6 months ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s [Music]
16s [Music]
85s [Music]
91s hello everybody this is a quick audio
98s check less than two minutes we're going
100s to get right on into things guys oh yeah
151s [Music]
162s [Music]
193s where are you
222s [Music]
246s [Music]
251s all right ladies and gentlemen welcome
253s to the official Rockfish game stream I
256s am your host Eric your community
257s Ambassador uh Gary is not with us in the
260s Stream because he's at Gamescom helping
262s people on the show foro play some brand
265s new Titans content which we will be
268s going over today so the very first thing
271s that I wanted to just Dive Right into as
273s you see on the screen right here this is
275s the Titans steam store Page okay you can
279s go here right now um it's got all the
281s data that you want to to see it's got
283s that trailer that we literally just
285s watched uh I kept it right here so you
287s can see the release date uh release date
289s here it says coming soon don't worry
290s we'll fix that but obviously it's going
292s to be out the 16th of just next month
295s holy crap that is so soon I hope it
298s surprised you oh my gosh cuz yeah we've
301s been talking this thing up and uh having
303s a blast about content coming and it's
306s finally here guys it's right around the
307s corner and we are so eager to let you in
310s on it so couple of details what we will
313s be doing we are going to uh well
317s obviously look at the store Page really
319s quick uh there's a couple of details to
321s note um there will be steam achievements
323s for example um it's downloadable content
325s so you have to own the base game
328s obviously um the price point Point uh
330s for those of you who haven't seen the
332s price point anywhere it has been
333s revealed it is
336s $15 um that is going to translate down
338s the line accordingly in most
340s cases um and there's lots of links here
343s to get to all of our socials which also
345s is going to appear all over the screen
347s to during the stream um but yeah so
351s obviously you can go read this page for
353s yourself there's a lot of detail here um
356s to just kind of get acclimated with
358s what's coming um and when
361s so don't be shy head on over there give
362s us a wish list that actually helps a ton
365s with uh allowing individuals to know
368s that we exist and that it's content
370s that's you know desired okay so with
374s that being said we are now going to move
376s into the segment where uh I'm going to
378s show you some Gamescom content all right
381s so give me one second there's lots of
383s things that we have in store for you
384s today uh a lot of moving parts so
387s sometimes you might get like a a blank
389s screen like this
390s uh just for a
392s moment but there we go all right so we
395s have Dove right into what is the
398s Gamescom build so this is what folks
401s over at Gamescom are able to jump into
404s uh except I customized mine a little bit
405s further so this is my my own ship uh
408s that I was able to jump into uh so
410s welcome everybody I'm I'm just like
412s flying into this uh you know I could
414s have said hello to all of you beautiful
415s people but I didn't I was like dang it
417s here's the content we're just in it
418s we're in it okay so we are flying um so
423s uh what you see here is a level 18 save
427s file and this brings in my very first
429s point about this content uh when you
431s purchase this it will add it into the
434s game Space of wherever you are at if you
437s have started a fresh new save there will
440s be a little bit of scattered content
441s that you can find retroactively through
443s the entire experience and the mainline
445s stories are going to trigger around I
447s think it's like level 15 or 16 okay
450s certain conditions much like any of the
452s missions in the game um but obviously
455s with a dreadn and a leviathan we don't
456s want you flying into those at level one
459s that wouldn't make any
460s sense so you'll build yourself up and
463s they'll unlock over time now if that
465s seems like oh no I'm missing content and
468s it's going to be like too easy when I'm
469s level 30 no calm down everybody if
472s you're level 30 the data will
475s retroactively move itself up to that
477s level 30 status much like a lot of the
478s other Mission chains do
480s whenever you're making progress through
482s that story line okay so have no fear if
484s you want to just continue where you left
486s off and you're level 30 it'll work all
488s right if you start a new save and you
490s want to experience that way it'll work
492s pick your poison doesn't matter they're
494s both great options all right cool cool
499s so let's get uh let's get into this
501s gameplay segment shall
503s we so already I am going to show you
506s something sneakily in our little
508s showcase here that the folks at Gamescom
511s might not
513s have that's right I'm going to give you
515s a little bit of additional dialogue
517s because I'm cheeky like that as well as
519s showcase a new weapon so this new weapon
522s is called the Indo pulsator we'll have a
529s listen want to make sure that audio is
531s good for you
534s guys all right um this is a new pulse
537s laser that seems pretty basic right like
540s pulse lasers are are pretty basic right
543s well let's have a look at what it
544s actually does so the Endo pulsator we
547s have quite a bit of energy DPS
549s there it's it's trait if this weapon
553s breaks the target's Shield or armor
555s fully restore the weapon energy so at
559s first glance this might seem like oh
561s gosh that that energy consumption is
563s wild yes it is for the damage output
566s absolutely it is it is a weapon that
569s uses a lot of energy but if you break
571s the shields you can just keep on using
573s it all right um and with these new
576s equipment items of course uh we will of
578s course also get uh those new fresh
581s sounds much like you're getting
584s here now guys if you think that like
586s that's all I'm showing you in this
588s stream that we're just getting started
590s all right so let's uh let's all head
593s over to how this Mission chain actually
597s goes down shall we
604s I'm sending coordinates our is we
607s appeared in se you mean the dread
609s proceed to our station another
612s contractor will meet you there nice to
614s talk to you too great catch up let's do
616s lunch excellent this is also a really
619s good time to just ask you guys if the
621s audio is sounding good cuz I want to
624s make sure it does all right so we are
628s already inside of the dread not Mission
631s chain and we are going to continue that
633s mission chain right here to see what
636s happens
642s next bit louder
645s mic I can actually quickly adjust
652s that whoop There we
655s go little bit louder how's that try not
659s to do too much don't want to touch
661s buttons you know you know the
663s drill game's too
668s soft let's beef it up a bit
675s more all
678s right okay here we go we're going into
681s this is the dreadn mission that is
683s available currently at Gamescom all the
685s Gamescom people have been able to
686s delightfully fly into this maybe we'll
688s find some even more new stuff along the
693s way here we
697s go comments you guys oh my
708s gosh we're sending over the last load of
711s Parts don't shoot
731s cargo
732s secured that's everything you asked for
735s we're good right nearly Patel we need
739s more action footage from the drones
742s moderately lethal if you please and mind
744s the
746s expense oh I can do lethal
750s squads engage secondary batteries fire
753s it will what wait stop you don't need to
758s kill anyone let's get shoo
764s rosin CA sent you yeah raka they knock
768s down my engines I'll get you back in the
773s fight all right so we're going to employ
775s our usual tactics
777s here which is mainly destroy
783s o all right taking some damage I don't
785s like that I didn't sign up to fight a
787s damn B we fight whoever g&b says reread
791s your
796s contract
797s excellent IEM re all right so as you can
802s see straight out of the gate for these
805s dreadn battles we put a lot of focus on
808s the combat side of the ever Space 2 game
811s experience how many damn Fighters do
813s they have if you got to ask you don't
815s want to
817s know so here we are meeting our first
820s new character um well technically second
823s if you were reading the chat log uh but
826s in the dreadn story line you're going to
828s meet some contractors like this one
830s Let's uh hear what she has to
834s say Let's us and them dance first thing
838s clear out some Fighters
840s got it engaging their fighter wings uh
843s Hive is she drinking so it
847s seems I'm surprised to see you again
850s Roslin was
851s it what do you think you can do against
854s a
855s battleship you won't know until I try
860s Patel
865s absolutely so let's go ahead and start
866s taking out some of these hijackers
870s and while we are showing this content
872s guys um I do want you all to know uh
874s that these streams this is an open line
877s of communication here so if you want to
879s ask questions by all means go ahead and
881s shoot them towards me um I am going to
883s be handling and catalyzing uh cataloging
885s all the questions as best I can while
887s we're doing all of this uh kind of
889s improb
891s showcase um yeah and it should be a good
895s time and yes I did say it's $15
900s 15 yeah not
902s 30 not
904s 20
906s 15
915s $15
928s excellent look at me watching chat
930s instead of what's right in front of me
932s let's see what happens when we get close
933s to this dread knot let's have a let's
934s have a closer look at this thing
936s right I mean that's why you're here you
938s want to see what's going on that's a
940s that's a big turret uh uhoh I think he
942s sees this what is that oh okay maybe
945s maybe not get okay maybe this is a bad
948s idea let's let's get away from
951s that ow let's have another quick look
955s though I want to I want to get a better
956s view of this
957s model let's got going on this thing is
961s actually massive um just like comparing
963s it to the base uh over there it's like
966s the same size if not
968s larger than the entire base that's in
970s the freaking
972s asteroid am I playing on easy no I'm
975s playing on very
978s hard so down here we're a little bit
980s more safe there's still a turret that's
981s firing at us
989s you can see it's it's it's not
1013s small I see a question straight up any
1015s new class of ship coming up no no no
1018s this this DLC is all about the two new
1022s missions for the dreadn which you see
1026s here and the Leviathan which I'm sure
1029s you've also seen in part through the
1031s trailer now that being said we will
1034s actually be talking a little bit more
1036s about the Leviathan today so there was
1038s another exclusive video that was
1041s showcased at Gamescom um if you guys
1044s missed it have no fear you will get it
1046s here today and it's a first look in side
1050s of the Leviathan and we will be
1053s absolutely love to explain more about
1055s what that means and uh uh well maybe not
1057s too much more but you get it there's
1060s going to be a healthy dose of content
1062s waiting for
1063s you both from the dreadnots and the
1067s Leviathan Mission
1071s chains we
1076s go I'm seeing questions so much I love
1079s it will there be new endgame content
1082s technically
1084s yes yes there will how what does that
1087s mean you're level 18 aren't you yes I am
1090s so one of the things that is actually
1092s available to read is that these Mission
1095s chains both both the dreadn and the
1099s Leviathan have a replayable system once
1103s the mission chains are
1105s completed and you might be interested to
1107s complete those Mission chains because
1109s there is the exclusive content waiting
1112s for you behind these missions
1117s themselves now there is some content
1119s that's just going to be able to be found
1121s wherever but then there's also more
1125s beyond
1130s that whenever we do something to add to
1134s the life of everspace 2 we want to be as
1137s um
1140s we want to cover as many bases as
1143s possible and so here it's no different
1145s like we want we want to make sure that
1147s the content of this experience that
1149s you'll be you know you'll be able to
1151s dive into on September
1154s 16th for $15
1157s US is filled with not just you know a
1161s mission chain but also perhaps new
1164s enemies a new gear
1175s they're down Fighters but Mina's own
1178s weapons are brutal do we have a plan for
1180s those we've got to take out them
1182s launchers I got a cannon I can punch
1184s through need you
1186s SC you up for it just leave it to
1190s me excellent so now we've entered sort
1193s of the phase two of this particular
1197s Mission chain where we have to try and
1199s find a weak point
1202s yeah the way
1207s I any chance that there is a big mace in
1209s space no
1211s there's interesting
1213s question how much time with the DLC be
1216s well I mean that's going to depend on uh
1218s how much you want out of it as I said
1220s they have replayable Mission chains both
1222s of them both the dreadn and the
1226s Leviathan so whenever you are going into
1229s a space uh with the knowledge that you
1232s can
1233s continually acrew more stuff uh that
1236s time very quickly adds into itself right
1240s so if I were to say oh yeah you could
1242s finish the missions in X number of hours
1244s well if you want all the content from
1246s the DLC that's a completely different
1248s story
1255s not when can we pre purchas this release
1258s uh we're not not really so into like
1260s pre- purchasing um but you can wish list
1263s us over on Steam which will notify you
1265s the moment that it goes live on
1266s September 16th so there's definitely
1269s that um highly encourage you uh to wish
1274s list cuz again that's going to help you
1276s in on as much info as
1282s possible just another quick look at our
1285s Endo pulsator here weapon breaks the
1288s target Shield armor fully restore weapon
1290s energy this is just one of many new
1291s items that's coming to the
1297s DLC I'm loving the questions keep asking
1299s them I'll answer as many as I can are
1301s there different dreadnots for each
1303s faction I see oh I missed that one
1305s that's an interesting question there's a
1307s specific chain of events for the
1310s dreadnut that you see here and for those
1313s who um have a pretty clever eye
1317s especially in the trailer itself
1319s is immediately going to see oh man it's
1322s really it's really dark hang on a second
1323s hang on a second let
1325s me let me
1328s uh create some exposure here yeah so
1332s folks who recognize this Insignia
1334s recognize it as the colonial
1339s Fleet but clearly something is is going
1342s on here cuz the the colonial Fleet would
1344s not be aggressing us
1346s right that just wouldn't make any sense
1350s the colonial fleets never attacked Adam
1351s in the course of either of our two games
1354s all right all right all right but um but
1356s I
1357s digress that story will reveal
1360s itself much more whenever you get into
1364s the DLC and explore its wonders play on
1368s nightmare I can't not on this particular
1371s save sorry is the DLC coming to
1374s PlayStation 5 on the same release date I
1377s am pleased to tell you Freedom that yes
1380s we have a launch that's going to hit all
1382s platforms simultaneously on September
1385s 16th so that's going to be your
1387s PlayStation players your Xbox players
1390s your uh Game Pass players to steam Gog
1396s everywhere it's going to be a
1397s simultaneous release you'll all have
1399s that content uh on that same day now um
1404s if any of you are wondering
1407s about um well actually I'll I'll just
1410s wait for more questions we we'll wait
1412s for more questions but that's a solid
1413s question this thing is freaking
1421s huge I like the speculation about the
1423s story of this thing that's always good
1425s that's always good I love it is the DLC
1429s coming to Game Boy Game Boy Color I'm
1430s going to have to ask the team on that
1432s one I didn't I'm going to need to
1435s check um but Pro probably not
1439s uh maybe PM
1443s o all for the DLC is any more content
1446s planned or is this the last bit before
1448s moving on Michael did have an interview
1451s and he said some things about more DLC
1454s next year so that's all I'll say on that
1466s one I'll at this little section of the
1468s ship and here there's actually some
1470s little uh attack weapons you can't quite
1472s see you know I haven't mentioned this a
1475s single time yet maybe this is important
1477s to mention everything that you see here
1480s is a work and progress build ah somebody
1483s knew it was coming but everything you
1485s see here is work in progress we are not
1488s completely done with all of the detail
1491s work all right there's going to be a
1493s little bit more coming maybe some twists
1496s and turns in it too who knows um but
1499s whenever we do end up dropping this
1500s Titans content it's not going to just be
1502s a simple matter of getting exactly what
1506s you see here we are still adding
1508s tweaking all of those fresh things uh of
1511s course here at Rockfish games we do have
1513s a passion for Perfection we like polish
1518s and so we hope that most of what you're
1520s seeing here looks pretty reflective of
1522s the final product you will be
1524s getting but
1526s yeah any new flyable ships for for us
1529s I've seen that question a couple of
1530s times you guys are really excited about
1531s new ship classes but nay I say to the
1534s the focus of this DLC is all about these
1538s Titans the colonial dreadnut which you
1540s see
1541s here as well as the Leviathan which we
1544s will talk about here in a little
1547s bit any new consumables man you guys you
1551s guys are on a roll you just want all the
1552s details I love it did you watch the
1555s teaser trailer I'm curious cyber cyborg
1558s not the TR triler but the teaser trailer
1561s cuz if you if you wouldn't mind you
1562s should go check that out on our YouTube
1564s It's like a minute long just keep your
1566s eyes Feld on those consumables and you
1568s come back and tell me all
1575s right I want to get exactly what I see
1577s her that's
1579s understandable now my ship is a little
1581s beefed up for the situation but uh you
1584s know what can you do
1588s also want to make sure that I can
1590s properly showcase it so uh if I just
1592s instantly died that probably wouldn't be
1593s uh indicative of a proper
1600s showcase how much new bling bling do we
1603s get guys we want to make sure that you
1605s know if you're paying $15 for new
1607s content that it's not going to just be
1609s oh yeah here's some new characters in a
1611s storyline done no no no we want we want
1614s to fill out the game stuff that is
1617s absolutely relevant both as you're
1618s progressing through the story and also
1620s in the endgame uh so yeah if you're
1623s looking like even if you're like looking
1625s at the dread knot and you're like I'm
1626s not really interested in a storyline for
1629s a dreadn which uh who who would be that
1633s person but I digress if you're not
1635s interested in the missions at all you
1638s will absolutely have more content to
1640s choose from to mix up your builds and
1642s play Styles and very unique ways in fact
1646s if you will hold out with me I will be
1648s able to show you a new set as well that
1651s will be coming to you uh a little bit
1653s later in this stream now the next uh
1656s next bit that we do want to go I'm
1658s actually to I'm going to do a quick I'm
1660s going to do a quick thing because if I
1662s can muster it what we would like to do
1664s is get a live viewing of on the Gamescom
1667s Show 4 so if you guys will permit me to
1670s take just one moment I'm going to make a
1672s quick contact see what I can rustle up
1674s but keep asking those questions because
1676s this 1our stream I'm going to be
1677s covering as much as I can uh provided I
1681s can all right so give me one moment I'm
1683s going to check something
1686s [Music]
1717s [Music]
1763s [Music]
1767s all right guys we are getting right back
1769s into the game
1771s play I think we've got some things
1773s ironed out we should be uh having some
1776s fun in a moment or two provided
1778s everything is
1782s connected so here in a couple minutes we
1784s will see if we can transfer
1786s over and get connected straight on the
1788s Gamescom show floor which should be
1790s pretty
1791s awesome we've never actually done this
1793s before this is the first for
1795s us so keep asking those questions oh oh
1798s oh oh my questions my questions vanished
1800s no come back all right there we
1803s go the time change is due to Gamescom
1805s hours yes that is correct thank you
1808s Rockfish who's on the
1814s keyboard Michael can you hear me out of
1820s curiosity oh nice excellent are you
1823s ready to jump over and and chat with our
1825s fine folks at home
1829s all
1835s right yeah uh yeah I can hear you fairly
1838s well there's there's still a little bit
1840s of it's a little choppy here and there
1842s but let's um let's transfer the stream
1844s over uh to Michael let's see what we can
1847s hear how things go if you if you ask me
1849s a question make sure to speak up then I
1851s can hear you all right that sounds good
1853s that sounds good well Michael we do have
1854s you on the the I have an echo I hear
1857s myself awesome okay good good uh so chat
1861s can see you um we've got you right on
1864s the screen um it's great to have you on
1866s the live stream this is wonderful a up
1869s yeah so uh first I just have to ask how
1872s are
1877s you yeah we can hear you seems so the
1880s only thing is I can I can hear myself
1883s with a little delay that's a bit
1887s awkward okay well hope hopefully it's
1889s not going to be too rough oh now I know
1891s why because I'm listening to my own
1893s stream that's
1895s it so hang on we thought this smart I
1899s have to take this out that you guys you
1901s guys so this is how we do it this is
1903s what happens do something live so Eric
1907s has a question to me ask a question to
1910s the team set behind the camera let me
1913s know excellent other than that I
1915s wouldn't say hi it's not back another
1918s kick we're back from the Gamescom
1921s 2024 and we're showing have a space to
1924s here at the short floor if you can check
1927s it out me and I were busy at business
1929s area talking to Media to press and
1932s dropped a few notes about the expension
1936s already so I think Eric has it to you
1939s other than that I
1944s sayic
1946s let other than that I think very short
1948s already we have amazing fres lines with
1952s the big bip that out um I think it's
1955s awesome there's a lot of action there
1958s you guys really appreciate that one
1961s mission where you have to defend the
1962s hanger a lot of stuff is going on we
1964s have to deat the missiles the different
1968s lock things so we want to replicate this
1971s and take to the
1972s next this is from the game
1977s teion and then as ER I think explained
1981s and I explain it take out these missiles
1984s then while they're cheing the faders you
1986s have to take the toy from the freers and
1990s then have a missile locked on just I and
1994s then towards the dad and throw that
1998s decoin into their close to the bcoin so
2003s the but at the same time you make sure
2006s you're not getting shot down also us and
2009s not taking too much damage this is one
2012s the one big quest line and then the
2014s other one was in the we know you guys
2017s were very excited about having a space
2019s really space to and first we thought
2022s well maybe we just there and it
2025s comes then you harvest some uh yeah
2030s resources maybe some some skin parts or
2033s whatever but then said no let's make
2035s this really uh another quest line
2039s literally go all inside this is why we
2042s came up with this
2043s Jonah um came up
2047s here as
2049s you up then you have to do things inside
2053s of the the think lines are very
2057s compliment but is
2060s very inside more about exploration still
2064s you shoot enemies every now and then but
2066s you also have to other resources and puz
2071s the next section of the digestion system
2075s and at the very end then as your
2078s reward a pearl that you have to put out
2081s and then have to make it out again spit
2086s out bit of you have tles inside
2092s the Dig
2096s systemate until it's so
2098s agitated that it just spits you out and
2102s then so this is a high level this is
2105s what I can share umad Eric where are we
2108s should at
2113s phone questions from chat yeah oh man we
2116s have we have lots of Curiosities from
2118s the chat um thank you for sharing all of
2120s those details with us Michael that was
2122s pretty thorough um uh how how is the how
2126s is the show floor there at Gamescom I'm
2129s curious about that um and then I can
2131s start feeding some questions that folks
2133s from the chat do have um and also just
2137s everybody in chat thank you so much for
2138s your patience we know the audio is uh is
2142s tricky um this is definitely a first for
2145s us uh getting the Gamescom show floor
2147s here so thank you for your patience um
2150s but yes uh again thank you so much for
2153s the high level
2154s details um so uh so it sounds like you
2158s kind of covered the full I got the
2160s question what's going on with the show
2162s for and uh yeah I mean Gamescom is the
2165s biggest gaming event in the Western
2168s Hemisphere I don't know if 12,000
2171s visitors last year we're already on
2173s track to I have a new record I think and
2176s um yeah you can see it right now but the
2178s show during the day is so you don't get
2183s at the right time before
2186s the gates are open takes about an hour
2189s just to make it then it's just crazy
2192s people everywhere atmosphere is really
2194s nice everybody's about gaming people
2196s wearing nice costumes cosplay you see
2199s all the the big games people are wearing
2201s the costumes it's fun so if you have a
2204s chance to come to next year um yeah
2207s definitely make sure come to gam and
2210s take it all
2213s in that sounds great thank you so much
2216s for that so uh so we do have a couple of
2219s questions some folks were asking about
2221s uh the soundtrack is that going to be
2223s expanded at all in this
2228s DLC question yeah so have more sound
2233s tracks the DLC it will be added to the
2237s current sound because that's a different
2238s product we haven't decided yet if we
2241s make it available but yes
2249s excellent wonderful so we will have more
2253s music for all you find Folks at home if
2255s you purchase the DLC and we will also
2257s have more sound design as we much feel
2259s like jonath I talking to the
2263s director oh my gosh yeah it's uh this is
2267s a while to throw together for you guys
2269s so thank you again for your patience um
2271s so I do have another question and that
2273s is um you know you've shared a lot with
2275s us is is there anything else that you
2277s could possibly tease or share with us
2279s about this Titans content um that the
2282s folks at home might be interested
2287s in okay so speaking of content obviously
2290s there will be more items there will be
2292s more catalysts more resources and of
2294s course legendaries which everybody know
2296s I know I think the best news of all is
2299s because we got this amazing government
2300s gr of the German government um we were
2304s able not to keep on to ramp it up make
2307s more content that we C so the real big
2310s expansion is going to come next year you
2313s only Shar a little bit about this
2314s they're going to be new star systems
2316s they're going to be uh a new campaign
2319s and actually all players ships that you
2321s can check out so a lot of things that
2323s you forward to next year but right now
2326s everything about tit September 16 I
2329s think we raled already it's 15 15 pound
2332s that's $15 and 30 if I correctly yeah
2337s that's about it
2340s behind the
2343s camera yeah maybe that's about
2358s right here
2372s obiously connected well I can hear
2376s myself we okay I'm on so did I just
2380s inherit
2381s ering the gam with the time fantastic
2386s I'm back I'm back everyone uh for those
2388s of you who missed it he mentioned a new
2391s quest line coming he mentioned a new
2393s players ship coming he mentioned a new
2395s story coming next year okay we are
2398s working on a big DLC um right now for
2401s our Titans this is exclusively focusing
2404s in on the dreadnots and on the the
2407s Leviathan chest uh the Leviathan quest
2410s lines okay um there is much more content
2413s to share Michael did mention that
2414s there's legendaries in this DLC pack the
2417s Titans pack um and a slew of more that
2419s we haven't showed you yet so thank you
2422s very much uh for all of you guys and
2424s your patience with the
2425s audio um we do have another question for
2429s you which is will there be new ship
2431s modules in this upcoming
2438s DLC negative we won't have new ship no
2441s new ship modules all right thank you for
2443s that Clarity um any new class of weapon
2447s in the works maybe something plasma
2450s based or more armor-piercing ktic
2455s weapons be do it
2458s [Music]
2460s nice ah so another question new
2463s catalysts maybe the possibility to add
2465s more than one on some
2469s items yeah I already confirmed there
2471s will be new Catalyst in time very good I
2476s do have another curious question and
2477s this one's very specific this is
2480s regarding ship customization are there
2483s plans for any new paint colors or
2485s emissive lights
2490s you got me there actually I don't know
2493s we have more col I
2496s I'm I can confirm we
2499s don't that's great Michael's getting
2501s barraged with all these questions ah
2503s he's got this pressure on Gamescom show
2506s floor yeah but no you've been very
2508s thorough thank you so much I think then
2511s we have to R it up at some point yeah oh
2513s yeah I'm watching the time we have just
2515s a couple more minutes um if there was
2517s anything else that you did want to
2518s mention I mean it seems like the team's
2520s been doing a great job there I've been
2522s hearing a lot of Praise online did you
2524s have any last statements you wanted to
2525s share with the with the stream before we
2527s let you
2531s go uh well it's awesome to be with the
2534s new product and get all the feedback and
2537s everybody who left a positive comment on
2539s Discord or
2544s YouTube you just made out we just love
2546s this if working on something so so big
2550s and you don't know if it's really
2551s resonates or not I we have High Hopes it
2553s does then get the confir thanks guys
2557s this what we doing this this what we
2558s love Mak games you get the praise we
2561s love our stuff tell us you don't tell us
2565s better
2570s job that is awesome thank you so much
2572s for your time Michael uh keep rocking
2574s the show floor over there at Gamescom
2576s and we will catch you next time
2581s yeah and I think we have something we
2582s have to say say bye Gary bye
2586s Gary perfect love it all right all right
2591s guys thanks for tuning in take care
2596s byebye oh that was that was absolutely
2599s beautiful thank you everyone for being
2601s able to swing in over um uh what a
2605s wonderful time um I know that the the
2607s audio was a little challenging there uh
2610s I do appreciate your guys' patience um
2613s technology man but Gamescom is quite
2615s literally the largest gaming
2618s convention okay the it's the largest
2621s gaming convention there's a lot of noise
2623s happening from all directions um the
2625s fact that we were even able to make this
2627s work at all is actually I'm so impressed
2630s uh and I'm really thankful that you guys
2632s got to hear it from directly from
2633s Michael uh not only about uh the content
2636s that you're going to be getting here
2637s with the dreadn and the Leviathan
2639s missions but more content including
2641s catalysts including legendaries I've got
2643s a set item that I wanted to share with
2646s you a little bit later in this stream um
2648s and we're going to finish up this
2650s Mission chain right now um kind of see
2652s the results of what happens when we're
2654s done um and then we're going to bounce
2656s over and watch a segment about the
2658s Leviathan if if anyone has missed that
2661s we're going to just take a deep dive
2662s into that or rather Gary will send us on
2666s a deep dive into that
2668s so oh my goodness again thank you again
2671s for your your patience with the audio it
2673s is It's Tricky it's rough but um
2676s hopefully you heard most of it and if
2677s you didn't feel free to keep asking
2679s those questions in chat because that's
2681s why I'm here for you oh my goodness so
2685s let's go ahead and uh actually follow
2687s the instructions for this quest
2689s line finish it up so we can get into the
2693s next segment so here we have to detect a
2695s weak point for our uh
2698s wingman and as you can see actually from
2701s our um looking around we have this right
2703s here that what you need that'll do
2707s nicely all right I'll need you over here
2709s with me got a hyperv Canon hell range
2712s but I got a spin up and aim care you
2715s keep off my while I pull
2720s sh
2724s close so here we just have a pretty
2727s standard protect your ally for when
2730s they're doing what they need to do and
2732s now we're actually seriously taking some
2734s damage
2745s woo looks like we should be okay oh
2751s gosh now one of the things about this
2753s Endo pulse which is actually a lot of
2755s fun to highlight here is that I haven't
2757s really had to swap off of it too much
2759s because of its unique ability to
2761s recharge when we break the shield of
2769s enemies La
2783s disabled enough everyone jump to the
2786s fall back point
2788s come on we've got the Firepower to blast
2790s this place to
2792s dust what would that gain us we have
2794s sufficient footage
2801s execute that was a local jump the
2804s interstellar Drive Unit we disabled in
2806s zarov remains
2808s offline we still need to destroy the
2810s minoa second Drive Unit to strand them
2814s here ain't no place here abouts to fix
2817s the one you
2823s busted I'm glad you guys showed up they
2826s said if we gave them what they wanted
2827s they'd leave in peace what did they take
2831s drone handling equipment launch and
2833s Recovery gear fueling links that kind of
2835s thing wait they took your equipment not
2838s any of the cargo passing through not one
2841s cover Crystal let card figure it out see
2845s around Ross
2847s report we stopped the attack but the
2850s hijacker stole drone handling equipment
2853s we'll get more of that with the mainline
2855s DLC cardos go away thank
2858s you all right but guys we've revealed a
2862s healthy portion of part of this dreadn
2865s Mission chain and with each part of the
2868s mission chain itself you will be
2869s rewarded with Quest specific loot now
2873s this loot is still random but there are
2876s specific pools of loot for the dreadn
2879s quest line as well as the Leviathan
2884s quest line so similar to how certain um
2888s set items could only be found in certain
2890s systems right um here we have certain
2892s items that can only be found in their
2895s respective quest lines and of course
2898s we're handling it this way because it is
2899s a DLC pack adding these very intentional
2902s Pathways with which you can progress so
2905s here um I be taking a very big risk in
2909s Blowing these up for you guys cuz it
2910s could reveal way too much or not
2913s actually anything at all but everybody
2916s knows that I like to Temp fate and upset
2919s Lee a little bit every now and
2922s then I'm going to open one of the two of
2924s these and we're going to see what's
2925s inside we're going to use it as an
2927s opportunity to share new content with
2929s you guys um and uh depending on what's
2932s shown we will only cover a little bit um
2934s and if there's none I'm going to make my
2936s own luck and we're going to gener it
2937s anyway so let's see what drops
2940s here let's pull it all in we're really
2943s taking this
2956s in
2958s excellent so for those of you with a
2960s really good eyesight caught two new
2964s items let's talk about them so let's go
2967s ahead and go over to our crafting
2969s consumables in which case we can see
2971s this radial repulser which we acquired
2974s the blueprint for what is a radial
2976s Repulsor you might ask I mean you guys
2979s are Gamers from the title alone you know
2981s exactly what this is it releases a shock
2983s wave outward from the ship that forcibly
2986s pushes surrounding medium and smaller
2987s enemies within 500 M this is not a
2991s device this is a consumable very
2994s valuable when you use it in the right
2996s situation and also kind of awesome too
3000s uh it's one of my favorite new additions
3002s in this uh DLC believe it or not it's
3005s just a lot of fun to use granted my
3007s favorite device is also the magnetic
3008s repulser so uh there's probably some
3012s bias in this uh but that wasn't the only
3014s thing that we saw that was new and of
3017s course there's more slots for stuff that
3019s I really shouldn't click on these
3021s buttons uh cuz that's in the future woo
3025s let's go ahead and check out our
3026s inventory we found this guy colum
3030s collector and it's from a set called the
3033s power oscillator set hm that's
3037s interesting attacks that break a Target
3039s Shield will drop an energy
3043s orb all right okay well I'm actually
3048s interested in seeing the full set of
3050s this what do you guys think yes you want
3052s to see the full set all the
3055s items give me one second I'll SPO what
3057s up for
3062s [Music]
3082s you now I want to be a little bit cheeky
3084s here because not only do I want to show
3086s you the set but I want to show you the
3088s set at level 30 okay so what I have here
3091s is I have the full-blown power
3093s oscillator set for you okay this is one
3095s of the new sets that you can get
3098s specifically from the dreadn mission
3101s chain the power oscillator set um as you
3104s will notice very quickly is all about
3106s balancing and
3109s overpowering your energy between weapons
3112s and your
3114s thrust the uh ability to gain extra
3117s energy orbs is going to play a very
3119s important part with these other two
3120s items so let's go through them uh also
3123s as a reminder just because it needs to
3124s be said these are still technically work
3126s in progress titles could possibly change
3130s and Powers might get tweaked a little
3132s bit so if you're seeing a value that
3134s you're like that's absolutely broken we
3136s might keep it because it's fun or we
3138s might tweak it because it's a little too
3140s good all right so please keep that in
3143s mind we have the dual core alternator
3145s here this is an energy core specific
3147s specifically and this thing while firing
3150s you will gain 100% increased boost
3152s output that is your energy output it is
3155s your Boost output it is not your Boost
3157s speed very important word there is
3159s output it is not speed while boosting
3163s gain 100% increased weapon output again
3166s for your weapon energy the output for
3170s your weapon it gains 100% increased
3175s strength so long as you are are boosting
3177s all right and that's the output the
3179s energy output it is not your damage all
3182s right so when you're firing your Boost
3185s is
3186s 100% greater to restore when you are
3189s boosting your weapons 100% greater to
3192s restore what that means is that you have
3193s to find a fine balance because if you're
3195s boosting and firing at the same time
3197s well neither of them are restoring so
3198s you're not actually getting the benefit
3200s here all right so uh dual core
3203s alternator and the power oscillator set
3206s that that's the first part next part we
3208s have the munition
3210s motor while boosting you gain 3%
3213s increased weapon
3215s range increased weapon velocity and
3219s decreased weapon spread every second to
3222s a Max of
3224s 30% that's your range your velocity and
3228s decreased spread every second up to
3233s 30% specifically while you are boosting
3237s now we just learned from the First
3239s Energy core that you know if you're
3241s boosting the other one's not restoring
3243s and if you're you're firing then the
3244s other one's not restoring so there's a
3246s balance that needs to take place here as
3249s this only works for your weapons if you
3252s are boosting all right you can kind of
3255s see where this is going in the whole mix
3257s because now we have energy orbs that
3258s drop from the cologne collector that
3260s will boost you up regardless of where
3263s you're at so obviously you want to know
3266s more about the set's benefits themselves
3268s so let's talk about
3270s that the second when you have two items
3273s of the set collecting energy orbs
3277s overcharges the weapon and boosts energy
3280s up to 200% capacity which then slowly
3283s deflates back to 100% so when you're
3286s collecting energy orbs specifically you
3289s can actually over output your weapon and
3293s your Boost that's probably why we see an
3296s extra energy or drop here and I'm
3298s certain that many of you have already
3299s thought about other ways that you could
3301s use energy orbs from other means of sets
3304s and items to also benefit this build but
3308s let's keep going the thre set bonus
3312s while Boost energy is overcharged you
3314s gain 30% increased
3318s handling handling 30% handling increase
3321s so long as your Boost is
3323s overcharged woo and while weapon energy
3326s is over overcharge you gain 30%
3328s decreased weapon
3333s spread so if you've got really good aim
3337s which many of you do and you're in a
3338s late game situation with weapons that
3340s you know sometimes feel like they're
3342s missing more than not you go into this
3343s power core alternator you're picking up
3345s energy orbs Galore you you're constantly
3348s boosting collecting this energy over
3350s charging decreasing your spread
3352s increasing velocity increasing your
3354s range all of these things are working in
3355s tanm with one another
3357s all of a sudden you're going to be
3358s incredibly accurate and over energized
3361s in every single ounce of what's possible
3366s here this again is just one mere set
3370s bonus that you can obtain from the
3373s dreadn mission chain we haven't even
3376s started in on the Leviathan and we're
3378s running out of time so you know what
3380s let's cut to a quick Deep dive of the
3383s Leviathan with your host Gary at the
3386s wheel ever Space 2 Titans introduces
3389s dreadnut and Leviathan in brand new
3391s story lines today we dive deep into the
3394s belly of the beast in
3400s Leviathan looks like we're not alone
3402s down here the many stomachs hold all
3405s sorts of surprises from small Critters
3408s to cultist rones parasites and strange
3410s creatures who've made this place their
3414s home we need to shoot carefully as stray
3417s rounds can agitate the Leviathan and end
3419s our adventure
3421s early navigating between areas requires
3424s a mix of force and
3426s finesse to regress deeper we'll sever
3429s strands clear infected areas and avoid
3432s dangerous digestive
3436s systems Pilots can extract rare crafting
3439s materials to create powerful new
3442s weapons a successful Journey inside ends
3445s with the discovery of a valuable
3450s Pearl once the devia and quest line is
3452s complete Pilots can continue exploring
3454s for lost treasure and rare materials but
3458s come prepared no two visits will be the
3465s same everspace 2 Titans launches
3468s September 16th on Steam Gog Xbox and
3473s Playstation thank you so much for that
3475s Gary I like to imagine that he's saying
3477s you're welcome right now ah beautiful so
3480s good so good now we are back on the
3482s Storm page because again I want you guys
3484s to know that this is already posted on
3486s Steam you can wish list it now we
3488s encourage you to do so it's coming out
3490s 9:16 there's still a lot more
3492s information that we didn't tease with
3494s you today I would love to keep going
3497s believe you me but we'll save that for
3499s more of the streams in between now and
3503s then so if you are on board this ride
3505s for all things Titans hang in there cuz
3508s we're getting really close and we're
3509s going to see some more refinement of
3510s what we've been working on even better
3512s than these elements of work in progress
3514s that you seen oh gosh it is hard to hang
3517s on to this ride let me tell you what so
3521s um let's answer a few more questions
3523s while we are just hanging out here um
3526s and yeah the stream is actually coming
3527s to a close we're only doing an hour
3529s stream so those of you are trying to
3532s like really get the the best F bang for
3534s your buck for a two-hour stream n we're
3535s consolidating this one next week we'll
3537s be back on our regular schedule of
3539s events for two hours at the regular time
3542s as well um but let's see what questions
3544s are being asked I do see a couple
3546s individuals asking about like new
3548s companions um companions if you're
3551s talking about the specific um more perks
3555s territory um that's going to be
3557s something that is uh no we're not we're
3560s not doing that not with the DLC here uh
3562s the Titan DLC is specific to that dreadn
3565s and that Leviathan there will be more
3567s characters that you discover uh more
3569s individuals to talk to uh the detail of
3572s their lives shall be revealed in certain
3574s ways uh and a slew of new dialogue which
3577s I think is actually hilarious uh I love
3580s me some more Hive dialogue am I right um
3584s so lots lots of that territory uh to
3587s discover um I see somebody said what yo
3589s was that the goo gun no uh type K
3592s Kibbles that was not the goo gun uh but
3594s it definitely did have a goo like
3597s property to it didn't it um I can't
3599s actually remember if in the Stream in
3601s that video you can see um how the item
3603s is labeled I don't think it's actually
3605s shown so I can't get into two more
3607s details on that front uh but uh yeah
3611s there's still more content that we have
3612s not shown uh regarding you know
3615s obviously uh this whole package so I'm
3617s sure we'll have more to discuss more to
3619s tease uh and more to clarify as we move
3623s along it's good good stuff when does
3626s this out of N64 it already came out uh
3629s please get your time traveling apparatus
3631s uh checked uh cuz that was weird it's
3634s weird you should be playing it on your
3636s N64 yesterday uh let's see we got will I
3640s be able to uh uh interest interesting
3644s question from sorine no uh you we we I
3649s read your
3654s comment uh is the goo gun separate class
3657s interesting question uh there there was
3659s no Gan shown all right um but that we
3663s could call it a
3664s bioweapon um it's definitely a a unique
3667s item that you will be able to find later
3670s in the uh the DLC I'm sure of it rather
3674s so we will talk more about those details
3677s when such a Time arrives more perks I
3680s love that question that also implies uh
3683s will there be more levels and no
3686s there will not be an increase in levels
3689s regarding our uh content here in the
3692s dreadn DLC think of this more as like a
3695s mission expansion whereas um the DLC
3699s that Michael has actually given a bit of
3702s information on if you were joined us
3703s early in the Stream um he was saying we
3705s were going to have a much larger
3706s expansion next year and he's already
3709s referred to more uh storyline more
3712s locations to explore obviously there's
3715s going to be more content in that
3716s territory uh and maybe we could talk
3719s more about the prospect of levels on
3722s that front later so um yeah we've got a
3726s lot of stuff coming but this is
3728s specifically focused around these two
3730s Mission chains again I'm on the store
3732s steam page where you can wish list it
3735s already we do have the steam
3736s requirements here lots and lots of
3739s details um for you to read up on we
3743s sincerely we appreciate those wish lists
3745s it Tru goes a long way um I'm missing
3748s I'm skipping a question I am not there's
3750s there's a lot of moving parts right now
3751s and I do appreciate you guys being
3753s patient if I am missing questions I want
3755s to answer everything lur question in the
3757s DLC does the station's ice cream
3759s dispenser ever get more than two flavors
3761s that this is the question that I'm going
3764s for and honestly we I need to talk to
3766s ell about that I don't I don't actually
3768s know um I think Eduardo was the one
3771s responsible for getting that fixed I'll
3773s have to go check it I'm pretty sure we
3774s have strawberry now but um
3777s but a great question nonetheless love it
3779s late to this I'm going to have to watch
3781s from the beginning AB absolutely Thor
3784s always a pleasure to have you a little
3786s bit shocking but uh you know it's
3789s good so good so I'm not seeing any other
3793s questions though at this time uh wait no
3796s no I see one more I I see one more uh I
3800s didn't get this game because I keep
3802s reading it has big difficulty spikes is
3804s that true or have they been fixed again
3805s not meant to be hostile no hostility
3807s here whatsoever it's totally good uh
3809s thank you for the question so the short
3811s answer is that we have actually gone
3813s through a number of revisions regarding
3815s the difficulty of the game um you can
3817s ask others in the chat to to confirm and
3819s deny that I suppose uh but we are
3821s actually really pleasantly surprised
3822s with where the game lands on on normal
3825s mode uh there was a mission there were
3827s like little instances where there's a
3829s pretty Stark curve and we've adjusted
3831s those curves um and we've also refined
3834s the game a bit to where the game will
3837s level up with you at certain intervals
3839s so you can take as much time as you want
3840s to explore and craft and build yourself
3843s up when you hit those key intervals
3845s everything's going to move forward to
3847s create a challenge um etc etc um and uh
3852s yeah we're we're pretty happy with with
3854s how it's turned out so um yeah I I would
3858s say that it's mostly fixed we might
3860s introduce a couple more bug fixes
3862s whenever we get to Titans as well uh but
3864s we'll see um there's a lot of content
3867s here that we are going to be delivering
3868s so more on top of that is always uh you
3871s know it's it's interesting it's a it's
3874s an interesting focal point but um we are
3876s tracking just to get it out there I know
3878s that some individuals are still
3879s referring to uh problematic spaces on
3882s the Xbox uh series s in particular uh we
3886s might actually have locked down a
3888s solution for some of those issues finger
3891s guns uh so with some luck we might be
3894s able to have some additional tweaks um
3898s probably around the same time that
3899s Titans drops uh one last reminder since
3902s it only shows Steam on the screen right
3904s here I'm looking at even though you can
3906s go here and wish list us now this is a
3908s launch on all of our available platforms
3912s so that means it's going to be PC it's
3913s going to be Gog it's going to be Game
3915s Pass it's going to be Xbox it's going to
3916s be PlayStation it's going to be
3918s everywhere okay so it's on all of those
3921s will there be a parasite 3 mission
3923s that's not a focal point here uh but I
3926s that could be possible in the future uh
3928s but uh who knows I legitimately don't
3931s know the answer to that question because
3933s it's just not something that's weirdly
3934s been discussed so great great great
3937s great uh fishing mini
3940s games oh my gosh you guys are ridiculous
3944s ah it's so good though thank you so
3947s much um let's see uh I think our time is
3951s technically up yeah I'm I'm past the
3953s stream time guys but I encourage you to
3956s still dive into our Discord onto our
3959s reddits we've been seeing some great uh
3962s conversations spread over there over on
3964s the steam forums uh yeah people are
3966s really loud over there that's just the
3968s way that it is just know that whatever
3971s people say it's not a personal attack
3973s just understand that uh there's a lot of
3975s lot of conversations and thank you for
3977s all of you community members who
3978s recognize that and also help others so
3981s much across all of our socials it is
3983s huge when you do that sincerely thank
3985s you you to all of you out there you have
3987s been absolutely awesome and I have been
3990s absolutely Eric your community
3992s Ambassador for All Things everspace 2
3994s and in this case Titans
3997s related ah and we will catch you in the
3999s next stream which will be next week at
4001s the same the the normal time not the
4003s same time as this one the normal time
4005s for two hours and guys I would be
4008s insanely surprised if we didn't have a
4011s little bit more to show you at that time
4014s so thank you so much for being here
4016s thank you for all of your questions
4017s you've been
4021s great let's just let's just have a
4024s little bit more fun and I'll do a little
4025s bit of Beatboxing because you guys are
4027s crazy if none of you know this on our
4030s streams for some reason our community
4033s likes it when I beat box we'll just have
4035s some fun
4037s so remember wish list us join our
4040s community spaces we love you
4042s dearly all right now to be a
4051s dork not that I'm not already dork
4054s enough I mean freaking I'm a spokesman
4056s for a freaking game
4059s studio and I'm called the Lore
4063s Master all right reminds me I need to
4066s call my mom all
4069s right let's start off with something
4073s nice that's really basic
4097s [Music]
4104s the
4110s foree spee
4122s [Music]
4159s that was a weird ending note but that
4160s was
4162s fun
4163s yeah you know this kind of a weird
4165s random thing if you guys are ever
4166s streaming ipace 2 and I swing by the
4168s stream you are obligated to beatbox for
4170s me is that clear is that clear is that
4174s clear I want to make sure you all know
4177s okay that's how it works in this the
4180s confines of this community space okay
4182s because I know that there's many of you
4184s who are way better than I
4185s am I want to hear it dang it all right
4190s I've already kind of did my farewells
4192s and everything but there's one thing
4193s that I haven't do and that was wave at
4195s you all so don't stop being awesome and
4198s we'll catch you next week at our normal
4200s time it will be a 2hour stream toodles
4224s [Music]
4226s you
4278s [Music]
4291s [Music]