Now that the Assaultron Head no longer eats up all my fusion cells in one shot, I decided to finally pull out my Quad Assaultron Head and see how powerful it would be since I could charge it up twenty times. I first used it on a lvl 91 Deathclaw only to find out that there's still a bug effecting it. I had it charged up twenty times, which for me should do 3000 damage at 40 hp, and when I shot the Deathclaw its health bar depleted completely only to have it completely refill in an instant. I then tried it on a Behemoth only to have it do the same thing again. Afterwards, I tried it again but this time I charged it by 10, 7, 5, 2, and finally only once to see that it does not matter how many times I charge it up. It will always do only one charge worth of damage. I was hoping I could finaly use Assaultron Head since its damage output can be very high, but sadly that is not the case.
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