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over 4 years ago - /u/Ladydevann - Direct link

Originally posted by DismalDelay101

Yeah, u/ladydevann promised that the PA-glitch would be fixed with P12, but failed (again) to deliver.

The dev's tried to get this in on Patch 12 but unfortunately, it needed more time and had to be pushed back. We will update you all as soon as we get word on when it will be implemented.

over 4 years ago - /u/Ladydevann - Direct link

Originally posted by DismalDelay101

For me this is unacceptable, especially since P12 broke Gun Fu again. That makes my 2 styles unplayable.

By the amount of goodbye-posts deleted on B's forum and the ones posted here, I am not the only one who's highly pissed off. I spent 9 months playing and tweaking my toons, now I just can't play anymore because of the bugs re-introduced.

Who ever thought that game breaking bugs are second to getting new content beta-tested, needs imho to get fired.

I'm sorry you see this as a priority issue, it is not. We are actively working on fixing it and as I said it was supposed to go into Patch 12 but needed more time. This isn't a matter of the new content taking priority, but the issue needing more time. So while the new content is being created the bugs are also being worked on an addressed. I understand your frustration and I'm sorry for that, we will update everyone with more information on the power armor issue as soon as we can.

over 4 years ago - /u/Ladydevann - Direct link

Originally posted by hsingiboxer

>not a priority

Wow. What is a priority then? Ruining JetPacks, adding in ATX in game location so players constantly have an ad in their face, creating more bugs, adding in ATX items in bundles only, or maybe you guys are working on fixing a single light bulb somewhere in Appalachia?

Like Bungie with Destiny I will just play something else come holiday season, especially with the Devs telling the player that GAME BREAKING BUGS are not priorities. Might want to clarify if you "didn't mean it like that", but hey we live in strange times.

I'm sorry I worded that post poorly, I was trying to say that it is a priority. I was trying to say that all these items are priorities on our list and that new content was not the reason the fix was pushed back. I should have worded that better, I was trying to correct Dismal's who was thinking the content was seen as a priority over the bug fixes but reading my comment again I don't think I conveyed that properly.