I wonder if that is intentional... 🤔 /u/trichoglossusbee ?
I wonder if that is intentional... 🤔 /u/trichoglossusbee ?
The varied finals is indeed intentional, based on feedback we have had in previous playlists! However, the newsfeed copy was not updated to reflect that.
We do love to change these up a lot and are always open to feedback though. Either way next time the newsfeed needs to be updated, or there needs to be a slimescraper-only final, haha.
Thank you for the lightning-fast reply
I am everywhere today 👁
awww. please at least keep Slime Climb Time full Slime Climb like the first time... it was so fun. i was expecting the same this time to learn all the cool shortcuts to try to win Slime Scraper in a finale but all I got was 11 players trying to share a crown in Jump Sweatdown :c
I have passed this onto the team!
Full disclosure that was what was originally planned and after Xtreme we thought "Hmmm" and now we see why players DO want it so we are less "Hmmm" about it and it makes sense.
Hallo! So we have temporarily disabled this playlist and moved it to a future date in a few weeks whilst we look at a couple of things on it. Sorry ><
In the meantime we are still gaging whether players want random finals or not - and it seems to definitely be a slime scraper final preferred, so we will look to do that properly when it comes back in a couple weeks!
What's the reason behind the removal, care to explain please?
One major one is that the Error Rewards bug made the experience really difficult for players - as it did with Xtreme, and we'd rather bring super soon after the show back after the fix for the rewards bug goes in, and pop playlists in that have less survival rounds for the meantime. The fix for the rewards should be early next week. We also saw some PS4 player struggling to load the level in, which we'd like to take a look at, and then we can also make the appearance with a slimescraper-only final (not our primary reason for this but a good bonus).
So basically instead of waiting a long time for the playlist to come back with the above improved, it's just a few weeks instead.
Nooooo :(
Gauntlet is super boring and was in rotation not so long ago as well...
I know I'm sorry :( it won't be long til it's back and it'll be much better.
That's.... Disappointing because like slime climb it's heavily dependent on whether you spawn in the front row because you know people will rarely mess up so I think a random final compensates for that
It's still open for discussion as we've moved the playlist! But so far it's like 70% "please make it slimescraper" 30% "please random"
thank you for the answer!! i was one of the players who stopped playing Xtreme when Slime Climb and Slime Scraper got removed as finals, since the best part of side shows in my opinion, is being able to play different style of shows for a few days! but it turned into an absolute farm for double crowns, for the players who enjoy that. Slime Climb Time was SUPER tough to win, but still it was an amazing period of four days in a different enviroment :D nobody is able to farm consistently in these racing finales, it's harder or impossible to help one guy farm 200 crowns in it with minions, etc
i think Xtreme was changed way too soon, based on the early loud voices, that usually come first to dislike the changes or the new things. but when one doesn't enjoy the side show, staying at Main should be enough, like i do in other situations haha
now we see why players DO want it so we are less "Hmmm" about it
I'm not sure if I followed this one right. so you guys saw players want the regular finales to farm together and you guys at the office find it "hmmmm", or do you feel "hmmmm" about the kind of players who enjoyed the Slime race finales? either way, is nice to know a bit more about these changes, so thank you again for the insights!!
I'm not sure if I followed this one right. so you guys saw players want the regular finales to farm together and you guys at the office find it "hmmmm", or do you feel "hmmmm" about the kind of players who enjoyed the Slime race finales? either way, is nice to know a bit more about these changes, so thank you again for the insights!!
Hahaha this is funny, that's my bad for wording it badly. The "Hmmm" is more like "Hmm, what shall we do when we have purely-elimination modes up? Should we vary finals? How do we keep some continuity between playlists and expectations?" so the HMM is at us :D
Is slimescraper in mainshow still available?
Oh yeah totally! It's still there doing it's thing, still in squads.
Can I add its not just that playlist you get that black screen when loading a level on ps4, I've had it on multiple different levels!
Yep! I have an update thread (should be up in about an hour and a half) that will make this way clearer than me posting in comments, but we're aware the issue on PS4 is widespread on various levels, inventory checking etc, and we're focusing on it hard. I am sorry you've got it ;(
So the rewards fix has moved from "sometime this week" to next week now, good!
Let me know what you're referring to here and I might be able to give insight!
You mentioned "asap this week".
Thank you for finding that! I post so much I often lose track.
Things were looking super good on it on Monday and then it headed to testing, which took a little longer than envisioned when I posted that message. A few different scenarios had to be tested and then it had to be polished up. So we will look to deploy it early next week (not Monday but likely Tuesday) but with a few other fixes and improvements along with it such as the Jump Showdown issues we've been seeing. We want to monitor these fixes and make sure we are able to patch if needed and can catch issues, making rolling the changes out near the weekend a bad idea for this one. Sorry that my timeframe changed on that but I hope that explains :)
Hello , I don’t know if this is an issue that only I have. But I’ve been unable to jump after I full pop someone on a grab. I’ve always full pooped but never experienced such a delay in my jump. It goes a little over a second. Makes it to were I just don’t even grab anymore and it’s honestly annoying. Cause in a final like thin ice I go for grab plays and it’s annoying when the enemy can jump instantly while I have to wait more then a second to jump..
We have logged issues for jumps in general, which I can add this to, though it's the first time I have heard it associated with a grab, it isn't the first time I have heard it about Thin Ice as a level. Is it EVERY time you Grab?
It’s every time I grab for the max time of the grab. I’ve always done it and it wasn’t till 4.5 that I started noticing a change. I thought it was an update to the game physics but honestly it doesn’t make sense to give the player getting outplayed on a grab the advantage as far as being able to jump right after it
Hm. Okay, this is the first time I have personally read this, but we do have thousands and thousands of players so I absolutely do not see the entire scope of these things.
Because it is a first though, I would ask you to tell Support: https://support.fallguys.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and if you can, record a video. This can often accelerate how fast a problem is solved, and it could be linked to other jump issues that are being investigated!
Awesome. Thank you very much for taking your time to read through the comments.
It's all good, always happy to do so and chatting to players makes my day :-)