about 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link


Thanks for patience over the past few weeks whilst we continue to work on bits and bobs (and hold contests - those were super fun by the way, and I will be doing a Raffle and an Art Contest again in just a few weeks!)

Our Trello has been updated with knew important known-issues! As usual the Trello list is not exhaustive of all bugs but it covers ones that affect most players and are considered priority!

You'll be delighted to know that quite a few have now moved over to Fix Pending, and have also been recently added after feedback on this Subreddit. Here are the major changes but do take a look at the whole board still:


  • Squads mode will reach 39 players and begin declining, forcing players to re-queue
  • Various trophy unlocks not poppin' such as Big Tease
  • Eggs are unable to be thrown in egg levels such as Egg Scramble
  • No fan at the end of Slime Climb, leaving it an empty variation
  • Players able to mount an invisible platform in Royal Fumble
  • Players are able to jump off the map at the end of Big Fans

These will be in Season 5!


  • Piano Emote cuts off early during gameplay, but not in the inventory previews
  • Roll On timer is too long at 5 minutes
  • Party Mates are put against eachother in Button Bashers

Further, yesterday we pushed a content update that changed up Main Show finals a little. You should all start seeing some better Final Variety when playing now! We're also looking at show weighting as a whole in the next few weeks on that, so hold tight.

We're also still looking at feature requests like adding more levels to Squads - it's been a tricky one, but we've got that planned on the horizon; it's just going to take a while longer!

We are also still holistically looking at improvements with netcode, as well as grabbing and carrying objects holistically. These are things we just constantly work on, but it's always good to flag it so that you're aware! This includes things such as "I cannot grab a pegwin when I have high ping" or "I keep falling when grabbing a ledge on Wall Guys" etc.

Let me know any feedback and questions in the comments here and I'll do my best to reply to as many as I can!

YOU KNOW WHAT COMES NEXT?????????????????????


Do you have an issue to report? Our Support Team is the best way to get these looked at in detail, and the best way to keep these logged from our side. Here's the direct link to filing a ticket that bypasses a few pages on the Help site: https://support.fallguys.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

You can do it even if you're not sure if you're experiencing an actual issue (i.e, your game crashes a lot, you aren't sure if it's your computer or the game). We'd rather check it out and confirm that nothing strange is going on, than not have a report at all!

I am always happy to discuss issues and do what I can here, but it is not my primary function and I am nowhere near as clued up as our support team on technical issues, and do not have the account visibility they do :).

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