So, I can build a fusion reactor.
I can fix a broken nuclear reactor. Of several different designs.
I can build complex electronics and high-energy capacitors into powerful energy weapons.
I can precisely machine a wide variety of ballistic weapons and not have them explode in my face when fired.
I can make a mountain of miniature nuclear bombs.
I can't make a screw. Something humans figured out to make 7000 years ago.
Please let me make screws. Go ahead and make it require an absurd amount of steel per screw. I don't want to have to know the most efficient route to all the desk fans in a variety locations, I want to know how to do some very simple work on a lathe.
Edit: To say this in a less lore-ish way:
Take away my cap faucet from selling the massive excess of steel. Alleviate a bottleneck that is currently too severe.
Leave the junk and the kills in those low level buildings for low-level players. I won't be there long enough to run into them, so group play isn't gonna happen.
With this change, I would spend time farming for other things that spawn in level-appropriate areas where I don't just walk over all the mobs. That will keep me in the area long enough to encounter other players and thus increase group play. Which increases player retention at the point in the game where they are starting to run out of game to play.
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