about 1 year ago - /u/Giraffasaur_ - Direct link

Please note that we have not yet been able to find and fix the cause for the quite nasty and elusive "Flak Crash/Freeze". We are still investigating this and hope to be able to release another hotfix for the issue, soon. We cannot entirely confirm, but it may help to play in DirectX 11 instead of 12 to get rid of the problem for now.

News regarding PC Gamepass: https://www.reddit.com/r/EverspaceGame/comments/12qtm5i/legendary\_limiting\_gamepass\_hotfix\_1033633/

about 1 year ago - /u/Giraffasaur_ - Direct link

Originally posted by Mockingasp

Crashing during fights just become really really common. :/

Just crashed 5 times doing High Risk missions. Last one I had JUST killed both bosses for Double Trouble and was cleaning up the leftover drones.

Oh wow, that's not good. If you're using a flak cannon, I can say we've been trying to lock down an issue with the weapon causing in-game crashes and may recommend to use a different weapon until we push another hotfix through. If that's not the case, I'm eager to hear more regarding how this is happening.

I encourage you to check out the Steam forums to see if other crash reports are similar to your own, if any, or posting a new thread with more information regarding your specific crash circumstances. We'd very much like to stop this from happening! https://steamcommunity.com/app/1128920/discussions/6/