almost 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

BEANS! Hiiiiii!

I have been very active here this week but you might not hear from me too much tomorrow and Monday as I am off as a heads-up! Remember that Support are here for all of your issues and queries as well!

Full Trello as I won't touch on every one in the post body, but you can see what has been added here:

Here are some major fixes and improvements we are looking to roll out early next week:

Error Rewards pop-up message

When we rolled out our change 6 days ago to help with the lack of rewards screens after Shows, it introduced a new issue with a blank screen and an error message after exiting rounds at certain times. 99% of this has been after an elimination, but before a round ends - for example, you fall on Slime Climb and go to leave - you get the pop-up.

We believe we have a fix in place that should solve this for most instances, and then we will monitor and see if and what more needs looking at from there. The focus has been to get that 99% of issues solved first as a priority.

PS4 / Blank Screens

We are going to make improvements next week that should seriously alleviate this issue, alongside the above change. We have seen PS4 players with blank screens on levels such as Skyline Stumble, Tundra Run, and Big Fans, and issues when browsing the inventory or loading crown ranks, etc - it can be in a lot of places for players. These seem to have the same root cause, which will be alleviated in this fix.

Jump Showdown - players appearing to teleport/be thrown on invisible bars or not in time

A lot of you kindly send us over player logs and clips, and through these the team were able to identify the cause of these, and that will also be sorted with the above. In the meantime, the frequency of JS has been reduced just to mitigate for a bit until then.

Here are some of the most common issues that have now been added to the Trello

(This isn't all of them, you can check them out here:

  • Issues with certain trophy unlocks (such as Big Tease)
  • Squads filling to 39 players and declining again (not as widespread as it once was, but we can see that it has crept back)
  • Issues with flippers flipping when more than one player occupies it on levels such as Tundra Run
  • Music cutting out of See-Saw after the level starts
  • Jumps being eaten on certain levels or ground such as Thin Ice

And we are still continuing to monitor and make improvements to desync/latency, though I have nothing tangible to add - it is a constant process!

The team are still looking into ad-hoc queries about certain challenge unlocks such as Hug A Fall Guy 10 Times - these kinds of issues are some of the most important to report to Support here:

Remember to keep using support, it's been so good and I thank you all for doing that now :-)

Tomorrow I will give a heads up on some contests we'll do here next week - I will keep that separate from this for now to keep things tailored in this post.

Thank you for your patience the past week, I really appreciate it and we are excited to roll these improvements out (^^ゞ

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almost 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link


almost 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Originally posted by PeteryChavez

Music cutting out of See-Saw after the level starts

OMG yesssss!!

I've been complaining about this issue (and some others too, though) since the game was released, it's so annoying... I can't wait to finally NOT see it happen again!! 😊

It's on the radar and we're looking into it - it's so funny how sometimes the most simple feeling bugs (like this) can be oddly complicated, but rest assured we'll squish it!

almost 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Originally posted by Crossland09

I'm going to hold out my opinions on the updates until they come out. We have been burned too many times in the past to get hopeful...

It's really tricky, the scale of the game means that they can be difficult, but I know that at the least rolling these updates out early in the week will be really helpful for fast remedies where needed, and they have been tested. I will be here when they happen and will catch anything that comes up :-)

almost 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Originally posted by nakapri

Hey, what about the "Big tease" achievement bug? It has been a while since I'm trying to get it on PC and never works (I only got it on PS4). I even tried to change the game's language like someone said on reddit it worked but not for me :/

Is on trello! Team are looking into it, it is one of our highest ticket items at the moment in terms of volume, but isn't knocking on into gameplay as much so I didn't call it out here

almost 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Originally posted by nakapri

I swear I looked for it on trello and didn't find it but thanks a lot for replying! :D

I'll double check and if not I'll absolutely add it there!

almost 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link
