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We all know Whitesprings is THE place to farm legendaries, and as such it is a very popular place to go and farm and nuke..

But, it seems there are no other real places like this...

i know people nuke the prime fissure for SBQ, and Watoga area is popular but other than than that, there are really no Whitesprings alternatives.,.. (unless ive been missing out, Im not counting the events that spawn periodically that are also good for legendary farming)

My suggestion is to have more areas like Whitesprings strewn out across the map, so people will actually go to more places than jsut Whitesprings and the vendors to sell loot...

just an idea as I see most of my friends that have playing longer than me are getting burnt out on their daily Whitespring runs

*thank you for the silver, kind stranger!

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almost 6 years ago - /u/LoneVaultWanderer - Direct link

Some very good, constructive discussion here. This feedback, as always, is seen by the dev team, but I'll be sure to share this thread now as well.

What locations aside from Whitesprings do you all think already fill this role well? I.e. Watoga has been mentioned a few times.