Edit II:
There seems to have been a second reset caused by something else at around 15:25, so we're investigating this - and related, it seems those who had a second reset or were playing at the time are now unable to claim some rewards further than the first one. More updates as they come in! Thanks for your patience!
It's back! Keeping this thread up for 30 mins or for longer if any additional issues arise! Note: we are still seeing instances of early Lost Temple Rounds. The team are testing a fix for this; it is likely to stay as-is until tomorrow whilst that is investigated. Sorry about this in the meantime!
The Finish First / Gold Medal challenge was problematic and not unlocking for all users, and some show balancing issues were taking place.
ETA for the challenges to be back is a few hours, but I will confirm here when it is done and keep the post up until then.
You will keep any cosmetics earned before this change takes place, however, your challenges XP will be reset - apologies about that, but hopefully this fix makes it easier to complete all challenges for users that were experiencing issues!
Note: if you had completed all the challenges, you are able to earn the kudos reward once again.
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