over 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Hi Everybean!

Trello board has been updated and here are current bug statuses:


New additions since 3 and 3.5:

  • Hanging on Wall Guys for extended periods of time or being unable to climb a ledge
  • Gold Rings not counting on Ski Fall
  • Emphasis on collision physics being worsened since Season 3. There are a few different issues at play, and the team have been working on fixes for it this week. These fixes can be difficult to see how they perform at scale, but, it's top-of-mind for us to get things feeling smoother.
  • PS5 display issues
  • The bug in a variation of Perfect Match that seems to only show one fruit type before randomly removing tiles
  • Hoops spawning too high on hoop levels

A lot has moved and changed here. Particular ones of interest are the gloveboxes causing rag dolling on S3 levels (fixed after 3.5's update) and...

The team are exploring Fall Mountain starting positions and we're aiming for a fairer starting row of a single line for Season 4. LET'S GO.

Our team have been working hard to improve disconnects in the game. Season 3 saw around 40% less disconnections than previous seasons, and Season 3.5 has seen that new baseline reduced by 25% further! Which is super exciting. Disconnects are subject to fluctuating as we continue to make changes to the game, but we're making excellent progress and we're actively monitoring any significant changes or spikes.

We've changed the timer since the mid-season update (which you might have noticed) to now only say APPROX until we've locked in a date for the next season launch. So what should happen is that 'approx' bit will just go and show the accurate time/date for Season 4 when the time comes.


Relaying this again as it's extremely important. Our CS team need to be seeing your bug reports. I see so many here and though I do all I can with them to investigate and pass to the team when it is in my capacity, our CS team are much better armed to deal with queries - and it imperative that if you are able to, you report the bug to them via support.fallguys.com

You can still message me, post here, and do all else, but that extra step is more imperative now that we've scaled. Thank you in advance for that.

**Things from the CM team*\*

We're looking at doing some weekly leagues/tables for social made up of stats from the game, which you might have seen in my Friday post! Here is the first result... if you're one of these players the Pink Wizard (called the Sorcerer) is going to magically appear in your inventory.


This is sort of our Minimum Viable version of this and it'll be the top players. But we're toying with a LOT of different ones that don't:

  • Gatekeep how many hours someone is able to play in the week or day
  • Necessarily reward wins...

Feel free to drop comments here on the kind of stats that would be fun to see from us. Until we have stats in-game we're happy to try these things out and give rewards based on them. Some awesome ideas I've had from people here are Fall Ball Goal Differences or Most Goals, most points in an Egg or Hoop level, etc.

External link →
over 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link


over 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Originally posted by Excellent_Operation2

Thank you for fixing the final rings not counting on ski fall! It was so annoying not getting it and almost getting disqualified instead of finishing really early on. Really Hyped about the fall mountain thing getting fixed aswell.

The bug is still present sadly but it's something we're investigating and working on a fix for!

over 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Originally posted by Excellent_Operation2

Alright really excited for when it goes live!

Thanks for your patience in the meantime though!

over 3 years ago - /u/FallGuysJoe - Direct link

Originally posted by SmartTitan666

With the physics perhaps you should put in a public testing limited time show. Then the players can directly assess physics changes without it affecting main show.

We'll definitely be doing closed beta tests with the community before anything goes live. It's the only way we get enough coverage to have confidence in the changes we're making!

over 3 years ago - /u/FallGuysJoe - Direct link

Originally posted by Fancy_Blue_Baller

Hi Joe,

Will any bean who wants to be able to join in on the beta testing? Or is there a pre-selected group. Personally I've been playing since launch and highly sensitive to the physics changes over time with 340 hours under my belt. So this is something myself and I'm sure many other players in my shoes would love to get in on to check out the process.

I'll make sure we put a call out here when we're looking for more testers!

over 3 years ago - /u/OliverAge24Artist - Direct link

Originally posted by WarDrumsGaming

Some ideas for stats-based rewards:

-Fastest speedruns on various races

-Lowest amount of kudos from a crown win

-Longest time spend in the air during a single race

-Most overtime in team games during a week

I'm not sure we have any of these analytics in a way that we could filter and then order them in ascending order, unfortunately, but great ideas for the future!

over 3 years ago - /u/OliverAge24Artist - Direct link

Originally posted by Survi40r

One way to avoid gatekeeping for time played would be to make it based on win percentage, so wins/games played. Of course a lot of people will just play one game, win it and then quit, but those with a 100% win percentage should be ranked based on number of wins so that people can see how impressive it actually is.

Ahh yeah we thought of that too but there's no real way to get that data right now - we can just order it as a huge list by who got the most wins over a period of time, but we can't really filter and query the data to the level you're describing with the tools we have right now :(

That would be a cool way to handle it though.

Or most crowns won within a 1 hour period, not possible at the moment again though :(

over 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Originally posted by WimpyTeenDude

Our CS team need to be seeing your bug reports. I see so many here and though I do all I can with them to investigate and pass to the team when it is in my capacity, our CS team are much better armed to deal with queries - and it imperative that if you are able to, you report the bug to them via support.fallguys.com

How, exactly? Through Trello or customer support?

You should be using support.fallguys.com to report bugs when you see them if you can. The Trello helps keep status updates but it isn't a reporting tool - does that answer your Q?

over 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Originally posted by Tex_1337

I just wonder about the top 10 player, is it for the whole week (Feb 1 to 8), or just the weekend (Feb 6 to 7)), cuz you guys kinda showed it up at Feb 5, like it was a "heads up guys, this weekend, we gonna see who gonna win the most! (so you dont give some player a head start of 4 days worth of grinding wins).

But again, with only 24 wins in those 2 days from me (compare to their (if weekly stats), 21 to 28 daily wins :O

Also had love to hear how many people manage to complete the magic dragon thing the first day and how many extra where lucky with an extra day added / the nerf from 3 to only 2 needed.


Also had love to hear how many people manage to complete the magic dragon thing the first day and how many extra where lucky with an extra day added / the nerf from 3 to only 2 needed.

My colleague is still watching every entry at the moment and it's taking a while as you can imagine, but it was still super hard even with the nerf. I'm not sure if we'd share numbers on it really, but basically it went from super hard and nearly impossible, to super hard and not necessarily impossible, so volume still isn't in the 000's of entries.

I just wonder about the top 10 player, is it for the whole week (Feb 1 to 8), or just the weekend (Feb 6 to 7)), cuz you guys kinda showed it up at Feb 5, like it was a "heads up guys, this weekend, we gonna see who gonna win the most! (so you dont give some player a head start of 4 days worth of grinding wins).

It's for the whole week. I've asked this morning which days or time period it counts for though, but your stats are still really impressive - 24 wins in two days is no small feat.

over 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Originally posted by darthservo

Thank you! We need communication to be aware of what's going on, and this kind of information is very good to hear!

As a suggestion, I think had this information been conveyed a few weeks ago it could have gone a long ways for perception of the 3.5 release. Even though it likely wouldn't have been as comprehensive, just something that would have said, "We know these are still outstanding issues with the community, but we're going forward with 3.5 since it's ready, and we'll continue to work on these other issues. Thank you for your patience, hope to have another update for you in a week," would have made a world of difference.

A note regarding the customer support request: One reason I hadn't been keen to submit requests is because the public issue tracker looked incredibly stale. As such, from my perspective, submitting an official support request seemed like it wouldn't have gone a long way. So if there's a way that support/bug issues might have some improved public visibility, that might encourage more participation? (All reported open issues, number of reports (including merged), priority, status updates?)

As a suggestion, I think had this information been conveyed a few weeks ago it could have gone a long ways for perception of the 3.5 release. Even though it likely wouldn't have been as comprehensive, just something that would have said, "We know these are still outstanding issues with the community, but we're going forward with 3.5 since it's ready, and we'll continue to work on these other issues. Thank you for your patience, hope to have another update for you in a week," would have made a world of difference.

Totally agree. It was hard for this particular one as it was first release after the festive period and there was a lot to organise, but it would have been good for me to flag "don't worry we're still looking at X/Y, it's just taking time" in a more visible way than I have done! Easy days though as I am hoping to make these sort of news-y announcements at least once or twice a week which should help across the board. As long as they stay helpful and productive!

over 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Originally posted by silentspokenword

Can't we just have everyone assigned a random team color (blue/green/red/yellow) and try to get wins for their team? Then everyone gets to participate and feel like they could be a winner! It could even just be a counter for everyone that makes the finale if not the win itself?

Hahahaha I love this idea. I don't know how easy it is with our current analytics set-up but I've added it into my little "dream list" of things that would be cool to see.

over 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Originally posted by GuineaW0rm

I’m so sad you’re getting rid of the single fruit board in perfect match. I genuinely thought it was supposed to be like that. It was hilarious!!

It is objectively hilarious to watch but sad overall because people are gunning for achievements whilst this happens. I wish we could move these bugs (like the time there was no floor on Slime Survivor) into its own playlist for people who just love the chaos of them.


over 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Originally posted by Llama-Drama14

I noticed something weird about the ledge climbing bug...

Sometimes, a player falls over on my screen but they keep moving perfectly fine. I assume they are standing on their screen.

It's a bit more obvious when spectating.

Anyways, I noticed that sometimes when someone tries to grab a ledge while ragdolled on my screen, they don't climb up. I think what might be happening is their game thinks that they are standing so it lets them grab onto a ledge but the server thinks that the player is ragdolled and falling, so it doesn't let them up.

This MIGHT be ONE of the causes, there might be other causes.

If I'm wrong I'd like to know. I don't know much about programming and I know NOTHING about fall guys' code and servers. This is just what I saw through my observation.

I know you prefer clips, so I'll try get clips of this and post it here on reddit.

I'm just trying my best to help out.

Anyways, I noticed that sometimes when someone tries to grab a ledge while ragdolled on my screen, they don't climb up. I think what might be happening is their game thinks that they are standing so it lets them grab onto a ledge but the server thinks that the player is ragdolled and falling, so it doesn't let them up.

This MIGHT be ONE of the causes, there might be other causes.

This is definitely SOME instances of it for sure, but I don't feel like from seeing footage so far that it fits all of them, but the team are investigating with that in mind :) thank you so much for your help though!