over 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

This is to bridge us over until we sort the starting line out in S4 as referenced in yesterday's news post!

Note: commenters did also suggest this in-thread yesterday, but we'd actually worked on this change late last week to make sure there's small improvements before we pop in the full changes we're doing next season.

May the odds be (slightly more) in your favour!

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over 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link


over 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Originally posted by schotport

Took you 6 months after 95% of the player base left , what a joke. This has been complained from day 1 of the game , every single day, Its too late.

Sorry that it took a while, but I don't believe in too late, and I'm really happy to see this change come in.

over 3 years ago - /u/FallGuysJoe - Direct link

Originally posted by MarMar46

Finally, took yall months to finally restrict the cap to 10. I honestly think it should've been done sooner because it is just a player cap change, nothing else hard to do.

I think it's totally fair to say we should have done this sooner! We'd wanted to make a more significant change in response to the feedback but this feels like the right thing to do as the team are hard at work on S4 right now.

over 3 years ago - /u/FallGuysJoe - Direct link

Originally posted by Alexthegreat47

This is to bridge us over until we sort the starting line out in S4 as referenced in yesterday's news post!

By “this is to bridge us over”, are you saying that this won’t be a permanent change? If so, I hope you’ll reconsider since Fall Mountain just doesn’t work well with a large amount of people.

Nope! Consider this lowering permanent. We're looking at ways to get everyone spawning in a straight line (something we can't fix remotely like we can with min/max player counts).

over 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Originally posted by yakuzadevsaresadists

Maybe drop it down to 5? Starting in the 2nd row is still not fun at all... or just get rid of it's current design and redo it.

We're currently re-doing the starting line whilst this is in play - BUT, a 5-person final would mean it SUPER RARELY got picked. The level has improvements needed on it but it's still pretty well loved and I think a lot of players would be sad if the chances of it being chosen became so small.