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about 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Originally posted by Mavarik311

The worst part of this is Bee seems to be the only one who understands why what they did was wrong. It’s baffling how the rest of the team is so out of touch

I see how it can look that way, and that is on me for also wording it so "ME ME ME" early in the morning; the team all agree that these aren't jokes we should make going forwards. We all wanted to send the costume over to make it right :)

about 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Originally posted by Mavarik311

No it’s honestly on the rest of your team. Your coworkers usually have no empathy. Look back at hoverboard heroes. Oliver directly accused players of just being upset because they wanted to crown farm. He completely ignored the reason people were upset was the “fix” made the game rng. It should have been a random final or removed until done in a real way. Instead he blamed the playerbase and continuously does. I understand they are your employer and teak and you feel a certain protective feeling to them but how they treat the community is appalling as a whole.

A lot of the time things are group decisions even if one person voices them (or often in discord for example a few people might say similar things but messages zoop by so fast the first instance is missed). I know for example Oliver and all of us think that after seeing HH converted into a final it just didn't work, so he definitely understands that like the rest of us.