over 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Hey everybean,

On Thursdays myself and my CM colleagues (Oliver and Abbie) are joined by a member of the development team to answer Qs for an hour on discord! Yesterday we were joined by Steve, our Technical Director.

Here are some of the highlights - I've not called out who answered what here, just put us all as "A" for ease.

Q: When will the candle skin be released?

A: I can't tell you that it would ruin the surprise! But it will be in store later in the season!

Q: Will you guys add some special events for winning stuff or smth, premium skins ? or maybe even better, an esport event!

A: Great idea! This would never be out of the question, but it's not something we've got on our roadmap for the next few months. We have had discussions about live tournaments, 60-player playoffs etc, that we also host our side. These are things we're excited to assess the game progresses this year 📷

Q: Who came first, big bad or huff puff

A: Big Bad is the original colour and Huff Puff is the variant, so most likely Big Bad came "first" but usually the original and variant colours are made at the same time, often with multiple versions and two colours are picked to be the original and variant.

Q: are you working on other projects with mediatonic at the moment, or are you just focused on developing season 5?

A: We do have multiple teams, so some people are working on other projects always. The Fall Guys team is working on Season 4 mostly right now. The concept team are thinking as far as Season 5 though, yes 📷

Q: Where is the show/mode where there were more than 15 players in Fall Mountain from the season 2.5 trailer?

A: The big Fall Mountain clip was just something from internal tests and for capturing clips for the trailer, not planned to go into the game.

Q: Why did you reduce the players from 100 to 60?

A: There's a writeup on the reasoning for this over here: https://fallguys.com/news/the-starting-lineup

Q: Since Fall Guys is a game mostly aimed at kids why aren't there any skins of cartoon characters from kids shows? Are there plans to add any? Like Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Hilda, Amphibia etc

A: Collaborations can be a long process - we have many on the table this year that I cannot reveal, BUT, I can tell you we aren't avoiding them consciously or anythin'!

Q: In the future of fall guys are you going to be deleting any maps?

A: I've learnt never to say never - but I can't imagine we'd delete them without good reason. We want to keep adding to the game, not taking things away lol. We've temporarily removed levels when exploits have ruined them, fixed them, and put them back in... but we've never permanently deleted a level.

Q: You guys have been hiring like crazy! Are you guys thinking of extending the Fame Pass to possibly 60? I'm a casual player and max out the pass extremely quick, with all these new devs/designers, could you guys create more content for the fame road? Fame Road = Too easy Crown Ranks = Too Hard There's not really an in between for me. I'd just like to know if there's any notion on extending the pass since you've got more designers putting out content. Thanks!

A: The season pass is all about striking a balance really, it's actually a super small percentage of players who get to level 40 so we just have to strike a balance between that small percentage of players and everyone else, rather than not having enough devs to create content for more ranks. At the moment we think the balance is good, but never say never!

Q: Ive noticed more and more hackers have been appearing in mine and other player’s games. Is there a plan to combat this new wave of hackers?

A: We're constantly monitoring how the anti-cheat is working and watching support requests for cheaters we're missing. Please feel free to reach out on http://support.fallguys.com/ to report anything we're not catching!

Q: Why there was so many races that haven't been announced yet in E3 trailer?

A: When the initial trailer came out, the game was REALLY early on. Some of those things shown were just rough ideas, or prototype levels. Some were removed because they weren't fun, or just weren't as good once they were in the game. I think there's a level shown in that trailer where a huge wall falls over with holes in it. When they tested that level in the game though, I believe they said the camera made it way less fun that it seemed like it would be. The trailer was mainly showing the idea of Fall Guys - rather than showing what the actual gameplay footage and levels would look like.

Q: For all of us on playstation and steam to which infallible trophy/ achievement have bug and doesn't unlock after 5th victory in a row will there be some solution and what can we expect and when?

A: We've been looking at this problem this week and should have a fix live in the coming weeks! NB: You can get the trophy that you're owed in the meantime by contacting support.fallguys.com after your fifth win!)

Q: Are you guys planning on adding more social factor on the game in the future? Like probably personal bean home that you can customize and your friends can visit?

A: That is such a lovely idea!! We don't have this planned in the immediate future though. Not to say as the game continues to grow and develop that we wouldn't want to focus on a social aspect at some point!

Q: Will Hex-a-Gone Trials return in the future? Very fun show but only a few days to play it

A: It isn't currently scheduled, but I'm sure it will! It's great to see that people loved it so much! We want to give you shows that you guys like, so I'm sure we'll bring this one back. It was a pretty different idea and great to see that it has been so well received, so hopefully we'll bring it back and also use that idea with other levels!

Q: Was the jelly bean character the first character type you made or did you have any other character ideas in mind before settling on the jelly beans as fall guys?

A: Here's some concepts before we landed on our current beans!

These were the first concepts

Then these - Yeti is like Fall Guy but with ears lol

look at number 4 where the costume is pealed back further lol

Q: Hey! Do you have more alpha or beta footage? I would like to see the work behind the game!


Some brutal ragdolling in an early Fall Mountain

Very early Tail Tag prototype

![gif](6yfb20q4y2a61 " Here's jumping and falling, when that used to work pretty differently from how it does today ")

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