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We're nearly a month after Wastelanders realease, and as an addition to the DLC we've received tons of game breaking bugs. I decided to make a list of all serious bugs and exploits that popped up in the game recently, to help devs have everything in one place, and hopefully it will help to get everything fixed in next big game update in Summer.

Note 1: If I missed something please comment below all bugs that affected you after DLC, and I will update the list regularly.

Note 2: Some bugs reported are related to Wasteladers main story line, so be aware of spoilers and read at your own discretion.

Note 3: These are bugs that came with Waselanders ONLY. We have plenty of bugs that still exist since many months, but I wanted to focus only on Wastelanders bugs at the moment.

Note 4: I don't use English version of the game, so I apologize for any incorrect translations, or grammar mistakes.


  • Vending machine - allows other players to buy items from your stash box that you haven't put on sale; occasionaly duplicating items; sometimes not allowing put on sale items that should be sellable; sometimes not allowing to change price of items you want to sale; mixing inventories with display cases
  • Display case - displays incorrect items, for example power armor frames in magazine rack
  • Punch bowl - allows other players to "drink" non consumable items from your stash, for example weapons
  • Fridge - sometimes non consumable items may appear inside
  • Power Armor - power armor pieces may ocassionaly disappear after entering/exiting power armor frame
  • Chemist backpack - when you die wearing it, all chems go back to default weight value and that causes respawn issue
  • Grocerer's backpack - same issue like with chemist backpack
  • Stealth - enemies are detecting you easier
  • PvP - VATS not working correctly
  • VATS in PvE - with 95% hit chance you still can't hit enemies
  • Craftable items from gold plans - don't benefit from perks like science (normal/expert/master), super duper, armorer, fix it good, etc
  • Wild neutral critters - spawn way less often
  • Decontamination shower, Radaway - gives you rads while using them


  • Settler reputation - allows to complete more than once settler daily quest
  • Raider reputation - allows to gain more reputation that intended while talking with Rocksy
  • Duplication glitch - allows to duplicate stackable items while using vending machines
  • Unlimited ammo - allows to gain ammo after inspecting a weapon
  • Wastelanders weapon/armor trading - allows to trade character bound items between players
  • Camp budget - allows to increase available camp budget


  • Visual item duplication - items in your inventory may ocassionaly duplicate themselves visually (weapons, armor, chems etc), temporary fix is to server hop
  • Vending machine - images of items are invisible; cannot use "inspect" option on items; some items listed appear as
  • Social tab - friends may disappear from the list
  • Enemies - some are unkillable, some regen their HP to 100% instantly
  • Character creation - sometimes camera goes behind your character, instead in frot of his face
  • Pipboy - consumables cannot be sorted by spoil time anymore
  • Consume/Use interaction - doesn't work with items placed in the world
  • Magnifying glass - junk items in the world don't show the magnifying glass next to it if you're searching for it. Items looted from bodies and containers still have the magnifying glass


  • Ward - not interactable while he's sitting on bench/lying on bed; when skipping dialogue may not reward you with settler reputation; sometimes glitched while sitting in the air
  • Rocksy - sometimes not interactable while trying to turn in daily quest
  • Wren - not interactable while sitting on a sofa
  • Gail - getting stuck in certain point during vault 79 raid quest
  • Ra-Ra - getting stuck in a vents during her quest
  • Camp allies - after removing and putting back their personal items may not recognize you as a camp owner; after removing their items they appear undressed for few seconds; allies sometimes attack camp turrets
  • Smiley - he says "come back on Monday" but his reset time is not on Monday but on Saturday 8pm EST, and apparently that time also doesn't work for some people
  • Blood Eagles - after being killed their bodies turn into paper bags instead of meatpiles; some enemies after death drop items separately instead of inside meatpile
  • Purveyor - can sometimes "reward you" with non legendary secret service chest piece
  • Ohio River Adventures NPCs - their dialogue is broken and sometimes doesn't allow to repeat the quest


  • Plasma Rifle - pulse capacitor overwrites the flamer barrel, which gives you the mag capacity and damage of a flamer barrel with the range/utility of a normal barrel
  • Clandestine skins for gauss weapons - have messed up textures with attachments
  • Floater grenades - are not affected by any weight reduction effects
  • Crossbow - glow sights are reverted back to standard sights after logging out
  • Shishkebab - still deals energy damage instead of the new fire damage
  • Gauss pistol - reflex sights are horribly misaligned, they are off-center horizontally and too low when standing/too high when crouched
  • Prime capacitors - for all bullion guns do not teach you to make the ultracite ammo associated with them if you do not know them already
  • Fancy weapons - from claim tickets will half-lose their effects/skins if transferred (reports mentioned trading to others or putting in display cases)
  • Black knight paint - for gatling gun can't be applied to the resolute veteran
  • Tap firing - almost any automatic weapon in third person will shoot the weapon faster than its normal firecap allows - this is mostly being used with gatling guns because that makes the biggest difference
  • Shotguns - do unintended amounts of damage in vats, killing almost any enemy with one shot even if using non-legendary base version of the shotgun without any mods or perks that affect shotgun damage


  • Photo opportunity - taking pictures of required places sometimes doesn't count, temporary fix it to server hop
  • Settler daily - can be instantly completed if you find quest item on the ground before starting the quest


  • Vault 79 - many people experience crashes during vault 79 raid quest
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over 4 years ago - /u/Ladydevann - Direct link

Here is our list of Known Issues that we published with Wastelander's release. While it is not completely exhaustive of every issue we have seen there are some answers in here for some of the bugs you've listed above. I'm taking a closer look to see where are at with some of the items you've listed as well. Thanks for the post!