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The new perk system is interesting in Fallout 76, it definitely has it's benefits in that you are less locked into roles.

On the other hand, I find the micromanagement of perks to be one of the least fun aspects of the game, as it can really mess with the pace. Having to switch perks to sell to a vendor, pick a lock or hack a computer, or search a loot container and then potentially forgetting to put the combat perks back to be effective again.

What if combat perks didn't compete for the same slots as non-combat? The perks could be seperated and adjusted in points cost so that it still works out similarly to now, but then you would only need to toggle between perks if you wanted to use a different combat style, or on the non-com side switch between crafting and something else. Though honestly, I don't really see the point in ever having to toggle non-combat perks, they wouldn't affect game balance if they were always available, they would just remove some unfun mircomanagement of perks. As long as you have the base stat requirements and they don't stack in some weird game breaking way, it should be fine.

Maybe I'm missing something, but the perk management just seems tedious and unnecessary the way it is. Take all the crafting, repair, lock pick, hacking, hard bargain, weight reduction, travel, green thumb, and searching container perks and put them in a seperate card stack, please.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/LoneVaultWanderer - Direct link

I see these concerns are similar to those who have suggested perk card decks/loadouts in the past, though you're recommending a slightly different system. I'll raise this with the dev team so they can get a good range of community feedback & opinion on it.

Thank you for taking the time to post this mate