I have 1000+ but I don't know if I deserved to win the raffle. I'm happy I did though 😅
I have 1000+ but I don't know if I deserved to win the raffle. I'm happy I did though 😅
Everyone deserves to win a raffle and we have always given dark knights out through contests and stuff, don't worry and I am so glad you're enjoying it :D
Well I wanna enjoy it too so make sure to toss my name in the next raffle
It was stickied to the front page for a week here! We will do another one soon but you have to enter yourself when it's up. Keep an eye on the sub for the next few weeks!
If they already gave the skins out i think theres something wrong since i dont have the dark knight skin yet, and ive been checking every 3 hours since i won it
You do now, sorry that yours is late! Hope it brings you many crowns :)