about 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link


Thank you all for your excellent submissions into this contest - I can't believe how many incredible entries there are, and you've given me an incredibly tough job โ•ฐ๏ผˆโ€ตโ–กโ€ฒ๏ผ‰โ•ฏI hope that you all had fun creating your artwork - this will be the first of quite a few giveaways, as I really really enjoyed hosting this. Check out all submissions here and leave some comments for the awesome OPs that spent their time on this!

From today until Wednesday afternoon, I will finish going through ALL entries and commenting and shortlisting, with winners being announced that afternoon (and DM'd at the same time!) Every entry should have a comment and acknowledgement from me by then :D

From there, winners will be DM'd no later than the 16th of June at 23:59 BST and announced on this subreddit around the same time.

Prizes will be with winners no later than the 22nd of June at 23:39 BST as long as they apply to the above DM in a timely fashion! So keep your eyes out!

Entries from now will not be valid as per the terms in the original post, and my list that I am sorting through contains all entries up until 10:00 BST today.

Reddit Raffle note: prizes should be in accounts no later than tomorrow evening - as per the original post! Please pop me a note after that if for some reason you do not have your fabulous prizes.

External link โ†’
about 3 years ago - /u/trichoglossusbee - Direct link

Originally posted by mini_wiener_dog

I know in the art contest post, someone asked if winners will be based on upvotes and trichoglossusbee answered:

No way. I'll look at every single one, and when I announce winners here say why I chose them.

That being said, I don't know if that means upvotes have zero factor on judging. I think it just means don't assume you automatically can't win because your post wasn't "popular".
Please, Please, Please, don't let your upvote count get you down. There are so many factors that can contribute to low upvotes. Some times due the time of day, or amount of posts being uploaded, means your post can get buried and not be seen as much as others. It's not a reflection on your talent, creativity, and hard work. Keep your chin up and be proud of your work.

Absolutely. The upvotes are not factored into my judging :) to make it super clear! Upvotes can definitely indicate "this is a cool post" but also sometimes low-upvoted posts contain absolute gems, which is why I am disregarding it!