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If their turrets kill the ghouls- which they normally do- it's unfair to the other players around who want to get the xp and loot. Just make Whitesprings a no build zone, please. 12/10 would appreciate!

EDIT: Shout out to the trolls who wanna hop on here with their crappy "insults" and what not. Y'all can't change my mind lol

EDIT 2: Guess I should clarify that behind the golf club building is my problem, specifically. If you build on the green away from ghoul spawns then cool! My problem is with building directly behind the golf club, as every camp I have seen back there always have a crap ton of turrets, usually missle. So my bad! I should have been more clear originally

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almost 6 years ago - /u/LoneVaultWanderer - Direct link

Originally posted by fr0g_ow

Nah, just make it you cant build so close to the golf club

I'll present a number of these different ideas to the team so they can get an understanding of the varying opinions on this issue. Thank you everyone