First thing off the top my head is that Abbie announced on Discord that you guys were doing a weekly Q&A but this has not been publicised anywhere else and sometimes it feels as if Discord gets a disproportionate amount of attention. A lot of us prefer Reddit because in my experience Discord tends to be populated by the kids/teens and just speaking for myself as an older player of the game, I feel a bit out of place there. When you and Abbie first came onboard there was noticeably a massive increase in the amount of Reddit interactions from the community team but it feels like in the last couple of weeks the Reddit engagement has dropped off a cliff.
I think MT are very good at engaging and replying when there's an issue (e.g. Fall Mountain bug) but when it's actual game feedback (e.g. the shop system, countless suggestions for how to improve games, getting rid of unpopular games, new modes) it feels like that stuff gets completely ignored. Just for one example, I feel there's a big enough proportion of the community who actively want Tail Tag removed from the game for MT to at least acknowledge it. Even if they say "we've heard your feedback but we don't want to remove any games so it's staying" that's fine. I know you can't reply to every single bit of feedback but I think MT are struggling to keep their finger on the pulse of what actually are the biggest community concerns and cherry pick certain ones to comment on.
And finally, and I apologise for this wall of text, I feel like a lot of the reason MT are missing the real issues the community care about is because they're dropping like flies. When I first joined this sub, there was a real active and communicative relationship between MT and the community, people complained about things constructively and MT engaged but you get 2 months down the line and look back and try to think what really have you guys done based on community feedback? Changed Hexagone back to the OG layout because it was changed for no reason in the first place...made it so teammates fall together....the server region selector. I mean it's hardly a massive list of changes and improvements, and thusly the numbers of people on this sub have plummeted by almost 10k because people feel they're not been listened to so they just leave and then MT get a false sense of security because fewer constructive complaints are coming in.
I hope you know, this is not aimed at you personally or any one individual at MT and I would never accuse Devs or community staff of being lazy as some do because I have zero doubt you all work hard and care and on the reverse side you have to remember that it's people who offer constructive feedback who deeply care about this game and want it to succeed, not the people posting "lol look what Yeetus did to me" videos.