about 3 years
ago -
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Tumble through the labyrinth of the Blunderdome, bounding from platform to platform...with one eye on the Crown! We’re celebrating the end of Fall-o-Ween with some roguevania realness, as the exclusive The Prisoner costume spirits into the store for a limited time from October 29.
Grab The Prisoner costume - 29-31 October Embrace the powerful purple energy of The Prisoner, as you swap the island’s mysterious jail for the jungle-dome of tumbling fail! Without the ‘Hand of the King’ to worry about, you can focus on securing the Fall Guys crown for yourself...
Keep your eye out for it...and we’ll see you in the Blunderdome.
Grab The Prisoner costume - 29-31 October Embrace the powerful purple energy of The Prisoner, as you swap the island’s mysterious jail for the jungle-dome of tumbling fail! Without the ‘Hand of the King’ to worry about, you can focus on securing the Fall Guys crown for yourself...
- The Prisoner (Top) - 5 Crowns
- The Prisoner (Bottom) - 5 Crowns
Keep your eye out for it...and we’ll see you in the Blunderdome.