong |
2096s | direction where is |
2099s | it detecting a large mass |
2107s | [Music] |
2113s | ahead never seen a dreadnut up |
2116s | close that's a big boy right there |
2120s | minawa is the largest warship currently |
2122s | operating within the DMZ M the cargo's |
2126s | been loaded your cooperation is |
2128s | appreciate |
2129s | appreciated heavy launch racks take out |
2132s | the cargo |
2135s | ships what we gave you what you wanted |
2138s | it did I also told you not to send a |
2141s | distress call I do not like |
2145s | Defiance Jo King trainers I'll cover you |
2148s | as long as I can get your drives back |
2150s | online and Yun cool guy cool guy you're |
2155s | another freelancer hired by |
2156s | cardinus yeah |
2158s | here my backup I'm Yun their missiles |
2162s | will shred the civilians I've got decoys |
2165s | but can you intercept |
2166s | some let's get that inter |
2169s | that and one of the joys is take the |
2173s | launchers but nwa's armor is too thick |
2176s | for fighter weapons the dreadn not's own |
2178s | weapons could hurt it right sure what |
2181s | are you thinking I'll pick up one of |
2183s | your decoys and use it to lure their |
2185s | missiles back to the |
2186s | dreadn right there there we go hello |
2189s | underneath let's pick up a decoy to lure |
2192s | missiles away from the fre |
2195s | right you will need to bring the got |
2198s | something track oh there's one there is |
2201s | one I didn't think there was I was like |
2203s | why we got the green glow around myself |
2205s | and why is there a uh beep noise going |
2208s | the misses have locked on youry there we |
2211s | go he's going up have targeted The Dread |
2213s | Sor AR is he going to |
2216s | do nope more need more let's go get |
2223s | whoop well dropped it I hit the F key |
2226s | too many times come here |
2230s | you thank you right let's go up here |
2236s | hello uh excuse me thank the stes are |
2239s | following your decoy yep haste is |
2243s | recommended can we get this one as well |
2246s | no they're not going fall |
2251s | okay so they're falling behind quite low |
2254s | down you just always got to be careful |
2255s | that they're underneath the |
2257s | wings initially we had players who were |
2259s | hitting the actual uh body of the minow |
2264s | rather than these arrays there we go has |
2267s | locked on to the tting array let's grab |
2270s | them cuz he's just launched some more |
2272s | disabled in R got guts kid |
2281s | so we've got some following us uh |
2285s | they're heading |
2286s | down need to get them underneath the |
2289s | Wings come |
2293s | on Y come on there we go back |
2299s | up and boink and then we see that |
2302s | hopefully |
2304s | slaming are down |
2308s | we need to get after their Interstellar |
2309s | drives blint I have to prep for that how |
2312s | about you clear some of their Fighters |
2313s | off the transports I'm on it what's his |
2317s | name Yun little old to be a fighter |
2320s | pilot isn't he when you find your talent |
2323s | you stick with it find your talent you |
2326s | stick with it another BL print over |
2329s | there get that and a blint I'll take |
2333s | that I'll take that indeed |
2339s | and the around we |
2341s | go down you got |
2356s | them |
2362s | down and I know I haven't used my G key |
2365s | yet I know somebody's going to be |
2366s | pointing that out at some point |
2370s | they like he's got the che K he's not |
2372s | used it yet what's he doing I feel like |
2375s | I overused it in the last |
2378s | stream people couldn't believe how many |
2380s | times I used it so I'm like you know I'm |
2382s | trying to I'm trying to make a a bit of |
2385s | balance in the world again go back to |
2387s | not using my |
2390s | gy are ready to go after the |
2392s | interstellar drives yeah so on a dreadn |
2396s | access to those systems is right next to |
2399s | the sublight thrusters their exhaust |
2402s | lethal I've got Hazard Shields to get me |
2404s | close but I move slow when they're on |
2407s | keep your Shields up I'll hold the |
2408s | hijackers off while you disable the |
2413s | drive I can see the access B hold them |
2416s | off |
2416s | Roslin stay close Kate it gets toasty |
2419s | from |
2423s | here we might use the GK that's |
2428s | almost there you're doing great kid |
2430s | thanks guess there's a lot of enemies |
2432s | here and that could all help |
2437s | me there yes apparently |
2442s | yes going setting up a feedack Lo it'll |
2447s | fuse this thing solid |
2449s | oh the sound of that |
2467s | that showed them that showed them it did |
2469s | hi not entirely sure what it showed them |
2471s | but it showed them |
2473s | something that got drives one down one |
2478s | to go we have a failure in one of our |
2480s | Interstellar drives withdraw to the fall |
2482s | that point Interstellar drives broken |
2491s | cier why are we leaving we have what we |
2495s | came |
2496s | for we could wipe them out that's not |
2500s | our objective don't risk the merchandise |
2504s | all CFT |
2513s | execute what the hell just I can't |
2516s | believe we survived |
2518s | thank you glad to help when I first got |
2521s | here the attackers mentioned loading |
2522s | cargo did they steal something from you |
2525s | Shield generators commercial nothing |
2529s | special but a lot of them strange that |
2533s | was a fleet ship right what you doing in |
2535s | the DMC ex I attack us I honestly don't |
2539s | know why they attacked you I'm just glad |
2541s | I arrived in time hope we meet again |
2543s | Roslin you got promise Yun what do you |
2547s | know about card in us he pays invoices |
2549s | on time he's never asked me to kill a |
2552s | good guy beyond that not my |
2555s | business okay looks like I've got some |
2557s | stuff that I might need to just bin off |
2559s | and dismantle |
2560s | here get rid of that Rockets no better |
2564s | that's no better uh take that take that |
2567s | a job kid I'm already reviewing Mr yun's |
2571s | footage good well done looks like gotier |
2574s | hired local Outlaws to supplement her |
2576s | group but why were they steel Shield |
2578s | generators indeed let's not speculate |
2580s | over comms Associates of mine will |
2583s | debrief the civilians I'll be in touch |
2585s | when the target reappears I like it I |
2587s | like it right let's just |
2590s | check uh that can go as well we will |
2594s | activate that cuz that gets out of the |
2597s | way sell that that's fine let's open the |
2600s | container o |
2603s | Blueprints and rakim's foresight and the |
2606s | prime Strat of cumulus |
2608s | nice |
2611s | nice have a look see then oh blueprint |
2615s | smoke screen yes uh we did have an |
2617s | interesting question actually the |
2621s | um uh somebody was asking that they |
2623s | hadn't got any drops uh for the |
2625s | catalysts Etc from the |
2628s | Titans uh now even though you may have |
2630s | the Titans DLC installed there are some |
2633s | certain prerequisites in terms of |
2635s | starting up the missions obviously to |
2636s | get uh access to the story line you have |
2638s | to be um specific ones have to be done |
2642s | uh and also you have to be so many |
2643s | missions in before the items start |
2646s | dropping such as catalysts now the |
2648s | reason for that is that if we don't all |
2650s | of a sudden You' be |
2652s | dropping potentially kind of spoilery |
2655s | weapons |
2656s | or um Catalyst that you'd be like what's |
2659s | this related to this doesn't sound right |
2661s | and then we could have a potential spoil |
2663s | so uh if you are playing through and |
2665s | you're you may be a bit under level |
2666s | maybe around level 12 13 something like |
2669s | that and you haven't got to some of the |
2671s | specific opening quests or missions then |
2674s | that'll be why you're not seeing them |
2675s | yet so uh |
2678s | yeah uh interesting to see I know Lee |
2680s | asked a question and I'll just uh shout |
2683s | out for everybody in the chat um if you |
2685s | would have someone from the team or |
2686s | connected to the game be interviewed uh |
2689s | what questions would you have yeah very |
2691s | very good uh I know some people were |
2692s | saying um you know that they they' like |
2694s | to ask G um you know some questions cuz |
2697s | they like the |
2699s | OST |
2700s | um excelia would like to know more about |
2702s | the music and sound effect creation |
2704s | obviously that was mostly probably in |
2706s | G's hands as well um B frogs HC I'd love |
2712s | to interview with te's uh not only is a |
2714s | great guy would love to talk about the |
2716s | future of the UI and large changes |
2718s | planned cool cool cool that's very very |
2721s | good yeah if you do have any suggestions |
2723s | for questions to to put to the team then |
2724s | do please uh do please let us know um |
2727s | obviously I do the interviews and we ask |
2729s | a lot of |
2731s | um similar questions obviously CU um |
2735s | we're all on the same team but if |
2736s | there's any specific that you'd like to |
2738s | ask then we may be able to sneak th |
2740s | those in now good news for some of you |
2742s | guys um obviously mentioned go and |
2745s | obviously teas um they both agreed to do |
2749s | an interview uh so yes I've managed to |
2753s | wangle an interview with those again |
2755s | it's something that we need to plan uh |
2757s | uh because we're we're head down onto |
2759s | working with new stuff obviously as you |
2761s | know uh there's a new expansion coming |
2763s | out next year not a spoiler obviously |
2765s | everybody knows that I always got to be |
2767s | so mindful of uh whether I go oops was I |
2769s | supposed to say that so um yeah those |
2773s | two are going to be lined up as well |
2774s | which I think is going to be good uh cuz |
2776s | it's not often that you get to um talk |
2779s | to the devs and uh ask a question I |
2781s | don't always get a chance myself we may |
2783s | message Etc and have questions and and |
2786s | answers fly playing around uh during the |
2789s | day but not we don't regularly sit down |
2791s | uh to actually have um any form of uh uh |
2796s | conversation Flory that's a sneaky one |
2799s | um what is the new expansion called it's |
2804s | TBD not telling |
2806s | [Laughter] |
2811s | you people going to be saying the new |
2813s | expansion is called TBD |
2815s | yeah to be deter |
2819s | mined there we go I I I'm I'm going to |
2821s | actually just go into camera mode cuz I |
2823s | think this is one of the gorgeous |
2824s | environments here and we've had some |
2826s | brilliant screenshots as well that we've |
2828s | seen uh from players but I just love |
2831s | that kind of environment I think it's so |
2833s | pretty I mean our game is such a um um a |
2839s | wallpaper Creator uh not only is it's a |
2842s | um uh a good game obviously very biased |
2846s | um but I think he's also if you want to |
2848s | create some wonderful screenshots then |
2849s | you can and I think this wonderful |
2852s | atmosphere here from the art team uh uh |
2855s | and I think Tony was involved in all |
2857s | this yeah so |
2860s | uh so it's starting now everybody's like |
2862s | so when's the new DLC going to be |
2864s | released uh honestly guys once we have |
2866s | some information on that we will be |
2868s | letting you know uh but uh yeah not yet |
2872s | not yet |
2874s | okay I love your enthusiasm uh and it's |
2877s | it's always a pleasure to hear you |
2878s | because I know that it means you guys |
2879s | are stoked for more content for the game |
2881s | just as we are for for creating it uh |
2884s | and we get to show it off to you all you |
2887s | know in the future which I can't wait to |
2891s | do right let's get out of here shall |
2896s | we |
2898s | boom right let's have a little look see |
2901s | on the map so there's a hit charer there |
2903s | we've got a high risk there oh actually |
2905s | that's only level 15 maybe we should ATT |
2907s | that cuz we are 16 now but let's have a |
2910s | look at |
2916s | our mind you that's the auto Genesis |
2919s | isn't it so while in combat armor |
2920s | regenerates 2% per second so long as the |
2922s | shields are |
2925s | full um that's a 16 |
2930s | rare well Shield is active energy OBS a |
2932s | pull from a 2,000 oo see that's that's a |
2937s | potentially good swap there I think I'm |
2939s | actually going to do it I'm going to |
2940s | break the Genesis the autonomous |
2944s | set I didn't like doing it I really |
2947s | didn't like doing it but I think I think |
2949s | it's a possible that I needed to |
2951s | do |
2953s | um that's the together we |
2956s | oh I got two of them I one's fire power |
2960s | one structure for the |
2962s | censor |
2966s | um I I I think I'll swap it just because |
2968s | of the increasing range |
2970s | uh I got some good |
2973s | stuff uh uh UI stands for so Dean UI |
2977s | stands for user interface like this is |
2979s | what I'm looking at now and then ux is |
2983s | the user experience so maybe navigating |
2986s | around the user interface how does the |
2988s | player experience it that uh you know |
2991s | that kind of thing so |
2996s | yeah uh |
2997s | [Music] |
2999s | um cool excelsia I'd like to see an |
3002s | interview with Marco Okay is the game of |
3004s | so many beautiful environments I'd like |
3006s | to know more about the planet creation |
3007s | process we'll have to see if we can get |
3009s | Marco to come on I shall definitely ask |
3011s | him in the future we've got a few lined |
3012s | up as well and uh hopefully one or two |
3015s | of the voiceover artists as well for our |
3018s | [Music] |
3020s | characters excellent excellent right |
3022s | let's just is there anything |
3025s | else oh yeah that's a exactly the same |
3027s | isn't it that |
3029s | one 4% increase Shield hit points not |
3032s | really going to go that I'm actually |
3034s | going to dismantle |
3037s | that uh do I do I dismantle it that's |
3040s | the question I'm kind |
3043s | of okay I've got the blueprint on lot |
3045s | for that I may just sell it I may need |
3047s | to just go somewhere and just sell some |
3049s | stuff let's just sell some stuff shall |
3051s | we vzna let's go to vzna let's go to |
3054s | that wonderful place of vzna uh another |
3057s | wonderful |
3066s | [Music] |
3075s | environment oops didn't even see that |
3077s | ship there as I was flying in I thought |
3080s | could have been a bit of an accident in |
3083s | an increase in our insurance premiums |
3085s | there for def it |
3088s | let's sell some stuff let's sell some |
3090s | stuff we need some repairs as well uh |
3094s | okay so what can we get rid of see that |
3096s | auto Cannon see that's 10% experience |
3099s | per kill that's actually quite |
3101s | nice |
3103s | uh let's |
3105s | s uh while we're just doing this couple |
3108s | of questions um davinator is asked any |
3111s | co-op hord mode multiplayer for the |
3113s | future um no uh this question has come |
3117s | up quite a lot uh and it's still |
3119s | something that we've not got planned now |
3122s | the reason behind that is that we would |
3124s | have to significantly rewrite the game |
3126s | to um plunk in uh for for one of a |
3129s | better phrase um or Implement uh co-op |
3132s | mode or multiplayer uh |
3135s | specifically uh the reason for that is a |
3137s | lot of our environments are made for |
3140s | kind of single player um so whilst it |
3145s | sounds easy and I know the games have |
3146s | maybe created a multiplayer mod and Etc |
3150s | it is actually quite difficult to |
3151s | implement correctly into our game um so |
3154s | no not for um for ever Space 2 that is a |
3159s | fact um followup question when can we |
3163s | get a female voice for Hive now there is |
3165s | a tiny little bit in the game if um if |
3169s | you've heard um there is a hive female |
3174s | uh voice for however that is the only |
3177s | time that it's going to appear now again |
3180s | the reason behind that is that when you |
3183s | consider already that we have fully |
3187s | voiced German and fully voiced English |
3190s | um the game you know so all our |
3192s | characters have um uh voice over in |
3195s | those |
3196s | languages now if we were to introduce a |
3200s | female Hive we would have to record all |
3203s | the voice lines in two different |
3205s | languages and two different genders so |
3211s | that would be a Monumental task |
3215s | um so probably not uh yes I think you |
3219s | correct there Flory yes uh the voice |
3221s | over actor that plays um uh the |
3224s | wonderful Commander as you said uh does |
3226s | do the voice for the hive with a bit of |
3228s | modulation so it's very unlikely um it |
3232s | voiceover work takes a long time because |
3234s | you've got to do a lot of planning a lot |
3236s | of writing and and then doing the actual |
3238s | voice over is uh especially |
3240s | timeconsuming so um yeah it's it's very |
3243s | very unlikely and I think that's just |
3245s | being honest um it may be disappointing |
3247s | because I'm sure people would love the |
3250s | the fact of having uh a female Hive um |
3254s | equivalent or a different high voice um |
3256s | but it does take time to do um and we're |
3258s | not a massive team we do keep saying |
3260s | this and you know we don't want to labor |
3262s | that point but uh the the dialogue um is |
3266s | quite extensive within the game um and |
3269s | to do that and record even one character |
3272s | and he's a hive is a main character |
3275s | essentially into uh another person |
3277s | having to do that and then having |
3278s | another person doing it in German as |
3280s | well you can see that just for that |
3283s | character alone uh the work has doubled |
3286s | so yeah unlikely |
3290s | unlikely right let's just sell some |
3292s | other stuff yeah you can go yep yep uh |
3297s | you can |
3299s | go now |
3302s | that's I don't know if I really want to |
3304s | do that cuz I've only just got the storm |
3306s | chest so I'm probably just going to get |
3307s | rid of that one uh let's get rid of that |
3311s | we'll keep |
3312s | that I'm going to get rid of it ah don't |
3315s | know if I've done that right |
3319s | um okay let's just check that's an Eco |
3323s | booster and this is Yun |
3327s | [Music] |
3332s | um I can't decide whether I should swap |
3334s | that one out there's slightly longer |
3336s | recharge |
3337s | delay uh and energy consumption is |
3340s | higher as |
3341s | well |
3343s | capaity higher accelerations higher yeah |
3348s | I see what we'll do we'll actually swap |
3350s | it and see how we fair if if I don't |
3352s | feel it's good I shall get rid rid of |
3355s | that that can go as well keep cell |
3359s | placing can go sensor can go cargo unit |
3363s | no guess I've got the autonomous set |
3365s | there and Rockets maybe because they |
3368s | we're going to be a level |
3371s | 18 there we go there we |
3379s | go uh let just hands up folks who we're |
3382s | old enough to recall some of the classic |
3383s | bugs I recall a bunch of glitches on the |
3385s | Nintendo Entertainment assist on the |
3387s | original NES uh yeah I I remember going |
3391s | even further back cuz I'm a little bit |
3393s | older than Lee and um yeah uh I was back |
3397s | into the days of uh tape combo 64 for |
3400s | the win uh that was quite painful |
3403s | actually if there was ever a problem |
3404s | with that that it wasn't in the days of |
3406s | the internet so you couldn't fix |
3407s | anything uh right let's get out of here |
3411s | even though is a wonderful looking |
3412s | Planet there we go whoos |
3421s | right so we' cracked on with that |
3424s | obviously that has kind of disappeared |
3426s | uh the earlier time we've done the first |
3428s | thing they said that they'll be in touch |
3429s | in the future again so we'll see how |
3431s | that pans out or on there so let's go |
3434s | back and do the convert I am keeping an |
3436s | eye on the time another five minutes or |
3438s | so so if you've got any more questions |
3439s | to dive in with please do throw them out |
3441s | away uh probably in about five 5 minutes |
3443s | or so we're going to be switching over |
3445s | to the interview that we did with |
3447s | uh because it's it's a good decent uh |
3449s | interview which I think people will |
3452s | enjoy um set the way point let's do a h |
3455s | CH rare shall we let's do a hit CH rare |
3457s | see if we can |
3461s | survive dcv I 64 well done that man you |
3466s | a person of a certain |
3468s | [Laughter] |
3474s | age uh we've got a question from |
3476s | backfire 157 from twitch it's been the |
3479s | chance to explore athor system in the |
3481s | future DLCs we did have this mentioned a |
3483s | little bit earlier um um at the moment |
3487s | you can only get there uh during the |
3489s | story line um I don't know if it's going |
3491s | to happen in the future hello hello |
3494s | that's getting a bit |
3498s | painful whoa no I don't like that thank |
3500s | you |
3507s | didn't like that at all nope Siri Bob |
3510s | just conc there cuz he was actually |
3511s | hitting quite hard and I didn't like |
3513s | that |
3515s | um oh detonated R where are you I am not |
3519s | liking that I can hear that |
3522s | there where it's just sheer Terror |
3525s | absolute Terror when you hear that |
3527s | coming up behind you and I'm like nope |
3529s | don't want to be dealing with that today |
3547s | right there we |
3550s | go come |
3560s | on I do love the uh the trails that are |
3563s | left behind by the uh the scouts I think |
3565s | they're so cool |
3589s | that DP |
3602s | I do love this soundtrack that's playing |
3603s | in the background um uh when we get |
3607s | around to doing an interview with G I |
3609s | will be complimenting massively on the |
3611s | um on the soundtrack I like guitars I I |
3615s | will |
3622s | hide right let's |
3624s | do for |
3626s | done yay boss spawn nice you can all |
3630s | leave now get out of here right let's do |
3635s | see if we can get a little jump before |
3637s | he rocks |
3639s | in there we |
3649s | go hello you mind thank you |
3656s | there we |
3660s | go there we go shut that off yay we |
3664s | compl another |
3669s | H uh we got a lot of |
3671s | stuff wa to just my needs to fit into my |
3675s | inventory that was a fair amount of |
3677s | stuff there uh Hey ship color and a few |
3680s | cor as a nice little added bonus there |
3683s | that made a cool little ship module |
3686s | as well right Rusty Earth that's always |
3689s | good right let's a look at the inventory |
3690s | what did we pick up we got quite a |
3692s | blaster scatter Gun N never a fan of the |
3695s | scatter |
3696s | gun okay that's the autonomous one uh |
3699s | structure but I lose |
3701s | Precision same exactly the same so I'm |
3703s | not going to do anything with that o we |
3706s | got the Rattler I do love an auto Cannon |
3709s | I do love an auto Cannon but does it |
3711s | mean I get rid of the Crimson |
3714s | Sun gr your mind people love the |
3717s | corrosion mines don't they do I have |
3719s | another Rogue |
3720s | set the storm chaser didn't |
3724s | we yeah we got together we stand okay |
3727s | you know what I'm actually going to do |
3728s | I'm going to put that in instead but |
3731s | sell that we going to keep that for the |
3733s | time being right I just need to find |
3736s | somewhere look like we're going back to |
3737s | vezner again don't we just |
3740s | to I need more storage on this Sentinel |
3743s | I definitely need more storage |
3751s | cool you'll be glad to hear actually in |
3754s | the interview um talking about kind of |
3757s | uh old the games and how you people have |
3759s | got into games from their childhood uh |
3761s | we will touch on that with uh with Tobin |
3764s | as well so it's it's good to see that |
3766s | you boys and girls are talking about |
3768s | look at that cool view it's a cool view |
3770s | isn't there let's get dived in |
3773s | here let's get docked and sell some |
3775s | stuff |
3780s | do a little repair yeah repair selected |
3783s | thank you let's go to the shop scatter |
3786s | gun you're gone autonomous bear you're |
3789s | gone Qui Shield generator maybe thermal |
3793s | guns are very very handy the DPS on them |
3796s | isn't |
3798s | as they can go and go rail gun no he's |
3802s | going to |
3804s | go bring and |
3807s | maybe that's the same isn't it that was |
3810s | exactly the |
3813s | [Music] |
3815s | same |
3819s | actually okay yeah yeah get rid of that |
3822s | one we don't need that one prime |
3823s | Observer loot range pulse laser no I'm |
3827s | not going to use that one I may keep |
3829s | that for the beam laser we shall see we |
3831s | shall |
3832s | see uh right boys and girls what I'm |
3834s | going to do is I'm now going to switch |
3835s | over to the interview that we did with |
3836s | uh with Tobin um which like I said just |
3840s | uh get yourself comfortable was I |
3841s | remember to hit the save because I did |
3844s | this last time and I forgot where is my |
3846s | stream save where are you there thank |
3849s | you uh which I nearly forgot so uh yeah |
3852s | pull up a comfy chair uh grab a drink as |
3855s | we switch over to the interview with |
3857s | Tobin enjoy uh thanks very much here we |
3860s | are we have got a nice new Dev interview |
3863s | uh this week we are joined by the |
3865s | wonderful Tobin who is our senior |
3867s | gameplay programmer here at Rockfish |
3869s | games uh thanks for joining us tolin |
3871s | it's great to have you with us um I need |
3874s | to kick off with the obvious the the |
3876s | question that everybody uh will have on |
3878s | their lips is what is a senior gameplay |
3881s | program and what does that job |
3885s | Ena well hello Gary hello |
3888s | Community uh thanks for having |
3891s | me um yeah the job of a gameplay |
3894s | programmer um |
3897s | contains of course depending on the |
3899s | company probably but in our case of |
3901s | Rockfish um it's quite a big variety of |
3905s | things you have to do or you can do um |
3909s | because we're a small team um everybody |
3912s | got a lot of hats and um there are |
3915s | things like you know how the ship moves |
3917s | how it shoots um how you come move from |
3920s | A to B like transitions |
3923s | like how destru is done the missions is |
3927s | a big part of it uh saving uh stuff um |
3932s | yeah there's like too much too much too |
3934s | many things to uh to |
3937s | count and um my part was like at the |
3941s | beginning when I started I took like |
3943s | small things um like the famous the very |
3947s | famous shadow creature as a as a very |
3950s | small small example um and I tried to to |
3954s | squeeze my my way here like find some |
3956s | small activities that can be done around |
3958s | in the game um The Invisible container |
3961s | for example was one very very early |
3963s | thing I |
3964s | did and that lead to to bigger events |
3968s | like the the racing The Wanted |
3971s | system |
3972s | um but at some point um we had like a |
3976s | personal shift in the team and then I |
3979s | like move I got moved I moved myself and |
3982s | I mean it was totally voluntarily |
3984s | honestly no irony yeah um to to the |
3987s | narrative side of things I mean I'm |
3990s | still programming a lot um but today I |
3993s | would see myself more of the mission |
3995s | designer but with you know I'm still |
3998s | implementing all the stuff like in the |
4000s | past we had uh guys that uh were yeah |
4004s | designing the missions and designing the |
4006s | story behind the mission writing the |
4009s | dialogue and all that stuff but somebody |
4011s | had to implement them um that was like a |
4014s | mixture of Us Gameplay programmers who |
4017s | supported our mission designers and |
4020s | today it's like pretty much you know we |
4023s | have like I don't know two three four |
4024s | people now that do both um with like you |
4029s | know leaning more a little bit on their |
4031s | dialogue writing end and more a little |
4032s | bit on the implementing end u i mean |
4035s | there was one point in in time where I |
4037s | even wrote dialogues um because I had |
4039s | like fun with it and cool um yeah like |
4045s | like filling a gap |
4049s | and yeah and today I'm still doing that |
4053s | mostly but of course uh as yeah things |
4057s | moved on um with you know the the last U |
4060s | the last uh DLC we had with Titans like |
4064s | I did a big Chun adic part of the the |
4068s | dreadout and I was not alone of course |
4071s | and uh like another let's call it small |
4073s | team uh did the many most of the in |
4076s | thethan but it's yeah I guess due to our |
4081s | team size lot of the things you know |
4083s | like we we um yeah we we we trade on |
4087s | pinions um you know we we uh talk to |
4091s | each other we test the we test the |
4093s | missions of the others we we um feedback |
4096s | each other so it's yeah um it's a big |
4099s | interchanging Pro process here with a |
4101s | lot of |
4102s | iterations um a lot of you know see |
4106s | what's what MH cool cool I mean it seems |
4109s | like a lot of people because of the size |
4110s | of the team we do have to wear many hats |
4113s | um even on the community side whether |
4115s | you're you know interacting with the |
4118s | players on a day-to-day basis doing the |
4119s | streams doing the support that kind of |
4121s | work so obviously you guys uh in Hamburg |
4124s | who I think are their absolute wizards |
4127s | of what you can create uh in in the game |
4129s | environment um we all do uh so many |
4132s | different aspects of um of the job that |
4135s | it's there so we we we can now pin down |
4138s | who um who is responsible for the |
4140s | frustrating shadow creature missions |
4142s | there and that well yeah I mean but but |
4146s | here you know um that's I mean let's |
4148s | take this very small example um for um |
4152s | things like like okay I implemented the |
4155s | mechanic you know um and but there was |
4157s | like a design before that even you know |
4159s | somebody had the idea then somebody |
4161s | implemented of course we we talked about |
4164s | this and we iterated it and then another |
4166s | person like you know builds the puzzle |
4169s | in the levels like you know that's so |
4172s | even that this very very small feature |
4174s | of all the features we have is like done |
4176s | with you know several people already |
4178s | yeah um and of course what I did forget |
4181s | to mention is the game design aspect of |
4183s | things you know like again we have like |
4187s | if you look at our uh our portraits at |
4189s | our Rockfish teams games there like not |
4192s | really like you know we have of course |
4194s | people who have like the drop |
4195s | description |
4196s | and game designer or lead game design I |
4199s | think it's maybe it's I don't know I'm |
4200s | not sure yet but we have like not the |
4203s | whole department called game design and |
4206s | five people working there also so it's |
4208s | all of us so you know pretty much |
4210s | everybody in the team and and you know |
4212s | it I mean you know we got your feedback |
4215s | we asked you of your opinion and um you |
4218s | not the first one so um that's that's of |
4220s | course a big process uh in in the whole |
4222s | thing yeah absolutely absolutely yeah |
4225s | and uh just to to EO that that I think |
4227s | that's one good thing about the team is |
4228s | that everybody kind of has a voice uh |
4230s | whether it's feedback from the players |
4232s | you know which I uh throw over to you |
4234s | guys quite regularly or if it's my own |
4236s | personal opinion on things and people |
4238s | will listen and you know if if there's |
4240s | value in the in those discussions or |
4243s | changes then you know we're quite amable |
4245s | to to those things happening um |
4248s | obviously we we've touched on all the |
4249s | bit the aspects of your role uh and is a |
4252s | m very multifaceted um would you mind |
4255s | sharing a littleit about your background |
4256s | and how you actually became uh a |
4259s | gameplay |
4260s | programmer yeah sure um I I come like |
4265s | from Province small small town but at |
4269s | the very southwestern border of Germany |
4272s | and I'm only saying this because like I |
4274s | grew up in a in a in a in a a field in a |
4277s | family which like viewed at you know |
4280s | gaming at this whole thing like as yeah |
4283s | that's not a real thing you know you |
4285s | shouldn't get a job in in that field |
4287s | it's like you know get something serious |
4289s | do something for real |
4291s | whatever and I mean I I had this kind of |
4295s | mindset then as well I adapted this it |
4297s | of course I I started like I started |
4299s | very on only with gaming like that's why |
4303s | I this this idea even came up as a |
4305s | little child like my grandfather was |
4307s | responsible for this he like brought |
4309s | very early like you know um discs and |
4312s | and whatnot to our very old desktop |
4316s | computers he brought into into the |
4317s | family okay yeah but it was always like |
4320s | you know fun for the kids and nothing |
4322s | nothing more so when I Grew Older and I |
4325s | had like a bunch of ideas what I might |
4328s | became I mean I think a lot of people |
4330s | don't know it you know after after |
4332s | school they're like okay I don't know |
4333s | maybe maybe that maybe that and change |
4335s | it later and I always had this idea to |
4339s | maybe you know this this could still |
4341s | could be a cool thing and I made like a |
4344s | like a com with myself to say okay let's |
4348s | go for programming because you know this |
4350s | will won't ever bore me like computers |
4352s | won't ever bore me and this is very you |
4355s | know pragmatic to say like yeah this |
4358s | earns money like you know they the |
4360s | Internet won't die tomorrow uh computers |
4363s | won't won't die tomorrow it's not a |
4365s | bubble obviously like we that couple of |
4368s | decades ago so but you know if it still |
4372s | works it might be some kind of back door |
4375s | you know um because game Gamers games |
4378s | need programmers so that was kind of my |
4380s | idea which I had in the back so I |
4382s | started it and um in the middle of the |
4387s | of of my studies there was like an an |
4389s | mandatory internship you had to take in |
4391s | in the company of your choosing you know |
4393s | and then I said well why not use this |
4396s | time of 6 months um and look for an |
4399s | internship in a gaming company because |
4401s | you know nothing to lose here no |
4402s | definitely not um and in in Germany is |
4406s | like the industry is I mean it's of it's |
4409s | kind of not small but it's very small if |
4411s | um I was not too interested in doing |
4413s | mobile games so um I look for titles |
4416s | first of all I look for titles I know |
4418s | mhm and when you have titles you do know |
4422s | and they have to be in Germany then was |
4424s | like hard to to to find something and |
4427s | Hamburg is one of the not too many |
4430s | cities in Germany that's have like more |
4433s | than one Studio at all yeah that's like |
4436s | you know you can five six seven towns or |
4439s | cities in in in Germany that host more |
4441s | than one Dev developer like big |
4443s | developers like developers you would |
4445s | know MH and uh there was another problem |
4448s | I mean um I don't know how it is today |
4451s | but uh back then it was like um it was |
4454s | really hard to get into into the |
4456s | industry like um the the internship |
4458s | requirements were like you know um three |
4461s | three years background of working um at |
4463s | least one finished project and you were |
4465s | like |
4466s | I thought this is like an |
4467s | internship |
4469s | um but I got lucky and the company I |
4473s | worked for hired like the the bar was |
4476s | not that High um for this company |
4478s | especially and they did uh cool games so |
4481s | it was a perfect match and then I took |
4483s | the uh the opportunity moved 1,000 km uh |
4488s | to the |
4489s | north um and and kind of stayed I mean |
4493s | after the internship I finished my |
4495s | graduation |
4496s | um my brother convinced me to to like |
4500s | try it in in regular field first but |
4503s | after six six months trying um I decided |
4506s | to no no I realized you know this six |
4509s | months showed me okay this is it I I I |
4512s | like it here that's that's my that's my |
4514s | jam um I want to stay yeah so uh yeah |
4518s | and I mean this yeah and thanks to the |
4523s | to this internship um it was easy to get |
4526s | back to it I could like call completely |
4529s | you know simple via Skype I didn't have |
4532s | to like um do the whole process again of |
4536s | yeah yeah riding my CV and stuff um I |
4538s | just could call people I knew then and |
4541s | then I was like yeah you know um I'm |
4544s | working here and I'm doing fine but do |
4546s | you have like you know uh an open an |
4550s | open uh job for me and yeah and again I |
4554s | got kind of L because another uh |
4557s | programmer at the time another lead |
4558s | programmer even um was about to leave |
4562s | and they looked for somebody and then |
4563s | was like yeah well I mean um I said like |
4566s | no I can't do lead because you know |
4568s | that's why my first job here uh but then |
4572s | they had me convinced they were like um |
4574s | you |
4575s | know uh we trust you that was one thing |
4578s | and then um they they said like okay you |
4581s | know it's our responsibility we uh have |
4583s | a lookout for you we see how it goes um |
4585s | but you know if you're ready to to come |
4588s | up come to us then let's try it um and |
4592s | then I did and and I worked there for |
4594s | four years um a little more than four |
4596s | years yeah yeah actually and but a whole |
4599s | other J um that's was point and click |
4602s | adventure The Pillars of the Earth um |
4604s | maybe some people know the book the game |
4606s | isn't too got too got hasn't got too |
4609s | popular mhm um out there and back there |
4613s | there was like this is um the company |
4615s | used a an engine it was not created by |
4618s | them but um it is not used on a white |
4623s | you know in a in a wide field uh and it |
4626s | is only used for it's like a one purpose |
4629s | engine it's only for pointing tick |
4630s | Adventures so I was like a lot of L |
4632s | coding back then with a little bit of |
4635s | python and when the project was finished |
4637s | it was like an in between time where the |
4640s | company um looked okay where we can put |
4642s | our you know human resources and this |
4645s | project is about to start here is a |
4646s | pitch me there's another pitch but |
4649s | pretty much everything was UN Unreal |
4650s | Engine so yeah yeah um I mean a lot of |
4654s | these project didn't see daylight but um |
4658s | it was of course it then it was like an |
4660s | advantage for me to have like this one |
4662s | almost one year experience working with |
4665s | unreal and um that helped me getting to |
4669s | Rockfish then |
4670s | eventually um because I um moved with |
4674s | another colleague |
4675s | um to Rockfish at that time um and he |
4679s | like he was he was first and showed me |
4682s | where he where he is about to go and I |
4685s | just looked at the jobs and saw hey |
4687s | they're looking for someone like me mhm |
4689s | um let's try that oh and yeah here here |
4692s | I am five years later no six years later |
4695s | now six years wow well congratulations |
4698s | uh I mean obviously you've already |
4699s | touched on kind of what you did in your |
4701s | kind of early career um you we're |
4705s | talking about Pillars of the Earth uh |
4708s | and other games but is there anything |
4710s | outside of those that you worked |
4712s | on yeah there was like uh another |
4716s | project I think it's kind of official |
4718s | now um the devil's man back then it was |
4720s | another Point click adventure but that |
4722s | that never saw daylight and this was a |
4725s | really really tough one it has a lot of |
4727s | ups and downs it was like you know |
4729s | announced it started then um the market |
4733s | happened the budget happened |
4736s | then a lot of people had to leave I was |
4738s | lucky I was the lucky one who didn't um |
4741s | then like other projects came around for |
4744s | me it was The Pillars of the Earth and |
4746s | then at some point the idea was to |
4748s | revive the project again and it even had |
4751s | like a small community it even had an |
4752s | art book oh and like and like merge it |
4755s | was like you know there this was about |
4757s | to happen and everybody thought this is |
4759s | about to happen and then when it started |
4761s | the second time then it was like you |
4764s | know uh same same again you know Market |
4767s | happened budget happened um things |
4769s | happened and then it was like okay now |
4771s | this is um not going to happen probably |
4774s | uh anymore or at least I don't know um |
4777s | if or when yeah yeah yeah but yeah |
4779s | that's that's obviously a frustrating |
4781s | experience um I mean these days I guess |
4784s | a lot of developers in the industry are |
4787s | experien similar things yes yeah yeah |
4790s | definitely um I think we've seen over |
4793s | the last couple of years how kind of |
4794s | vola the industry is and uh in a way I |
4797s | think we're we're very lucky how kind of |
4799s | stable we are here at at Rockfish um |
4802s | exactly yeah um I think it's um |
4805s | Testament to the team overall how |
4807s | they're you know diligently uh |
4810s | navigating the the video game industry |
4814s | um looking at what you've kind of done |
4817s | in your role here um uh at Rockfish |
4820s | obviously everything kind of um every |
4823s | role has a challenge or it has you know |
4825s | uh rewarding Parts what would you say |
4827s | has been uh for you anyway the most |
4830s | challenging uh thing that you've had to |
4831s | deal with and conversely uh what element |
4834s | has been the most |
4836s | rewarding yeah I mean um in general |
4840s | that's guess a general answer that |
4842s | doesn't doesn't um is has nothing to do |
4846s | with the job I think um and that would |
4849s | be to say to make everybody happy um I |
4854s | mean that's that's like so General I I |
4855s | get it |
4857s | but when I when I hear that question it |
4860s | it's really my like my first answer |
4862s | because in my day-to-day job it's um I |
4864s | have on some Dames it's very complex |
4867s | stuff some day it's easy um you know |
4869s | work it work it through |
4872s | um and like in most cases especially in |
4876s | the complex cases it's like I I sit in |
4878s | front of it and I try to come up with an |
4881s | idea is it I don't know if if it's game |
4883s | design related is it probably related or |
4885s | if it's whatever related and to to uh |
4890s | come up with the idea to pitch it to |
4891s | others to discuss it with others and of |
4895s | course a lot of people in our team have |
4897s | a lot of strong opinions and valuable |
4900s | opinions of course and I would never say |
4902s | like I have you know the the best ideas |
4906s | um but yeah pitching your ideas in and |
4909s | we're not talking big ones it's not |
4911s | always big system it's it's small |
4913s | features every day everyday stuff um |
4916s | pitching them to others and then get |
4919s | feedback back and now no maybe you |
4920s | should try this and whatnot and I don't |
4922s | know and then at some point you know you |
4924s | get the results um you're hoping for mhm |
4928s | so this this kind of struggle especially |
4930s | in the in now in the narrative |
4933s | Department um there there is like |
4936s | everything coming together similar to |
4938s | the level design you know there as the |
4941s | there there's the author there's the |
4942s | creative director there's there's me |
4944s | there's another uh you know Mission |
4947s | designer so a lot of different |
4949s | departments and a lot of different |
4951s | perspectives on one issue and to to find |
4955s | a way like you know here's the the |
4957s | vision Here's the the story and here's |
4960s | the implementation of things and to to |
4962s | get this in into one so that's like the |
4966s | the biggest struggle every any time from |
4969s | Big to small yeah um and in like more of |
4973s | a direct thinking to my job description |
4976s | it's um it's it's similar like having |
4980s | the the problem in front of me and then |
4982s | thinking about something that lasts long |
4985s | that you know creates as as less bucks |
4988s | as possible as few bucks as possible |
4990s | that's a big big thing and of course |
4992s | that's flexible like game development |
4996s | one one thing about it is and I I can |
5000s | only assume because I only worked so |
5003s | short in another field but |
5005s | uh it's it's very volatile like you you |
5009s | have an idea you implement it of course |
5012s | maybe you discuss it with other before |
5014s | but at some point it uh goes out to the |
5017s | world and the world means our team first |
5019s | and then you get a lot of ideas and then |
5023s | realize or whatever happens okay this is |
5026s | bad I have to rethink everything that's |
5028s | like the worst case and another like |
5031s | default case would be okay this is not |
5034s | bad yet but it needs a and c and then |
5038s | you have to have like a system that is |
5040s | able to provide a and C or you have to |
5042s | you know start from scratch again so um |
5046s | and of course everything has to be done |
5048s | fast it might I mean I can say it's not |
5051s | like you know Michael is not breathing |
5054s | our neck like yeah have to get this done |
5056s | or anything yeah um but we have |
5058s | deadlines of course you know there's |
5059s | releases and and um we have our own |
5062s | goals and say like okay this has to be |
5064s | done until then |
5065s | so I cannot like yeah sit around and and |
5068s | think all day about the best solution so |
5071s | I have to you know go for the best that |
5073s | comes up not first but you know yeah |
5076s | second or third absolutely yeah I'd like |
5079s | to delve a little bit just a little bit |
5081s | personally in terms of your gaming uh |
5084s | because you obviously mentioned earlier |
5085s | that you you've been a gamer since you |
5087s | were you were young uh I think as we all |
5089s | have um so what games do you currently |
5092s | play now and what games have you played |
5095s | in the past and how do you think you've |
5097s | kind of changed in your playing style |
5099s | over that |
5101s | time yeah I mean feels like this could |
5104s | be you know go on for hours and not not |
5106s | really really not to |
5108s | brag um when yeah when you start early |
5110s | but but yeah I think everybody who who |
5112s | listens or you um we we all know how |
5115s | this goes and we all have this pile on |
5118s | on I mean mostly steam but on any |
5120s | platform I don't know um so yeah today I |
5124s | what what I changed um and it's kind of |
5127s | maybe you know a part of I don't know a |
5130s | getting old or B um try to live a more |
5133s | healthy lifestyle something about that I |
5135s | don't know um so I changed from a lot of |
5138s | competitive stuff um to more like single |
5142s | player laidback stuff I mean I still uh |
5146s | try a love a good challenge with Elden |
5148s | ring um but um that's kind of the |
5152s | exception because you know back in the |
5154s | day I um like Le of Legend was maybe the |
5158s | the longest of them all but Counter |
5159s | Strike was also the Call of Duty I even |
5162s | tried fortnite you know just for the |
5164s | gist of it and see what what's what's |
5166s | that about yeah yeah |
5168s | um and uh I don't know Starcraft 2 or |
5172s | pretty much every Blizzard game I mean |
5175s | you know they they made great games so |
5179s | um but yeah of course also um any |
5181s | Nintendo stuff and and all so yeah and I |
5185s | mean the last game I I played as cross |
5186s | code which is like a small Indie uh |
5189s | title I had like I don't know for how |
5191s | many years now on my PC and and as |
5195s | sometimes maybe we maybe you know the |
5197s | feeling that you the urge to have okay I |
5200s | have this big pile it needs to get |
5202s | smaller and then you pick like one game |
5204s | out and I honestly thought this would |
5206s | take a few hours because I just knew |
5208s | about the game that this was like a |
5209s | small Indie title and then it turns out |
5211s | to a full-fledged 60 hours plus jrpg |
5216s | so um yeah that's that um and before |
5220s | that I I played like animal well um um |
5224s | or yeah well I played h 2 but I don't |
5228s | see that as an as an you know |
5229s | competitive game that's still like but |
5232s | also I I like the Zelda not not the the |
5235s | the latest installment I want to play |
5238s | that that I think this might be the next |
5240s | title I'm going to but I'm talking tear |
5242s | of kingdom and of course before that |
5243s | breath of the wild and stuff |
5245s | yeah I know definitely talking to some |
5247s | of the team members I think it was |
5249s | during our um recent Rockfish uh day um |
5253s | the |
5254s | offices Zelda games and Nintendo games |
5257s | do come up quite a lot and I think he |
5259s | saw lot of his down to the game design |
5261s | um as well although I've never been a |
5263s | I've never played a Zelda game I have to |
5265s | admit you know but yeah I mean I mean |
5268s | the the at least for me I mean of course |
5270s | it's always like a personal opinion but |
5273s | um uh when you when you when you game as |
5276s | a child like you know every world you |
5277s | encounter every level every feature is |
5279s | new every game you put in your hands is |
5281s | like totally exciting and it with over |
5284s | time you have seen stuff and you just |
5286s | you know yeah I have seen this kind of |
5288s | game you know um |
5291s | um and the the last installment like |
5294s | breath of the wild the like you know the |
5296s | open world set up all of a sudden I was |
5299s | I was very skeptical about that because |
5301s | I you know okay I don't know is this |
5304s | Nintendo able to to to do this pull this |
5307s | off and they did and it's uh quite |
5309s | honestly for me like a 10 of 10 game you |
5311s | know um this was like the first time in |
5313s | I don't know what 10 years or so uh |
5315s | which got me excited like you know have |
5318s | to have this feeling again that that you |
5320s | that you have as a kid so H yeah that |
5323s | that's like a big inspiration and a big |
5325s | you know um I'm glad they did what they |
5328s | did um when they decided to to be like |
5331s | Brave and and try something else and and |
5335s | and not not not copy another you know |
5338s | open world out game that is already |
5340s | existing out there so yeah cool was |
5343s | refreshing yeah yeah I mean that's |
5344s | that's High Praise I mean a lot of |
5346s | people do speak highly of that and uh |
5348s | you know giving their 10 out of 10 uh |
5350s | you can tell they've done some uh some |
5352s | good work on that now final question I |
5354s | promise uh but I know this one is a is a |
5357s | difficult one to answer because there's |
5358s | an absolute plethora of of games out |
5360s | there that we've even just touched on |
5361s | ourselves um if you had to pick one game |
5365s | and know this is difficult you might |
5366s | have two um which game would you like to |
5370s | have worked on and is there any |
5371s | particular reason |
5373s | why yeah um I probably would pick uh |
5378s | World of Warcraft okay um that's maybe |
5382s | that's mostly |
5383s | Nostalgia um I mean I I stopped playing |
5386s | years ago and I mean I I I play I like I |
5390s | you know sucked every news I could get |
5392s | about this game when it was about to |
5394s | release you know I I I don't know joined |
5397s | several communities fan sites and and |
5400s | whatnot to to get any anything and and |
5403s | then when it like you know pre-release I |
5405s | don't know two weeks pre beta or pre |
5407s | whatever they they called it back then |
5409s | before the actual release um I started |
5412s | like playing every day and and then when |
5415s | it released I started like the same |
5417s | class and everything from new because I |
5419s | had so much fun I was like sure coming |
5421s | from I don't know Balo gate and other |
5423s | RPGs I knew back then I I know myself |
5426s | and when I play one class for about a |
5429s | period of time then I get like bored and |
5431s | try something else and this was just so |
5434s | good I had to like okay this makes so |
5436s | much fun I you know I do all all the |
5439s | stuff again yeah and it this was like |
5442s | you know this this this world they they |
5444s | created this was this a Fascination |
5447s | never uh yeah never never reached again |
5450s | let's say that I |
5452s | mean a lot of a lot of developers try it |
5455s | um yeah and this this kind of magic so |
5459s | when I had the chance back then I mean |
5461s | today I you know honestly would not to |
5464s | be too interested but back then this |
5466s | would be probably an awesome experience |
5469s | to to see how this all comes together |
5471s | all these different aspects and of |
5473s | course the servers and then the |
5475s | multiplayer aspect of it that's what |
5476s | like I imagine this very exciting mhm |
5480s | cool cool cool I mean obviously it seems |
5482s | like you're you've been a big Nintendo |
5484s | fan |
5485s | uh would that be something kind of you'd |
5488s | like to to look at how they kind of um |
5491s | work for example as a company Studio |
5495s | yeah AB absolutely that's um I mean if |
5498s | yeah if if I had to pick another one |
5500s | that would probably be uh maybe any |
5503s | Nintendo title um I mean of course bre |
5506s | the wild would be exciting but again |
5508s | like with but of Warcraft what was it |
5510s | back in the day like how did they work |
5512s | then but |
5514s | yeah and how do they work today I mean |
5516s | there's only so many documentaries out |
5518s | there um and behind the scenes stuff um |
5521s | and of and at the end a documentary or |
5523s | whatever is still something different to |
5526s | work actually there and live there dayto |
5528s | day so um this is kind of still for me |
5531s | like not not directly a blackbox but in |
5533s | in a kind of way um how how the |
5535s | processes are how the hierarchies work |
5538s | how which which or who who does what who |
5541s | decides what um that that just would be |
5544s | out curiosity MH cool cool yeah I mean I |
5547s | think um even though I've worked in many |
5549s | different Industries um every company is |
5552s | different so I can imagine even in the |
5554s | the game development world that would be |
5556s | uh very similar uh thing that would |
5558s | happen um just before we we we end is |
5562s | there anything you'd like to say to our |
5563s | players the community the viewers of |
5565s | this um from from your point of |
5569s | view yeah uh thanks for foremost that's |
5573s | like uh the biggest thing because uh all |
5576s | all uh all I said I mean it's maybe it's |
5580s | it's comes between the lines that I'm |
5583s | very grateful to to be uh here in at |
5585s | Rockfish and in this in the industry and |
5587s | it's wouldn't be possible without our |
5590s | community so that's the greatest thing |
5594s | and another is um you know seeing not |
5597s | not the world as a as a big thing but |
5599s | the the gaming industry and the |
5601s | communities out there from other games |
5603s | other Developers mhm um I think we can |
5605s | call ourselves quite lucky you know um |
5608s | have like a lot of very nice people |
5611s | engaged people um so yeah that's that's |
5615s | the |
5617s | fuel um we love to to keep on working so |
5621s | absolutely yeah yeah we we do and we we |
5623s | do this mention this we we have a |
5624s | passion for this and uh you know without |
5627s | you boys and girls out there uh buying |
5628s | our games and and interacting with us we |
5630s | wouldn't be able to do it and it's uh |
5632s | sounds very cliche but it is it's very |
5634s | very true we we do love what we do uh |
5637s | we'll keep on doing that as long as you |
5638s | love what we produce uh so anyway thank |
5641s | you to uh for joining us for this |
5643s | interview uh myself and obviously |
5645s | everybody's watching uh I really |
5646s | appreciate you taking time out of your |
5648s | day and your busy schedule because you |
5650s | so multifaceted and having to do so many |
5652s | things uh just to have a little chat |
5654s | with us and uh let us peek me out the |
5656s | curtain of game development uh as we |
5658s | have with um some of the other |
5660s | developers um we're going to do more of |
5662s | these in the future um we've got some |
5664s | more lined up uh yes they not not |
5666s | everybody in the team has run away and |
5667s | said no not doing that we've got some |
5669s | more lined up and uh hopefully we have |
5671s | some of those in the near future but uh |
5673s | with that I'll say thank you to tolbin |
5675s | and uh I'll hand you back over to myself |
5677s | and we'll see you soon thank you |
5682s | bye there we go how cool was that |
5686s | wonderful chat with Tobin and uh I hope |
5689s | you all enjoyed that as much as I did |
5690s | when we recorded it I did see some |
5693s | questions at um went through the chat um |
5696s | I didn't want to kind of interject and |
5698s | and voice over on top of the uh the |
5700s | interview but um uh I know one of the |
5703s | questions was about having the the devs |
5705s | come on onto the live stream on an |
5707s | evening um there's a couple of |
5709s | logistical problems with that um purely |
5712s | because it eats into their free time |
5715s | specifically um and you know we kind of |
5717s | do a snapshot during their day um where |
5721s | we can fit some time in and literally we |
5723s | like okay you've got free time yeah |
5724s | let's let's do it so sometimes it's uh |
5727s | it's a little difficult and we we |
5729s | definitely don't want to impinge on |
5730s | their free time so when they knockof |
5733s | clock off on on a Friday evening um |
5736s | after their day at work then you know uh |
5739s | it's nice that uh they just have that |
5741s | free time so whether we get them on live |
5744s | would be very very difficult and um so |
5747s | doing the pre-record also does help us |
5749s | do sometimes editing that video that |
5752s | that I recorded with toin it was a |
5754s | lovely conversation was actually a |
5755s | little bit longer uh but we just had to |
5757s | trim uh some bits here and there and it |
5759s | does allow us as well if anything kind |
5761s | of slips out that maybe shouldn't slip |
5763s | out because people aren't used to being |
5765s | on camera for example uh then we do have |
5768s | that second chance to go whoops we need |
5769s | to cut that out so uh yeah uh very very |
5772s | difficult um asking about the questions |
5774s | and stuff yeah we we'll be open to that |
5776s | I think that's probably a good idea I'm |
5778s | sure myself and Lee will discuss this in |
5780s | the future about how we can kind of |
5781s | incorporate specific questions to the |
5783s | the develop us um and how it is um so |
5787s | yeah we'll definitely look at that in |
5789s | the near future and uh yeah maybe we can |
5791s | uh get some very specific questions um |
5794s | obviously we'd have to kind of moderate |
5796s | them and see whether they can be apt to |
5799s | uh to talk about things H Flor is asking |
5803s | over on Twitch what did slip out want to |
5805s | see the |
5806s | outtakes they are on The Cutting Room |
5808s | floor and that's where they're |
5810s | staying now to be fair a lot of the time |
5813s | it doesn't the devs are very very aware |
5815s | of what they can say and what they can't |
5816s | say but just in case of any kind of oops |
5820s | um you know we don't want to do it now |
5822s | if we do get Michael on who has |
5824s | volunteered to to come on for for an |
5826s | interview regarding being the CEO of the |
5827s | company um we may be able to do that one |
5830s | live because sometimes he is here on on |
5832s | an evening we'd have to find out on that |
5834s | one because that would be very very |
5835s | interesting and cool to to dive into but |
5837s | again we've just got to be mindful of |
5839s | their their free time so uh yeah I'm |
5842s | glad you enjoyed it as I said I |
5844s | thoroughly enjoyed it so uh on the floor |
5847s | in Hamburg no it's definitely I I did |
5849s | the editing on that video so yeah it's |
5851s | definitely on my my Cutting Room floor |
5853s | but glad you enjoyed it anyway so here |
5856s | we |
5857s | are it's the time to put it to the test |
5861s | uh some of you boys and girls did know a |
5863s | little while ago that I was trying to |
5865s | get through this Monumental task of U |
5869s | flying a bomber through scrapyard race |
5872s | with no inertia dampeners |
5875s | and the last time I got so close so |
5878s | close uh but failed miserably and um |
5882s | I've been practicing I I've had a few |
5884s | practice sessions uh this week just to |
5887s | try and do it and ironically the first |
5890s | time uh I tried I did it it just went |
5893s | Boop and I did it first time after that |
5896s | not so not so good uh but then tried |
5898s | again and I did it about three times |
5899s | today within the time limit um although |
5903s | a couple of runs were disrupted by Elite |
5905s | gmbs um uh who thought it was funny just |
5908s | to jump in and start hting me when I'm |
5909s | trying to navigate the car so they kind |
5911s | of P me off I'm not making excuses |
5913s | because if they do jump in |
5915s | then um oh first person oh yeah I forgot |
5918s | about first person that might be a |
5919s | struggle was it first person are you |
5921s | sure it was first person I don't |
5923s | remember it being first |
5926s | person I remember oh if it was first |
5930s | person I was i' been practicing in third |
5932s | person so this could be um this could be |
5936s | painful anyway right let me get the we |
5939s | are loaded up here anyway and uh we |
5942s | shall see so um did did I really do |
5946s | first person is that game sound really |
5949s | oh no it is okay it was just really |
5950s | really quiet yes yes everybody's like |
5953s | yes yes it was yes it was so uh anyway |
5957s | let's let's try this H damn I've been |
5959s | practicing in third person I wonder if |
5962s | uh |
5964s | okay we doing yeah yeah |
5967s | okay we we'll try anyway uh so I'm just |
5970s | going to start the race I am then going |
5972s | to turn off my initia damping as you can |
5973s | see up there and it's going to say inial |
5975s | damping is |
5976s | off uh let's see whoops what a great |
5979s | start a great start I love it if he can |
5983s | keep this up he will win for sat |
5987s | apparently I will |
5991s | win come on come on there we go come on |
5995s | I don't remember doing it in first |
5996s | person I think this is what's going to |
5997s | throw me off or this is the excuse I'm |
5999s | coming for I detect some Redeemer sign |
6001s | oh really just when I'm doing good the |
6003s | redeemers think they're going to spoil |
6007s | things I mean like you have offended the |
6009s | wisdom of the Ancients You' offended my |
6012s | wisdom of doing this uh challenge had a |
6014s | sad feeling that once upon a time you |
6016s | were quite a normal insane person |
6021s | apparently come on round round o d d oh |
6026s | we missed that one we missed that GE did |
6027s | we yeah we missed the |
6032s | GE it's very difficult when you've got |
6035s | Redeemer shooting at you to try and |
6037s | concentrate because you thinking I'm |
6038s | going to run out of time now I I've got |
6040s | enough time oh for got it right we're |
6043s | going to burn that one |
6044s | off let's |
6047s | restart you know I tried this two or |
6049s | three times to really |
6055s | let me just deal with these within their |
6058s | stamping his |
6060s | on right go away just leave me alone I'm |
6064s | trying to do some entertainment here do |
6067s | you not |
6068s | app do you not appreciate that this is |
6070s | hard |
6072s | work right let's try again shall we |
6076s | hopefully with no |
6080s | disturbances yes right there we go |
6084s | okay take |
6089s | two J this off |
6092s | right if they turn up again I'm going be |
6095s | very upset straight out of the gate like |
6097s | a wild |
6105s | dog can this roll me off the first |
6108s | person Viewpoint it really has I'm like |
6110s | I didn't practice in this I thought it |
6112s | was only third person oh there we go |
6114s | there we go and it's always the second |
6117s | part of the uh the course that always |
6118s | throws me off ever so |
6120s | slightly I oh doing that doesn't help |
6125s | stop hitting |
6129s | things come up we go right can we get |
6132s | this turn this turn is |
6136s | important come that way thank |
6140s | you thank you come on |
6144s | I will not stick my tongue out in |
6146s | concentration I will not stick my tongue |
6147s | out in |
6149s | concentration I'm getting dry |
6152s | mouth a very dry mouth come on we've got |
6155s | about 34 seconds to do this come on now |
6158s | the redeemers left me alone this time |
6160s | which I think is good |
6164s | handy come on come on oink oh nope |
6172s | nope come on come on we got this don't |
6174s | panic Don't Panic we got this we got |
6178s | this come |
6181s | on I'm going to give a round of |
6184s | [Applause] |
6191s | applause about blooming |
6194s | [Laughter] |
6198s | time ah damn it I just needed to |
6201s | practice but first person yeah I done it |
6204s | in third person but I just hadn't been |
6205s | able to do it in first person oh dear |
6208s | but I managed to get bronze yeah and I |
6211s | think as well um I did notice if I can |
6214s | get through the first sector now for |
6218s | platinum I could get through the first |
6220s | half of it and I had like maybe 40 |
6223s | seconds left then I knew I was okay it's |
6225s | just that second sector oh I hate the |
6228s | second half of that race I need to have |
6230s | a I think I don't actually know if it |
6231s | was tolbin that actually implemented |
6233s | these races I need to have a |
6235s | word now to be fair I I could do do the |
6238s | races with normal you know inertia |
6240s | dampeners on and in third person that |
6242s | would be a lot easier but that was uh |
6245s | that was quite horrifically hard and I |
6246s | didn't really enjoy that and I actually |
6248s | thought I'd do it didn't do it as uh |
6250s | sorry I did it quicker than I expected I |
6252s | was expecting about four or five gos I |
6254s | didn't honestly think I'd get it on the |
6256s | uh on the second go but then |
6259s | redeemers they kept jumping in on me |
6261s | earlier on my test as well and also the |
6263s | Elite g&b and I was like you are not |
6265s | helping here at all at all uh what I |
6268s | want to know is have you guys actually |
6270s | tried this have you you know done the |
6273s | the the deed of flying through a RAC |
6276s | track with your Reesa dampers off in a |
6278s | bomber with the first person have you |
6280s | tried it it's actually see B bed frogs |
6284s | like hey yeah well done oh but you did |
6286s | the easiest one to be fair probably |
6290s | did but uh yeah speaking of these |
6292s | challenges by the way and it was |
6294s | something that I did promise I'd come |
6295s | back to if you do have any reasonable |
6298s | ones um that you'd like me to attempt um |
6302s | then please do um uh put them in the |
6305s | Discord and let me know uh because I |
6307s | will definitely look at the feasability |
6309s | of doing them um and see if we can |
6313s | actually do them and isn't that a |
6314s | wonderful screenshot I me come on how |
6318s | can you not like that let me just go |
6320s | there I mean look at that look at that |
6321s | structure I feel like I'm spoiling it by |
6324s | being in the way I really do I I think |
6326s | he's a wonderful uh a wonderful |
6328s | screenshot now that's a hell of a |
6330s | segueway into the next thing that we're |
6333s | going to look at and that is the uh |
6336s | screenshots that you boys and girls have |
6337s | been producing over the last couple of |
6338s | weeks and there's been some absolute |
6340s | doozies so let's uh let's just do let me |
6343s | just go back to here let's just pause |
6344s | that I don't need to save it uh just |
6346s | give me a couple of minutes while we get |
6347s | these things set up and then I shall be |
6348s | back don't go nowhere |
6355s | [Music] |
6357s | while I'm doing some tinkering don't |
6358s | forget to follow us on all these |
6359s | wonderful things Discord Tik Tok |
6362s | Facebook X YouTube uh LinkedIn if you're |
6366s | into the business type uh do check us |
6368s | out on there as well all the wonderful |
6370s | places where we were discussing thing uh |
6372s | even on Blue Sky um we're now over there |
6375s | if you want to check us out there uh |
6378s | we're over on Blue Sky which is a a new |
6380s | social media platform that's up and |
6382s | coming uh we do employ you to go check |
6385s | things out uh there as well cuz it's |
6387s | very very nice very very nice right let |
6390s | me just get rid of that let's just bring |
6393s | that in let's do |
6395s | that and then uh yeah let's uh let's |
6398s | look at some |
6400s | screenshots there we go here we are here |
6405s | we are let me just drag that out of the |
6407s | way cuz I don't want that there I just |
6408s | don't need that anymore uh |
6412s | right that |
6413s | time to find out the winning DMZ lottery |
6416s | numbers yeah if you don't if you don't |
6417s | never notice down there at the bottom we |
6418s | do have some information that Scrolls |
6420s | through and then we have the DMZ news |
6422s | including the winning lottery numbers if |
6424s | you are in the uh future |
6429s | uh but right anyway first off we have a |
6432s | wonderful shot um from Discord uh this |
6436s | is hair kex and they managed to well if |
6439s | you don't know what this wonderful um |
6442s | Disco f fantasticness is um then have |
6446s | you have you have you ever played the |
6448s | game I mean it's a wonderful shot and uh |
6451s | uh funny enough all these screenshots |
6453s | did have the devs saying look we need to |
6455s | kind of collect a a kind of best of the |
6458s | best and uh it's getting tougher for |
6460s | them to choose uh honestly I I have to |
6463s | choose 10 every week and then I put it |
6465s | to the team uh for the best shots that I |
6468s | kind of find in the in the last two |
6470s | weeks uh from any social media where |
6473s | ever it is um whether it's steam whether |
6475s | it's Discord whether it's Twitter we're |
6477s | getting them on Blue Sky as I've said um |
6480s | it's very very difficult for me to |
6482s | narrow them down uh and then they have |
6484s | to narrow them down even further uh and |
6487s | choose the the best that they're like uh |
6489s | but this one uh it's a it's a web of |
6492s | Destruction as as we know um and it |
6497s | was a lovely a lovely screenshot bit of |
6499s | corrosion going on there but that poor |
6501s | uh that poor Fator in there is uh is |
6503s | going in for a bit of pain I think uh I |
6506s | would want to be the that one uh but |
6508s | yeah that was herex over on the Discord |
6511s | next up we have this a beauty uh from |
6514s | open scev and this one came from Reddit |
6518s | so uh I do uh scour everywhere so uh if |
6523s | you put them on the Discord if you put |
6524s | them on Reddit if you put them on the |
6526s | social media wherever it is even Lee um |
6529s | because he does a lot of the social |
6531s | media uh he looks out for wonderful |
6532s | screen shots as well so do uh do take a |
6535s | good interest uh on on all the platforms |
6538s | because I'll be scaring them as well as |
6540s | the rest of the team and if there's any |
6541s | suggestions for wonderful screenshots we |
6543s | will be uh we will be pointing them out |
6546s | to the team to have a look at uh but |
6548s | yeah this one's from Reddit from open SC |
6550s | Dev now initially um I was so focused on |
6553s | the Sentinel I didn't actually realize |
6556s | um that it wasn't that ship or his ship |
6559s | that was actually doing the the jump uh |
6562s | you can see the Y car Corvette |
6564s | underneath |
6566s | um and uh uh then I realized that that's |
6570s | the ship that's actually jumping out not |
6572s | his so yeah it's yeah Ben frog when I |
6577s | saw that you put 1 2 3 4 56 I thought |
6580s | that is quite close to be fair to the to |
6582s | the |
6583s | [Laughter] |
6586s | numbers but yeah uh the winning lery |
6589s | numbers will be coming through uh for |
6590s | anywhere uh I I kind of uh |
6593s | I was a little bit naughty with that one |
6595s | cuz everything was like 2 4 6 8 10 and |
6597s | everybody was expecting 12 but no |
6599s | unfortunately it was |
6602s | 13 oh dear but uh next up we have one |
6607s | from Discord um let me just double click |
6610s | into that one so we can get to see a |
6611s | little bit better uh this one is from |
6614s | Adam GD uh one of our very regular um |
6619s | screenshot uh people uh Galactic well |
6621s | not Galactic photographer cuz we only |
6623s | dish those out to the exceptional shots |
6625s | uh if you've noticed uh but they do take |
6628s | some uh uh wonderful screenshots and uh |
6631s | they do share them so check out our |
6633s | screenshot channel on on Discord um |
6637s | wonderful lighting um the ship just |
6640s | perfectly positioned well nearly |
6642s | perfectly remember I I I try it's kind |
6645s | of an OCD with me I can just say that |
6647s | it's slightly offc Center uh but you |
6649s | know hey it's difficult to do I |
6651s | appreciate it's difficult to do |
6654s | uh so yeah the Fibonacci |
6658s | sequence definitely um but I I I do like |
6661s | the lighting um and the textures that |
6663s | the the team put into these uh these |
6665s | screenshots uh I do think they're |
6667s | they're fantastic and you know we we |
6669s | always try to improve them the best we |
6671s | can it's just a shame actually sometimes |
6673s | the pictures that we grab um we lose a |
6676s | bit of fidelity because they might be |
6677s | compressed uh from wherever we get them |
6680s | uh you know some social media sometimes |
6681s | compress them so uh uh I may actually |
6684s | reach out to some of the people and say |
6685s | hey do you have the original so I can |
6686s | really show it off uh as high quality as |
6689s | possible CU we do like to see the really |
6691s | really good shots in in the highest |
6693s | definition next up uh another one's from |
6696s | social media the uh which this time over |
6698s | on Twitter or x uh as uh it's kind of |
6701s | called These Days uh and this was from |
6704s | mind Jacker uh and I like this one uh |
6707s | cuz it really stood out because of a the |
6709s | power of the the star there but then |
6712s | some he's plunk the striker right in the |
6714s | middle of it uh in the way and uh you |
6717s | can see he sat there creating the uh the |
6720s | Rays uh through the wings and uh the |
6723s | different coloration uh like the the you |
6726s | you wouldn't believe the spectrum of uh |
6728s | of colors that are available you can see |
6730s | the purples the blacks uh the Browns the |
6732s | Reds uh and then you've got the green |
6735s | kind of Corona uh uh around the the star |
6739s | there in the middle uh and they're |
6740s | always interesting and uh I think |
6743s | sometimes when you're just playing |
6744s | through the game naturally you might see |
6746s | a a situation that you've flown into or |
6749s | um a scene and you just think that looks |
6751s | so good I need to remember that and come |
6753s | back and I think a lot of people do that |
6754s | they just realize or just on the spare |
6757s | of the moment they just go wow that |
6759s | looked really |
6760s | cool yeah B frog here's Michael uh just |
6764s | sneaking in uh welcome welcome welcome |
6767s | so those of you don't know uh Michael is |
6769s | the CEO of the company uh and he likes |
6772s | to drop in and say hello to all you fine |
6774s | uh Pilots uh that follow us whatever |
6778s | we're doing uh but yeah this is a |
6779s | wonderful shot uh definitely Thor of |
6781s | Asgard over on YouTube as just said and |
6784s | yeah definitely concer on that one uh |
6786s | well positioned and well created uh |
6789s | that's what we always like to see next |
6792s | up is a classic I think this is an |
6795s | absolute classic uh I really do like |
6797s | this one and this one's from Steam uh |
6800s | sorry no I like yeah sorry is from Steam |
6802s | but this is Gordon adgf um and their |
6805s | take on this wonderful background um and |
6810s | then I think they just so accentuated |
6814s | with the ship down here uh it's complete |
6817s | contrasting uh with the blue really |
6819s | stands out obviously we kind of got the |
6822s | almost like corrosion and destruction |
6825s | and whatever gas elements have come from |
6827s | the breakdown of this ship that are kind |
6830s | of just seemingly encircling this planet |
6833s | it yet it is just from the uh from the |
6835s | ship and the destruction there but um no |
6838s | I thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed this one |
6840s | just because of the contrasting and uh |
6842s | yeah well done to Gordon over on Steam |
6847s | um oh Michael Michael's definitely their |
6850s | um B frog there we go uh but |
6855s | yeah he's jumping around he's jumping |
6857s | around he's jumping around yeah |
6859s | everybody wants to see Michael when he |
6861s | comes in so yeah there will well done on |
6863s | that shop next up uh another very |
6866s | obviously we've just been there we've |
6867s | just been there um uh with the wonderful |
6871s | background of the scrapyard you can even |
6872s | see in the far Corner uh part of the |
6876s | abandoned gate there but you can see the |
6878s | the sun and the star in in in the |
6881s | distance a great shot and this one again |
6883s | comes from Steam uh from frag site um |
6887s | interesting name I was trying to |
6888s | pronounce it p h r a g c YT um uh a |
6893s | wonderful shot and the team really liked |
6895s | this one but there was even better ones |
6897s | that they liked more and uh to be fair |
6900s | again nice Sentinel uh just bursting |
6903s | with speed there with the the nice |
6905s | bubble in front of the ship which I |
6907s | think is uh uh a nice effect I do like |
6911s | that effect and uh I hope you do too B |
6914s | frog we get some premium Michael select |
6916s | again someday we will we'll definitely |
6918s | uh um like I said we've got a lot to fit |
6921s | in uh especially with the the interviews |
6924s | and everything else so uh but yeah |
6926s | getting the whole Dev team involved now |
6928s | and they do all get involved um for for |
6930s | the screenshots is uh is is very very |
6933s | cool because it just means they take a |
6935s | little bit of the time out of the day to |
6936s | appreciate the work and uh uh and the |
6939s | Creations that the the viewers and the |
6942s | players have created for us so uh yeah |
6944s | fair play to them for taking the time |
6947s | but that was another shot from Steam now |
6950s | switching back we're getting close we're |
6952s | getting close |
6954s | this one you may have seen if you're on |
6956s | our Discord and this is another shot |
6958s | from Adam GD um again they produced some |
6962s | wonderful shots and it's so difficult so |
6967s | so difficult to to pick their best uh |
6970s | and uh everything's so subjective as |
6972s | well let's be fair um what one person |
6975s | thinks is you know a great screenshot |
6977s | some people might go me uh but uh |
6980s | generally the team thought this was one |
6981s | of the best this week uh one of the best |
6983s | anyway uh we're very close to the top |
6986s | but uh uh fair play to Adam uh is making |
6988s | some good uh good stylish shots every |
6991s | week and uh we hope you guys and girls |
6994s | can uh can create some as well just to |
6996s | compete with them you know let's let's |
6997s | help the anti let's see what you can |
6999s | bring we may even |
7001s | um uh possibly try some themed ones |
7005s | again um just to see if anybody can kind |
7009s | of hey uh hn in on what we would be um |
7013s | suggesting that would be quite cool we |
7015s | did have some fun with them earlier in |
7016s | the year and last year so uh keep your |
7019s | eyes peeled for that as |
7020s | well uh and |
7022s | then third place technically uh in the |
7026s | list is this one from Rolling to the |
7029s | Grave which I believe is Sorry's |
7032s | username on Reddit if I remember |
7035s | correctly um and this one is a great |
7039s | shot and I'm sure if they're still with |
7040s | us uh they'll be able to tell us a |
7042s | little bit about how they plan the shot |
7045s | Etc but we've got the jellyfish we've |
7048s | got the sun with the the the bright star |
7050s | in in the middle uh and the forward |
7053s | Shield I don't know if they've just got |
7054s | the front shield on just to whack the uh |
7056s | the jellyfish to be fair |
7058s | but you know little bit of of extra |
7061s | protection that's definitely for sure uh |
7064s | as they're flying through there and uh |
7066s | yeah another great a great shot which |
7069s | was uh chosen third now you thinking |
7072s | hang on this is a good shot who's going |
7074s | to beat it well that was uh rolling to |
7076s | the Grave from Reddit just uh for making |
7081s | sure on that this was second place and |
7084s | this comes from Vortex lash on |
7087s | Steam and I thought this would be the |
7089s | one that would win to be fair I really |
7091s | did um I'll just zoom out to the proper |
7094s | the proper size of it uh CU it's not uh |
7096s | 16 by9 but um the bomber there is |
7101s | pounding away onto to that Beacon and uh |
7105s | yeah I I thought this one would uh would |
7107s | win to be fair but hey I don't get to |
7109s | vote in these I just provide the shots |
7111s | and uh the team voted this one is second |
7114s | uh but I do like it uh if you taking on |
7118s | uh the |
7119s | incursions then you'll know the the this |
7122s | moment when you're absolutely hammering |
7123s | away to the shields are down and the |
7126s | vulnerable and you it's just just about |
7128s | to explode and crack and be destroyed uh |
7131s | it's such a good feeling and then you |
7133s | get to see what it reveals if it's the |
7135s | last one now this like I said it was in |
7139s | second place it wasn't even the |
7142s | winner and that one goes to somebody |
7145s | from Twitter from X uh which I picked up |
7149s | uh I think earlier this week and I'd |
7152s | seen it and this one's from jazara over |
7155s | on Twitter and it is this shot right |
7158s | here and I think that to be fair it was |
7162s | going to if it going to be anything that |
7163s | would beat the previous shot from Vortex |
7165s | lash it was going to be this one uh the |
7167s | engines swooping from The Outlaw |
7171s | there it's so iconic and as magic and |
7175s | Sparkle just put there very striking |
7176s | indeed uh they the dreadn the minow in |
7179s | the background and the dreadn there uh |
7183s | sorry the outo Scout just swooping |
7185s | around with its Trails behind behind |
7188s | it ah I I it was always going to be very |
7191s | very difficult and fair play play to |
7192s | them um for creating such a wonderful |
7195s | screenshot and uh I think there's the |
7197s | challenge I really do I think there's |
7199s | the challenge can you create something |
7202s | as striking and as wonderful as this |
7204s | screenshot so I kind of throwing down |
7206s | the gauntlet to you all there uh to to |
7209s | really bring your air game uh to the |
7211s | screenshots so usually what happens just |
7214s | so you're all aware is on the Monday |
7217s | before the stream so like the Monday |
7219s | that's just gone I will pick out across |
7221s | all the different social medias and all |
7223s | the different places that we have the |
7225s | steam forums you know on the uh |
7226s | screenshots on there Discord social |
7229s | media I will go through there on a |
7230s | Monday before the stream and pick out |
7232s | the ones that I want the team to take a |
7235s | look at and narrow down to their |
7236s | favorites so if you have any get them in |
7239s | the Monday before the stream uh and then |
7242s | you may have a chance uh of being |
7244s | featured so uh yeah but yeah fair play |
7246s | there to jazara over on Twitter for |
7250s | creating a wonderful shop now they do do |
7252s | other um um virtual photography as well |
7256s | so they're very practiced at the art uh |
7259s | and uh so you've got some competition |
7261s | there boys and girls uh this is why we |
7263s | need nian CAT engine Trails I thought |
7266s | somebody might mention that to be fair |
7268s | but yeah uh very great shot very great |
7270s | shot so while we get to just close to |
7273s | the end of the stream um a couple of |
7276s | things that I kind of just want to talk |
7277s | through just so that you boys and girls |
7279s | are kind of up to speed with everything |
7281s | as I just bring my my notes swooping |
7283s | across the screen there um couple of |
7285s | sales are going on at the moment which I |
7287s | think uh you obviously want to know |
7289s | about it maybe you're new to the game |
7291s | you've maybe been trying the demo uh |
7293s | maybe you've got it on one platform but |
7295s | you think hey I'd like to buy another |
7296s | one uh currently uh ever Space 2 is 60% |
7299s | off yes 60% off you didn't hear that |
7302s | wrong over on Playstation so if you want |
7304s | to try that out uh so if you've got a |
7306s | PlayStation 5 perfect time for you to |
7309s | dive in on there uh Humble Bundle also |
7313s | has got a wonderful |
7315s | uh bundle Humble Bundle bundle uh for RO |
7320s | robots Mech machine Sal and that's again |
7323s | 60% off that's for PC uh so if you want |
7326s | it on there you can grab it there also |
7328s | you can obviously um uh give some cash |
7330s | to charity through there and that's what |
7332s | they do a wonderful thing uh I've also |
7334s | got something to ask of you boys and |
7336s | girls if you can um obviously you know |
7338s | that we every other stream now we're |
7341s | going to be featuring um another fellow |
7344s | Indie developer uh just to help them |
7346s | push through the the noise uh that is um |
7350s | the the gaming world uh and how |
7352s | difficult it is especially for Indie |
7353s | devs to uh to be seen um you know we've |
7357s | uh we've been in this situation for many |
7359s | many years and we still find it |
7361s | difficult especially when the big boys |
7362s | are spending so much on marketing um but |
7365s | what I'd ask you to do is that if you |
7367s | haven't already uh it'd be thoroughly |
7369s | appreciated if you could leave us a |
7371s | review uh for forever space too if you |
7374s | already have that's perfectly fine but |
7376s | what we would like you to do is go find |
7379s | an indie Dev whose game you've played uh |
7381s | and if you can leave them a review on |
7382s | steam it could be one that you've maybe |
7385s | played years ago one that you've maybe |
7386s | played recently just go give them a |
7389s | review if it was a game you enjoyed |
7391s | reviews really do help push through that |
7394s | noise I know we keep saying that but it |
7396s | is um getting more and more congested |
7399s | and it just gives everybody a nice |
7402s | little boost and a little leg up and |
7403s | said hey look at me you can see me and |
7406s | positive reviews are one of the best |
7408s | ways to do that so if you're on steam or |
7410s | even any of the other storefronts if |
7412s | you've played an indie game that you've |
7413s | never left a review for um please do |
7415s | take just 5 minutes out of your day if |
7417s | you can uh and then take a look and |
7419s | leave a review because we'd appreciate |
7421s | it immensely and I'm sure others will |
7424s | too uh so next time next time which is |
7427s | going to be in 2 weeks time which is |
7429s | going to be the 22nd of November when we |
7431s | have our next stream uh we're going to |
7433s | be looking at obviously more a space um |
7436s | as |
7437s | I carry on through the Bel of grid um |
7440s | trying not to die in my hard playthrough |
7442s | but we're also going to be looking at |
7443s | another fellow Indie Dev which hasn't |
7444s | been decided uh just yet we need to look |
7447s | at that as well and we're going to be |
7448s | working on more Rockfish games Dev |
7451s | interviews again as we said if you have |
7453s | any questions that uh or people that |
7455s | you'd like to specifically interview |
7457s | maybe we could arrange that but again |
7459s | not everybody's wanting to do them uh we |
7460s | do respect that as well because takes |
7462s | time out of their busy schedules and uh |
7465s | on an evening a Friday evening here uh |
7467s | in the UK and in Germany uh we don't |
7470s | want to imp and John anybody's family |
7471s | time uh we're very very mindful of that |
7474s | um family we are a family and family |
7476s | comes first as well so uh but yeah do |
7478s | send us some questions uh we can see if |
7480s | we can col collect some for the other |
7482s | interviews as well uh and I know as I've |
7485s | said Michael is willing to hop on for an |
7487s | interview as well which would be really |
7489s | really cool uh so we'll be looking |
7490s | forward to that uh when we get round to |
7493s | it but um I am going to leave you there |
7496s | I'm going to leave you with this |
7497s | wonderful screenshot uh that's won our |
7501s | Rockfish games Dev top pick uh for this |
7504s | time around and I hope you can attempt |
7506s | to beat it in the new future but uh I've |
7510s | been Gary your host uh I hope you've |
7512s | enjoyed this and I hope you come back |
7513s | for more uh and join us on the Discord |
7515s | join us on the oh quick question there |
7518s | just come in a PS5 Pro patch um we have |
7522s | some details in the future um we'll have |
7524s | to talk about that in a in a little |
7526s | while uh to see where we are around |
7528s | there obviously it's just come out as |
7530s | the PS5 Pro yesterday and that's going |
7532s | to have a |
7534s | um uh a performance uplift which |
7536s | obviously will be uh uh a nice thing for |
7539s | us to tap into so uh yeah hopefully have |
7541s | more details in the future but we shall |
7543s | let you know but uh yeah excelsia we'll |
7546s | get around to it no worries about uh |
7547s | doing channels uh creating channels for |
7549s | interviews and stuff like that uh it's |
7551s | things that we need to kind of smooth |
7552s | out and iron out uh and then we can |
7554s | create something like that but uh we |
7557s | shall discuss more in the near future |
7558s | and thank you very much for joining us |
7560s | as always I'm going to bid you AA and we |
7562s | shall see you in the next one take care |
7564s | folks be good we'll see you again very |
7566s | very soon and I need to find the right |
7567s | button |
7608s | [Music] |
7613s | know |