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Everyone is a juggernaut while you're a feather being flung around, more noticeable in the new show. Staying in a crowd rubberbands you away from your path. Bean recovery is still slow as heck in high-precision events like Jump Showdown & Block Party. I love watching my bean falling over 4 layers in a game of hexagone.

I'm sure they have more than enough evidence of this issue published here, I'd even say its more frustrating than losing in a team game. Please priortize this.

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over 3 years ago - /u/FallGuysJoe - Direct link

Originally posted by IronMark666

The reason they always ignore this is because posts like this never gain traction.

If everyone who felt strongly that the physics need addressing would actually band together and upvote a single thread to the front page that would help.

And then the second stage is that if Mediatonic reply that they're "investigating" to stop being content with that bullshit excuse. They have been saying "we're investigating" about things since the launch of this game that don't get fixed. We, as a community, really need to start holding them to account more and stop settling for their complacency.

As I always say, I would never accuse them of being lazy and I am 100% sure they all work extremely hard. I just think their priorities are awful. They constantly ignore things the community feel strongly about while they're begging big streamers to be their friend.

My personal theory is that the nonsense physics are put into the game deliberately because MT want Fall Guys to be a chaotic game and skilled players are constantly being able to outsmart the chaotic and random elements, so they need to make the physics random and unpredictable to curb that.

I had a meeting yesterday with our character engineer to identify some of the key areas and we're actively working on fixes. To elaborate a bit more, our main focuses are:

- The character not detecting that they are 'grounded' on various obstacles (like the upward punchers on Tundra Run, causing them to randomly fall over.
- Other characters lag corrections being received as 'impacts' and causing you to ragdoll/ push your character unfairly.
- Dive doing very strange things on fast moving platforms (like Roll Out)
- The Fall Guy in general being too unstable in their air. This is less of a bug and more of a design change based on player feedback. We want Fall Guys to fall over but there needs to be a reason to it.- as soon as it's unpredictable or 'random' you can't trust the game to behave consistently and that sucks. Right now being brushed in mid air sends you toppling over and that's not very fun.

We're working on it but we can't rush fixes out for something this fundamental. Even small, logical changes have unforeseen impacts and we want to rigorously test anything we decide to change (this means not only test every level at scale but also in a variety of network conditions which adds a lot of complexity to the process. ) I know this is another 'we're working on it' post but I want to reinforce that we're not ignoring this and we have it as our highest priority for the parts of the team that can work on this specific area of the game.

over 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Originally posted by FallGuysJoe

I had a meeting yesterday with our character engineer to identify some of the key areas and we're actively working on fixes. To elaborate a bit more, our main focuses are:

- The character not detecting that they are 'grounded' on various obstacles (like the upward punchers on Tundra Run, causing them to randomly fall over.
- Other characters lag corrections being received as 'impacts' and causing you to ragdoll/ push your character unfairly.
- Dive doing very strange things on fast moving platforms (like Roll Out)
- The Fall Guy in general being too unstable in their air. This is less of a bug and more of a design change based on player feedback. We want Fall Guys to fall over but there needs to be a reason to it.- as soon as it's unpredictable or 'random' you can't trust the game to behave consistently and that sucks. Right now being brushed in mid air sends you toppling over and that's not very fun.

We're working on it but we can't rush fixes out for something this fundamental. Even small, logical changes have unforeseen impacts and we want to rigorously test anything we decide to change (this means not only test every level at scale but also in a variety of network conditions which adds a lot of complexity to the process. ) I know this is another 'we're working on it' post but I want to reinforce that we're not ignoring this and we have it as our highest priority for the parts of the team that can work on this specific area of the game.

We also play the game a lot (I maybe play it too much but who's counting really) so we often experience these issues ourselves. Certainly the physics with Hex-a-Gone trials right now. We can't wait for this to be better for all of you.

over 3 years ago - /u/FallGuysJoe - Direct link

Originally posted by IronMark666

With respect Joe, and thank you for the reply, but on the one hand you're asking us to respect the fact that things need 'rigorously tested' before they're rolled out but less than a month ago a version of Slime Survivors was rolled out with two broken levels.

I have no idea if the Slime Survivors issue was as a result of the mode not being tested but that is the perception people have. People get frustrated when there appears to be no consistency on these things.

Yeah, I mean I can't say much more than that we're not perfect and mistakes do happen. Each time we mess something up we take it very seriously and try to put process in place to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Nobody gets more frustrated when these things happen than us. Both the team and the game are growing in complexity daily, and as we try to scale to meet the demands of the player base unforseeable issues pop up, and occasionally things make it through into the live game. It sucks and we're doing our best reach a point where we catch everything before it goes live, but we're not there yet!