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So since the wastelanders update I'm taking massive damage after a successful vats hit even though I don't seem to actually be getting hit by any enemies. Here is a short clip of what I mean.

https://streamable.com/1zw00h Watch my healthbar in the video and you'll see what I'm talking about.

I'm level 70 and these were level 1 enemies who are just destroying me with no real reason since they aren't actually landing an attack. This happened the first week of wastelanders, but quiting the game and restarting would fix this issue. However, after the latest update I can't get it to stop even after a restart.

I'm on Xbox One and I've played since beta without this ever happening until now. Is this happening to anyone else? Any ideas on how to stop this because I honestly can't play the game right now without dying instantly when I shoot at higher level enemies. Hopefully you guys might have a fix. Thanks

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over 4 years ago - /u/LoneVaultWanderer - Direct link

Is that a shotgun with an explosive legendary effect? If so, equip fireproof rank 3 - it'll help prevent the splash damage to yourself

over 4 years ago - /u/LoneVaultWanderer - Direct link

Originally posted by buckdeluxe

Awesome! Thanks for this. I'll have to add those to my perk load.

You're very welcome :) They're such a fun build!