about 1 year ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s foreign
6s we are still tidying a couple quick
8s elements up
15s we'll be live in just a moment
33s my goodness
39s starting to wonder if we weren't getting
40s a stream oh my goodness no no we were we
42s weren't going to cancel just because I'm
44s running late no no
46s no no no no
48s may I say to thee
51s we shall absolutely game on welcome
54s ladies and gentlemen to the official
55s Rockfish game stream I'm your host and
57s your guide Eric Schrader the community
59s Ambassador for Rockfish games I am
62s joined by Gary or geekbite our community
64s manager who will be handling questions
66s through the course of the stream go
67s ahead and say hi Gary
69s hi Gary oh perfect wonderful and uh yeah
72s we want to make sure that you feel good
74s about what's going on here we're going
76s to be answering those questions like I
77s said today we are going to be cruising
79s through a new game state
81s completely new one on nightmare
84s difficulty I actually haven't done this
85s yet this is completely fresh completely
87s new and uh it should be fun either
91s because I'm getting brutally salvaged or
93s because I'm somehow making some cool
96s plays maybe one of the two and depending
98s on how that goes we will continue
99s pursuing this save uh as we continue
102s developing on everspace too
106s there will be some details I can pass
109s along regarding hot fixes you guys have
112s been doing your due diligence since
114s launch
115s um holy crap
117s yeah turns out that thousands of players
120s have more eyes than a couple of Dubs um
123s thank you for continuing your search and
126s letting us know the things that are
128s going on uh or the things that aren't
130s going on that should be it's been very
132s insightful
134s on what you've picked up on and yeah
136s there will be a hotfix I can't say win
139s but I do know that it's something we
140s want to push out as soon as possible
142s because we're also talking a little bit
144s about this from the get-go I do want to
146s say that we are also still in the works
149s with like our Game Pass certification we
152s may or may not have more information on
154s that through the course of the stream
156s we're kind of in this sort of waiting
158s State at the moment
161s um otherwise the work front has been
165s pretty solid on getting all of those
167s questions that you've had on your
170s support your uh your feedback your
172s criticisms
173s yeah so let's start a new game let's get
176s in on this
177s so brief brief little detail about
180s nightmare mode
181s nightmare mode is specifically unlocked
184s after you beat the main line story
188s I know that there are a lot of
190s individuals out there who wanted Like A
191s New Game Plus
193s there were a lot of individuals out
194s there who wanted you know additional
196s challenges and details ways to modify
199s tons of different settings inside of the
202s game we we couldn't do that that's not
204s within our scope that's not within our
206s vision
208s and it just it didn't it didn't work out
210s and it couldn't work out honestly but
213s we did put in nightmare mode because
216s there are some players internally
220s like myself
221s who very much like a strong challenge to
224s go up against
225s and that's where we're at here and why
228s you're seeing a new mode that is
231s specifically unlocked it's not from the
232s beginning
233s uh that caters towards the audience that
236s what likes that die hard style of play
240s through nightmare mode
241s I'm not
243s necessarily going to
247s not talk over characters and stuff
250s um I very much am kind of approaching
252s this like you kind of know the game by
253s now if you are a first-time viewer and
256s you still have questions by all means
257s through the course of this entire stream
259s your questions will be filtered through
262s Gary and he will then message me at a
266s certain point in the time of the stream
267s and we'll just answer all of those uh
269s all over the place it'll be great it'll
271s be great I'll be confusing everyone's
273s going to be scattered everywhere and
275s then Gary will be so upset with me
276s afterwards trying to catalog all the
278s information for the stream isn't that
279s right
281s wait
283s naturally literally a nightmare so let's
285s go ahead and kick this things off
288s I'm gonna watch the cutscenes I'm not
290s gonna pass them but again I am probably
292s going to talk over them much like this
295s so
297s it's called masochism uh
300s like I just like a challenge okay I
302s personally like a challenge
304s I if I'm buying a game just because it's
308s like I'm not gonna buy a game because
310s it's not a challenge the entire reason I
312s want to play a game is for a challenge
313s so that's just me though I'm not
316s speaking for everyone
317s and I certainly don't think everyone
318s should be playing nightmare
322s so yeah
331s all miners stay in formation wingman you
334s take up the rear
336s understood
341s yeah I see some folks talking about bugs
344s in the chat already and I I do want to
346s push uh this
348s very hard right now that I am going to
351s be covering a bit of the more hotter
354s topics in regards to bugs that have been
356s transpiring since the 1.0 launch that we
358s will be absolutely addressing with
360s hotfix again I do not know the specific
362s time the hotfix will take place
365s or date all I know is that it is
367s something we want to push through as
369s soon as possible we also want to make
370s sure that the hotfix is concise on the
374s problems and issues that have been
376s plaguing uh the 1.0 followers
380s here's a ship
382s so yeah what's going on with
385s it I can fix it
391s thanks accent oh you know I should have
394s set up set up track IR what was I
397s thinking Gary what was I thinking maybe
399s I'll do that next week the mobility
401s oh my God
403s all right it's been a busy week oh my
407s God
408s left and right busy in the best way
410s possible honestly
413s and there
415s what about your hover thrusts
418s yeah I can so hear your smile Isn't it
421s nice yeah I see some of you guys talking
422s about nightmare from level one
425s um versus like changing to nightmare
427s when you've got like two legendaries
428s equipped on your tier four ship that
430s you've highly optimized yeah one's gonna
432s be a little bit more challenging than
433s the other which is exactly why I wanted
435s to start from the beginning
440s with a boost to the right
444s as Slinky rocket Dodges go I'd give you
447s a four out of nine yeah you're in good
449s enough shape for the junk pile you're
451s floating try telling that to Callahan I
454s bet 10 credits that if we don't catch up
456s he'll threaten to remove this ship from
458s our tally nah he's a jerk but not that
461s bad I'll take that bet let's not keep
463s him waiting then yeah I like the
465s discussion pertaining to the early game
466s Nightmare uh that you guys are all
468s saying yeah because seriously like the
471s first the first couple levels yeah
474s first couple levels
476s it's hard
478s to overcome
479s but I gotta try it imagine what it
491s well if it isn't our two slackers
495s five seconds longer and I would have
497s removed this shift from your tally
498s what's the situation there's a Hydra
501s infestation clogging up the entrance and
505s since you're the one that gets paid for
506s handling these things I thought I'd be
509s so kind is to let you earn your creds
512s I'm on it oh my gosh looking over the
515s chat and seeing some of our very skilled
517s top Pilots being like Oh yeah you should
520s totally do nightmare with inertia
522s dampeners permanently off yes yes I
526s don't know how many people like watching
527s streams where the streamer just
529s continually beats their head against the
530s wall but we're not going to offer those
532s Services here first and secure a path to
534s the Core
535s the engineer will follow with some
537s distance in case anything needs fixing
539s how much distance enough to make a
542s U-turn should he run into trouble the
545s rest will wait outside with me until I
548s give this signal all right I'm going in
551s if I did it you can too I'm not denying
554s that I could or could not do it what I'm
556s stating is that the process of which to
558s accomplish that task
560s probably wouldn't be the most enjoyable
562s thing to watch in a live stream that's
564s all
566s you guys
568s oh gosh thank you so much for being here
571s all of you my goodness all of our
573s returning viewers our veteran players
575s the newcomers alike uh yeah like thank
578s you so much for being here this is such
580s a remarkable Journey
582s that we've all been on right
584s and uh yeah my goodness
587s I'm glad a lot of you have never changed
589s that's for sure
593s all right
595s oh I missed some credits I guess it
597s technically doesn't matter because they
598s get wiped after the tutorial what yeah
601s how rude
606s did I miss a trigger somewhere excuse me
610s did I
612s did I miss it
613s it's the tutorial bugs now too is that
616s what's going on okay there you are
617s miners in
618s it Ben what are you doing and since the
620s hydra's had time to spread it you're on
621s the other side of that wall
624s what is going on
627s consider that U-turn some of the Outlaws
630s still be alive when was this game tested
633s this is behind this nonsense I'm sure we
636s probably have some ACE Pilots out there
637s who probably assisted in testing how
640s dare they miss this
642s impossible Impossible Game
646s how dare you
651s for the record we will put this on our
653s catalog if bugs
655s in there we'll see
660s we're here until I've had a look inside
662s please be careful
665s excellent oh one other thing I want to
667s point out um I am uh and maybe this is
670s for maybe for this this is for my boss
673s um
673s Michael
676s um
677s since I'm playing on nightmare
679s I turned camera shakes off
682s I know that you desire that to be in the
684s streams and I implore your forgiveness
686s but I I have to have it off otherwise
689s it's going to drive me crazy all right I
691s hope you're okay with that I just I'm
693s making it clear all right
696s get on that multi-step all right
701s and I have no idea let's see if we blow
703s up immediately right
709s just use these missiles too since I got
712s them all right
713s there are no rescue squads out here
716s everyone the risk meter just went way up
718s they were Outlaws here and maybe more on
721s their way oh my gosh
725s they could be here any minute all the
727s more reason to work fast
729s let's do this people those crystals
732s won't mine themselves ten that Outlaw is
735s from bloodstar not just some low-level
737s grunt
738s even had a custom-built coil gun I'll
741s keep an eye on the main shaft
744s and I'm gonna hold on to the coil gun
746s let's hope we won't need it
750s keep an eye on the miners you guys I
752s don't want any crystals to end up in the
754s wrong pockets
760s hey what's with the shaking what's
764s shaking I don't see any shaking
773s want everyone to stay calm and clear the
775s walls I got this
780s we have to be really careful about my
782s private messages that I'm receiving
784s through the course of the stream so uh
787s oh my gosh but guys sincerely thank you
791s so much for joining us today um you know
796s what a wild Journey it has been to
798s everspace 2's launch
801s I'm seeing so many oh my gosh we've had
803s so many screenshots we are actually
804s going to be showing screenshots today I
805s should put down the the notes
809s there are way too many to go through but
811s I'm gonna try my best to hit like the
813s highlights
815s because you guys have been on point
816s seriously you'll need them beautiful
818s screenshots my sensors are lighting up
822s there's more of them coming down the
823s main shaft so I have my control set a
826s little bit differently by the way so um
828s it says use Nanobots by pressing five I
830s can do that so I can just push the
832s number five to do that
834s um I also have it set to where time
836s slows down and then I get like this
838s mouse wheel thing that I can push a
840s direction to use a consumable this is
842s easily changeable to your desire
845s um let me go ahead and just show you how
847s to do that because this is I've I've
849s found it such a fantastic tool
852s uh so let me just go down here
856s there it is use consumables hold
859s you can also do this to the devices so
861s you're aware
863s you can also do this through devices
865s I don't want to do it to devices I just
866s have the one two three four and I can
867s hit those
869s quite easily I don't need to slow down
870s time for consumables I like to give
872s myself a little bit of thought slow
874s things down figure out what's going to
876s be the best move forward so I have that
879s even though I can still activate all the
880s consumables in the normal capacity using
882s five six seven and eight
883s it's just kind of like doubling up
886s just doubling up on that front okay
889s nice easy little trick
892s nice easy little little detail
903s control better be doing their job out
905s there
921s uh sir Lauren what you're saying is you
923s can't press four five six seven quickly
925s or accurate accurately yes that's
926s actually exactly what I'm saying however
928s I'm more specifically saying five six
930s seven and eight as opposed to four five
932s six and seven
934s but it's fine it's good
940s so hey this is the kind of fun little
942s detail that we uh changed in the
944s opening segment This Outlaw Destroyer
947s now is a level four instead of just a
949s level one
951s so if you wanted to go fight it you can
953s but you'll probably die and since we're
955s on nightmare mode I I don't I don't even
957s want to test that theory I don't even
959s want to test that theory
962s we are gonna play
965s cautiously as much as we can while those
969s questions are coming in that we will be
971s answering as well as talking about
973s hot fixes and improvements and updates
977s now you guys can probably guess that
979s we're not teasing any new upcoming
982s features today
984s we've been a little busy with uh post
987s launch
988s details
991s but that will that will come in time
993s we are adding more chicken
994s so
996s we'll get there
999s [Music]
1007s oh hang on a second one quick check here
1011s okay
1013s just making sure we're not losing any
1014s frames that would be something
1026s how long do you can jump again engine's
1029s too hot first thing needs to cool down
1030s I'll buy you some time
1036s there are there is a question collection
1038s going uh sniper Inland through the
1040s course of the entire stream if you guys
1041s have questions go ahead and ask them
1043s then we will consolidate them to answer
1045s them all at one time instead of
1046s answering them randomly like what I've
1048s been doing about random questions I'm so
1050s sorry Gary oh my gosh I'm making his
1052s life miserable
1055s but yeah
1060s oh
1063s cool down yet
1064s no still heating up
1066s oh scrap
1068s scrap scrap scrap what's happening
1073s moving all the way up to the cockpit
1075s the extinguisher reduce oxygen you got
1078s this one more I got this one more cycle
1080s yes you do Ben hang in there
1082s we can make it through
1084s the tutorial
1086s I just know it
1097s oh
1103s sake hold on tight I'm on my way
1110s foreign
1154s oh nice yeah I'm starting to see more
1157s users who started new saves from 1.0 and
1160s at this point they're starting to get
1161s into new content they've never seen
1163s before since it's new from uh the fall
1166s update
1167s at least location wise obviously there
1169s have been a lot of improvements across
1171s the board if you started a new game that
1172s you probably have felt but
1175s that's awesome
1184s senior energy
1187s we're locked in by a force field
1189s just sit tight and make the best of it
1192s looks like they threw you quite a
1193s welcome party
1195s I've been here for quite a while already
1198s just a regular checkup on what I might
1200s know
1201s where do they grab you your outfit looks
1204s like GMB work crew you guessed it
1207s these jerks here got no Style a bunch of
1210s amateurs they'll be looking to get the
1212s best price for you so giving your
1215s professional opinion you know a lot
1217s about Outlaws you know I know a lot more
1220s than they'll ever get from me you know I
1222s was actually considering just watching
1223s all of the cutscenes but I'm gonna I'm
1225s gonna toss this to you guys because
1227s we're actually going to be doing this
1228s save for the majority of these live
1231s streams at least for the gameplay
1232s segments obviously we can obviously have
1235s like uh Community segments and other
1237s showcases and whatnot but for these do
1240s you guys want to watch these or do you
1242s want to skip them like legitimately let
1244s me know what you think in the comments
1249s then I accidentally skipped that one
1250s whoops
1252s but I legitimately I'm curious
1259s wow everybody's wanting to skip
1264s okay
1269s do a pull that's
1271s that is literally what I'm doing sir
1279s yeah all right all right well we've had
1281s our fun with this cutscene we're gonna
1282s get past and
1284s start blowing stuff up here we go this
1286s isn't my first dance you know right the
1289s military clone thing shooting scrap is
1291s in your jeans
1295s all right so now the real fun begins
1299s even here like oh my gosh having no
1302s boost oh
1305s having a lack of proper devices
1310s yeah man jumping is still suppressed
1312s things are gonna get uh pretty crazy
1314s pretty fast
1321s here we go
1323s fight the cruiser oh yeah totally yeah
1325s that definitely makes sense
1336s all right
1337s barely scratched so far that's a good
1340s sign
1344s and I have an armor really sucks
1347s really sucks
1352s so many little details but hey you know
1353s what that's all part of starting a new
1355s game is building ourselves up
1358s there's gonna be some fun little moments
1359s that we get to talk about too that's a
1361s big reason why I'm starting over because
1364s not only for the challenge but also to
1365s like discuss integral parts of the game
1368s details they're up
1375s we will find him either way
1377s you thereafter until the gas mask not to
1380s broadcast my profile let's finish this
1382s and get the hell out
1385s I understand a comment that says how to
1388s skip a few cut scenes because all I got
1390s was a black screen
1391s um actually you'll be pleased to know
1394s that that particular issue
1396s is going to be fixed in our hotfix
1399s I am looking up uh the details for it
1402s right now but I know that we had an
1404s issue with cut scenes and going black
1406s and even a crash
1411s that was adjusted on that front
1414s so I'm rather confident that that will
1416s be fixed whenever we get to the hot fix
1419s itself
1424s I'm the reason why this is paused right
1426s now is because I'm just double checking
1427s that
1428s and
1447s yeah there's gonna be some
1449s elements across several boards
1452s pertaining to the cutscenes actually
1453s including but not limited to playing via
1456s wine proton on Linux as well as the Game
1460s Pass version as well as yeah there's
1464s gonna be there's gonna be a number of
1466s adjustments to help bring that together
1469s where it needs to be
1477s cool
1478s all right last jump suppressor let's get
1481s out of here
1482s you Mr Roslyn I'd suggest you submit
1485s your Sentinel without struggle
1489s yeah and if there are folks in here I I
1491s probably missed a missed a chat or two
1494s but if there are folks who are sneaking
1496s in pertaining to Game Pass the PC game
1498s pass version uh yeah I do know that we
1500s are doing everything we can which at
1504s this point in time is hurry up and
1505s waiting
1506s pertaining to the details of
1508s certification getting the update out
1510s there for you guys
1513s when we have news we will we'll let you
1516s know what's going on we'll let you know
1518s how things are coming together
1525s as soon as it's through we'll let you
1526s know
1528s wait faster you're right how dare us
1530s right now
1531s definitely wait faster
1534s we want it through I mean let's be clear
1536s it is not fun waiting
1540s but uh
1545s my friend I'm Dax by the way let's get
1548s your friend into stasis at my old
1550s hideout
1555s that'll give you some time to figure out
1557s how to save his life awesome this is the
1559s only choice I have that's right saving
1561s lives
1566s all right so you guys wanted to skip the
1567s cutscenes that's what we're doing
1569s we're skipping the cutscenes
1578s a lot of stuff needs but we're still
1581s good on resources
1584s all right so let's go grab some
1587s materials to get our front scratch
1589s Mission going
1592s I stopped playing because the Game Pass
1593s version was so bad I am sorry to hear
1596s that we are definitely making a number
1599s of improvements to the PC game pass
1602s version
1605s there were certainly some hiccups that
1608s occurred
1609s not anticipated and certainly not
1612s desired
1613s that's one ridiculous name
1615s they have lakes there cool I dig Lakes I
1619s hope you will possibly revisit
1623s when we get some updates through just
1625s before the whole place went to hell
1627s should be what's approaching some key
1629s elements specifically for PC gameplay
1640s devices in the meantime I'll lock the
1643s front door just in case
1646s all right this is our first level two
1648s enemy
1649s things can go sideways pretty fast here
1663s and we're already out of juice my
1664s goodness
1665s I'm Gonna Save the alt
1669s I wasn't so bad I think I'm freaking
1671s myself out more than I should
1677s reactivated The Hanger so about Kayaking
1681s being
1682s kayaking best thing ever saying they
1687s never told a soldier grass how you
1688s clones worked but I heard they gave you
1690s guys fake memory fragments to keep you
1692s motivated while fighting
1694s kayaking isn't in there someone clearly
1696s didn't do their job my memories are
1698s fragmenting but not fake
1701s they're a mix of random experiences
1702s taken from my clone father's life and
1705s every Incarnation that came before me
1707s all passed on from clone to clone until
1710s they ended up with me holy so you're
1713s some kind of body-hopping immortal Soul
1714s well not anymore the cycle was broken so
1718s this time when I die I'm done you know
1721s what I would do if I were you
1723s what not croak before I've been kayaking
1728s I really mean it if I ever get the
1730s chance I will
1734s my goodness make sure that the area is
1737s clear before you head back
1739s don't want word of our activities here
1741s to get around
1756s so many things to collect
1759s so little time for the Stream
1761s actually you know what it's been a
1763s little bit quiet since we're still in
1764s these opening segments so Gary let's go
1766s ahead and open up the questions that
1767s we've been cataloging I do see that
1768s we've got a few uh listed so uh let's go
1771s through some
1772s excellent Ryan good evening everyone I
1775s hope you're all tickety-boo uh first up
1777s we have a slow intestine over on YouTube
1780s uh why did you not make Nightmare
1783s difficulty available from the get-go
1785s very hard is okay but I would have loved
1788s to be able to start at nightmare
1790s yeah I think that's a very fair question
1792s and the short of it is
1794s um respectfully not every player is you
1797s we have a wide audience that we have
1800s been designing this game for and it
1802s stems from those who are space game
1804s junkies all the way to like die hard
1807s Shooters right and everything in between
1809s so to cater to that audience in the best
1812s way possible we can't go too crazy with
1815s extremes else everybody kind of loses so
1818s we do have the normal difficulty mode
1820s established from the get-go as a
1823s relatively hard experience for those who
1826s aren't akin to the fast-paced shooting
1829s whereas dialing it down to very easy is
1832s more acclimated to those who are
1834s expecting more of that space game feel
1836s the slower paced explorative nature
1839s those opportunities the game has to
1841s offer as well as very hard for those who
1843s just want to get up on the grills and
1844s combat and have everything be just hard
1847s as Nails right
1848s that being said the reason why nightmare
1850s is now separate from that is because
1852s those five core difficulties do not
1856s adjust anything other than enemy stats
1859s okay that's going to be their accuracy
1860s that's going to be their health that's
1861s going to be how much damage they are
1863s doing we didn't want to get too fickle
1866s or too detailed with that we especially
1867s didn't want a Content gate any material
1871s behind a difficulty as well and so
1874s through this process
1876s as we were going through and even our
1878s own play sessions were like man it would
1881s be nice if we had like an extra
1882s Challenge on top of where we're
1884s currently at for the ones who are a
1887s die-hard gung-ho experience players in
1890s which case if you reach the end of the
1891s game and you unlock that it's definitely
1893s going to be for you right but for a
1896s casual player
1897s it doesn't matter like having nightmare
1900s at the start for casual player is just
1901s going to provide a bunch of feedback on
1903s the forums that says game is too
1905s difficult you need to tone down your
1906s difficulties like there's no reason no
1908s reason to add that from the start
1911s so uh yeah that's a big reason why it's
1913s not Incorporated there
1914s but um but the other reason the second
1917s big reason is because we have items
1921s specifically legendaries
1923s that can then be dropped through the
1926s course of nightmare as an added bonus
1928s for completing the game so in a way it's
1931s providing a little bit more of an
1932s experience too and that now you can
1935s start
1937s gaining more
1938s a little bit differently through your
1940s playthroughs
1941s or even just keep augmenting your
1944s playthroughs in the late game faster
1945s through these systems
1950s but we did not want to have that
1952s from the start
1954s also skipping these
1963s what happened there
1965s not answering me not answering you
1968s that's right get wrecked docs all right
1970s next question please
1972s uh Fred spec vet over on YouTube
1976s um in the release version they've
1977s noticed quite a bit of hitching and
1979s small stutter going on when loading new
1981s assets uh is this an issue and being
1984s what worked on brother
1986s you're gonna have to be so much more
1988s specific on that front we've had so many
1990s reports of stuttering and and you know
1993s so many reports of this that and the
1996s other thing like it's I have no idea
1998s what your computer is I don't know what
1999s operating system it is I don't know uh
2001s what your graphics card is like there's
2003s there's so many details that is needed
2005s before we can even begin answering that
2008s question for you but rest assured the
2010s reports that we have been receiving on
2012s the front of stuttering and
2014s um you know like the black screen issues
2016s from cutscenes for example
2018s um optimization issues there's
2021s definitely more that we are approaching
2022s on that front and have been cataloging
2024s the reports from the steam forms
2026s accordingly to get there
2029s foreign
2031s yeah I did ask him just to post up as
2034s the same for everybody if you do have
2035s any bug uh issues please do post them up
2038s on the steam forums it's where we
2039s catalog all the problems
2041s um and I'm just going to put the link
2043s through in the chat so you know exactly
2044s where to go
2046s awesome thanks for doing that do
2048s appreciate it and let's go ahead and
2050s move into the direction of another
2051s question as well
2053s uh back to slower and tets and over on
2055s YouTube uh what was that GMB General
2058s broadcast that just upped every enemy's
2061s level by three or four levels love it
2063s will this still happen when I'm at max
2065s level
2066s When You Reach max level there is going
2069s to be a final enemy broadcast at a
2071s certain point that effectively levels
2073s everything up to 30 so the game becomes
2076s uh man I'm hesitant to use the word
2078s sandboxy that would be a dangerous term
2081s to use but it makes it to where your
2085s exploration your side missions your jobs
2088s your whatever's that you're doing
2090s regardless of where you're at it's going
2093s to be on a leveled playing field that
2096s provides content that is valuable
2098s instead of for example going back to
2100s sedo being level 30 and everything being
2102s level one right so in the game yes there
2105s is a final sort of
2107s broadcast that then brings everything up
2111s there for late game Shenanigans to ensue
2113s if you haven't hit that yet you're
2115s probably close
2120s probably close
2123s all right this is where this is where
2125s the fun begins right here
2128s really we're we're close enough to that
2130s oh gosh hang on a second nope nope nope
2133s nope nope nope nope
2137s already struggling
2141s terrified
2144s those missiles on nightmare
2148s freaking just about one shot the
2150s starting ship
2153s don't particularly want to die from a
2156s single shot yes
2160s so when we approach That Base we will
2162s definitely be well actually maybe we're
2164s just gonna use it now
2165s it's gonna say we're gonna save our alt
2167s for the base but uh
2170s and a couple of foes at the same time
2172s it's probably gonna be to our benefit
2174s we'll just charge it back up hopefully
2180s for future encounters I'm gonna sneak
2182s over here to this asteroid though and
2183s collect some resources while we answer
2184s another question
2186s you mean you're going to hide I mean uh
2188s yes uh next question is uh from Wizard
2191s Jerry over on YouTube uh the enemy EQ on
2195s system is Retaliator is that a
2197s placeholder spoilers jeez man
2202s goodness gravy um
2204s so no it's not it's not a placeholder
2207s that is uh very much intentional
2212s and in fact here's a fun little detail
2215s this was mentioned
2217s in the news Marquee
2221s oh I'm so devious that was mentioned in
2223s the news Marquee in previous live
2226s streams before we had hit 1.0
2231s so it is uh it is correct to the Lord
2234s and how everything's coming together
2238s sneaking those in sneaking those in
2242s um slowing testing again over on YouTube
2244s a lot of questions
2248s to what extent is
2251s betrayal known within Colonial and other
2254s circles and is Adam officially being
2257s blamed for his
2260s that is a curious question and I would
2263s say that the official response is
2265s unlikely
2266s it is hard to say who was behind what
2269s and who's to blame including who
2272s technically killed Admiral Quinn gork
2275s there weren't
2277s there wasn't anyone to observe what had
2280s occurred it's only coming down to any of
2282s his subordinates who passed on uh
2284s whatever had happened who survived as
2286s well as the okars rendition of it as
2289s well in fact most of his lineage kind of
2292s evaporated so there's not even a lot of
2294s evidence to say that he was um
2298s being bad
2303s all right
2306s I love those lore questions I also love
2308s to survive oh gosh
2310s oh this might be it this might be it
2313s grease yep yep
2316s all right all right death one I need a
2319s kill count because this is gonna happen
2321s let's do it again
2325s shouldn't use my devices like that that
2327s was uh foolish of me
2328s gotta be more careful planning on this
2330s front
2332s probably also should time my ALT a
2334s little bit better let's just go let's go
2335s for the gold here first let's just do
2336s this
2349s all right
2351s cool let's answer another question let's
2352s keep them coming
2353s excellent uh sniper lln on Twitch
2358s um are there any thoughts changes or if
2361s needed at all from what we've seen since
2363s tomorrow yeah
2366s yeah we caught some things you guys got
2368s some things yep yeah
2372s there are a couple things that need a
2374s little bit of tweaking nothing crazy
2376s though the good news is that it's
2377s Nothing Dire there hasn't been you know
2381s game breaking sort of oh you have to use
2384s this in order to succeed at all like uh
2387s nothing along those lines
2389s um you know there are a couple exploits
2391s that I've been discovered
2393s those should be rectified fairly soon as
2396s well oh my gosh we popped them out
2397s already
2399s I did not mean to do that
2406s oh come on hit the mines ah
2410s I just flew into a group of enemies
2414s I will
2417s nothing number two coming up soon
2419s that's for sure
2424s he said he was gonna take a break go
2426s take a break
2427s go take a break
2436s give me boost please
2443s thank you for letting me know I leveled
2444s up excellent
2447s excellent all right
2451s ah
2456s I don't think that's enough juice nope
2458s nothing number two all right
2464s next question as well
2466s excellent sorry I'm just putting the
2468s death counter into my uh log so that I
2470s know how many you've got up to thank you
2472s good good that's the way I like it yeah
2475s all right uh right question from
2477s Vigilant fish over on YouTube and what
2481s does dismantling quality do as far as I
2483s can tell dismantly depends on the item's
2485s Rarity and nothing else yeah that's
2488s actually that's a fantastic question
2491s um
2492s so dismantling quality over here this
2495s percentage chance there was a different
2499s intent behind this from the very start
2502s perhaps this needs to be changed and how
2505s it's worded but the short of it is the
2507s higher you're dismantling quality the
2510s more crafting materials you can actually
2512s get whenever you craft an item down now
2515s because the percentage is static and
2518s there's a base value associated with
2519s items this is not a random chance
2521s Improvement so if you were to dismantle
2524s like with a plus 25 dismantling quality
2526s for example instead of getting three
2528s little components you would get four
2532s I guess it would be 33 but I digress the
2535s point is is that when that percentage
2538s reached certain percentage values then
2540s you will actually gain more crafting
2542s materials from it but like I said
2546s um maybe that could actually be changed
2548s and reworded
2550s we've noticed a couple little notes like
2553s that that possibly need a little bit of
2557s adjusting here and there so
2559s hopefully that makes sense though it
2560s quite literally is how much you're
2562s getting out of dismantling
2564s which is why it's just mentally fun
2575s next question please
2577s another one from Vigilant fish uh to
2579s follow up on that uh A's will there be a
2582s way to reliably get random fights like a
2585s slower super light navigation for better
2587s signal accuracy or something uh I feel
2590s it's almost impossible getting blood
2592s started oh okay that's interesting
2596s um yeah I mean in order to get bloodstar
2597s you do have to go to a specific location
2599s inside of the game and that location is
2602s quite literally over here on this side
2603s so anytime that you're on this side
2605s bloodstar can appear whether it's the
2608s mainline locations or if it's a randomly
2610s generated one through a job or through a
2613s signal decoder etc etc
2615s um I've had the best of luck actually
2618s um using signal decoders to encounter
2619s blood Stars we originally had some
2622s problems with having bloodstar loot get
2624s dropped through that method but I'm
2625s pretty sure that's been fixed pretty
2627s sure
2628s I think
2630s um but otherwise yeah going to these
2632s locations will absolutely
2634s um have them show up
2637s absolutely happy to show up
2640s so there aren't any
2643s additions that we're looking towards in
2646s regards to
2647s adjusting that either at this time
2652s but uh we have seen some clever
2654s suggestions I'll say that
2657s you've seen some clever suggestions
2658s regarding the uh set items of
2660s bloodstarter
2664s but yeah I would not expect any sort of
2666s changes like that soon at all all right
2670s because we do definitely have our
2672s handful with a lot of varying components
2675s regarding hotfix titles right
2681s but yeah
2684s something uh something of note that's
2687s for sure where is my
2693s it's intended
2695s all right
2699s there we go let's answer another
2701s question while I'm uh scooting around
2703s this territory let's keep it going
2705s um next up from Excelsior over on
2708s YouTube uh what happened to Legendary
2710s scrap Parts did you drop them or are
2713s there any future plans to re-implement
2715s them there are future plans with them
2717s there are future plans with them um
2719s right now they're just uh you can
2721s actually you can get them
2724s they are totally in the game if you
2725s scrap a legendary item it will give you
2727s legendary materials
2729s however there is currently no use for
2732s them detected it would uh it would be
2734s silly if we didn't find a use for that
2737s and some degree or capacity that's for
2739s sure so
2741s there are plans
2752s do you have another question
2754s uh yeah uh wizard Jerry on YouTube uh
2758s will we have more legendaries in two
2760s days please can we create legendary
2763s items in the future
2765s creating legendary items is a curious
2768s question
2770s I can't really speak on that front
2773s but I do know that the team as a whole
2775s thinks that more legendaries would be
2777s awesome
2778s and because we at least you know we've
2781s got the um
2782s we've got the premium DLC plans
2786s adding story components and whatnot
2790s I think it would be
2792s appropriate if we did find some
2795s additions to the legendary sets and
2798s items and all that stuff
2800s at that point in the future
2804s so I think that's I think that's an okay
2807s expectation to have
2817s they're up here we go
2829s so they actually clear this place out
2831s without dying oh my gosh we are making
2833s progress folks wow
2836s all right you know what's you know it's
2838s a really cool feature
2841s let's end the game
2842s right now but you can do you can go to
2847s save create a new save game and call it
2851s something you specifically want it to be
2854s called
2857s you can type that in it happens and I
2860s encourage you to do this so that if you
2861s were to I don't know say die in an area
2864s that you had started
2866s you wouldn't lose all the progress from
2868s the very beginning
2870s instead you could start where you stay
2871s from
2875s and just in case if it comes up or not I
2877s do want to also mention you know we've
2880s had some observations suggestions about
2884s maybe a quick save guys can't guarantee
2887s that
2888s I do want to say that we heard that
2889s suggestion we hear it
2892s I think there's a clever idea there
2895s implementing features like that it's
2897s it's
2898s unfortunately not as simple as we would
2901s like it to be
2903s but certainly something we have heard
2905s and certainly something we've talked
2907s about
2909s may or may not
2911s be something in the future
2923s out
2929s oh I forgot about the underside trip oh
2931s my gosh
2933s sneaky little rascal there we go
2936s cool foreign
2945s in this area before moving on I do kind
2948s of want to build myself up just a little
2950s more
2951s and I quite like the territories around
2954s here that you can kind of just lazily
2956s explore since there's not too many
2959s enemies that spawn
2961s which is nice if you're you know playing
2963s on nightmare mode
2967s and let's get let's go ahead do we have
2969s another question uh oh yes we've got
2971s I've got a few lined up place still yes
2973s let's keep going okay
2975s um I just need to roll back apparently
2977s to about the legendary scrap part
2980s um okay you know some of some of our
2982s Pilots are so knowledgeable apparently
2984s you cannot obtain legendary crafting
2986s components at the moment oh you can't
2990s you can't
2992s okay I guess we removed that
2995s whoo excellent
2999s well they definitely exist you've seen
3002s them before
3003s so you know that they are technically
3005s there but yeah all right just just send
3008s the opacity to uh 10 so you can't see
3011s them no worries no worries excellent
3014s it's fine
3015s hey guys I uh need you all to look into
3017s this light uh real quick
3023s uh right uh slowly testing back again
3026s over on YouTube uh will the free DLC
3029s bring more catalysts
3031s my goodness everyone's wanting to know
3033s what's going to be given directly given
3036s I can absolutely confirm that the
3040s content within the free content update
3042s is in fact content that is what I can
3044s say
3046s but I'm also going to say guys if you if
3048s your questions for the stream today I
3051s love your curiosity I love your desire
3053s to know more I know you're you're super
3054s excited about the future and what it has
3056s to hold for us
3058s um but if you're asking for very
3060s specific questions like hey are you
3061s going to add this or are you going to
3062s add that or are you going to incorporate
3064s this are you going to incorporate that
3066s um and you're very specific with
3067s elements uh you're not you're not going
3069s to get an answer all right I just want
3071s to be clear I just want to be clear I
3072s love you guys but I'm not I'm not
3076s leaking information to you all
3080s just being clear
3082s so let's have a let's have another
3083s question
3085s okay
3086s um I just did similar question but I I
3089s believe we have touched on this before
3091s uh about including more tier four Wing
3094s types
3096s yeah more more tier fours are coming
3098s we've said that publicly yeah there are
3100s more tier fours coming
3102s um and uh truthfully what we'd love to
3104s do is make a tier 4 set for every single
3107s wing type we'll see if we get there
3111s we'll see if we get there
3113s but that is that is the desire
3123s next question please
3125s uh right uh A2 motor over on YouTube he
3129s asked the last question uh but he wanted
3130s to know what is zarkov's design inspired
3133s from they've always found the idea of a
3135s stormy system in a Vortex to be an
3137s interesting concept
3139s I'm gonna do two things first thing is
3142s I'm going to reduce down the voice in
3145s game
3147s and the second thing is I'm going to
3148s look up the very direct uh correlation
3151s behind zarkov and what it stems from
3154s because I like this question
3158s for each of the systems we actually did
3161s have varying themes that we wanted to
3164s approach for
3166s um
3167s forever space too
3169s um and yeah zarkov is is no different
3172s see if I can find this
3177s it's not what I'm looking for
3180s yeah here we go
3181s so as like as a very brief example okay
3184s and I'm not gonna get into like all the
3186s nitty-gritty back-end secret data with
3188s you so
3189s um but like for example Sido within sedo
3192s the idea behind Sito is to theme it
3194s around this concept of like uh an
3196s economy like greed versus sacrifice
3198s you're seeing kind of this element of
3201s what used to be what was going to be a
3203s pretty prominent and strong GMB outpost
3206s on this planet mining all of this Rich
3209s uh Crystal that they were going to use
3211s and then catastrophically were
3213s annihilated because of their greed
3215s because of not protecting their assets
3218s accordingly through the course of the
3220s okar colonial wars and leaving a
3223s desecrated shattered planet in the Wake
3225s which actually concluded the okar
3227s colonial uh conflict this one this was
3230s the site of the
3231s um Peace treaties basically coming to
3234s fruition
3236s and so you have these varying themes
3237s across each one of the systems zarkov
3240s and pertaining to the storm let me see
3242s if I've got any added information on it
3245s um I don't know how much I have or if
3249s how much I can actually share with you
3251s so let me see what's uh what's here
3257s okay so uh on on the side of zarkov a
3261s much more sort of maybe straightforward
3264s theme is that the entire idea behind it
3266s is order versus chaos so you have these
3269s pockets of g b in fact one of the most
3272s noteworthy if not the most noteworthy
3273s GMB site that is coming straight out of
3276s zarkov which is all about order right
3279s they almost too much order in fact as
3282s I'm sure many of you have already seen
3284s through the story arcs and and whatnot
3287s um amid this absolutely chaotic massive
3291s solar solar system sized storm kind of a
3296s tongue twister there and yeah and so
3299s these Concepts that we were putting
3300s together it's like how do we envision
3302s these aspects of order mixed with chaos
3305s and one environment to expand upon these
3308s you know overarching themes which again
3309s this was zarkov's specific theme and how
3312s we wanted to push through that and yeah
3315s so
3316s great minds came together to bring that
3318s to fruition it's also why you see more
3320s of like the lightning out of zarkov more
3323s than probably any other territory as
3324s well
3325s um as well as a lot of like the nebulous
3327s regions and Curiosities that are uh
3332s just devastated they're crushed right so
3335s yeah
3337s it's a fun question and I'm happy to
3338s provide a little bit of context on that
3340s but yeah also making sure you guys are
3342s aware
3344s um I'm not going to give you all the all
3345s the rich lavish behind the scenes infos
3348s on every single system
3352s that would be a little too revealing of
3354s our uh of our assets I think
3360s yeah next question please
3369s um do you have data on average weapon
3371s using fine players and do you intend to
3374s use squeaking now Michael azax canceled
3377s this in quite a a nice way
3379s um we've just apparently just hit a
3381s warning on our Google analytical 10
3384s million data point thresholds so we need
3387s to do some digging before we know what
3389s weapons are most populous
3394s that's a large number yes all right cool
3398s I didn't even know that thanks for
3400s sharing that Michael that's uh that's
3402s some pretty crazy Insight honestly
3404s very cool yeah numbers numbers in
3407s general have been
3408s fairly wild since the 1.0 launch and and
3411s I you know you probably hear me say so
3414s many times in these streams and even in
3416s the discussions happening across the
3417s interwebs how many times I'm just like
3419s saying thank you and it's sincerely we
3422s could not be in this position without
3424s the support that you've all given us
3426s whether that's been Financial whether
3428s it's been verbal whether it you know you
3431s know just telling your grandma about it
3432s that goes such a long ways and you know
3434s Michael speaking on this front and
3437s sheer number of
3439s gosh it's it's nuts it's just crazy it's
3442s crazy so thank you to all of you who are
3444s out there even just watching right now
3445s just to add one additional view to this
3448s video
3449s that truly goes such a long ways thank
3451s you
3452s it's awesome we really are glad that
3456s you're loving what we're doing and we
3458s can't wait for you to see more
3463s I also oh I also saw in the chat um but
3466s I love Co in game oh my gosh yeah it's
3468s absolute beans wow it's it's I love it
3473s oh yeah it's great he had a lot of fun
3476s doing that it was so it was so great
3479s so yeah
3481s really good stuff
3483s glad that you enjoy it
3491s Co I see a question yeah Co Carnage he
3493s is a twitch streamer I mean shoot this
3495s is partially you know self-pro or not
3498s self-promoted it's promoting him right
3499s now and that's fine I don't care he's a
3501s great streamer he's a great dude uh he
3503s has shown us a lot of support uh both
3505s with irispace one and everspace 2. and
3508s uh yeah we had an extra opportunity to
3512s incorporate his likeness and voice in
3515s the game and we did
3517s and we love it and it's not just like
3519s this little side thing either it's it's
3521s a Mainline
3523s yeah definitely definitely something to
3525s enjoy I think
3527s just um
3529s playful fun oh man I just flew myself
3531s into this maybe I should have saved
3533s first
3534s for a brief second I forgot I was on
3535s nightmare
3540s okay this isn't too bad
3542s all right next question please
3545s um just to go back to one of the early
3548s questions regarding uh upcoming DLC I
3551s think it's from slaurine about the
3553s Catalyst Michael's just said as a matter
3554s of fact we haven't decided on details on
3557s what content they'll be in the free
3558s update except for the missing T4 ship
3561s module
3564s so T4 ship modules confirmed excellent
3567s that's great to hear
3569s that's great to hear but yeah I mean
3571s With all sincerity there's there's so
3573s much there's there's so much that's
3574s still being floated around in regards
3577s just to like establish a little bit more
3580s stability for the the game State
3583s um you know I'd love to I'd love to tell
3586s you guys oh yeah we've got this
3587s masterful plan for all of these things
3590s that we're gonna do with blah blah I
3591s mean when I tell you we focused on 1.0
3595s before starting these massive
3597s discussions of how we could milk our
3599s product and get all of your money from
3600s the DLC I am being 100 serious like we
3604s focused on 1.0 and now that that's
3607s passed
3608s we're still focused on 1.0 because we
3610s got to make some adjustments right we
3612s still got to do that and then once we're
3614s past that then then
3617s we're gonna get hot and heavy into
3620s what's to come for the future of
3622s Aerospace too that is that is for sure
3627s not using Mainframe expansions yeah I'm
3629s completely ignoring them for this entire
3631s run I just haven't pushed the button yet
3633s no big deal no big deal I was gonna have
3636s to remind you oh yeah they'd noticed
3638s yes
3639s I imagine that you guys will pick up on
3642s certain things that I forget from time
3643s to time and that's fine there's a lot
3645s going on
3646s that's the joy of it
3648s as well as you know streaming at the
3650s same time of a lot going on but uh
3653s this wasn't part of the fun I feel like
3655s I love doing these streams with you all
3658s so that's good
3659s [Music]
3664s another question yeah absolutely
3667s oh right uh sniper nail and on Twitch
3671s considering freelancer is such a huge
3674s inspiration any thoughts of adding a bit
3676s more risk to cowgirl hauling uh like
3679s Pirates getting out super light or at
3680s least jumping on you in between
3682s locations on your route so far trading
3684s seems to be a bit overpowered with no
3687s risk I really appreciate this question
3690s thank you so much for showing up at the
3691s stream and asking it it's it's a very
3694s pleasant question
3695s um unfortunately
3697s commodity training any sort of dynamic
3699s systems and thereof surrounding that
3702s space was never something we wanted to
3704s push very heavily like at all in fact a
3707s lot of our core discussions way back at
3709s the ideation phase of everspace too was
3712s we want to do this in a minimal capacity
3714s like we want to we want a service to the
3716s space truckers out there like by
3718s providing these tools to profit from
3720s instead of having to dive into combat
3722s after combat after combat however we
3724s also did not want to painstakingly go in
3728s and figure out uh you know how this
3730s system is going to change based on its
3732s inner political struggles versus you
3735s know trade routes being jacked over here
3738s you know like we we didn't want to go
3740s anything crazy so it truly is a fairly
3743s basic system of commodity values where
3745s if you start figuring out which sites
3747s are buying for what and what they're
3749s selling you can make a strong profit
3751s there's already uh tools out there I
3753s should I say tools are basically
3755s spreadsheets of people plotting routes
3757s um very effective routes to do so and
3760s it's it's all kinds of awesome but to
3763s develop that further like incorporating
3765s additional
3768s Pathways or events while you're doing
3770s space Trucking that's that's not it's
3772s it's not in the plans and and I say that
3774s only for added Clarity of how we are
3778s pushing forward with everspace 2. it's I
3781s definitely appreciate that and I
3782s definitely think that is an awesome
3784s request it's just it just doesn't line
3787s up with the vision for the future of our
3790s itemization focus our
3794s um our end game enhancements our gosh
3798s there's
3800s there's so much more that I would love
3801s to crack open and give you keywords but
3805s do have to
3808s do have to just stay the side of space
3812s Sim is not
3814s getting that much more additions
3819s so yeah just just being clear just being
3823s clear
3824s maybe worth checking out
3830s still even be there
3833s all right I'm gonna do this little
3836s exploring over here too this could be
3838s rather lethal as well
3840s maybe I need a change
3843s [Music]
3848s I don't have the most desirable weapons
3850s we'll see how this goes we're gonna see
3851s how this goes
3853s change it to A Flock I need another
3856s like
3858s true energy weapon I feel like I don't
3860s really have something that fits the bill
3862s other than this calibrated Prime zapper
3864s and
3865s it's just sucking away energy
3869s tricky tricky spot to be in opening
3872s stages one nightmare
3874s all right let's go ahead and answer
3876s another question
3877s it's moving along well
3879s yes indeed uh light zero three two eight
3882s on Twitch would like to know will there
3884s be any special editions for the console
3886s uh release uh maybe something included
3888s in the ship model
3890s there aren't any plans to content Gates
3893s based on the
3896s um the console or the location where
3899s you're basically purchasing the game
3900s from
3902s so yeah there's there's not there's not
3905s any plans to do though do so
3913s man I've been watching Code stream and
3915s his love of the Flack and seeing how he
3917s completely destroys himself now I'm
3918s doing it too how dare I how dare I
3922s all right
3926s next question
3930s um
3932s dream29 on Twitch having something of uh
3935s not an odd question but any thoughts on
3938s adding melee range weapons that could
3940s incentivize auto combat and they
3942s literally meant
3944s um swords or all kinds of things that
3946s yeah I I love this question too and this
3949s is actually something that we uh
3951s discussed internally as well and there's
3954s um
3955s I think the reason why it won't happen
3959s is because there's not a concise
3963s agreement internally
3965s as well as in regarding the um not just
3968s like the application of it itself like
3971s how it would be utilized and whatnot but
3974s also like the
3976s development behind it like how that
3978s would be changing the game Space
3981s there would be a significant number of
3984s adjustments that would need to be made
3987s to incorporate that style of play
3990s the scatter gun already is uh
3994s curiously creating some commotion
3999s with its power
4000s up close and personal so that is going
4002s to be my strong straight recommendation
4004s if you desire style play like that like
4007s go find the scatter gun and your heart's
4009s content shall be met with
4012s joy and songs and dancing
4016s oh come on
4018s but yeah in regards to an actual sword
4021s or melee weapon
4025s it's a little little too
4027s too far out
4029s for our desires to put the game Space
4033s it's a clever clever thought
4036s [Music]
4039s all right
4040s I'm not gonna 100 this area before we
4042s move out of it but um
4044s yeah because I don't want I don't want
4045s to deal with this area yet I've died to
4047s that so many times even on like freaking
4050s very hard so we're just gonna move on
4054s good question
4055s uh crispy just pointed out that yes you
4058s already do have a melee weapon you've
4059s just got to boost fast enough
4064s touche touche
4066s uh Excelsior over on YouTube is asking
4070s is there any chance that we'll see
4071s additional Outlaw factions for more
4073s systems in maybe Union and zarkov
4077s Maybe
4081s the chances of us incorporating new
4084s factions is definitely there
4087s um I also wouldn't put your eggs in one
4089s basket and see me whenever I say maybe
4091s have a curious look like that as a
4092s guarantee because remember we do want
4095s the focus within the game Space really
4097s to be diversifying the game content that
4100s is had to offer and while enemy types
4103s technically falls under that category
4105s keep in mind that we already do have a
4108s fairly decent number of factions in the
4110s game that we could continue diversifying
4112s as well
4113s so um the addition of a new faction
4116s means an addition of entirely new lore
4118s and details thereof surrounding that
4121s faction where they came from why they
4122s exist why is it now at this point in the
4125s game that they would show up
4127s um yeah there's there's a lot of details
4129s out of details that come with that
4131s and that full package can be rather
4133s demanding from a development perspective
4135s so just keep that in mind
4139s probably
4141s probably leaning on the no side
4146s but yeah
4155s next question
4158s uh antonym over on YouTube Once are
4161s there any plans to make more long-range
4163s weapons or devices uh they bought a
4166s scout ship and was slightly disappointed
4168s that they've only really got one rate
4170s one range weapon in the railgun and zero
4172s offensive long-range devices there are
4176s some clever tricks that you can pull off
4177s with the Scout like with the coil gun
4178s for example I'm a big fan of using the
4180s glow gun in the Scout because you can
4182s still maximize its range to somewhere
4184s around the three three and a half
4186s kilometer range
4188s and through that dish out some healthy
4191s damage as well because coil guns are
4193s already fairly strong Weaponry but in
4196s regards to like the long long range
4197s weapons uh
4199s yeah I mean there's only one option
4202s I'm sure
4203s um are there plans to create more items
4207s I mean I think that that's something
4209s that you guys would appreciate
4210s definitely something that we would
4211s appreciate I feel like that's
4213s something we would certainly like to
4215s pursue what those items are and what
4218s they do
4219s that's to be decided and to be uh spoken
4222s on in the future
4226s all right
4227s Let's uh let's see let's see what we've
4230s got going on with uh oh God another
4232s Mainframe extension excellent
4236s oh we've got a little bit of selling
4238s material I didn't realize we found
4240s mining equipment I think I was even
4241s looking at that earlier I didn't even
4243s realize that my new equipment sells
4245s wonderfully in sudo
4247s so uh yeah that's that's good stuff
4250s that's a nice little boost at the
4251s beginning of the game nice little boost
4253s at the beginning
4255s let's see go ahead and ask another
4257s question I'm going to kind of look over
4258s my equipment figure out what direction I
4261s want to take this
4262s one more lined up from Excelsior over on
4266s YouTube uh would it be possible to
4268s attend the late game bosses like the GMB
4270s carrier into encountable bosses for hras
4273s and Rifts
4275s that would be possible
4278s I think that would be possible I don't
4280s know if we'll do it but it definitely if
4282s that's possible
4288s I want these blueprint progress but I
4289s also want Monies
4291s and scrapping all this stuff and part of
4294s it feels good and part of it feels so
4296s bad
4298s I also think for the moment since we do
4301s need a little bit more funding than not
4303s uh yeah we're just gonna sell these
4304s Commodities somebody out there is dying
4307s inside I can feel it I can feel it
4309s somebody's like no let's see
4312s yep that's uh that's the way we're going
4315s let's see do we have tractor beam stuffs
4317s Yachts we have iron
4319s kind of like waiting for everything to
4321s be there because I like that doing
4322s things all at once
4324s particularly like that
4328s oh I see a question right now I'm going
4330s to kind of jump the gun normally I don't
4332s take a question that I see and and Trump
4334s everyone else's questions I want to
4335s answer this real quick the question is
4337s what is intended gameplay regarding the
4338s inertial dampener there's not any
4341s there's not any the inertial dampener
4343s was added into the game for Community
4345s request it's not bound by default
4347s there's no tutorialization on it in the
4349s game because in actuality this mechanic
4352s hurts players more than it helps that
4355s being said of course there are the
4356s exceptional players out there who can
4358s utilize it very well and very much enjoy
4361s it that's why it was added but it is not
4362s to be tutorialized it is not technically
4365s intended gameplay uh but uh yeah
4370s we like to serve our community well and
4373s so it's in there
4376s that's why you don't see a lot of people
4377s using it
4382s all right so now let's get to the next
4384s question that was in line
4386s that was the question oh that was
4391s played myself in
4394s South excellent that's great well we'll
4396s keep on keeping on here then
4398s just grabbing a couple of these very
4400s obvious power core locations just to get
4403s people understanding how this mechanic
4406s works
4415s I remember when I said that I wasn't
4416s gonna 100 complete this area and here we
4418s are all right
4420s um
4422s I really want more blueprints gosh I'm
4425s being so greedy
4427s but I feel like I need to be incredibly
4429s cautious going through nightmare
4446s signal
4454s what's up oops nice man even Collision
4457s damages really hurt nightmare mode
4462s actual pain lost like half my shield
4464s just for bumping into the asteroid
4470s back in everspace one hardly ever
4472s repaired my inertial dampeners when they
4474s broke down so I for one love the toggle
4476s cheers to you sir thank you so much for
4478s your support and feedback
4480s because that's why it's in everspace too
4490s I see the question any plans for more
4493s different ship skins like living ships
4496s or alien style ships
4497s there are not plans for living ships or
4500s alien style ships no
4503s not uh
4504s there are not plans like that we would
4507s like to add more customization to the
4509s ships though I think I think more
4510s customization is always fun I think that
4513s what we were hoping to accomplish for
4515s 1.0 and and uh where were where we want
4519s to be
4520s is maybe not entirely aligned like we're
4523s really happy with what we've been able
4524s to put into the game but you know more
4527s is always
4528s the desire of any developer really
4531s more and more more right
4535s we'll get there probably
4540s good stuff
4547s grab this energy scared dispenser that
4549s shows up when you get close to the
4551s asteroid
4557s man I don't know about you guys but I've
4559s done cedo so many times I have uh I have
4562s a number of these uh little exploration
4566s nodes almost memorized at this point
4570s but then we get to the part where it's
4571s like we've changed some of them because
4573s some were like
4575s too difficult or obnoxious thanks for
4578s that feedback through all your axes by
4579s the way um and we changed them and then
4581s I'd be like wait where did this go and I
4584s get confused
4586s you'll probably end up seeing that uh if
4588s you continue coming to the live streams
4589s too you'll see me go somewhere and I'm
4591s I'll be looking for something and you'll
4592s all be like what is he doing yeah it's
4594s because we had something there
4595s beforehand and it obscure hard to reach
4597s spot and we fixed it to where it's in a
4599s less obscure less hard to reach spot
4602s we
4605s so much fun
4606s personal favorite weapon to you oh my
4608s gosh I love the scatter gun
4610s so stinking much
4612s there's a
4615s there's so much satisfaction here when
4616s you can bring a Build Together
4617s surrounding it but it is dangerous in
4620s high difficulties it's dangerous and
4623s riffs uh most of the time the best way
4626s to tackle
4627s um higher challenges is honestly using
4629s as much range as possible because you're
4631s just in a safer position
4633s in a safer position
4635s using a close range weapon inherently
4637s puts you in more Danger
4639s and that's that's honestly probably why
4641s I like it so much
4644s probably why I like it so much
4647s see if I can do a double here
4655s excellent
4662s all right now let's go get this signal
4664s decoder
4666s I'm seeing quest uh conversation about
4668s uh viewpoints so this is Viewpoint one
4670s this is the long range viewpoint
4672s of the ship long range
4675s long range um it's further out so when
4677s we're boosting you can see the ship to
4678s much more in the middle of the screen
4680s versus this one which is more Close
4682s Range View so now we have it much more
4684s at the bottom and when we're stopped you
4686s get real close to it
4689s we also have the first person view
4691s with all the bells and whistles inside
4694s and I have the HUD turned off but you
4696s can also have the general HUD turned on
4698s so that you have it in two places I like
4700s doing this because it just feels a
4701s little bit more immersive
4702s and then last but not least we have the
4705s front with the HUD for normal but the
4708s cockpit is hidden those are the few
4710s viewports
4712s of everspace 2.
4724s too far out but
4735s oops
4737s so removing the debris should be enough
4739s done
4742s all bean bags are back online
4746s our base marker is now everywhere but
4748s here you can come back to base now I
4750s found something that can make
4752s I know that you're talking and I
4754s appreciate it but life a lot easier I
4757s want to save so I want to see what
4759s happens if we go after these level
4760s threes with not the best equipment
4763s I want to see if we can level up
4764s ourselves
4769s I think with the protection of GMB here
4771s yeah that's
4773s that's exactly what I wanted to see
4776s nice indeed Adam nice indeed
4782s have I made personal keybinds to find
4784s better than default I mean I think
4785s everyone's got their own little bit of
4787s flavor they like to approach I can show
4790s you a little bit of what I did I've not
4792s made grandiose changes whatsoever
4795s um basically I'm still using the exact
4798s same layout except here it looks
4801s different right because I added a hold
4805s to choose my consumables and then I also
4809s bound the inertia dampening to A A
4813s Button as well but otherwise everything
4815s else that I use is default settings
4819s so for example uh when I'm talking about
4821s inertia dampening I'm talking about this
4823s so like our ship is moving through space
4825s I'm still floating
4829s you can see it underneath the UI on the
4833s alt and the health bar there's that
4835s little yellow indicator there's one
4836s indicator for inertia dampening being
4838s off and there's one for your lights
4840s being off with according sound effects
4844s so when I turn them back on you can get
4846s the sound effects also when we turn the
4847s lights back on sound effect and
4849s obviously the lights take place that's
4851s where those little indicators that's
4852s what those little indicators are so if
4854s you're playing the game and you feel
4855s like everything doesn't make sense and
4857s you're like what in the world's going on
4858s and you see a little yellow toggle up
4860s there somehow you've bound inertial
4862s dampeners uh to a button and you pushed
4865s it and now everything's terrible
4868s junk I found some protective plating for
4870s your ship who uses left control I moved
4874s it on the mouse I'm a scrub I use left
4875s control I I quite like how the the
4878s movement Works overall but you know I'm
4881s obviously I'm not speaking for everyone
4882s if you want something else great love
4885s how we have key bindings
4887s but uh yeah that's just what I do
4890s it's just what I do
4893s Dax
4899s control is crouched before c
4902s truth has been spoken
4905s truth has been spoken all right tractor
4908s beam nope we still need power cells I
4910s should honestly probably go looking for
4912s more
4913s crafting uh materials like resources and
4916s components I mean uh but man
4920s I also want to make as much progress as
4921s possible since these streams are only
4923s you know two hours long and I want to
4926s highlight some incredible screenshots as
4927s well
4929s let's see what do we have
4932s oh oh a rapid Prime zapper if only we
4936s had a better energy core we're oh gosh
4945s oh man that is tempting but that energy
4947s consumption and the recharge rate
4949s because of the energy core is just
4953s that's that's awful
4958s excellent all right
4961s we're gonna go ahead and just keep those
4962s items there and stare at them
4969s are there plans on making the key button
4971s assignment menu more approachable
4973s goodness gravy
4975s um we have done quite the number to this
4977s honestly
4979s um wow it's it's it's
4982s um there's a challenge in answering this
4984s question dark vampire uh because there
4987s have been so many moves to do just what
4990s you've asked that you probably didn't
4992s see and it now it's reached this part so
4995s you're saying that it's still
4997s um not approachable or changing stuff is
5000s an absolute pain I'm sorry to hear that
5002s um I'm I really am sorry to hear that uh
5005s I would say provide your feedback on our
5007s forms and maybe we can see what your
5010s ideas are and how to clean that up and
5011s maybe we can find a a solution to
5014s further enhance that
5015s but we are we're pretty happy with the
5017s results especially in comparison to
5019s where things were out through the course
5020s of Early Access
5022s um to get things to a much better place
5027s to a much better place
5029s so
5034s when can we expect to get some premium
5036s Michael selects again oh I love this
5038s question I would say once we have
5044s a bit more space
5047s just sit down
5049s and just kind of like smell the roses
5053s because like sincerely viewing your guys
5055s screenshots is very much like that right
5057s like just sitting down just like
5058s observing space catalogs by our
5060s community it's such a delight it's such
5062s a treat for us but to go through there
5064s and then in addition to that can pick
5065s those elements for purposes of you know
5069s whether it's marketing or or PR whatever
5071s [Music]
5072s it's quite a process to that and
5074s Michael's been a little bitty a little
5076s busy
5078s just uh just a tab
5080s so definitely something we want to do
5082s more of that is for sure
5085s but uh yeah also I am going to finish
5088s this location We're Gonna Save and then
5091s we're gonna go into our community
5094s screenshots segment of the Stream
5099s to highlight some of those beautiful
5101s screenshots that we've been Gathering
5104s From Discord in particular for today
5111s but uh yeah
5115s there's a lot of them but I'm hopeful
5116s that we'll get through most of them even
5120s thank you
5122s Eco Cruise booster
5126s I run
5129s I love me some iron
5140s all right
5141s let's get in here
5146s let's do this
5150s third person can trick the viewport and
5153s how things are aligned anytime you're
5155s trying to be like super precise I do
5157s recommend going into first person I also
5159s recommend going into first person just
5160s in general whenever you're doing
5163s um internal
5164s locations because I'm a big fan of
5167s descent but also because I think that
5169s sincerely I think it's a little bit
5170s easier
5172s um when you're in the outside locations
5173s I think that's when third person mode is
5175s honestly the most effective I am
5177s speaking opinions right now
5179s I'm not trying to tell you what to do
5181s because go live your life I'm not your
5183s dad
5184s um but but sincerely that's that is how
5186s I feel about it and for me and at least
5188s it's been such an effective way for me
5191s to play the game
5193s so yeah there we go it's random musings
5197s I suppose
5198s all right we also got ourselves a
5201s marksman Thermo gun ma'am let's talk
5203s about energy because yes oh gosh
5208s oh oh that's uh that's that is
5212s guys this is I don't I don't know if you
5214s guys understand how good finding a
5216s common level 3 energy core is a
5218s nightmare mode at level three
5221s like if the only thing that could make
5223s this better literally is if it was
5225s uncommon but that is that's huge that is
5228s such an improvement to help us get
5230s through the beginnings now all we need
5232s is
5234s anything else uh but still like that's a
5236s that's a huge
5238s uh goodness
5241s definitely tempted to use this thermogun
5243s in place of our actually I'm going to
5245s I'm going to
5247s um we might not scrap this yet
5249s gosh
5252s and uh man
5256s so many so many challenging decisions
5259s right out of the gate
5262s this is tricky to know our best course
5264s of action forward
5265s we also have a terrible two equipments
5268s for mining a scatter gun
5273s oh yikes yikes town
5275s 's not terrible I suppose but
5280s this is fine okay I said I was gonna
5282s save after this area I will I will I
5284s just want to get to the next one and
5286s then that's where we can stop officially
5289s so adding on over to Union Bridge
5292s saving and then we're gonna look at
5293s those delightful screenshots that I was
5295s talking about
5297s through the course of the screenshots I
5299s want you guys to continue asking
5300s questions
5301s I didn't really get to any particular
5303s moments or have things come up that I
5305s wanted to refer back to our hotfixes
5308s um but I will also probably mention a
5310s few of those while we are navigating
5313s this space of screenshots as well so for
5316s those of you who feel like oh man did I
5318s miss any sort of tidbits or info drops
5320s uh not so much like we've been answering
5323s questions for emotion stream but um
5325s I'm gonna give just a little bit of
5327s insight as to some of these hot fixes
5331s and it really does come down like praise
5333s be to this community you guys have been
5334s absolutely nailing it
5336s finding all the things that don't work
5339s finding all the things that should
5341s probably work better
5343s so that's been that's been good so give
5345s me just one second guys give me one
5347s second I'm gonna spool up our delightful
5349s screen of screenshots so just one moment
5354s as we are prepping this you know uh just
5357s yeah just chill hang out
5360s be safe one moment
5376s thank you
5379s all right I think this is good
5383s I think this is good oh I didn't update
5384s the Marquee I'm just now realizing
5386s that's how busy of a week it's been well
5389s hopefully that Marquee doesn't say
5390s anything weird
5393s I think it's fine all right cool so
5395s let's go ahead and get into the
5396s screenshots uh again these all come from
5399s the community uh while we are doing this
5401s we are going to be um highlighting just
5404s various users and the contributions
5406s thereof this screenshot for example uh
5408s came from user Veritas it was before the
5411s launch had dropped and his statement was
5413s just me and the boys waiting for the
5414s full release launch this comes out of
5416s Aerospace one these are Colonial
5417s warships uh
5420s clever and fun definitely enjoy that so
5422s thank you for the screenshot veritas
5425s and uh yeah
5427s super cool way to jump on into this next
5429s one comes from vizdex
5432s starting things clear out in the
5435s tutorial with these updated mining ships
5438s if I recall correctly these models were
5441s not added until the 1.0 release itself
5444s so these are technically new ships that
5447s were brought into the game at 1.0 and
5449s it's nice seeing just a standard take on
5452s getting right back into things that's a
5455s very pleasant screenshot we're going to
5456s rotate over to flory's shot here
5458s and answer a question that's been
5461s waiting
5463s and we have one from Excel over on
5466s YouTube uh is there a reason why the
5469s visual effect of solar flares only
5471s appears on the hull of the ship and not
5473s the shield Bubble at least as long as
5475s Shields are up obviously uh would have
5477s been a cool throwback to Everest
5479s baseball
5484s there is a
5486s if one of my team members is in the chat
5488s to speak towards that I think that would
5490s be awesome I
5492s fully
5494s yeah I haven't really even explored so
5496s much of the effects on the ship on that
5500s front so yeah that's a clever
5502s observation
5503s for sure
5505s might have been some sort of technical
5507s cause as my guess but otherwise
5510s yeah so there might be a team member who
5513s can chime in on that if not I encourage
5516s you to ask that question again in the
5517s Discord in the ask rfg Channel and I can
5521s follow up with you I'd be delighted to
5522s follow up with you because I don't like
5524s leaving questions hanging that sucks so
5527s encourage you to do that if you want to
5529s get to the Rockfish games Discord you
5530s can go to discord.gg Rockfish games
5533s Perfect all right this shot again comes
5536s from flori it's the nice clear shot of
5539s the conclusion of the okar colonial
5542s conflict the shattered planetoid out in
5544s cedo
5545s leading to arguably the creation of the
5548s Blood star oh my gosh all this lore oh
5551s my goodness then jumping over now let's
5554s see something a little bit new because
5555s that's why I catalog the 1.0 screenshots
5558s is seeing what you all came up with so
5561s right out of the gate probably like I
5564s don't even know 30 minutes after launch
5566s I can't remember freaking kazazole like
5569s all right I'm gonna go unlock all the
5570s things that I possibly can and creates
5573s this very Sleek looking gunship frankly
5576s it's like wow that's nice that's nice uh
5581s sputnight says it's kazuna AI ship I
5584s don't know what that means that sounds
5586s like a anime to me I don't know so uh
5590s please feel free to inform me of that
5592s this is outside my realm of knowledge
5594s either way love how it comes together
5597s love how it comes together
5599s so great work on that front we've got
5601s this one from spoot night spoodnight
5603s delivers a ton of screenshots that are
5606s also impressive and I didn't want to
5607s have 50 billion screenshots to go
5610s through so this was just one of many
5611s that he supplied I love the way that
5613s these missiles are just coming right at
5615s your face and a great sense of emergency
5619s and Dread especially in those opening
5622s segments if you're playing a nightmare
5623s and it's it's very delightful very
5626s delightful it's a nice shot let's go
5627s ahead and answer another question that's
5629s in the queue as we look at another shot
5631s from Kazar with some clever placement of
5634s a Retaliator and his front Shield
5637s overlapping the star
5640s right we have sniper nln again over on
5643s Twitch uh one thing I was surprised to
5645s see was the unified renowned system what
5648s was the idea behind scrapping separate
5650s faction reputation which feels a bit
5652s strange getting the same rep by doing
5654s both GMB and potentially criminal jobs
5657s yeah that's that's a totally fair
5659s question and the answer to that is
5660s honestly because the vision with which
5663s we wanted to conclude wasn't necessarily
5666s incorporating a dynamic reputation
5668s system this is something that we did
5669s speak on through development and in fact
5671s whenever we changed the reputation
5672s system to the renowned system we spoke
5674s on it in regards to still wanting it to
5676s have an effect on your progression
5679s giving you these momentary
5681s items to help you in that space as well
5684s as giving you those decals to just kind
5687s of uh have a little bit of additional
5689s Flair right in addition it does increase
5691s the rewards you get from jobs making
5693s them more valuable over time
5696s but trying to diversify different
5699s effects properties passives all that
5701s type of stuff from each individual
5703s faction that's present in the game ended
5705s up being a little bit too much for us to
5708s chew on and instead of going the
5710s direction of content creep we went for
5713s the direction of completing the game
5715s that's not to say that we couldn't
5718s develop something further within or
5720s surrounding the renowned system of
5722s course
5723s um not that like we don't want to or
5724s anything like that um you know it's
5726s something that we are we're happy with
5728s how it's came to its conclusion
5730s mainly because you know now it's
5732s available in your hands to play but uh
5734s yeah the the main overarching reason is
5736s we did we never had plans to make it
5738s super diverse or
5740s um
5741s expansive and like especially if we're
5744s comparing to something like freelancer
5745s I'm sure everybody here knows what
5747s freelancer is and if you don't
5749s um wow that would be that actually I
5752s don't know if that's possible uh
5754s but regardless
5757s um yeah definitely a streamlined
5759s approach to make sure we were still
5760s accomplishing the goals we had for it
5762s while drawing our attention to the much
5765s hotter priorities like depths of
5767s itemization for example so yeah this
5770s shot comes from scoot night by the way
5772s this one is a throwback screenshot in
5775s that he's updated a screenshot that he
5778s took from a year ago is that right to
5781s boot night
5782s um it's almost the exact same screenshot
5783s but it's a new ship new ship who this so
5786s that's pretty awesome
5787s love love the way that you've
5789s accomplished that task we have drive
5791s live here with a nice casual scenic view
5795s from his Sentinel that's completely
5797s busted up uh looks like mine honestly
5801s it's taken a nice little look Beyond
5803s this plant Side location in Union which
5807s I'm forgetting the name of the planet
5808s I'm sure somebody will inform me on
5809s what's another question we've got
5812s we have a question from Vigilant fish
5816s over on YouTube okay will there be
5818s special kinds of weapons that are based
5820s drops from certain factions for example
5822s energy waves from redeemers freezing
5824s lasers from retaliators for example
5827s so uh let's talk about this briefly
5831s the short of it is we want to
5833s in fact we had plans to do more
5835s regarding like sets and Specialty item
5838s drops uh even for 1.0 I'm going to be
5842s very transparent on this front if you
5843s are returning to the stream you know
5846s that I've even spoken on this so
5849s I would say that this is definitely
5851s something we are looking towards I'm not
5854s going to say it's guaranteed
5857s but do know that the desire is
5860s absolutely there and if it's something
5862s that we can fit into the schedule once
5864s we figure out the full course of action
5865s we're taking on free content updates and
5867s the premium DLC uh yeah I mean we might
5870s see we might see more of that we might
5873s see uh some development on that front so
5877s um
5878s yeah so I think that there's kind of a
5880s double-edged sword there regarding your
5882s expectations I'm not necessarily sure
5884s you should hold on to us uh you know the
5889s the concept of more set items and more
5891s you know that style of of itemization
5895s dropping from specific sources etc etc
5898s um but you know if you're being hopeful
5899s about it that's that's totally
5900s acceptable
5901s totally acceptable BW lambretts we've
5904s got this shot from uh that says don't
5907s drink and fly just a nice clever little
5910s angle and a nice little image to boot
5915s we also have crispy muffin flying in
5917s here and uh
5919s yeah that's
5921s that's a solid angle I don't know if I
5924s ever realized how much smoke is being
5926s produced at this site
5928s but you captured it so well making GMB
5931s look like
5933s uh just a a major corporation that
5936s doesn't care at all about any sort of
5938s environmental needs or policies
5941s comes together really well here
5944s and I think the contrast of the star
5947s helps immensely as well
5950s big carbon footprint yeah absolutely
5953s absolutely so very very clever shot from
5956s crispy muffin then we have kazah who um
5961s because I have questions
5963s uh
5965s pretty sure there was some Shenanigans
5969s at play here not not uh shenanigans that
5972s were uh you know cheating or anything
5974s because I was a man of exploits he knows
5977s how to to truly get things going in a
5980s particular way rather confident what I'm
5983s looking at here are the drops from a
5985s rift and if I'm not mistaken this could
5987s have been like multiple Rifts where the
5989s items simply weren't picked up is that
5991s is that correct
5993s because I because like there's some
5995s legendaries in here right there's
5996s there's some you got some yellow that's
5999s ebbing out of this but the number of
6001s items uh
6005s ma'am
6007s I'm I'm just imagining you go up to this
6009s hold F and then your computer just
6011s explodes like that's that's correct
6014s right
6015s that's correct that's how that operates
6018s my goodness
6019s impressive screenshot that's for sure
6021s and uh I I want to I need all of this on
6025s my ship right now very cool very cool
6027s all right let's go over to the shop from
6028s crispy muffin on a desolate side of the
6031s DMZ as we answer another question
6034s write a snapshot superhero from twitch
6037s uh are you able to share roughly how
6040s many ship decals are currently in the
6042s game to discover
6048s [Music]
6054s I think it's 20. I have to go and look I
6057s legitimately don't know the actual
6059s accounts
6060s um I think it's is it four rows of five
6062s am I crazy
6064s somebody somebody tell me
6066s four times five well yeah like I know I
6068s know it sounds it sounds ridiculous
6070s don't make fun of me okay oh my gosh
6072s that's fine drink in front of me okay
6075s I think it's 20.
6081s but there's there's uh decals are listed
6084s with 21 okay all right so I was one off
6087s how dare I all right so there's
6090s allegedly there's 21. thank you for that
6093s information Flory
6096s cracking into territory that I should
6098s absolutely know sorry
6101s um very very good
6104s that's the same for ship modules oh my
6105s gosh the ship modules whoo there's a
6107s quite the number of ship modules
6111s um
6111s my goodness yeah it was a brain fart
6113s looking over at DC's bees over on
6115s YouTube 100 of brain fart you probably
6118s even saw like the gas coming out of the
6119s ear
6120s um
6121s yeah so yeah
6124s goodness
6129s I want to see another I see a clever
6131s response to some folks asking about uh
6134s expansion content and whatnot and yeah
6137s again I do want to say I love you guys
6139s and and wanting to know more about like
6141s what's up and coming
6143s um you know are we gonna add uh you know
6145s a a new secondary weapon that's the
6148s something whatever are we gonna do the
6150s this specific thing with a a primary
6153s weapon et cetera Etc are we going to
6154s bring back this character are we going
6156s to do that mission to do that thing uh
6158s maybe the the answer is a resounding
6161s maybe there are a lot of possibilities
6163s of where we can go and what we can do
6166s it's gonna come down to timing it's
6169s going to come down to appropriateness
6171s I'm just gonna come down to feedback
6173s honestly so if you have these thoughts
6177s in mind where you're like oh my gosh I
6179s want more of this
6181s that's something that we observe from
6183s the community and can impact our
6185s decision making progress in fact it has
6188s impacted our decision making progress on
6190s a number of occasions over the course of
6191s the last two years so keep that in mind
6195s we've got this shot that comes from
6197s crispy muffin what a delightful shot
6199s there was another user too that was
6201s taking similar shots oh my gosh I feel
6203s like I need to shout them out too and I
6206s can't remember their username but they
6207s they were they were enjoying these
6209s screenshots for the purposes of like uh
6211s having a an evil themed desktop
6213s wallpaper sort of thing or like a emo
6216s was it evil or emo oh gosh I can't
6218s remember either way definitely enjoy how
6222s this location came together there's a
6224s lot more hiding in this site than one
6226s might think as well
6228s so clever shot from crispy muffin we got
6232s this one from hellgrave I'm always a big
6235s fan when you guys show your particular
6236s Styles and now that 1.0 is out I am
6239s eager to see even more since we've
6241s revamped those colors and added a bit
6243s more features
6245s um so yeah just looking at every single
6247s playership man these Interceptor Wings
6249s they've slowly become one of my favorite
6252s Wing models
6253s like in the entire game I just I love
6256s the way that they look every time I see
6257s somebody with this these ship Wings in
6259s particular I'm just like ah it's such a
6261s sexy ship it's so good so love the way
6263s this comes together
6265s um I don't know why uh actually I do
6267s know why it's because of the coloration
6268s I'm getting like Chiefs fans vibes from
6271s this uh you know the the Chiefs football
6273s team that won the the uh the the grand
6277s worlds uh t-ball whatever it's called
6282s yeah it's great super cool all right
6285s next up we've got this shot from flori
6287s giving more praise to Floyd
6289s shots
6291s my heart melts whenever I see them I
6293s just they they're so tranquil and I need
6296s this with a crazy hectic schedule of
6298s responding to 10 000 people every second
6300s it's it's such a pleasant way for me to
6303s just sit back and go
6304s this team that we're that we're all all
6308s together and bringing this together that
6309s they've done really fine work so thank
6311s you for
6312s granted me a reprieve and the tasks
6315s through the week Florian I do in fact
6319s appreciate it very nice very nice we're
6322s gonna also cycle over here to uh crispy
6325s muffin I believe yeah crispy muffin for
6328s a chilling screenshot
6330s as we answer a question all right let's
6334s uh Excelsior brings the question over
6336s from YouTube
6337s um other planners to incorporate some
6339s kind of item catalog like weapon
6342s variants and legendaries to the data tab
6344s you know there was at one point uh the
6347s idea of bringing
6349s almost like the entire concept of the
6351s Codex from everspace one over to
6353s everspace 2 with like a very like almost
6355s the exact same format which would have
6356s included all the items all the devices
6358s all the all the everythings and what we
6361s discovered as we were developing
6363s um is that it was it was too much for
6365s what we were trying to accomplish adding
6367s expansive detailed
6369s um informative and clever elements to
6372s the back end of you know the World
6375s building is fun it's playful it's
6377s exciting but it's also not imperative to
6380s the gameplay experience and so the Codex
6383s believe it or not at one point
6385s was going to be canceled like we we had
6389s decided that it wasn't worth putting the
6392s time and the energy into based on other
6394s priorities
6395s um obviously the Codex is now still
6397s present we have ensured that we went in
6399s there and did our due diligence to
6401s ensure like all your characters and your
6403s locations have those uh informative
6406s histories and whatnot um and you can
6408s even see some strong historical
6410s references to the original everspace one
6413s codex itself all of this was done uh
6417s intentionally to continue that sort of
6420s motif of bringing this world further
6423s together with all of this Rich history
6425s and lore surrounding it there's a lot to
6428s The overarching Narrative of the
6430s everspace franchise it's not just about
6433s some guy who happened to be clones
6436s because another guy was dying and then
6438s he realized that he was a different
6440s person who needed to go Adventure even
6443s though he's like literally like a year
6444s or two old
6446s um on his own Journey but it's there's
6449s so many crazy things going on in this
6451s world so many so many different it's
6456s very large
6458s it's very large and we ended up bringing
6460s the Codex back to life because of some
6463s internal adjustments and delegations
6465s to yeah to do just that so I'm glad we
6469s didn't can it
6470s I'm glad we didn't can it I may or may
6473s not have been one of the people on the
6474s team who was like we have to make sure
6476s we bring the Codex in it's unacceptable
6478s if we don't um but I digress let's move
6481s to the next one
6482s let's move to next we've got Kaza flying
6485s through the riffs you guys know I'm a
6487s lore junkie right okay we got Kazakh
6489s flying through the riffs
6491s finding some new sights and sounds there
6493s were a lot of environmental improvements
6496s to the riffs because in the fall update
6499s we discovered the open space environment
6502s of them is good for combat yes
6505s but there could be some utility and some
6509s fun pulling in various aspects of
6512s different sights and sounds
6514s that can also be sort of navigated
6517s around so this is actually one of those
6518s sites this is an ancient structure of
6520s course
6522s a lot of these doohickeys a lot of these
6526s doohickeys
6527s have been plugged in here so much so
6530s that when you're going on riffs they
6532s should feel a bit more unique from one
6535s another
6536s just on the visuals alone and also gonna
6538s I think there's gonna be another one
6540s that I show a little bit later if I
6541s don't run out of time
6543s um yeah there there are also from Kaza
6545s to highlight even differences between
6548s where you're opening those riffs from
6551s so very good I'm gonna jump over to this
6553s next screenshot from oh my gosh I lost
6556s my I lost my marker ah where did my
6559s marker go this is from sonozaki sonozaki
6562s takes beautiful widescreen shots
6566s so good they're so good even my my chair
6569s squeaked in excitement
6571s um yeah they're they're they're
6572s phenomenal just such a
6576s here's two planets of space scene and
6578s spaceship flying eye that's it that's
6579s all this is there is nothing complicated
6581s about the screenshot and I just go
6585s so pleasant thank you thank you for the
6587s screenshot sonazaki definitely loving it
6592s let's transition over to World waves
6594s shot of his particular his or her I
6596s guess uh ship that they are flying
6601s the customization again I love seeing
6604s what people are flying and how they've
6606s decorated their ships because yeah I
6608s mean there's only so much that you can
6610s see that's already designed internally
6611s but then when you bring in the community
6613s and the craziness that you can do with
6615s this stuff
6616s like every time there's a new ship to
6618s discover it's it's truly truly wonderful
6621s truly a delight so as we're staring at
6623s World wave ship let's answer some more
6625s questions
6627s uh I haven't got any oh okay
6630s well I see one's uh from twitch right
6633s now at least are certain ship modules
6635s only available to higher tier ships
6638s um All Ships have at least two wings
6642s that go up to tier three and at least
6644s one Wing that goes up to tier four
6649s four wings on uh all of the medium class
6654s ships
6656s so I know that there was a a response
6658s internally
6659s um internally in the chat it was a
6662s response to that but I just wanted to
6663s say it out loud so everybody can hear it
6665s and be informed
6668s So speaking on ship skins
6672s and customization and all that type of
6674s stuff this shot comes from spoot night
6676s and this is somewhat rare sight to
6680s behold so in everspace one we had a
6683s backer tier called
6686s I forget what it's called but it allowed
6688s for a custom backer skin for the ships
6691s and in everspace one that was about 200
6696s users
6697s that's it
6699s that's it 200 users in everspace one so
6702s if you were to see a backer ship skin in
6705s everspace one you're looking at one of
6707s 200 people who are out there flying it
6711s this number has increased in everspace 2
6714s to approximately 600 users you are not
6717s gonna see this very often at all and I
6721s had to share this one spoot Knights
6724s package status one of 600 users roughly
6729s who have this bad boy
6733s quite pleased with the results of How
6735s It's come across
6737s the engines also are purple and green
6740s I know you can't see the the green but
6742s um
6743s we had a lot of fun bringing this
6745s together
6747s and this is exclusive to
6749s kickstarterbackers that were at their
6751s respective tier we have no intention
6755s of making exclusives available for
6758s purchase that would completely defeat
6760s the purpose of it being exclusive so uh
6764s no horse armor for you that you can
6765s purchase through a store all right next
6768s up we have got
6770s this shot a very clever shot from crispy
6774s muffin
6775s this is a legendary
6778s it's called The Pigeon stare and it
6781s charges whenever it's hitting an object
6784s and becomes more powerful if it's
6786s hitting for two and a half to three
6788s seconds something around there so the
6790s beam on the right was hitting a target
6792s for that duration and the beam on the
6794s left was not
6796s and cleverly captured this shot
6799s between the two beams it is a single
6801s shot this has not been fabricated
6803s together uh beautifully done
6806s very clever nice representation of how
6809s this beam laser does work pigeon stare
6812s can be rather effective and used in the
6816s right environments so good good stuff
6819s nice capture
6822s we're going to transition over to uh
6824s this one which is an animated gif what's
6827s that I just thought this wasn't a nice
6829s clever little uh approach to dropping
6832s into the screenshots Channel and this
6833s could also have been in the the
6835s um fan art we love sharing fan art too
6839s but I just loved how he captured this
6842s very shareable
6843s low sized gift for us to share with
6847s everyone else just a nice rendition of
6849s flying into an unknown not an unknown
6853s it's actually a known site within Union
6856s this isn't the gauntlet but it's close
6858s to it I forget what it's called
6860s there's too many locations there's over
6862s 100 handcrafted locations I can't
6864s remember the names of them all get off
6865s my back uh but yeah I do think that it
6868s was captured very well from art m41
6873s good good stuff border patrol thank you
6875s wait is it is I don't think that's
6877s border patrol that's not zarkov border
6879s patrol no zarkov border patrol has
6882s um doesn't have the beacons
6884s it's the other one there's three in the
6886s area there's zarkov border patrol
6888s there's the gauntlet and then there's
6889s this one
6891s yeah in Union
6893s I I forgore yeah me too absolutely it is
6896s it is rather beautiful though
6899s you think that's the gauntlet
6902s that's the gauntlet okay all right all
6903s right where is the gauntlet
6905s Gary do I have another question to um to
6908s build the void here
6910s no no they're just gonna have to fill it
6913s yourself you know everybody's just gonna
6914s point out that he's knocked the gauntlet
6916s all right all right
6918s excellent great no it's fine this is
6920s totally yep abandoned Transit Point
6922s that's the one I was thinking abandoned
6924s Transit point but maybe I'm wrong it's
6926s fine so this shot comes from spoot
6929s Knight once again and some territories
6931s later in the game a little bit of a
6934s tease for those who haven't made a ton
6937s of progress but I'm gonna show stuff in
6940s the screenshots that are beautiful and
6942s also not insanely revealing
6944s um and yeah I I love the way again love
6947s the way that this is brought together I
6949s love the
6950s design direction that we have applied to
6953s the game for consistency across the
6955s board so even just seeing this amount of
6957s this station you already kind of get a
6959s sense of what it probably was in fact
6961s and uh also your ship is freaking cool
6965s like can we talk about that for a second
6966s spoot night why do you always fly
6968s awesome chips it's ridiculous every time
6971s I see a new ship you're like oh yep it's
6973s more awesome than the last one crazy
6975s crazy good stuff good stuff
6978s we got a shot from sing us from Excel
6983s Excel this is also the pigeon stare
6985s without it being charged up but that
6987s color consistency
6989s oh I do like that
6992s I I like that
6994s um
6996s I like this a lot
7000s The Gauntlet refers to the path that
7001s begins to survive because Allah's attack
7003s them all right that's probably gone with
7004s I think I love how we're still talking
7005s about that screenshot it's great
7008s good stuff
7010s also I'm seeing every now and then I'm
7012s seeing like folks just dipping into the
7014s chat and they're saying like hey
7015s congratulations hey thank you so much
7017s hey this that and the other thing holy
7019s crap Darth Alejo thank you so much
7022s um glad that you're enjoying the game
7024s glad that you've been uh you're pleased
7026s with the final result that's awesome and
7028s hey
7030s it like if in your travels you start
7033s scratching that those ideas you know
7036s always feel free to say some stuff on
7038s the forums we are not technically done
7041s with this title yet I mean the one point
7042s it's like a complete game but like we're
7044s still we want to add more right we want
7045s to go over the top we want to
7047s incorporate some other elements so uh
7050s yeah keep sharing the love if you uh if
7052s you don't mind we'd love to hear from
7053s you
7054s good good stuff
7055s very kind
7058s so next up we've got Flory and the
7061s um actually this is a bug that is
7064s getting fixed this is a hot fix moment
7066s this is a hotfix moment because this is
7068s the shattered Planet void of course
7071s um and if you are in that location
7074s and you uh super light towards the
7078s planet you will immediately blow up
7083s sorry about that
7088s I'm Bound for that
7090s um but otherwise it's a it's a beautiful
7092s shot before you uh super light and die
7094s so nice it's good
7097s it's good good shot Flory
7101s well done well accomplished
7103s so remember when I was talking about uh
7105s riffs and how they kind of can look
7106s different based on where you're at this
7109s uh is probably my favorite Rift combined
7113s with background elements uh because I
7116s shared a number of these and I got two
7118s right now I'm going to kind of cycle
7119s between the two of them just in
7121s showcasing also more elements that were
7123s added into riffs but also just the
7125s beauty thereof
7127s Tang that is all right that's that feels
7131s okay that's a crispy muffin says boy
7135s yeah seriously
7138s um it's
7140s Kazakh what in the world expert expert
7144s photographer to find all the
7146s photographering things
7147s so good
7149s so good
7151s I also do like the gunship too I know
7153s it's kind of small but love what you've
7155s done with it I think it comes together
7156s well it kind of reminds me of like
7157s almost like a Blood star bomber
7160s um which maybe is even what you're going
7162s for so well accomplished
7165s well accomplished why haven't I heard
7167s about this game I that's a great
7169s question uh Murdoch Mike why haven't you
7172s get on that please do you have questions
7174s about the game by the way we'd love to
7175s help answer serve you I'm the community
7178s Ambassador air Trader At Your Service
7180s delighted to have you here we're sharing
7182s Community screenshots right now of
7184s various moments of the game and
7185s highlighting different customizations
7187s that you can have of your ship this one
7189s comes from enoxio Morse emoxious Morse
7193s I'm probably pronouncing that
7195s incorrectly
7196s it happens
7198s uh but yeah again I love highlighting
7200s playership designs and yeah I think
7203s that's a solid one that is a mean
7205s looking bomber that I don't want to mess
7208s with
7209s comes together very well hmm
7212s very very well
7214s what's the link to the forums thank you
7216s so much for popping that bad boy up oh
7219s that's for the Discord uh the forums
7221s the forums are actually the steam forms
7223s so if you go to steam and you search for
7225s everspace then you're going to pull up
7228s the game you can go to like the
7230s discussions Tab and the forums have all
7232s sorts of shenanigans uh actually it's
7235s it's a ton there's so many
7236s conversational forms it's great it's
7238s fantastic guys uh gird up your loins
7241s when you go over there though because
7242s you could take offense to just about
7244s anything that's spoken don't don't be
7246s that person okay forums are meant to be
7248s about ideas not about people if your
7251s conversations are focused around people
7253s uh you're doing it wrong needs to be on
7256s topics and ideas all right let's go into
7259s the next one let's go to the next one
7260s we've got this lovely screenshot out of
7265s the center of the cockpit
7268s from Houston
7275s oh from our Discord also butchering
7278s usernames is becoming my specialty now
7281s um yeah there are ways to hide the HUD
7284s in the game and you can just easily take
7286s a screenshot
7288s from that method
7290s to Grant you some scenes like this
7293s very very pleasant just as a reminder
7297s for the folks who missed it uh yes we
7301s have been discussing the ability to like
7303s clip through the playership in regarding
7306s the photo mode so that you could capture
7308s something like this no it is not being
7310s prioritized
7312s um it's not even something that can be
7313s guaranteed okay
7315s it is something that we all basically
7318s agree would be nice to bring back there
7320s are unfortunately some complications
7321s that come with that direction so so I
7323s know that this might open up that sort
7325s of idea and that concept just note we're
7327s aware
7328s if we can find a solution that's not
7331s going to require
7332s way more time than it needs then we will
7335s absolutely get that adjusted but no
7338s promises unfortunately I would love her
7340s to come back a lot of us would love her
7341s to come back but for now we did have to
7343s remove the ability to clip next shot
7347s next shot we've got uh Nicholas Gunner
7352s flying through I think this is the the
7356s tunnel Chase within Union if I'm not
7359s mistaken
7361s if I'm not mistaken through the
7362s Smugglers Run whenever you're chasing
7364s down Maddox
7366s Ally
7368s I think
7369s either that or it's that that
7371s space where there's like that huge
7373s pathway that goes in a circle and the
7374s oak are there
7376s um constantly fighting Outlaws and it's
7378s like one of those pathways
7381s but regardless
7382s definitely dig it
7384s say no orbit you think it say to orbit
7386s okay
7387s very very good stuff
7388s [Laughter]
7393s why is game development such a brain
7395s worm
7396s great question it's it's ridiculous it's
7398s because I know why it's because there
7401s are 50 000 things you can do you can
7403s only do five of them and your community
7406s wants a hundred thousand things that's
7408s that's what it comes down to
7413s is that is that accurate Michael you
7415s tell me
7418s all right next screenshot comes from
7421s dawn of will we're almost through the
7422s screenshots then we can uh be done with
7424s the stream because we're three minutes
7425s over holy crap oh my gosh we gotta
7428s conclude this bad boy only a hundred
7430s thousand I know
7431s add a couple zeros on that am I right
7433s anyway uh we got this screenshot from
7435s Donna will beautiful bombing run on this
7438s outlaw base just gosh that that's that
7442s is the dream right there if you fly a
7444s bomber and you see a base
7447s and your solution is using one thing to
7451s annihilate said Base mission
7453s accomplished like that is this is the
7456s epitome of joy to any bomber player
7459s straight up I love that shot it is
7462s incredibly satisfying
7465s so good dawn of will thank you for the
7467s share
7468s ah it's it's great the only thing that
7471s could truly make it just a little bit
7473s better is if you also had like some
7474s enemies like burning to a crisp right on
7477s the outskirts of it too but you know
7478s still
7479s super great super great all right last
7482s but not least
7484s ladies and gentlemen don't forget to get
7486s your foot Max because your teeth deserve
7490s it oh my goodness thank you for that
7492s last screenshot flurry guys we ran over
7495s time
7496s um I know I didn't really get too much
7497s into hotfixes
7499s the big thing to note is keep sharing
7503s your feedback keep sharing your bugs all
7506s those instances let us know so that we
7508s can fix it if you give it to us soon we
7511s might even be able to incorporate it
7513s into a coming hot fix
7515s um I am going to kind of loop this into
7517s what we normally do with like
7518s post-scream sort of information just so
7522s you all are aware PC game pass we are
7525s still waiting on verification I would
7529s love to be corrected by anybody in the
7531s chat if there's any more news to share
7532s on that front so thank you for your
7535s patience on that front we will get that
7536s out the door as soon as we can
7540s for Steam and Gog you know again hotfix
7544s information could be a week or two we
7548s definitely would like to have a hotfix
7550s out before the end of the month that is
7551s for dang sure so uh keep that in mind
7553s but we have an assortment of issues that
7556s have been reported by you all thank you
7558s that will be applied including but not
7561s limited to several unfortunate game
7563s breaking situations with cutscenes
7565s stutters
7568s etc etc all right guys
7570s that's all I got I'm sure that there was
7573s probably maybe even another catalog
7574s question or two uh Gary but um for
7576s anyone that I did not respond to if you
7579s just like recently dove into the stream
7580s you wanted more information you had a
7582s question by all means please please come
7585s join us over on the Discord come follow
7587s us over on the Reddit come uh harass us
7589s over on Twitter you know pick your
7591s poison wherever you go if you have a
7594s thought if you want more information if
7596s you want to have a you know discussion
7599s with us seek us out we are around we
7602s love engaging with you you have helped
7604s so much bring this game together and you
7608s can absolutely be dang sure that we will
7610s continue that conversation as we move
7612s into more and more content for everspace
7615s 2. last but not least I I also want to
7619s to say this because
7620s um I don't want to imply something here
7623s um that's not true so when I say we're
7626s working on everspace 2 from here this is
7629s not something of a project where it's
7630s going to be like 10 years later we've
7632s done all of this stuff to everspace 2
7634s and you know it's a games as a service
7636s or whatever they're calling it these
7637s days that's not that's not a pathway
7639s that we are looking at this will always
7642s be a premium game that you buy once and
7644s play Forever we are going to be adding
7647s maybe a couple of content updates for
7651s free just because we want to add a
7653s little bit more to top some elements off
7655s since it's our desire to do that as well
7657s as provide a rather expansive DLC in the
7661s mid to late territories of 2024. so that
7666s is what you can look forward to that is
7667s the work we are doing on everspace 2 but
7671s once we kind of like finalize these
7673s elements and bring the rest of it home
7675s we are going to wrap up everspace too
7677s and you know maybe move into more DLC I
7680s suppose but uh it's not going to be
7681s something where we're working on it for
7682s years and years and years and years and
7684s years want to be super clear on that
7685s when I'm saying there's more to come
7687s okay
7688s cool
7691s I keep telling myself I'm not going to
7693s clap in the mic my apologies rip
7694s headphone Universe all right guys don't
7696s stop being awesome
7697s I will stop being Eric Schroeder your
7699s community Ambassador for Rockfish games
7701s I said that backwards because you have
7704s been awesome uh don't stop being awesome
7705s regardless you know the drill go have a
7708s fantastic weekend you crazies oh my
7711s goodness play the heck out of everspace
7712s too and provide the feedback accordingly
7715s of the things that you love and the
7716s things that you don't so that we can
7718s continue ironing them I
7721s have toodles
7726s thank you
7753s guys I know we do normally have an after
7755s show segment
7757s um
7758s we need to pass on that
7760s time is time is of the essence we went
7763s over uh so yeah we will definitely have
7766s some more fun in future streams after
7767s the facts but I've got to go so
7769s sincerely don't stop being awesome and
7771s we'll catch you next time
7776s foreign