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I’m going for a bloodied Heavy Weapon PvE build which armor is the best (Wood, metal, marine, combat, etc.) or does it not matter and the legendary effects matter more?

Since I’m doing PvE and don’t use vats for my build would rad resist be better than Ap Refresh?

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over 4 years ago - /u/LoneVaultWanderer - Direct link

Originally posted by komb_svic

For heavy your better off going PA with emergency protocols, since the int perk stabilized (armor pen and accuracy) only works with PA. If you want to not use PA the rad resist from regular legendary armor is not worth going for, I personally found that if I'm not using PA with my bloody heavy that I like bolstering, with just uny I get shit on (not much stealth with heavy)

Since unyielding provides so many other benefits I like it over bolstering. I am currently rocking a mix of both with secret service, and when you utilise dodgy with such high ap, I find it works well, then you get all the other unyielding benefits like more carry weight etc. Plus serendipity helps

over 4 years ago - /u/LoneVaultWanderer - Direct link

Originally posted by SonicSonedit

Benefits? Such as? +10 weight? SPECIAL stats do basically nothing in combat in F76, and only one stat that actually matters - con - is not provided by unyielding.

More AP for instance, which means way more use of VATS and better sneak. More charisma which means better prices at vendors. Etc etc