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Bugthesda. Bugthesda never changes.

Well over 2,000 hours played. Took an extended 7+ month break and played other games until Wastelanders came out. Wastelanders is OK. It's a step in the right direction, though the end game is just a gigantic loading screen rep grind (hit up every spawn point on this map

and pray for raider or settler events to farm rep) that isn't challenging in the slightest beyond being a massive time sink. But I digress.

I lost my Strangler Heart PA set. Died because my well fed buff wore off ('so it goes' with a bloodied build, my own fault) and my armor was immediately destroyed. Visually I'm still wearing my power armor, but its gone from inventory - even the frame. It's odd. I get the "you can't exit your power armor here" when I try to "exit" my visual only power armor frame. The frame does not exist in my inventory. I also can't equip normal armor. Exited the game and reloaded and I'm just naked.

Look Bethesda. We're all rooting for you. We all want you to succeed. I love this game and I want it to do well. I want to be able to tell my friends "yeah, come pick up 76, the Wastelanders update is great!". But I can't do that with things like this and the inventory steal bug still active.

I'm turning off my Fallout 1st subs too (had 2, one for each of my accounts). No more money for you until you fix your game.

I wish you all the best. Hope my description of the event leads to a fix. Until then, best of luck guys. Stay safe - only use crappy weapons and crappy power armor that you can afford to lose until this is fixed.

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over 4 years ago - /u/Ladydevann - Direct link

Hey u/knight_wanderer I'm sorry to hear about this! Can you file a support ticket for me and send me that ticket number so we can take a closer look?