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So as the title says, I was playing the riding shot gun event and I died and I didn’t even have that gun equipped when I died but one of the friendly npcs that come with you stole my lmg with over 1300 rounds

The game bugged and I couldn’t spawn so I had to go back to menu and now it’s all gone when I load back in

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over 4 years ago - /u/Ladydevann - Direct link

Originally posted by player2309

Thanks for the tag! We're investigating these reports right now. u/xxshadowraidxx can you DM me your bethesda.net username and platform you're on?

over 4 years ago - /u/Ladydevann - Direct link

Originally posted by IamPurgamentum

u/Ladydevann any news on this? Seems to be more common than first thought and I did hope that it would have made it to today's patch.. me and my friends aren't going to go back to the game until it's fixed.

They're still working on this one!