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over 4 years ago - /u/FallGuysJoe - Direct link

Originally posted by Lainilly

I imagine you'd want your whole team to cross the line!

Another thing there could be would be an internal timer where the start area, and subsequent checkpoints shake - and then drop!

It would take some time, so everyone gets a fair chance.

That's kind of what I like about this is that, if you do have someone struggling behind, it's good for a better player to show the straggler how it's done.

This especially comes up since the path does stop glowing, so you wanna make sure nobody forgets how to get through!

Awesome idea!

The win condition problem is why we've not done any 'team races' so far. If you wait for the last player AFKers/Trolls ruin the experience, but if you go via the 'first' player then the vast majority of people don't get the satisfaction of crossing the finish line. You also start to get into weird territory where trying to get the last player on your team d/c'd in some way becomes a viable strategy, which obviously isn't good either. You might play with your mates, see a friend struggling and them ask them to quit, which would make your team win.

Ultimately you need a middle ground but it's hard to do without getting into complex 'scoring' territory. That's kind of why we went with things like Rock n Roll as a 'team race'. The ball represents 'team effort' really well and no single player can win or lose by themselves.