12 months
ago -
Bethesda Softworks
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
7s | it is time yet again for another |
9s | exciting Journey with rip |
11s | daring join me rip daring on another |
15s | exciting crypted hunt |
21s | [Music] |
56s | it's time to show these Cryptids true |
58s | American power |
61s | fire power that |
63s | is there you are darling I am Adel |
72s | [Music] |
80s | [Applause] |
84s | [Music] |
84s | [Applause] |
88s | [Music] |
89s | [Applause] |
89s | [Music] |
91s | [Applause] |
105s | tune in next time for another exciting |
107s | Journey with rip daring |