4 months ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

23s [Music]
65s [Music]
82s [Music]
103s [Music]
108s [Music]
128s hello hello hello good evening good
130s afternoon good morning to you all hope
131s you're all well hope you're all Ticky
133s boo we'll be with you very very shortly
135s to kick into some EV Space 2 and some
137s other things be with you very shortly
150s [Music]
159s [Music]
209s [Music]
227s [Music]
269s mm shall we get started I think it' be a
272s good
273s idea hello good evening good afternoon
276s good morning all hope you're all Ticky
278s de boo hope you're all well L again
282s sorry I have to admit I was just having
283s a bit of a coughing fit there um so I
287s didn't want to bark down the microphone
289s so yeah I do apologize uh good evening
291s good afternoon good morning to you all
292s hope you're all well hope you're all
293s Ticky boo um yeah I'm going to try and
297s do the best stream that I can this week
298s I have been uh a bit ill unfortunately
301s um so as the wife actually she has been
303s a bit of a bug in the whole house but uh
305s yeah we're going to try and uh plow
308s through so if at any point I cut the
310s microphone so I don't bark down it or
312s anything like that but I hope you're all
314s well I hope you're all fabulous I hope
315s you've all had a a wonderful week but I
318s said to Le I want to get better I want
320s to try and at least get through the
322s Stream So you boys and girls can have
323s some entertainment at my expense
325s probably so um yeah we've got Lee in the
328s chat he's going to be collecting all the
329s question question so if you do have them
331s uh please do um fire him his way and
335s then he will uh collect them oh audio
337s cutting out for anybody um audio seems
340s to be coming through on my end uh a
342s little refresh possibly fine on my end
344s that's always good I always like to make
346s sure that we get thing done we do do a
347s test stream as well just to make sure
349s everything was running right
350s and lo and behold it generally was so uh
354s yeah to so what we're going to be doing
356s this week uh I'm going to be up in the
357s anti a little bit I'm going to be diving
359s through trying to push on with my hard
360s play
361s through uh to get as far on with this
364s story as we can um we're also going to
368s be doing the Q&A we're also going to be
370s looking at a new uh Indie developer uh
374s as you know that we're periodically
375s trying to uplift our fellow Indie devs
378s and uh we're trying to find ones that
380s were there at Gamescom with us uh for um
385s being around the Indie Arena Booth which
387s was a fabulous event we thoroughly
389s enjoyed it so we've got another one
390s that's coming up and it's one that I'm
392s really looking forward to it's the kind
394s of game that I'm really getting into at
395s the moment so we'll have a look at that
396s one in a little while uh if you do have
399s any questions as always do get them uh
401s thrown in we'll be definitely cating
403s looking at them and uh everything else
405s uh I just want to double check on
409s everything that Le's got everything he
411s needs I think so there we go so yeah do
415s collect those
418s questions um just want double check that
422s one
424s second
426s uh send that
435s to just in case got see just yet there
440s we go that's the one and uh yeah so
443s we'll get dived in we'll get loaded up
445s uh we'll see where we got up to x master
447s spot we're at vzna vzna he gr cage Thor
450s Brees beaded frog Ken Neil I see all
453s these names Flory ha and everybody else
456s that's watching on YouTube thank you
457s very much for joining us it's always a
459s pleasure always a
462s pleasure right here we are here we are
465s look at that wonderful ship looks rather
467s splendiferous doesn't it right where
469s were we up to x marks the spot
474s uh yeah so we need to find out where
477s Eduardo is in the K nebula so yes we
480s need to be into here okay slightly above
483s our level we've got H there uh level 15
487s we're level 16 it's high risk one high
490s risk one it's a goody it's a goody uh
493s we've got another undiscovered site over
494s there as well which is nice let's do a
497s quick restock as well some those rascals
501s rascals and
503s tascal
506s and yeah Catalyst were coming along
508s nicely we don't got all of them yet
509s though so fingers right what I'm going
511s to do
512s then me I'm going to see if I can
514s actually get
517s to the abandoned junk gate let's set a
520s way point for there let's get out of
526s here there we go let's make like a tree
531s and
532s leaf they're always the goodies they're
534s always the goodies
541s right while we're heading there just
544s bear with
545s me just on
550s there bed frog I hear you I hear you uh
553s every time I do that though I think I'm
555s just going to get absolutely annihilated
557s so I'm kind of like definitely not if I
560s can help it definitely
564s not there we go
566s right where we go should we do that
568s hitch oh it's too tempting I've just FL
570s straight near it haven't
577s I right let's get this h under way shall
580s we let's see what we can do evasive
583s corrosive death and jar
585s Sensers hello
594s you oh
597s D Jazz out the way a little bit
607s those use LG key already
615s that
617s incoming you can go away
622s M I think uh I think we're still going
624s to have that point out we where I'm
626s going to be flying into mines just
627s because of my own stupidity
641s close wow got he my
647s face just leave them a little bit kind
650s of working things out over there we'll
653s hit one of them
670s flying through the air with the greatest
671s of
674s these
678s decoy interesting that come
685s from I hit the wrong button I wanted to
689s do
691s Nice Shot Nice Shot I wonder I thought
694s there was something flying around very
696s close to
699s me not a fan of it been that close rude
703s nothing about
709s that let's just get down to here that
713s giv us some
736s I'm not alone anymore you're not alone
738s anymore Adam definitely not going
742s on
744s right just going to get oh okay here
754s open up and say you really want to there
758s we
760s go
763s SC blueprint this will come in handy
766s that will come in handy nice little
769s blue excellent
772s SPS
776s excellent la la and the new cockpit all
779s was good right let's just have a little
781s double check uh level 18 they're all
784s good that's a medium there Smalls okay
789s might be
792s good
793s see I do need the energy wanted to head
796s on the shield so I'm probably not going
797s to switch to that but that is
800s nice okay that one is a swift
804s Rattler and that one is the Marksman so
810s probably get rid of that one but anyway
812s right let's uh let's crack on out of
813s there now we've done that nice to see
815s you all to see you
822s nice right
824s onwards let's get to this abandoned jump
827s gate shall we
833s [Music]
842s let's just get
844s R yeah
848s yeah and where we go cuz we did go
851s through here and then we backtracked on
852s ourselves and went back through the
853s other way wait you know just to kind of
857s get a little bit further up the
859s ladder uh nearly level 17 just a little
862s bit further on into level 17 which I
864s think could be nice
869s [Music]
875s okay let
891s uh of you at
895s all your Shield Hy your
897s Shield I've got a PL
903s Canon
905s nice that's a nice cool picture of the
908s warden there that's captured jocking
911s Behavior oo let's go get some stuff over
914s there let's go get some
919s stuff let's see what we can hello can
922s find apart from bashing into
925s things Crystal diodes we may need some
928s stuff for there container
932s there oh that's just T in and get some
935s radiation that's fine and shield and
938s Scattered let's go straight out I know
941s there's ways around that
945s but there's many ways to do things many
948s ways many
953s ways uh they secure cont there
960s let's just oh yes okay
966s hello bring you Friends
973s Along level up
980s nice okay yeah there's a secure
981s container which will take some doing but
984s uh yeah I just want to open up this
987s one there small arms another mystery box
991s to up pick yes indeed hi wonder where
994s and how that could
997s be that way to start
1001s way okay 3.3 km there we're good we're
1004s good we're good
1006s [Music]
1007s um yep round around around we
1012s go just open up this container see if
1014s he's got anything good
1016s just something is inbound
1020s had a little bleepy
1022s bleep when they getting
1026s r that was not
1038s pleasant let's just get it over that I
1040s think I went straight into a mine there
1042s or something because that took
1044s everything very
1046s quickly o that was painful that was
1053s painful
1059s right and we
1064s have Rockets a Jager and a ship module
1069s nice okay they're slightly better
1071s Rockets so we'll stick them on we got we
1073s got the corrosion mines you should
1074s really use them as
1076s well as you do as you do
1081s [Music]
1084s those wils are still nice though I'll
1087s stick with the corrosions for the time
1090s being yeah we'll stick with those we'll
1092s stick with those we're good good
1097s right well let's just have a quick look
1099s at the
1103s mission what might out where madx last
1106s Saw Eduardo he's so useful as isn't he
1109s he really is so
1111s useful is madx generally not that's the
1116s immaculate
1117s Redemption we got to do that just need
1122s to
1124s find let's go there do with a little bit
1129s of a uh El I think little bit of a
1132s repair here in
1134s there uh stepen McMillan over on YouTube
1138s uh thank you very much for those kinding
1139s words uh it's very very nice incoming
1141s g&b General broadcast getting stronger
1144s it announces that Outlaw forces have yet
1146s again gained strengths in the SEO and
1148s Union systems what that's not good news
1152s I was under the impression that you
1153s liked a challenge I like a challenge H
1156s but
1163s damn I I see the question there from
1166s Flor I'm just going to dive in um will
1169s will be another challenge for me uh not
1171s not this stream maybe in the future um
1173s but if you do have any um reasonable and
1176s I say reasonable uh challenges you'd
1178s like me to attempt please drop them into
1180s the Discord uh I will look at them I
1182s will look at feasibility and uh you know
1184s fun factor and everything else so if you
1187s have any ideas that uh anything that you
1189s think I could have a go at then uh
1191s please please do let me know I like a
1194s little bit of fun
1213s this is marked as the OT trading station
1216s it is unexpected to find it still in use
1218s without g&b employees to service yeah
1222s let's clear these out a little bit shall
1224s we do a little bit ofies going
1230s there are these drones and everything
1232s else
1234s hello you said that you can K thank
1239s youing
1247s te he's a sneaky little one isn't he
1250s he's a sneaky little
1252s devil you are exposed no suar damn you
1257s are coping admirably I must say oh under
1260s pressure is my you're so such a such a
1263s cynic such a cic I'm here to help nice
1266s to have some
1268s company
1272s right no
1278s you uh
1284s oops oops that that was a bit of a big
1288s hit there
1289s H damn I think I think we're up to 8 now
1293s I think around there maybe more wow
1297s right let's load in the last checkpoint
1298s then probably just as we you can I think
1303s I think you tempted F there um bed Frog
1306s by say I was going to turn the
1307s difficulty down but actually I did touch
1309s it and I still died station it is
1311s unexpected to find it still in use
1313s without g&b employees to service some
1316s die hards have decided to stick it out
1318s this place you what I'm going to do that
1320s now's and find out what's
1331s going
1335s again
1337s yeah hello
1342s that P sh
1352s things are not going to plan that
1353s Crusader
1357s again I did find the GK and then lo and
1360s behold it didn't do me much good there
1361s did
1365s it this is mared idea was this tring
1368s station whose idea was this un expected
1370s to find it still in use without g&b
1372s employes to service some die hards have
1375s decided to stick it out in this place
1377s looks like the lights out from distance
1380s if I
1385s can I will hit them with the
1388s uh the G key I just want to clear them
1391s out if I
1395s can
1398s one now I'm wanted because that actually
1400s reflected didn't
1404s it he's such a pest
1411s is that Crusader there that was hitting
1413s me hardly last time I wasn't a
1417s f now got a fre Lancer don't me yeah
1420s sorry I had to kill
1426s you thear lost track of me that's
1433s good I'm out of the ocar sensor reach
1436s hope it stays that way apparently need
1439s come back again let me just
1444s um I get docked in
1456s here let's
1459s just park in here shall we hello realize
1464s we're upside down there we go we're fine
1467s travel nice to see another soul out here
1470s not gone blackeyed mad uh yeah about
1474s those black eyes what how staring at
1479s ancient things too much yeah I think
1481s we're up to nine now cuz I've died twice
1484s tonight I and those crazies know to
1487s leave us alone so long as we don't
1489s interfere in each other's got to look at
1492s the positives Yar appear to be losing
1494s interest in me can be preferable to some
1497s anyway good good it's a hard grind
1498s making the cut out here so there's not
1500s too much time for chitchatting wait I'm
1503s trying to locate an astero oh Jus I've
1507s seen monkeys draw better apparently
1509s monkeys draw better than that there
1510s ain't much to go on at all although that
1514s rock the stick figure is standing on is
1517s shaped a little like something you'd
1518s find out by the Kos orbit well at least
1521s that's some kind of lead thanks and uh
1524s good luck with your grinding see you
1526s around maybe
1529s right let's just
1531s repair um yeah let's get a restock as
1534s well cuz yeah we kind of need that let
1537s look at our perks is there anything that
1538s we could really uh give ourselves a
1541s little bit of a Boosty Boosty for this
1545s trctor beam we got super gel okay we'll
1549s put that in not a great deal of help but
1551s we'll good Cruise drive
1555s um okay not enough plasma I got
1559s everything apart
1561s from the
1564s plasma uh always do um check the shop as
1569s well see what they've got they sometimes
1570s do have plasma or something that you can
1572s need and obviously when you see this
1574s little green indicator that's kind of up
1577s here I think it disappears off my green
1580s screen uh it means that it doesn't it is
1582s required for your perks so uh yeah do
1585s you have a
1587s uh have a little look at things that you
1590s need there such as a and Crystal can
1591s come in handy as well uh that is
1594s actually used in now I've got that
1597s already what's Ste got the orbs the orbs
1601s might be
1603s good
1605s okay okay tell what I'm going to
1608s do there we go doubl the respair speed
1611s of nanobot if I remember to use
1614s [Music]
1616s them that's the very good thing is is
1618s there uh Culver we haven't got enough
1621s Mite we have got power cells we Haven
1623s got enough and need Super gels uh we're
1625s still we're still in need of a little
1627s bit are we so that's fine that's fine uh
1631s no
1633s no y got
1636s no sell sell sell I did pick up
1641s the people do seem to like the scatter
1645s gun I've never been a fan um I I know it
1648s could be extremely powerful and it is
1651s worthwhile investing if that's your play
1653s style
1654s absolutely but for me I've never got
1657s into it never got into it uh that
1660s capacity needs to
1662s go let's do that we'll swap that one in
1665s Blaster the
1667s calibrated yeah see I think the pulse
1669s laser is kind of letting us down a
1671s little bit now so I might
1676s switch Yeah Yeah I think I'm going to
1679s switch and I'm going to dismantle that
1680s one I'm going to go
1682s Blaster we're going to go
1684s Blaster and we'll see how that faes
1688s combat drone yes okay let's see so we
1691s still got
1693s unfortunately our um Wanted level so I
1696s might have to just be a little bit
1697s careful in getting out of our
1700s crop X Marx the spot over there
1704s um yeah
1709s they seem like nice enough FK I'll have
1711s to check back in
1714s on the big swirly swir and get outow man
1717s only ever if anybody play ever space one
1719s then you'll be very aware of how that's
1723s very very handy for getting out of U
1725s sticky situations especially when you're
1726s trying to
1727s jump spiral does help does help right
1733s Let's Travel onwards let's just check uh
1735s about 5 minutes time uh if you got any
1737s questions I'm going to dive through them
1738s in about 5 minutes time so yeah if
1741s you've got anything Burning uh desire to
1744s know uh we'll try and answer it we'll
1747s try and if we don't know the answer or
1749s we can't tell you the answer we might
1750s have to follow up in the
1754s future right let's go see shall
1766s we no stick figure but this sure looks
1769s like a rock near some squiggly lines
1771s Hive run a scan I detect several
1774s abandoned camps of varying Antiquity but
1776s no humanoid life signs M hey madx you
1779s read me what is it are you sure Eduardo
1783s would have survived out here on his own
1785s you questioning a fleet Marine's ability
1787s to weather any environment son if he
1790s left Camp he had a good reason he's out
1793s there just track him all right let's see
1796s if we can find out what happened to him
1798s indeed
1800s indeed investigate the area oh shadow
1803s creature
1805s hello may do that in these skeletons
1808s sure are impressive is there anything
1810s you can tell me about them Hive they
1812s belong to a species named Saia oror Enis
1816s commonly referred to as
1818s leviathans they are believed to be
1820s extinct however a handful of sightings
1822s have been reported around gas giants in
1824s the CIT nebula these sightings have been
1828s descrip Ed due to the unreliable
1830s veracity of the claims and are regarded
1832s as Folk
1833s law great we supposed to be the
1837s skeletons I'm no art critic but this
1839s needs a lot of
1841s imagination I am detecting an encrypted
1843s signal from within their Subspace range
1846s it could be from the person you are
1848s seeking but we must locate its
1849s transmission point to read it properly
1852s okay Subspace and what do we need to do
1856s simply locate and approach the signal
1858s origin
1861s cool let's collect some stuff while
1863s we're
1864s here it be rude not to wouldn't
1867s it
1873s aha here we go let's go find it let's go
1878s find it over here
1883s somewhere in order to hack into the
1885s entire data package for interpretation
1888s the ship must be aligned for optimal
1891s reception let's try it out let's try it
1896s out I unlocked the data package it
1900s contains only a single audio file I will
1902s play it back to you gazing on the Stars
1905s has opened my mind to a new
1908s Serenity I have become one with them
1911s without a purpose we are all the
1914s meaningless flakes in time and space wow
1918s okay
1918s well if that is him all those years
1920s Sitting on This Rock must have driven
1922s him Yaya there are no signs of dead or
1925s decaying life in this vicinity either he
1928s must have
1931s departed there appears to be another
1933s similar signal nearby although much
1935s weaker some of the local Wildlife is
1938s causing electrical interference wildli
1940s let's take care of that and get to the
1942s bottom of this
1944s mystery sorry jellyfish
1951s apologize you kind of getting in the
1954s way hang on we missed
1963s one there it
1967s is no uh is there some
1976s more where you
1981s hiding
1987s what if you can't see things it's all oh
1989s there
1992s no oh look too far
1994s away one little tip um and it is one
1998s that a lot of people can use um if
2000s you're ever struggling to find something
2002s specific just go to photo mode and then
2005s you can have a good look around it
2006s pauses the game you don't have to worry
2008s about it uh being attacked or anything
2010s like that so if you're specifically
2011s looking for like I am now uh an
2017s actual minute thing it could be just one
2020s thing that's interfering just go into a
2022s photography mode which uh let see it
2025s just PA again reing a much stronger
2027s reading now okay thanks
2034s live there we go
2046s there let's get ourselves aligned there
2049s we go I have waited and I
2052s am although I am experiencing a
2055s troubling sensation frog the old school
2058s photo mode with the wall hack yet um you
2061s didn't know you did change it slightly
2063s because people could look through walls
2066s Etc
2068s a bit of a problem seems like he went
2070s star mad and took off wandering it calls
2073s me but not on any wavelength I know it
2077s is a strange calling I must Venture
2080s further to find its
2081s source the only way I can reach it is by
2084s jumping over the aoran fault yep star
2088s mad no doubt now the question is how far
2091s did he go how far did he go he's nuts
2094s telling you his movements make little
2096s sense to me I wonder why it's a little
2098s weird let's just follow his Trail and
2100s see what we pick up
2104s exactly hey madx I think we got a lead
2107s on Eduardo seems like you went in a
2109s little nuts and left on a walkabout you
2111s better have a damn good excuse for this
2113s let me know when you find him let me
2115s know we find
2117s him right I'll just get that lined up as
2120s soon as what is this Subspace as soon as
2122s we get launched in uh I'm just going to
2124s go through some of the questions we got
2125s a couple line up and from sub
2128s working as a limitless non physical and
2130s Timeless data storage that exists
2133s everywhere any time in the universe
2136s sounds
2136s plausible cool right let's fast forward
2139s as quickly as we can over to our thori
2140s and fault and then as we dive in we're
2142s going to have a look at the couple of
2143s questions that we've
2145s [Music]
2150s got there we go right anything yet just
2154s as we do that we'll just put ourselves
2155s into there we'll just have a look at the
2157s scenery oh look at that look that look
2160s at that ship look at that ship almost
2161s like you could take some wonderful
2162s screenshots with this uh R flory's got a
2165s question from twitch just having a quick
2168s look on there are there plans to
2170s implement more races so in Aon and are
2173s there plans to implement some in Kon
2175s that I don't actually know um I'd have
2178s to actually check with the team if
2180s that's something that they're looking to
2181s implement honestly I couldn't tell you
2184s at the moment um obviously we're working
2187s on the expansion uh this is not you know
2190s secret news or anything but the team are
2192s El Buzz deep uh in working away on that
2195s um lots of things still planning lots of
2198s things still developing Etc so something
2200s like that I'm not too sure um I
2203s certainly bring it up with the team next
2204s week and see if that is a possibility
2208s possibility uh succession 99 over on
2212s Twitch uh will there be more ship Custom
2215s Design save lots and the possibility to
2217s transfer a design to another custom slot
2218s to continue working on it that we've
2221s been asked before uh it's definitely a
2223s quality of life uh request uh let's put
2227s it that way um at the moment I don't
2229s think there's any plans um working
2232s around the UI doing different saves Etc
2235s uh can be a little bit tricky and it's
2236s time consuming um for something that is
2241s yes nice to have but it isn't always
2244s necessarily a thing that you need to
2246s have um now that's not not to say we're
2248s totally discounting anything that people
2250s bring to our attention in terms of ideas
2252s or suggestions it's just that we always
2254s have to go have we got the time have we
2256s got the resources uh and does it kind of
2259s fit in with what we want to achieve um
2261s so it's a great
2263s suggestion will it happen I don't
2265s actually know uh I've not seen any talk
2267s about expanding it but I will note it
2269s down um please know that if anybody does
2271s bring suggestions to the chat to the the
2274s Discord steam wherever then I do note
2278s these down uh I have a big spreadsheet
2280s of all kind of suggestions that people
2282s have brought so you know it's things
2284s that the team can look at in the future
2287s uh and you know if we can look at
2288s implementing it then yeah uh B frog yeah
2291s do we get a uiux overall there's a lot
2293s of work involved in that frog and I
2295s think uh it kind of where we can squeeze
2298s in some um changes tweaks Etc then yes
2305s um it be nice to have would it be an
2306s overhaul uh probably not because that is
2309s a lot of work um and I think with the
2313s work that the team already have on with
2315s doing new content then we'd have to look
2320s at that Beyond uh everything so uh yeah
2325s nice to have probably not a thing that
2327s we'd have in terms of an overhaul I
2329s think it'd be just way too much work um
2332s and if you remember the interview that
2334s we did the last time with um with
2336s torburn uh Etc we're talking about how
2339s much kind of work the team do and how
2342s many people do um a lot of various
2346s things within the team um it can be
2350s difficult with the size of our team to
2351s achieve everything that we we'd love to
2354s do absolutely we would love to do so
2356s many different things but it's it's
2358s again it's time and resources uh when
2360s you look at some of the big guys and
2361s girls out there uh who have even just a
2363s Q&A Department that's bigger than our
2365s whole team they have a bigger budget
2368s than our whole team it's very very
2370s difficult to kind of do everything that
2372s we want and it's it's sad it really is
2375s you know we'd love to give every kind of
2377s suggestion has Merit and implementation
2379s would be something that we'd love to do
2381s but yeah sometimes we're just time uh
2384s and resource limited
2386s unfortunately right let's come out of
2388s that I detect the Fest inkling of a
2391s signal faintest inkling of a
2395s signal let's head down then I have to o
2398s these redeemers level
2401s 19 got the Blaster what is the range on
2404s this Blaster by the way 800 okay how's
2407s the situation back on base well Maddox
2410s certainly is a handful and he won't shut
2413s up about being awful Rich soon I'm
2416s considering using one of those
2417s tranquilizer darts on him sounds like
2420s you have things under control then
2428s Bo
2430s go I got rid of that
2434s one okay
2436s let's where did we need to be over
2442s here okay let's
2445s fly get through get through around here
2459s hello
2460s traversing proving Difficult by bouncing
2463s between the Asters alone I have
2465s eliminated the local flora and fauna as
2468s the source of the call and now must
2470s fashion a means to move myself closer to
2472s the source okay so he seems determined
2475s to find
2478s something
2479s okay another signal good we're starting
2483s to worry we'd lost the trail inde
2511s that that new
2518s thank
2524s you there we go Dax madx the call is
2528s becoming clearer I am on the right track
2532s he's on the right track algorithms are a
2533s thing of beauty I must find its source
2537s and unlock its true meaning what was he
2539s picking up that we aren't I sure hope he
2542s didn't walk himself into a trap what if
2545s it was one of these Mega Fon alluring
2547s prey
2548s impossible to conjecture until we reach
2550s the end of this path
2554s indeed yet another signal I'm sensing hi
2558s that you are as fascinated by this
2560s mystery as I am my curiosity nodes are
2563s indeed tickled tickled Ive is
2569s tickled I is indeed
2572s tickled you know there's fun to be had
2575s when hi is getting tickled
2581s that
2582s shipwreck give me give
2603s me let's get the Shipwreck over here
2606s well with here you never know what
2608s you're going to
2609s get
2611s credits over here
2615s somewhere
2631s think thank you
2645s ship they're always nice and handy to
2647s find uh Salvo resources and ships Rings
2651s that's quite a dramatic
2654s drop and a blue
2658s module everybody wants to tickle
2661s Hive everybody wants to tickle hive
2669s wow another valuable finding all the
2684s valuables other
2687s side through here
2694s [Music]
2700s down below
2702s okay let's see let's see if it is really
2705s way down
2713s below uh
2715s okay think it's in there but we got a
2718s problem there we need to go
2721s in these Vines block the entrance to the
2724s cave it looks like ordinary weapons
2726s don't work on them indeed there must be
2728s something around here that I can use to
2729s get rid of them
2733s indeed we will
2737s use one of
2742s these there we
2745s go a natural solution a natural solution
2749s ow go
2750s away oh hello I'm getting pulled in both
2753s directions here I am popular you can go
2756s away
2759s leave me
2763s alone
2773s wow I just everybody wanted a piece of
2776s me there didn't
2785s they right that's a l the
2790s ship there we go so close it is only a
2794s short leap to the source only a short Le
2797s is a calculated risk leap are short
2799s although I believe my trajectory can
2801s bring me closer by way of shabar tower
2803s if my velocity remains consistent and
2806s the gravitational pull take into account
2809s this Eduardo must have an inhuman mind
2811s for astrophysics if he calculated one
2814s wrong digit he would be spinning
2816s endlessly in B yeah well let's hope he
2820s was able to work it out accurately let's
2822s hope he was let's take a closer look at
2824s this chabar Tower it is registering as
2827s an ancient structure would not be in a
2830s good
2834s position
2836s o there we
2839s go
2841s okay we got we got a bit of a rune going
2844s on there what's going on
2848s H okay something needs to go
2854s there
2859s and
2861s okay so we need to find another
2864s one to go there wherever it may
2868s be so could
2872s be anywhere but we're going to car up
2885s jaar Tower right just while
2889s we're going through there just seen a
2892s question come up from YouTube from Dan
2894s hitch which I'm just going to talk about
2896s a little bit uh the question is uh have
2900s we fixed the Xbox series s
2903s crashing unfortunately not um
2907s it's quite a kind of convoluted issue
2911s which we're having to really dig deep
2914s into uh there certain limitations with
2916s the series s that we're kind of
2919s combating but um we are making progress
2923s however not as good progress as we'd
2924s hoped but we haven't forgotten about it
2926s by any stretch I know obviously a lot of
2928s the team is still working towards the
2930s new expansion but um the issue with the
2933s series s specifically in the crashes um
2936s we're still dealing with um again I
2939s apologize that it's taking quite a while
2941s to to do but we've got to pin down the
2944s issues cuz it isn't just a singular
2946s issue and we also want to make sure that
2948s all the fixes are correct so it's going
2951s to be a little while longer I'm afraid
2953s uh I don't have any good news on that um
2956s if you are on our Discord um there is an
2958s ongoing thread in our support forums
2960s which I'm trying to keep up today um as
2963s soon as I have any further information
2965s um I'm regular in contact with Yan who
2968s you saw in our first interview uh about
2972s a month ago where we talked about um
2977s issues around uh various things because
2979s he is the quality assurance manager and
2981s it's one of the things on his play along
2983s with obviously a lot of the rest of the
2984s technical team so we haven't forgotten
2986s uh we're still working away but
2987s unfortunately we just haven't got it
2989s fixed yet um series X for anybody that
2993s does um have a series X you are not um
2997s not having these issues it literally is
2999s a series s problem but yeah we're
3002s diligently working through it and as
3003s soon as I have any form of update or any
3006s news then I will let you know um but
3008s yeah unfortunately at the moment we're
3009s still waiting we're still working on
3013s it right shabar tower expect to um
3017s possibly die
3020s here this is one of the places that I
3022s always kind of get stuck
3024s at
3025s anything I detect nothing of Eduardo nor
3034s um okay yeah
3037s maybe yeah
3040s okay following message from although I
3044s am experiencing a high level of
3046s interference from the adjacent structure
3049s that might be the problem let's go in
3051s and see if we can silence it
3054s cool I do like this place place as well
3057s not only is it is uh Flor is kind of
3060s like yeah you know when I always find
3062s it's one of a great place to come and do
3065s some photography so um if you ever feel
3069s like uh feel the
3071s need you can kind of come up all the way
3074s up here as close to the boundary as you
3077s like and then switch to photography mode
3081s and then I always think it's a really
3083s cool place you can do like kind of a
3086s excuse me a a bird's eye view
3090s um and you can get some different angles
3093s not only just your normal upclose and
3095s personal structure um shots you can get
3098s some real cool stuff as well then you
3100s can maybe use the um the planet behind
3103s it as well for some real cool
3108s effects oops there we go now let's see
3113s can we do
3115s this whoop let's get this lined
3118s up things a little bit winky wonky
3121s there it is one of the things that we
3123s are looking to fix up as well because
3125s this is not always working
3127s correctly would not believe the
3129s technology required to get this to work
3131s correctly there we go that repaired a
3134s huge part of the structure why don't we
3136s try another one of those lenses now
3139s indeed let's find another lens let's
3142s skip it D that over to this next one
3144s Shel
3147s but yeah it is a a wonderful I still
3149s haven't found it but I'm certain I'm
3152s closing in you better pick up some speed
3154s boy you have no idea how time sensitive
3157s this whole thing is oh M your crew mates
3159s have caught wind about the job not sure
3161s if I was talking to my sleep or just
3163s drunk probably a bit of everything to be
3165s honest yeah well now they're asking too
3167s many questions and I don't like it I've
3170s waited too damn long and I'm only
3172s getting older barely have enough time
3175s left to spend it all look I sympathize
3179s Maddox plasma and some solar particles
3181s we've all been waiting a hell of a long
3183s time to get out of this hell hole of a
3185s DMZ and if what you say about the job is
3187s true there's enough wealth to spread
3189s around payday is coming just get it
3193s wardo just get Ed wardo there we go
3197s let's get that lined up can see just
3199s behind me the structure has come back in
3202s is
3205s good I'm moving along
3207s all the way
3210s across excuse
3220s me we're doing with them things in the
3222s way all right going to first person nose
3225s much easier there we
3227s go and oops hang on we just got out
3230s there we
3233s go okay up now
3238s as uh Flory hinted earlier uh if you've
3241s not got to this bit there's a kind of
3243s enemy that you are going to encounter
3246s here uh it can be a point of frustration
3249s for some
3250s players but it is also the way that
3253s you kind of learn some of the Dynamics
3256s of the game uh I mean we are like level
3259s 17 nearly 18 around now uh now wardens
3262s that we're going to come up against
3265s they're very susceptible to one type of
3267s damage and that is energy so what uh if
3271s you do come across this
3273s then energy is your friend should we
3279s say just just say I detect a multitude
3282s of ancient entities being released at
3285s the calculated rate of
3286s travel the entire cluster whoops oh
3290s scrap I just opened Pandora's Box you
3293s did
3297s one of the orens appears to be honing in
3300s on you y I suppose I shouldn't expect
3303s gratitude for setting them
3307s free so yeah kinetic damage will do
3310s nothing but energy damage will do you a
3313s lot of favors here if you have something
3316s to do energy
3319s damage
3322s hello take that although I do think I'm
3326s still starting to run out a little bit
3329s you Heathen bring nothing but Calamity
3332s to these coures G you have unleashed the
3335s warden and now it's upon you to reap the
3341s consequences really had enough
3344s wles continued existence is an insult to
3348s the all right so what we're going to do
3349s is we're going to do a little bit of a
3350s repair job there I think yeah yeah yeah
3353s yeah yeah yeah and then we're going to
3355s put so one into there
3358s cool now that's kind of dealt with them
3361s so I might change back again as we've
3363s dealt with the uh the
3366s warden
3368s yeah yeah you can see that we're just
3370s struggling a little bit there the warden
3373s has been
3379s defeated those redeemers need to
3381s understand that the wardens are not
3382s Divine beings but vicious spooks
3388s now I have a clear reading of Eduardo's
3393s message we
3410s can't sorry yeah I think once you've
3413s dealt with the w Warden you generally
3416s think you're you're okay but then uh
3418s should expect gratitude for setting them
3420s free after that nope not so
3440s much hell where you
3444s go you hear them nothing but Calamity to
3448s these quarters yeah yeah you have aash
3451s the warden and now it's upon you
3455s to yep uh I heard you the first time Mr
3458s Looney Looney M Looney I've really had
3461s enough of you wackos your continued
3464s existence is an insult to the
3466s Ancients we will avenge their honor yeah
3470s yeah
3473s yeah one thing I will mention is
3475s somebody already the day um was kind of
3479s questioning why was
3483s um uh a warden fighting essentially with
3487s the
3488s redeemers now the big kind of non-
3490s mystery to this is that
3494s the the Ancients as
3497s such have nobody to answer to whereas
3501s obviously we know that the redeemers
3504s they worship the ancients
3508s but it doesn't always mean it's going to
3509s be reciprocated
3548s marvelous these Maniacs are becom pain
3551s in the
3552s ass the game will test you uh it'll test
3555s your abilities whether you're you know
3557s Good Pilot bad pilot whatever but never
3559s feel the need I mean obviously we have a
3561s bit of a a
3563s joke uh in the chat but never feel like
3565s you need to turn the difficulty up or
3567s down if something's too tough for you
3569s just turn the difficulty down enjoy the
3571s game we want you to enjoy it we don't
3572s want you to get stressed by having fun
3575s you know that's what it is uh you can
3577s set your own challenge um makes no
3579s difference to kind of loot or anything
3581s like that in the standard game part from
3582s obviously the the little intricacies of
3584s uh of nightmare mode but um yeah just
3588s just enjoy
3593s it okay over here
3599s right let's just because I didn't do the
3601s last time let right to there
3611s so I was able to use various means to
3614s decipher the signal despite the
3616s interference from the nearby ancient
3618s structure it is an impressive object
3621s although the distress is a more pressing
3624s issue it emanates from the planetoids
3627s below I am readjusting weap settings to
3630s reach there hopefully the last stop I
3633s can confirm that AAL one is a planetoid
3636s with a breathable
3639s atmosphere uh yeah just the actual
3642s Shield is a little bit it's
3646s okay but the recharge is is yeah quite
3649s quite low it's a strat cumulus so I do
3652s need to swap it out um it does kind of
3655s last a little while but then Boop
3661s gone but yeah I think uh it's kind of
3664s one of those prevalent things that you
3665s need to be aware of as you go up in the
3668s kind of difficulty that you're going to
3670s be a little bit more careful with the
3672s gear that you're actually using because
3674s if you don't you can kind of get caught
3676s out um with uh you know being a bit
3680s underpowered Etc cuz everything just
3682s gets that A Little Bit Stronger now I do
3685s need that I'm try to remember exactly
3686s where I need to put that but I think
3688s it's outside
3692s somewhere is it above or is it below I
3696s can't
3699s remember sayne
3706s hello if a doubt use a bit of
3713s cover these guys are going to get a bit
3722s wow it's just not going is it just not
3726s going but yeah I my I admit my shield
3729s definitely needs a bit of work I do need
3730s to get something a little bit better
3732s three deaths is it three or four deaths
3735s now tonight what one of the wardens
3738s appears to be honing in on you I
3743s forgot I need to mention this to the
3745s team it takes you right back I I
3747s shouldn't gratitude for set them fre all
3749s the way back here and it can be an
3751s absolute
3768s [Music]
3769s pain you Heathen bring nothing but
3772s Calamity to these quarters you are
3775s unleash the warden and now it's upon you
3779s to reap the consequences yep I hear you
3785s I hear you 5 2 1 5 3 4 2 6
3789s 7 switch to that one I think that into
3794s there wackos enough of those wackos
3797s existence is an insult to the Ancients
3800s yeah we will avenge their honor yeah
3804s yeah yeah
3807s yeah my shield just goes down so quick
3810s has been defeated redeemers need to
3813s understand that the wardens are not
3814s Divine beings but vicious Spooks and it
3817s does take a long to recharge you can see
3819s it's just literally started but it's
3821s such a little
3824s thing now I have a clear reading of
3827s Eduardo's
3830s message did if you got any more
3832s questions then please do hello whoop
3835s hello nearly walk straight into there
3837s didn't
3839s we the range on them is just so
3847s immense literally so
3850s immense oh
3858s hello hope I haven't bitten off more
3860s than I can shoe
3867s you always got everything
3886s in quite a pain in the
3889s ass where hang on let's get get a speed
3894s wood there okay man of repair K we got
3897s blueprint just collect all the
3899s stuff all this
3906s stuff Ren
3909s missiles there we go let's have a little
3911s look see did we get
3913s something I mean that recharge is better
3915s but we lose so much capacity as well not
3918s it seems to be mattering at the
3922s moment yeah if you got any more
3924s questions uh do uh throw them in now
3928s because we're going to be switching over
3929s to our next segment very very shortly
3931s once I've sorted out everything in here
3934s and what I want to do is I do want to
3936s just save that before I
3941s forget yeah cuz then I don't have to
3945s come back through that bit so let me
3946s just go get things lined up in here
3954s again there we go
3956s around
3962s here a li was able to use various means
3965s to decipher the signal despite the
3968s interference from the nearby ancient
3970s structure it is an impressive object it
3973s is impressive the distress signal is a
3975s more pressing issue it emanates from the
3978s planetoids below I am readjusting we
3981s settings to reach there indeed hopefully
3983s the last stop I can confirm that aor 1
3987s is a planetoid with a breathable
3988s atmosphere
3991s cool right so A1 we're going to head
3995s there we're going to set the way point
3997s let's get out of there and let's go see
4000s what is on
4002s A1 who knows who
4007s knows right let's get over there shall
4010s we take a quick look and then we shall
4013s switch through for our new
4017s look at an indie Dev who's out there
4020s punching through the noise as best they
4022s can to try and get their um their game
4025s scene and we're just trying to uplift
4027s everybody that we can give a little
4030s helping hand
4032s to I detect a humanoid life form on the
4036s planetoid below great finally Maddox we
4041s reckon we track down Eduardo ah now that
4044s is good news took you long long enough
4047s the freer's almost done but I'll take
4048s the maintenance ship and come to you you
4050s sit tight apparently we need to sit
4054s tight let's see what happens
4062s [Music]
4065s there why you came to a hell forsaken
4068s place like this huh I can't wait to hear
4081s [Music]
4082s we're being observed what the hell is
4089s that what is it not
4097s sure be scra
4111s things are not going so
4118s well until the Cavalry
4126s arrives
4127s Eduardo Maddox I was right I knew it was
4131s you you finally came back for me Kala
4136s color you never said your friend was an
4139s Android what you think I'd leave a human
4141s out here on a rock in the ass end of
4144s nowhere yes it's okay these are friends
4147s the humans I was telling you
4151s about you ever encountered an alien like
4154s this before seen all sorts out here but
4157s no this is a new one to me well keep
4160s your sidearm at the ready I don't want
4162s any nasty
4163s Surprises please allow me to roduce kala
4166s my friend well hello there kala I strick
4169s there with the bird and say where are
4172s you fromong
4174s Thor okay I have no freaking idea where
4177s that is main thing is you're not a damn
4180s okar are you what is an okar kala is of
4183s no alien species on file although it has
4185s been some time since I last linked she
4187s has never even heard of the okar which
4189s is unusual considering the ongoing War
4192s yeah about that Eduardo the ocar war
4194s ended 15 years back with the truce but
4196s we still ain't seeing eye to eye oh and
4199s uh Dax is dead too oh this I will need
4202s to
4204s process
4212s indeed I must admit I was beginning to
4215s consider the chances of seeing you again
4217s as very slim of course I was coming back
4220s for you buddy but uh I didn't think you
4222s would get so antsy and just jump
4224s asteroid like that don't you did you
4225s have an inbuilt gaming routine to keep
4227s yourself occupied I was brought out of
4229s sleep mode by a local distress signal
4232s the signal was however one I could not
4234s interpret and match nothing in my
4236s databases I simply had to decipher it it
4239s awoke the cryptographer in you precisely
4242s I had to jump several asteroids to
4244s triangulate the source of the signal I
4246s had been transmitting for help TOA I was
4248s here for a long time glad to hear it but
4250s uh you'll have to say your goodbye said
4252s wardo we don't have room for hitchhikers
4253s where we're headed but well kala it has
4256s been lovely meeting you whatever you are
4258s but uh we're here just for my palet
4260s wardo and we are in a bit of a hurry so
4263s we'll leave you and be on our way I'm
4265s afraid you misunderstand madx kala and I
4268s have become quite close in our time
4270s together well that's not my problem okay
4274s enough chitchat gather your things and
4276s let's get going Eduardo we got work to
4279s do two of us or none I don't think so
4283s little lady
4287s what the hell is wrong with you we can't
4288s just leave her
4291s here you want to bring an unknown alien
4294s species onto the base it could be
4296s diseased for all we know it could
4298s compromise the whole operation I think
4299s this could be the turning point in the
4302s whole story line where people realized
4305s that kind of you have done any different
4307s super SC was just permanently perfectly
4309s time
4310s to my score I've waited too long for it
4313s to come out
4316s I think it's the real I only need to
4319s return
4320s home here to die
4322s madx your choice your responsibility
4326s kala it's okay I'll help you find your
4329s way
4330s home
4338s yeah yeah it's definitely uh I think
4340s that my ship is near to the absolute
4343s turning point of where we realized
4345s M he's out for one thing and one thing
4347s only that's the only thing he cares
4349s about okay the least we can do is check
4351s it out before we head back there we go
4353s hey what more freaking delays no way we
4356s are going right back to the Freer right
4359s back to the afraid I must insist so once
4362s they finish there chitchat we will uh
4364s we'll jump into our next segment because
4365s we are time is pushing on and we've got
4367s plenty to to get through solude gave you
4369s in Attitude fair enough let's get the
4372s blue
4373s lady what's y skip skip there we go so
4378s completed x marks the spot which is a
4380s nice moment I think uh just for that now
4384s there is a question there from baby frog
4385s uh over on YouTube and they just want to
4387s know any word on the next interview
4388s session uh and if we'll get that option
4390s to ask our questions for the interviews
4393s yes um we are definitely working on this
4396s uh I've been spending u a bit of time on
4399s getting this sorted out so if you new to
4402s the streams or if you've been watching
4404s obviously you've seen that we
4405s interviewed a couple of the uh the dev
4407s team who have graciously given up their
4409s time in their very busy schedules to
4411s allow us to have a little chitchat about
4413s their job Etc uh and then we obviously
4416s put it on the stream so you guys and
4417s girls can watch
4418s it well obviously you've asked
4421s previously if you can ask some specific
4423s questions so what we're going to do is
4425s the plan will be that we're going to
4427s open up uh a forum on our Discord so
4431s some channels on our Discord where You'
4433s be able to ask some specific questions
4435s to those specific people now the reason
4438s we're going to do it onto Discord is
4440s that it's easier to manage uh simply
4442s because if we open it up onto steam or
4444s if we open it up onto Reddit Etc it can
4447s dulge into things that maybe you know
4450s aren necessarily relevant so we're going
4452s to keep it onto the Discord however what
4454s we're going to do is we're going to open
4455s up a segment and a thread for each
4458s individual that we're going to have
4459s lined up so you're going to be able to
4460s ask those questions U the plan is next
4462s week early next week I'm going to put up
4464s some of a few of the interviews that
4467s we're going to have lined up so you'll
4468s be able to ask them well in advance we
4470s are going to be uh obviously moderating
4473s the questions that come in if they're
4475s feasible to answer we'll be putting them
4478s ahead of time to the actual interview e
4480s so that they can have a a read through
4482s as well uh and obviously we can't go
4484s into any spoiler territories so if
4486s anybody says can you tell me what the
4488s name of the new expansion is going to be
4490s what we're going to see Etc they're
4491s they're not going to happen Okay uh so
4493s there's going to be certain kind of
4494s rules but it is going to be on
4496s Discord uh so do keep an eye on that
4498s we'll put them up as well speaking of
4500s Discord as well I'm going to be bringing
4501s back some polls I want you to get
4502s involved in as well I want you to decide
4504s uh a few of the things that we may have
4506s those burning questions that we always
4508s want the community to decide so expect
4510s to see those in the coming week as well
4513s so yeah so definitely we're going to
4515s have some uh question threads for you
4518s guys to ask those specific questions
4520s which we'll have lined up in the future
4522s right I'm just going to switch AR cuz I
4524s need to switch over to our new new look
4528s at a new little Dev uh so just bear with
4530s me I should be back in Unos momentos and
4532s we'll be uh we'll be with
4536s [Music]
4539s you while I'm just doing do this don't
4542s forget to follow us on the Discord the
4543s Tik Tok Facebook Twitter Youtube blue
4546s sky and everywhere else uh LinkedIn if
4550s you're feeling that way inclined and uh
4552s yeah please do join us so while I just
4556s find find it where are you find it find
4559s it there we go we'll have another one so
4562s yeah we're going to have some polls up
4563s on the Discord which you boys and girls
4565s I think will uh thoroughly enjoy uh I'm
4568s looking forward to getting those I know
4570s B frog I know uh not everyone does use
4572s Discord however for us it's the easiest
4574s place to kind of keep an eye on the
4578s questions that come in when we have them
4580s spread out across very uh many places
4584s it's very very difficult ult to kind of
4586s moderate that and keep an eye on
4588s everything that is
4590s uh
4591s um uh asked said Etc uh so for for R an
4596s an ease of cating the questions it's
4599s going to be on Discord and Discord only
4600s I'm
4605s afraid right just as we bring it back
4610s in right I just need to switch through
4613s to this one right as you know from time
4617s to time we have been looking at a
4619s variety of Indie devs uh and we're going
4622s to look at a new one here and this one
4624s is a demo version of a game that's
4626s coming up called joy and Slayer hordes
4629s of hell and this comes from uh a company
4633s uh called games farmer development team
4635s now if You' never heard of them before
4636s they have done a few kind of smaller
4639s games uh similar to this before uh but
4641s this one specifically we've seen at the
4644s Gamescom with the Indie Arena booth and
4647s it's basically
4649s a uh a kind of hard Rog like so
4653s obviously we've got a lot of history
4654s with Rogue Le with ever space
4656s one and it is a uh I think a kind of
4661s game style that I'm really enjoying at
4663s the moment uh if you've played anything
4665s like kind of vampire survivors or deep
4668s rock Galactic surviv those kind of games
4671s um if you haven't you should because
4672s they're wonderful games um but I've been
4675s play playing a lot of them recently uh
4676s and this one really peaked my interest
4679s so what is it well basically you are
4682s going to be playing uh a variety of
4683s Heroes Champions as they call them uh in
4686s in a kind of Arenas which is based on
4689s North myth North mythology um so we'll
4692s have a little look at it uh see what
4694s it's all about uh have a couple of games
4697s of the various Champions as well uh and
4700s uh I will put into the chats as well uh
4703s somewhere where you can go check it out
4706s as well if you fancy it's just going
4707s into the chat right now so do check it
4709s out over there um so yeah it's a single
4712s player game it was going to be coming
4713s out at the end of 2024 in Early Access
4715s but it's been slightly delayed to
4717s January the 21st 2025 uh just to do a
4720s little bit more polish before it goes
4721s into Early Access um It's Made in UNC it
4724s looks gorgeous uh so let's have a little
4727s look shall we and I'm actually if I can
4729s get it I'm actually going to use my Xbox
4731s controller which is is it's always nice
4734s to use these things it
4736s right so let's just hit on the player
4739s button I'll bring that back up so
4742s there's a few characters that you can
4743s choose uh in the demo you can only
4746s choose between the Berserker and the Cs
4749s there is others such as the revant and
4752s then the flame sister but they are not
4753s available unfortunately so they'll be
4755s coming with the Early
4757s Access so we're going to start off with
4760s the Berserker he's obviously if you know
4762s anything about nor mythology
4765s there were big guys uh and as you can
4768s see he's got the he's got the dual
4769s wielding into the axes very very nice
4772s very very nice so pridefully seeking the
4774s greatest and bloodiest of battles the
4775s Berserker has dabbled in powers and
4777s Bounds Beyond Reckoning turning from a
4780s path of honorable glory to a Twilight of
4782s infamy and they suffer from Rage which
4785s is obviously good a heightened emotional
4787s state that unleashes the berserker's
4788s full potential violent potential even
4792s that um you get to choose your skins you
4795s get to choose the weapons Etc obviously
4798s some uh limited to the demo you're not
4801s available but we're going to dive in
4802s anyway
4804s um various locations as well they're not
4807s going to be all set into one different
4808s uh specific Arena this one's going to be
4810s nilheim which is the birthplace of
4812s primordial Darkness cold and Mist
4814s situated below the roots of the world
4815s tree igil this realm is the final
4819s destination for most villains who cross
4821s into the Afterlife I probably absolutely
4823s butchered that name but I do apologize
4826s and then you've also get the various
4827s difficulties as well uh you get your
4829s easy you get your normal you get your
4832s hard and then you get insane now you can
4835s unlock uh normal in the in the bonus but
4838s you've got to complete easy first so you
4840s can see there's that kind of specific
4843s setup uh B frog speaking of nor
4846s mythology this is one of the things I
4848s like as well um and this is what kind of
4850s attracted it as one of the games that
4852s we're going to have a little look um so
4854s anyway let's dive in so yeah is a rug
4857s likee horde we're going to have various
4859s little things come up that allow us to
4861s uh progress and improve our character
4863s which you'll see as we come
4865s along now attack preferences this is
4868s very interesting um because you got
4870s attack mode and it says smart so the
4872s hero attacks automatically when they're
4874s in range of enemies so pretty much you
4876s don't have to do anything with that or
4878s the a mode the hero automatically aims
4880s at the nearest enemy you can always
4881s change your preference later in the
4883s options and gameplay so if you want to
4884s do it manually you can so if you want to
4886s be you know using your weapons uh at a
4889s specific time then you can change it to
4890s that whilst you're getting used to it I
4892s think it's very very nice just to leave
4893s it as it is so we are going to do it as
4895s per the demo and I think it's one of
4897s those that is very very nice to get into
4899s so here we are we're in the central area
4901s and you can see that things are starting
4902s to come in and obviously they drop these
4905s Little Gems which go into your purple
4908s bar at the bottom or on the bottom left
4911s hand corner which build towards your
4913s leveling now this isn't a level up this
4915s is just an objective that's come
4917s up uh strange powerful mushrooms are
4920s sprouted in the area investigate and
4921s collect them so we'll see these on the
4924s map there we go so we've updated our
4928s leveled up our
4931s [Laughter]
4933s character Lee I can't believe you just
4935s actually asked that that's that's a very
4938s good question uh for those of you who
4940s haven't seen it uh question for the chat
4942s do deaths in these Indie demos count to
4945s my death counter so obviously I think we
4947s we crept into double figures apparently
4949s grip cage thinks this should count as
4952s double now can I can I can I just say
4956s that obviously a lot of the time with
4957s Rog lights you are meant to die so I I
4961s think that's a little bit
4963s harsh excelsia obviously the Rog like
4966s kind of survival is very very you know
4968s prominent and very very
4970s um uh kind of at the Forefront after
4973s vampire survivors which I love I've
4975s played that quite extensively on Xbox
4977s and obviously PC uh but yeah I think
4979s this with the rapper of the Norse
4981s mythology Etc is really really nice
4983s super scrapers it's still a Skiller I
4985s I'll tell that I'll tell that uh so we
4989s get to choose uh these are the gods okay
4991s we get to choose between Thor or we get
4993s to choose Freya uh and this one uh I've
4996s played between the two and I do prefer
4997s cuz I've tested it uh I want to play a
5000s th god of lightning so we can get to
5001s choose that or if you want to you can
5003s roll down at the bottom as well but
5005s going to use Thor so we've got a choice
5006s of explosive nature chain lightning on
5009s each attack um Yol AutoCast returning
5012s Hammer of Thor obviously and then
5014s catches it again or lightning strike
5016s which lightning strikes in four fixed
5019s [Music]
5021s directions uh too bad shows you in
5024s carefully I to be fair this is how we um
5027s kind of have to ascertain that they air
5029s suitable uh Etc so I have to actually
5031s really do dig deep into uh whether the
5034s game is is any you know suitable for our
5036s audience should we say so anyway
5038s lightning strikes we're going to go with
5040s so you're going to see these start to
5042s dash down you can see I can back away
5043s still swinging
5046s those there we go leveled up again now
5048s now we get the chance of choosing some
5050s for the Berserker oror so this is always
5052s random it isn't always the same so we'll
5055s have a look at the
5056s Berserker uh assault attack with force
5059s in a straight line Cutting Edge execute
5060s a spinning weapon attack or Barrel
5062s Through Dash deals damage and knocks
5064s backs enemies
5066s um let's go Auto
5072s cast now you can see our blue dots in
5075s the top Corner above us on the mini map
5077s they are where the mushrooms are so I'm
5078s going to go get them and the timer at
5080s the top is
5083s uh it's like I think people just want to
5086s see me suffer but uh but we literally
5089s got just got to stand there you can see
5091s that we're just starting to get a few
5092s more again we've leveled up
5095s uh let's go to Thor again so we go
5097s Sentinel or Sentinel uh blows of Yer or
5102s thunderstorm now Sentinels are quite
5103s good but I do like the thunderstorm so
5105s we'll go thunderstorm as we get this
5107s cool effect open the
5109s boxes there we
5112s go
5114s there right I'm just backtracking on
5117s myself
5118s here let's just collect that
5121s mushroom I'm going to head over to the
5124s side here for this other mushroom
5126s whacking a box as we go past collecting
5129s that one
5131s go now up to level five so we'll have a
5134s look at Freya see what she's got to
5136s offer valky descent uh Divine energy
5139s field damage into enemies got Golden
5141s Disc which is sharp oscillating discs
5144s and then Divine wave a wave of divine
5146s energy so we'll try The valky Descent
5155s I just want to get that Co cuz you can
5157s see that we're dropping these things
5160s this do come in quite handy there
5165s on do a little
5168s slow always keep an eye on the mini map
5171s as well because I did find that you find
5173s certain things that would spawn on the
5175s map that you won't necessarily see so
5176s you do need to keep a little eye on it
5178s there we go so we've got 8 minutes 20 uh
5181s the higher the raids that you do the
5183s more time they take so it could be like
5186s like a tier two it take 15 minutes
5189s whereas on this kind of easy difficulty
5192s um you're going to be at a maximum of 10
5194s minutes right so we're back to this
5196s we've got now the choice of thorw or
5198s freyer again let's have a look at Thor
5200s so we could upgrade lightning strike to
5202s two if we wanted to so you can see it
5204s does more damage the cool down of it
5206s happening uh is a lot quicker passive of
5211s the increased God skills or chain
5212s lightning upon here so we'll do the
5213s static charge I
5215s think let's do that so you can do a mix
5219s and match of the Gods uh as well as the
5221s Berserker so there plenty to do now you
5224s can see on the mini map as well just bu
5226s my head up here but uh little gold coin
5229s there uh we've got a little treasure box
5231s come off so I want to just go get that
5235s if I can but I just want to get this
5236s last
5239s mushroom there we go so we got some more
5241s gold coins
5244s ni gra that right let's head down here
5249s him you can see that now the skellies
5251s are taking like at least two hits to
5253s defeat there we
5255s go so this bird obviously flies along
5259s but we got
5262s it that was a little kind of want to say
5265s loot Goblin kind of thing let open that
5268s up so now we get some different things
5271s in here minor elixir of haste a small
5273s flask of thick purple Elixir that speeds
5275s up the hero's movements for 20 seconds
5277s getting herbs a a bundle of herbs
5279s restores health and then the May Elixir
5281s are blood lust let's go
5287s blood uh let's have a look at the
5288s Berserker again so Cutting Edge we got
5290s increased attack range or attack with
5293s force in straight line okay we'll do
5297s that increase range is nice now every
5301s kind of minute uh different enemy St
5304s start coming back in and you get a bit
5307s stronger another thing to find uh Graves
5310s of the Lords couple of things that we
5314s maybe have to
5317s do so we'll head over there as far as we
5320s can I say sometimes it's it's very easy
5323s just using the auto attack um which I
5325s I've been playing with just the auto
5327s attack and it's done perfectly fine you
5328s could obviously add in your own uh
5330s abilities of hitting things there we go
5333s so we're just going to summon him here
5335s he is they're not that difficult the to
5338s be fair um I Haven found them
5340s that hard to deal with as long as you
5343s get out of that don't standing there
5346s when he does his shield slam
5356s that's e
5358s down food there obviously some uh some
5362s health
5363s back heading over I do think it's a
5366s wonderful looking game and it's real
5368s smooth to play as
5369s well um so yeah Early Access uh on Steam
5374s from January the 21st uh next year which
5378s I think it be good to keep an out it's
5379s definitely on my wish list and speaking
5381s of wish list um if you have a an indie
5385s game or a game that um you really really
5388s like get get it wish listed uh that
5391s really helps some kind Indies to get
5393s noticed to to realize maybe that people
5397s are enjoying what they're potentially
5399s trying to
5405s create level nine let's do Berserker
5408s again no pain no game
5411s place okay let's do swirling axe I think
5415s swirling ax
5425s there we go so that's the graves of the
5426s Lords done complete now be very careful
5429s with these they can
5432s hurt you can see on the far side as well
5434s everything that has a cool down time all
5436s your skills all your auto attacks Etc
5439s they all uh there on a little diagram to
5442s say whether they're coming off cool down
5444s which is very very I just love how it
5447s looks uh very Diablo esque uh I think if
5450s you like Diablo uh you're in for a bit
5452s of a treat o we've got just less than 5
5455s minutes to go on this run through we
5458s will switch to the CRS as well let's
5461s look at
5462s Freya uh o cast
5466s nice that one that
5469s little yeah very Diablo esque in style
5472s um but I do like the kind of gameplay
5474s Loop uh I know obviously Rog lights out
5477s for everyone um well aware of this um
5481s however I'm enjoying these kind of Road
5482s lights of of late um um I've been
5485s playing myself a lot of
5490s um uh de ro Galaxy surviv um I am
5493s enjoying that uh draws will experience
5495s in a large radius towards a hero Crystal
5498s geod uh let's do
5501s that there so we get all that that
5504s levels up as well now now we've gone to
5506s level 11 we get to choose a subass so
5508s you can see we can be a Battle Master
5509s Zealot or a troll
5511s s if you want to go Fallout
5514s damage then you Battle Master uh coold
5517s Downs for God skills reduction of his
5519s Zealot and then more healing troll cion
5522s but I'm going full out Battle Master I'm
5524s just going to do more damage more damage
5527s in my
5531s [Music]
5538s skills yeah BR
5541s um is quite cool batro as well obviously
5545s that's another game that's been very
5546s very popular um of l i I could never get
5549s into that I tried uh just
5552s kidding my uh interestingly if you've uh
5555s read
5557s the uh the art book that we um released
5561s for ever Space 2 uh I have a little kind
5564s of section in there that I talk about
5565s how I got into gaming Etc and I'm quite
5568s honest on one of the points because when
5571s I I backed ever space one I'm original
5573s back ever space one that's how I got to
5575s another team and everything um and you
5579s know I didn't like ever space one to
5581s start
5584s with It's Kind it's kind of my
5587s um I I it was the Rog like element um
5592s and to be fair I even told Michael this
5594s when I got to first meet Michael I just
5595s said look I've got to be honest with you
5597s I didn't like uh ever spb initially uh
5602s and he was like yeah was it the Rogue
5604s like I was yeah but I think just through
5607s a little bit of understanding can make
5609s you enjoy it I'm not saying everybody
5611s would uh but certainly I think it's a uh
5614s it's one of those you got to keep trying
5616s and I think something like um vampy
5620s survivors is an excellent intro and this
5623s is I think is going to be an excellent
5624s intro as well because it's such a
5625s stylist looking
5629s game yeah yeah uh to to be fair to be
5633s fair well when I uh um when I first said
5637s to Michael hey I didn't like your game
5639s because I I wasn't a fan of the uh the
5641s road like I was already hired by the
5646s company it was definitely uh a kind of
5649s after uh let's not insult the the the
5652s game before I got hired but
5657s yeah so uh there we go I got another one
5661s let's do lightning streight I do like
5663s lightning now just activated a kind of
5666s Nerf to myself where I've got to last
5668s for a minute with this ice
5670s slow uh but obviously we've also got
5672s this big guy that's trying to whackers
5675s with various things him over there so we
5677s kind of got to deal with him but we're
5680s also slowed so we kind of need to just
5682s not stand in those big rain fire and get
5687s hit because that's
5689s painful there we go he's down he opens
5692s up a chest and he gives us another one
5694s uh let's do the
5698s blood so yeah let's give us some health
5701s as well so we've got 1 minut 52 left on
5704s the clock um but we're going to probably
5707s gain maybe another level also but we
5709s just got to be so careful now because we
5711s are getting surrounded as the time ticks
5715s along things start to pick up pace you
5717s know how these kind of hold Rogue lights
5719s go up to level
5721s 14 swirling
5724s [Music]
5726s okay let's do
5729s the let's pick up these P of wind to
5733s complete so I'm back up to normal speed
5737s now
5740s yeah starting to do a bit more damage
5743s and I think once you work out something
5745s that works with your play style that's
5747s where you're going to enjoy it uh I
5749s think it's something that um just takes
5752s time that you have to work these things
5754s things
5754s out uh
5758s we I think the the the the graphical
5761s effects on this and made in unity uh
5763s which I think is a great game engine and
5765s obviously obviously we use um every
5768s Unreal Engine five uh which is a
5771s wonderful engine itself but game engines
5774s are game engines and some of them are
5776s just a really outstanding I think the
5777s the graphicality of this game is is spot
5781s on I apologize if you had any questions
5783s if you got anything that's flying
5785s through uh that you want to ask uh
5787s please do uh I will catch up when I get
5789s to the end of this sometimes you just
5791s got to concentrate a little bit
5794s um there we go blows of Yar Gaper let's
5798s do that right so we got to
5801s summon the Bor Jun which is
5805s here there we
5808s go though this is the boss at the end
5811s what to kind of deal with and hopefully
5813s not
5814s die guess that would be rather
5816s embarrassing if you guys want me to
5819s hello you
5854s really do with some
5859s health not looking for
5866s at you slowly earn it you certainly
5870s revive your health but yeah you just got
5873s to be a little b
5877s careful and just make sure you dodge
5879s he's putting down some ice
5884s now obviously bringing friends in we
5887s going to be hurting the as
5889s well come on there
5898s go oh that was close and he's dead
5910s there we
5912s go so this is where the fun begins in
5915s you may even catch the eye of a god
5916s enemy difficulty increases this is
5918s obviously unlocking normal raid time is
5920s 15 minutes you got four objectives in it
5922s and you get a resource bonus of that so
5924s once you've completed
5926s it then you can kick on to the next one
5929s right so let's go back to the uh main
5931s menu this time we're going to have a
5933s look look at the cus uh we're going to
5935s click through
5938s that uh and her play style is ever
5940s reclusive and mysteriously powerful the
5942s cus has long been a shadowy opportunist
5944s in Clairvoyant who seeks to outwit even
5947s the very ancients themselves with our
5948s Mastery of the dark arts so she has
5951s eldric Wards Shields that recharge over
5954s time when damage Shield charges give the
5955s Cirus brief
5957s invulnerability so uh yes she can be uh
5961s a little bit well hang on are we still
5964s alive I've just lost chat one
5971s second we still there are we still there
5974s nope still there
5977s okay still showing me I've just lost the
5981s chat I do apologize I can't see the chat
5983s at the moment so if you're still with me
5987s uh there we go let come back wow I I
5990s just lost the
5991s chat right in we go let's get in same
5994s thing obviously we've unlocked normal uh
5997s which can be a little bit difficult
5998s obviously with new characters if you
6000s played any kind of these uh Rog lights
6003s then you need to progressively get
6005s stronger with each of those characters
6007s so I'm just going to stay on the easy
6009s for the time
6012s being but yeah I do apologize it just
6014s looked like I completely and
6018s utterly uh lost everything
6021s [Music]
6024s there we go you can see she does a bit
6026s of kind of range
6028s damage but she's also
6031s quite uh let's go so temporal trap
6036s destructive mind pulse mal
6039s addiction Bri of
6043s thorns tell you what we're going
6045s to that's cool mushrooms those same
6050s thing as before so we're going to go do
6053s these
6055s I love that sound effect as
6057s well of the Mind
6064s blast like a telekinesis shot there we
6068s go so I'm going to just kind of stick
6070s with CRS if I
6072s can uh extraction is good
6087s I did see a question just come through I
6088s know B frog you just answered it for me
6090s thank you very much um from Evan light
6094s over on uh YouTube uh regard never Space
6097s 2 uh the co-op uh we we've had this come
6100s up quite regularly and it is a is a
6102s constant request we we're not ignoring
6104s the fact we're very open about it
6105s unfortunately it's not going to be
6107s something that will happen forever Space
6108s 2 we literally would have to redesign
6111s the game um and it would takes so long
6114s to to redo um we do hear people
6118s obviously say I would love to be able to
6119s play a couch coat with my friend or you
6121s know just tag my friend for like 30
6123s minutes do missions Etc it's just we
6127s have to work within a Time budget within
6129s a kind of time frame um uh and budgetary
6132s restraints and at the time when we
6134s designed ever Space 2 um to create
6138s something of the
6140s magnitude of uh a multiplayer Co-op
6143s experience it was outside the scope of
6145s what we were able to do but we
6147s definitely heard it but there's no plans
6149s for ever space to to bring in Co-op it
6151s would mean a significant rewrite of uh
6154s of the whole game and we just can't do
6156s that we really
6158s can't
6163s [Music]
6166s uh now now now we're kind of bringing in
6169s modifiers if I don't uh if I don't
6172s answer a question then uh I get plus 10
6174s to my death counter
6179s apparently yeah I think uh one thing to
6181s consider is that the environments uh
6184s specifically that we've kind of
6186s handcrafted are all designed around a
6189s single ship so when you try then to put
6192s two ships into that same space because
6196s it's still very very
6199s difficult uh yeah Flor I managed to get
6201s the chat back I just lost it all of a
6203s sudden it was like NOP it's gone but now
6205s it's come back
6207s again right let's do the winter Raven
6211s hello see a bit of invulnerability let's
6214s crack on and get these mushrooms I was
6216s on that path to get the
6232s mushrooms oop
6233s [Music]
6240s so you can see that she's much more
6241s arranged character she's much further
6243s away however she's obviously quite a bit
6246s weaker than the uh the Berserker that we
6249s were playing to to begin with uh which
6252s you know uh has its pros and cons it
6254s depends on the play style um every game
6256s every character uh Even in our game has
6259s its own play
6260s style let's do serus again
6265s okay let's do that so we can collect
6266s things a bit quicker and easier uh
6269s obviously you look at our Scout play
6270s it's totally different to the bomber uh
6273s same with the Sentinel and the Vanguard
6275s so it's kind of you find your own play
6278s style uh and try it uh with this game
6280s obviously there's a lot of comparisons
6282s to things like vampire survivors and
6284s deep rock Galactic Survivor uh which
6286s I've been playing a lot of as as I've
6288s said um and then some of the character
6290s classes in that I find easier than
6293s others and it's all down to the uh uh to
6296s the play style of of the player so right
6299s we've got a bird which is just Frozen
6302s which is nice there we go give us all
6304s the money we got the chicken over there
6307s we got some food there as well we're
6308s going to go to the
6313s top yeah certainly uh we have a lot of
6316s recurring questions and we don't mind
6318s answering them again because obviously
6319s we have new fans that come in new people
6321s who might be trying the game and they
6323s they have you know always watch the
6325s streams they haven't always been here to
6327s to hear the kind of news that we may
6329s have on various topics and subjects so
6332s we we we never have a problem with
6333s people actually asking questions again
6335s so by all means if you do have a
6337s question then just ask away uh even if
6339s we have to answer it for the for the h
6341s 100th time we'll we'll definitely do
6343s that um because no it's it's we l to do
6347s we're here to answer the questions talk
6349s to you about development of the game and
6351s you know at the moment we're kind of
6352s uplifting
6354s uh other Indie uh teams as well because
6357s we know it's difficult as a as an indie
6360s uh company ourselves uh we don't have a
6362s publisher or anything like that we
6364s literally are there just trying to break
6367s through the noise as we say uh and it's
6369s very ridic difficult to do so if we can
6371s help other people if you fancy the look
6374s of this game um I will put the uh the
6376s link back into the chat at the end um do
6379s go check it out uh it's going to be
6381s early access in in January
6384s uh 2025 21st of January I believe it is
6387s and uh yeah it be uh something that's
6389s definitely on my wish list so if you
6391s want it uh to to get involved maybe you
6394s fancied the look of it then wish list it
6396s on Steam uh take a look at it put it on
6400s there give those devs a helping hand uh
6402s last time we had a stream as well I did
6404s ask if uh anybody uh could leave a
6407s review a little bit of homework for you
6409s on a on an indie game that you've
6410s enjoyed or something that You' just
6411s enjoyed always go and leave review um
6414s it's very very handy it's good feedback
6416s for the Indie devs and it also again it
6418s lifts them up because it gives them a
6419s more positive nature uh and it puts them
6422s up there into the eyes of uh uh of any
6425s kind of algorithm which does help so
6427s yeah please uh if you haven't already go
6430s check out some more a bit more moving
6433s speed uh more Indie devs and leave them
6436s aw oh we haven't done the defeat the
6438s Lords yet have we let's go do that
6447s um we only get to play one map Dan uh
6450s Dan lock over on uh twitch so uh the map
6453s as you see here is is kind of very
6456s similar um but I haven't progressed much
6460s further cuz I didn't want to play too
6463s far even though you can
6466s reset yeah let's uh let's deal with him
6476s stor there we
6484s go
6487s there that oh see things are just
6490s starting to pick up a little bit level
6493s 10 Excel yes we're definitely doing
6495s screenshots as soon as I finish up here
6496s we'll be switching over to the
6497s screenshot don't you
6500s fret uh let's do mle near we didn't do a
6503s [Music]
6507s but
6508s yeah we will definitely switch over uh
6511s and have a look at what uh you guys and
6513s girls have been producing over the past
6515s couple of weeks wherever you've posted
6517s them whether you're putting them on
6519s Reddit you putting them on the socials
6521s wherever you've been putting them uh
6523s even on our Discord um I always check in
6526s a variety of places and we're getting
6528s tagged by some virtual photographers as
6530s well now we're making some excellent
6531s screenshots so uh yeah some uh some good
6534s stuff out there uh it's always a
6536s challenge now for the team uh they're
6538s always like oh you know I don't know
6540s which one to pay um there's kind of a
6543s little in joke with the the team now um
6547s because I I check all the screenshots I
6550s asked the team you know to take a look
6551s at these screenshots and say can you
6553s pick one uh just one screenshot out of
6556s this list of 10 which you think is the
6559s best um and they can never just pick one
6564s no matter how many times I said just
6565s pick one just one that's all I want just
6567s one and then the end of picking two or
6569s three so uh yeah is is
6572s good I'm really appreciative of the guys
6574s taking time out of the day just to check
6577s you know the screenshots that I produced
6579s uh i' I've chosen rather that you guys
6582s have produced I think it's a wonderful
6585s thing that they take time out of their
6586s day and pick and some of them just like
6589s uh are like blown away every week every
6592s week
6593s how good you guys can uh produce that I
6596s know it's Testament to the team
6597s obviously in their wonderful artwork I
6600s think Tony and the team and and
6601s everybody in the art they do a a
6604s brilliant job it's such an amazing
6608s looking game uh you know and I'm not
6610s just buing the trumpet because you know
6611s I work on the team and everything but I
6613s think it's a uh a nice uh nice that you
6617s guys want to take such uh an interest in
6621s in our game and produce uh some
6624s brilliant uh
6627s screenshots now we are running a little
6629s bit close to time so what I might need
6630s to do is I might need to just hold it
6633s there just so anyway if you've not seen
6636s it uh Jan Slayer hordes of hell I'm just
6639s going to plunk that back into our chat
6642s so you can see it uh do go check it out
6645s said it's a wonderful uh Team all the
6647s way from Slovakia called games Farm who
6651s are producing this uh out in about 2
6654s months time so yeah 2 months time so
6656s let's uh let's go check it out right I'm
6658s going to switch over cuz we are running
6659s out of time you can see the all these
6661s different hero skills on the screen now
6663s lots more to dive into so just bear with
6665s me while we switch youro uh and I'll be
6667s back in a moment
6670s [Music]
6698s right where we go here we are let's
6703s bring that up let's bring that up so if
6704s You' got any questions uh do hit us up
6708s with some uh uh some more of those cuz
6710s we're very willing to ask answer them if
6713s we can um I'm just dring a little skim
6716s through if there's anybody else that has
6719s a question uh in the meantime but yeah
6721s Le pick them off if you have so I just
6724s need to bring up my notes because I need
6726s to get these in correct order so this
6728s one of uh kind of radio activeness um is
6732s from our Discord and this is one of our
6734s very regular uh screenshot producers
6737s called Adam GD and this one I think it
6740s just stood out because of the brightness
6743s I mean obviously trying to line up that
6745s shot Etc uh I'm trying to actually work
6747s out what weapon it is that they've been
6749s using uh but whatever it is it kind of
6752s burn your retinas off yes there's
6755s definitely some DMZ lottery numbers at
6757s the bottom so do check your tickets if
6759s you've been uh in this is only for
6761s fundage by the way you'll see in the
6762s ticket down below
6765s um but yeah that's a very very bright uh
6768s screenshot from Adam GD could be the
6770s real
6771s gun yeah possibly um I definitely have
6776s to check in with MGD just to find out
6778s what it is obviously he's taking it just
6779s outside home base as well uh but
6781s definitely shooting the shot there so
6785s next up we have a new one over from
6788s redit now I like this one because the
6792s the color scheme the color scheme really
6793s stood out uh
6795s obviously big explosion there right
6798s outside the dreadn uh new player who
6801s produced a screenshot cuz I did ask for
6803s screenshots over specifically on Reddit
6806s just to try and get um uh some nice
6809s interesting new people
6812s uh uh interested in producing some
6815s artwork for us and uh these were some
6818s fantastic ones again these are all
6819s chosen in an order of uh preference by
6822s the team they do look at them and they
6824s like yeah that's the best one this one's
6826s okay you know uh and they they do it all
6828s week uh in the runup so yeah this one is
6831s from omom IND party over on
6835s Reddit winning DMZ lost of tickets must
6837s be redeemed in person a head off is
6838s impressed got star base that's actually
6840s very very good yes I think I think we
6842s need to so yeah um somebody May
6845s recognize something about those numbers
6846s if you can work it out um not saying the
6849s fixed or anything but they're definitely
6851s uh in an order should we say but yeah
6854s you kind of got to wear that one out I
6857s think right next up is uh one from a
6862s very inter name and this is from our new
6864s social media channel that we have over
6866s on Blue Sky if you're on there do give
6868s us a follow uh and that is uh Blue Sky
6873s kind of people are saying it's a twitch
6874s alternative but we're trying to build up
6876s our following on there uh do followers
6878s over there we post it everywhere that we
6880s can uh and this is a new adventure for
6882s us uh it's going quite well so and this
6886s is from Mr a wolf now I don't know if
6889s his first name is a but we'll go we'll
6891s go with it but I think you have to be of
6893s a certain age to remember that TV show
6896s certainly I do I remember watching that
6898s here in the UK but a great screenshot I
6901s love the ones that use the depth of
6902s field obviously we've got the uh
6904s seemingly in a rift uh with the
6906s background behind and then the very
6907s closeup of the B wings and uh yeah the
6910s depth of field and then just a pure
6912s Focus just on the cockpit and this part
6915s here uh very very well ah Thor of Asa
6919s thank you very much for following over
6921s on Blue Sky it's very very
6923s how you being s danlock that is going
6925s back a bit and I do remember that one I
6927s do remember that one as well uh so that
6930s was Mr awolf over on Blue Sky now
6932s switching to steam for this one uh is
6935s one you might say that this is quite um
6939s the silhouette style is something that
6940s we see a lot
6943s of um but I still think they very very
6947s good because there's always a different
6950s kind of aspect normally we get one maybe
6952s do the kind of bat signal within the uh
6956s the planet or the the star this one
6959s obviously we've got various effects
6961s we've got the shield kicked off and uh
6963s seemingly other effects going and it
6966s just creates a nice silhouette of a
6967s striker which I think is really really
6970s cool so uh yeah it's uh very very nice
6975s uh any questions coming through there I
6978s can't
6981s see nope there we go there we go no
6983s nothing so if you do have any do throw
6985s them in uh we will definitely answer
6988s them as we do uh now speaking of a kind
6991s of a bat signal one we get one of these
6993s straight from the off and this one is
6995s switching back to our uh Discord sorry I
6999s just need to say on the last one that
7001s one is from perin Prime on Steam I do
7003s apologize I forgot to mention the
7005s name uh and this one is from grip over
7008s on Discord so if you've
7010s um uh seen any of grip's uh put pictures
7014s before then you know they do to some
7016s grud stuff I think you were in the chat
7018s a little bit earlier grip so well done
7022s uh the team did quite like yours
7024s although there were some better ones but
7025s they still did like them but obviously
7027s when we were talking about the kind of
7028s bat signal uh and there you kind of got
7030s the ship just silhouetted uh over the
7033s star which is very very nce very very
7036s nice right let's skippity do that now we
7040s can't have a stream without a bit of Bob
7043s can we uh we can't have a bit of Bob and
7045s this is I'm bacon over on
7048s Steam uh I mean what's not to like about
7050s Bob I mean he's such an adorable
7053s character I mean he's there flying
7055s around your Vanguard or whatever ship
7056s you're using him with you know just
7058s giving you a helping hand and I mean he
7060s looks quite stylish too doesn't he I
7062s mean you're not going to mess with him
7063s with with those guns are you you know
7065s and he even looks a little bit angry
7067s with his kind of wings and you
7070s know all hail the Bob indeed
7075s indeed uh but yeah every week uh we
7078s always have the bul and then he's almost
7079s kind of in a uh again Halo silhouetted
7083s against uh the star in the background
7085s just to give him like that special
7087s iconic moment you know the spotlight is
7089s on him uh as we try and dude Bob goes he
7093s does indeed uh Deadlight over on Twitch
7096s uh got a little question from you what's
7099s been your biggest issue when you were
7101s developing ever spar's to uh now I was
7105s very late into the development of aace 2
7107s so I can't answer this too much but one
7109s of those kind of questions is what we
7112s will ask the developers directly uh or
7114s we can ask directly in our Dev
7116s interviews so if you want to when we get
7119s them up and running on our
7121s Discord uh there's going to be uh
7124s threads that you're going to be able to
7125s ask uh your questions that we're going
7127s to put hopefully to some of the
7129s developers in an interview that I'll
7131s record with them so um that might be a
7134s really good question to hold over for uh
7137s for somebody we''re going to have
7138s Michael on who's our CEO uh the legend
7141s that he is he's going to be coming on
7143s and uh I think I said last time we're
7145s going to have Lee uh who's in there uh
7147s he's the proud Canadian um PR director
7151s that we have who's collecting all the
7153s questions for us he's going to be
7154s joining us for a uh an interview at some
7156s point as well and obviously we've got
7158s about three or four RS lined up as well
7160s so have a look out for those uh in the
7162s coming week cuz it's going to be uh your
7164s chance to ask those pertinent questions
7166s that you maybe always wanted to ask um
7168s which I think would be good so next up
7172s we're getting into the nitty-gritty kind
7173s of area now we're switching back to Blue
7177s Sky
7179s uh lee just said he's going to answer no
7182s comment to every question
7184s uh just definitely no answer no no he
7189s doesn't want to kind of self-incriminate
7190s so he's not he's got no comment my Lord
7193s uh so yeah switching back now to Blue
7195s Sky uh Mr awolf again I mean an iconic
7198s shot that is uh that is not an X-Wing
7201s that is not anything that looks anything
7203s like something from Star Wars uh going
7205s into to fight the uh uh the dreadn there
7208s uh in a very iconic battle but uh that's
7212s definitely a um a wonderful shot so
7217s we're getting closer we're getting
7219s closer this one is the third third out
7223s of the list and this one is from Numa 9
7226s uh Numa 999 over on Reddit uh uh I mean
7231s it's I mean how can you not like that uh
7235s but third choice out of all of them
7238s third choice but again slightly out of
7241s focus on the missile uh but the the the
7244s smoke trail from the cruise missile
7246s that's launched
7249s um it's a to me I I enjoy this one uh
7253s probably the most cuz hey everything
7256s goes boom doesn't it it goes boom so you
7258s want big missiles you want big missiles
7259s they all go
7264s boom I just my throat is just starting
7266s to dry up a little
7270s bit but absolutely a wonderful shot from
7273s uh Newman 999 over on Reddit one of the
7277s screenshots from the thread that I
7279s posted on there and then second Place XL
7283s I know you're in the chat I've seen you
7285s there um yours was number two uh I mean
7290s this is kind of phone wallpaper
7293s territory uh I know you always produce
7295s some wonderful shots and uh here you are
7297s with another one and what I like about
7299s this shot specifically and it's one that
7301s dragged me uh kind of attracted me to it
7303s it's almost like you're doing the
7304s parallel to the Leviathan as the
7307s leviathan's breaching your ship is
7309s coming like kind of opposite to it um
7313s and I think um you might have
7315s intentionally done that I think that's
7316s what you were looking for so if you want
7318s to tell us in the chat what you've
7320s actually tried to um create with that
7322s screenshot then uh please let us know
7325s but yeah uh again a wonderful one now
7328s the
7330s ironically um the winner is actually EXL
7335s uh so here we are this
7337s one I I keep all these completely
7340s Anonymous so just so you know that the
7342s process say I I see the screenshots I
7344s choose the screenshots and then I put
7345s them to the team
7348s and she the the team then get to choose
7351s them but I do not tell you tell them who
7353s they're from or anything like that i'
7356s literally just throw them in and say hey
7359s this is the screenshot what do you think
7360s and they don't know so Excel you beat
7363s yourself technically uh you did two
7365s great screenshots but this one uh the
7368s team absolutely loved it was a clear
7370s winner it was a actually a very clear
7374s winner uh it got
7376s double what other uh people got As in
7380s yourself as well um but it's yeah the
7384s clouds uh the trails from the ship uh I
7388s mean it's just an amazing screenshot uh
7390s so I do try to get the originals where I
7393s can as well obviously sometimes we have
7394s to deal with JP compression and and
7396s stuff like that so uh everything it's
7399s such
7401s a I mean the guys have done such a
7403s wonderful job haven't they on the game
7404s it's just absolutely superb absolutely
7407s superb so uh yeah well done XL uh again
7411s hats off to you you've done a wonderful
7413s screenshot as uh as always about to do a
7416s S Brave sir Robin like me
7418s absolutely why not uh absolutely and
7421s I've got a little bonus one and I'm not
7423s too sure if we've actually shown this
7424s one before this wasn't actually included
7426s in the screenshot because it is
7427s artwork rather than a a screenshot uh
7431s now if if you've seen some of these
7433s before uh I do apologize but this one
7435s specifically I don't remember as ever
7437s showing it uh but it was a bonus one
7439s from the chemical bro now obviously with
7443s our supporter pack uh and the kind of
7446s effects that we kind of allow now on the
7449s ships you can see the the name of the
7452s title is very fitting everon 2 so uh
7456s yeah it's a great screenshot with the
7458s blue Prescott star base um and then
7462s yeah
7463s obviously uh not Wings it should be
7465s Rings absolutely um but yeah you can see
7468s that the Cycles but that is a great shot
7470s from uh the chemical bro very Tron
7473s absolutely uh as Thor of Asgard said
7476s over on on YouTube what more can you say
7479s that the ideas are there if you've got
7481s any ideas like this you want us to see
7483s it you want us to show them off then
7484s please do uh put them onto our Discord
7487s put them onto our socials let's see them
7490s we get tagged uh let's have a look at
7492s them every week because we do we scour
7495s the internet uh we do like to to look at
7498s what you guys and girls produce so we're
7501s coming up to the end of the time now
7502s unfortunately it always goes so quick it
7505s really just so so quick so I'm just
7506s going to wrap up a few things for you uh
7508s just a reminder we're going to bring
7510s back some polls on the
7511s Discord uh again we can't put them
7514s anywhere else cuz it's very difficult to
7516s Monitor and then we have to colate them
7517s so it's easier for us to run them on our
7520s Discord which is our main kind of Hub so
7523s they're going to be coming back and also
7524s be on the lookout for the introduce uh
7526s where we introduce our question threads
7528s for the interviews that we're going to
7530s be doing with the dev team in the
7532s future definitely check them out put in
7535s your questions once they appear if you
7537s want something specific answering and
7538s we're able to then we might be able to
7540s throw it into the interview so uh I
7542s definitely um would like to see those
7545s questions and
7548s uh hopefully early next week we'll get
7551s some put up uh uh with regards ever
7553s Space 2 if you want to buy Ever Space 2
7555s currently still on Steam Sale I believe
7558s up until
7559s tomorrow um PlayStation is also on sale
7562s and that ends today I think is the
7564s correct the 22nd I think today good old
7567s games uh is 60% off as well so if you
7570s want it from good old games you want to
7571s sport it that way as well as ever space
7572s one is's on great discount of about 85%
7574s there Humble Bundle Black Friday deal uh
7577s is on as well same again 60% off on ever
7579s Space 2 and 85% off EV space one so I do
7582s implore you if you've ever played ever
7583s Space 2 but you want to see what ever
7585s space one is now the time to dive in as
7587s always we've got more uh ever space
7591s coming uh next time now just to talk
7593s about next time two weeks time there
7596s will not be a stream okay there will not
7599s be a stream so on the 6th of December
7602s there will not be a stream but we we've
7605s got some planning to do and we've got uh
7607s a wrap up for the end of year one which
7609s is on the 20th of De December okay so
7613s we're going to be back on the 20th of
7614s December for the end of year stream
7617s where we're going to be looking back at
7618s everything that's happened this year uh
7620s all the different highlights uh and what
7623s the team have been up
7624s to so uh yeah we've got a bit of
7627s planning to do there so unfortunately no
7629s stream in two weeks time but we're going
7632s to be back two weeks after that for the
7633s end of year stream so I hope you can
7635s join us for that uh oh my edit to the C
7639s I've removed it from the official cand I
7640s won't be notified I will make uh an
7643s announcement in the Discord so that
7644s everybody's aware uh that there isn't
7646s the stream and we'll get it amended
7648s because obviously we do have the
7650s calendar on the Discord as well but so
7651s yeah just a reminder not going to be uh
7655s two weeks time two weeks after that okay
7657s so if you're in and around Discord if
7660s you're in and around steam social media
7663s wherever you are uh do keep pinging us
7665s keep keep us in track of everything that
7667s you're up to and what you've been doing
7668s in the world and uh have to do something
7671s else Friday yeah sorry frog uh yeah
7673s you're going to you're going to have
7675s to we watch rewatch this stream that's
7678s what you can do in two weeks time you
7679s can rewatch this
7682s stream but um I am going to bid you ad
7686s you now uh I'm going to rest my voice
7688s because it's starting to go and uh I
7690s will see you on the forums on the
7692s Discord and everywhere else and thank
7693s you for joining us as always you're
7695s absolute Legends I'm Gary I've been your
7697s host uh hope you can join us again soon
7699s in the meantime folks take care be good
7700s see you again soon bye for now find the
7703s right button bye for now where's the
7705s button I've lost the button there's the
7707s button hit the button
7746s [Music]
3 months ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link