What’s best thing about when using pistol? It’s light, handy, and V.A.T.S of course.
But pistol perks are mostly useless when you think about them.
Modern renegade has too much low chance for crippling limbs. It will be okay for auto 10mm but what about semi auto?
Gun runner is okay but it’s not working with speed demon mutation.
What about perk that reduces pistol weight? Just give it to rifle instead of super light weighted pistol.
Crack shot is meh too. Most of pistol users just gonna use VATS not sight-shooting
And as you guys know, most of pistol perks are on AGI perk line which already has useful perks to use on any build (like dodgy, adrenaline, evasive, gun-fu and all of sneak perks).
Giving pistol VATS related perk is great idea to buff pistol. Each of weapon perks has it’s unique power, and pistol should focus on VATS, since there’s no VATS focused weapon perks in game.
Oh, and i want to see more kind of pistol too. Compared to rifle, pistol have very limited variation to choose.
Only one auto pistol, which is 10mm, and one superior revolver, western revolver and .44, single action are inferior version of western. Pipe revolver is not good weapon to use, it’s ammo is cheap af tho.
Laser, plasma, and pipe has pistol mod too but they can be rifle too so i don’t want to include them in pistol line.
Please, give gunslingers big smile!
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