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Radiation Rumble is quite possibly a very big missed opportunity. Players can’t find enough high rad fluids and the rate at which they spawn is bizarre. Radiation Rumble should have at least 1 out of every 5 ghouls or enemy spawns drop fluid. At the event at least 10-15 ghouls flood into the room all at once and (correct me if I’m wrong) more just keep coming as you accumulate more radioactive ore so that means at the start of the event you can get at least 3 and more fluids and way more of you do well. This should have been one of the best ways to farm HRF since that stuff is so rare and valuable. Most nuke zones don’t spawn tons of mobs anyway outside of the Whitesprings. Please make this event more valuable by having the enemies AT LEAST have a chance of dropping HRF.

Edit: people in the comments are saying that it would be better if the event dropped HRF as a reward rather than being dropped by the ghouls. I agree with this as it is much more fair than having to fight ghouls just for the chance of them dropping it.

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over 4 years ago - /u/Ladydevann - Direct link

This is a great suggestion we'll pass that along!