over 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Hey there, beans!

I have checked all entries about ninety times. I've shared them with colleagues, showed them to my family and friends, and you've brought me a lot of happiness over the past two weeks with your creativity and amazing supportive attitude to each others work. Thank you so much for that.

Before we start, I want to recap the parts of my original post that pertain to the (albeit minimal) terms of this contest:

  • MUST be Fall Guys related (of course!)
  • MUST use the Art Contest flair (it helps me filter submissions)
  • Open to both PC and Playstation players

Art can be of any medium. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Digital Drawings and Paintings
  • Traditional mediums (paint, pencil, clay)
  • Picture edits
  • Doodles and comics

Technical ability is not necessarily the be-all and end-all of this brief. Ultimately I will be looking for artworks that spark joy, clearly have the theme of 'GAMING', and use your imagination.

Deciding winners has been incredibly difficult as the calibre of creativity has been considerably high. With that in mind, I have chosen more winners than originally outlined. I have been so impressed.

If your name is not here, that does not mean you didn't submit a fantastic work of art. Your work is valued and you should be proud of creating something, as that is no easy feat. I know how hard it is to put yourself out there and dedicate time to a piece, and I appreciate it hugely.

In no particular order, here are the winning submissions:

To the winners - I will be DMing you over the course of the next day, but please do feel free to reach out to me or drop me a message before I get around to DMing you! I am battling crazy internet issues where I currently am (a very remote area of Devon) so it may take me a few hours over tonight and tomorrow morning to get to you all. Just let me know your Support Code and your costume of choice! (Anyone trying to sneak in here and pretend they're a winner, I've seen it 100 times and I will be checking every single message and poster for legitimacy)!

We will run another art contest soon, for sure. Everyone has been very supportive of each others work since the launch of this contest, and I hope that continues when we congratulate the winners. Please also take the time to view all submissions, whether they are receiving a prize this time or not, and continue to leave comments on posts of great artwork. I had great fun viewing all pieces and I think you will too.

Once again thank you all for your efforts - and I can't wait for the next one! Congratulations all!

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