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Sooo anyone had horrible experiences with this finale as of late? There have been 5+ times the last month that the win has been literally stolen from me. For example me clearly being ahead of the other guy and grabbing the crown first, and still being eliminated. I’ve made a post about this, i have video proof.. and just a few minutes ago i had this level and i intentionally jumped way too soon because i knew that’s how this broken level worked and i still got eliminated. I was there first and i didn’t win and i know i couldn’t have won literally no matter what move i would’ve made. There is a clear issue here that needs to be fixed or the level needs to be removed. And on top of all of this, this has been the most common finale that i have gotten.

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over 3 years ago - /u/OliverAge24Artist - Direct link

This is a really tricky one to solve because what's actually happening is -

The server decides who wins.

It decides based on the first person's game to send a message to the server to say "I have grabbed the crown" and then the server to confirm "yes, they have grabbed the crown".

So why is it possible for you to see that you grab the crown before they do?

Lag/De-Sync/Ping - The position of player's that you see is not the same thing that the other player's see. When a player moves, a message is sent to the server, and then the server sends that message to all other players.

Unfortunately, if you don't have a great connection, or the other player doesn't have a great connection, the amount of time to get the positions of all other players could mean that you're seeing players noticeably behind where they are.

So... when you see someone win, but it looked like they were behind you... they were actually the first one to grab the crown - for them - and for the server - just not for you.

Really hard problem to fix as these are issues that happen in all online games.