over 3 years ago - /u/OliverAge24Artist - Direct link

The team are still after as many clips as possible showing the difference between seasons with physics so they can find out what's changed. I enjoy this meme though lol

over 3 years ago - /u/OliverAge24Artist - Direct link

Originally posted by brendencarr001

We all paid for this game, so we can enjoy it. Your team literally gets paid to make and fix and play the game. Literally playing the game is part of the job. Why do the players need to do extra work so that you guys can get rewarded for it? If not enough players make and edit videos to send to you guys to prove that the mistake you guys made is real, then you guys have less work to do? Come on, what a joke. If there really was "no change" to the way "physics" work, then tell us.

I'm pretty sure there was a change, because you guys aren't saying "there was no change". You guys wants us to tell you what the change is, when you guys made it! Just go back and look, we as players can't do that for you.

There was no intentional change to the physics. I bring it up with the team that people say it feels different, but they're not yet able to pinpoint exactly what is causing it.

It's probably a side effect from something else - like when we've working on latency, or worked on other mechanics.

There are a lot of systems at play, and it's hard for us to specifically work out what feels different and what is causing it.

I've personally noticed it too, and I mention it on our streams occasionally when it feels different. I don't know how to solve it or what causes it... I just know that sometimes, it feels like physics on my character are more intense than they used to be.

over 3 years ago - /u/OliverAge24Artist - Direct link

Originally posted by SelloutRealBig

Are physics tied to FPS? Because they feel like they are tied to 60 fps. I play on 144 but things like rollout obstacles have always rotated at what looks like 60 fps. Is playing above 60 making me even more prone to wonky physics?

It shouldn't be, so if you are finding that it consistently is the case, you may just have helped us identify the issue!

I vaguely remember near launch there was an issue tied to frame rate on levels like tip toe, where you literally wouldn't be able to stand on the tiles without falling. A few streamers had the problem - was tied to FPS.

I'll suggest this to the team!