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One of the most annoying things about Squads is that if someone quits, you're basically unable to compete at all.

Why has there been no balance system implemented? All you have to do is give a 3 player team more points that are proportional with a 4 player team.

It wouldn't be that hard but they don't do anything, and people can leave without issue and the only people who suffer are their teammates.

Makes a lot of sense.

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about 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

We think these uneven spawns are mostly due to disconnects and leavers right before round starts, between the lobby filling and the show being selected, which makes it tricky. We are indeed thinking of ways to improve and add to Squads modes over time, of which scoring is one of them, but we do not have that launching in the immediacy.