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I've heard the CAMP fast travel mat that was available in beta was removed because of the fear of it being abused by players. Having played this game since launch I feel that fear is overly cautious.

Fallout 76 has one of the most friendly, helpful, and overall great communities I've ever involved myself with in a video game. Sure, there are some trolls out there who might build a trap CAMP and get a few cheap LULs out of you traveling into their instant-death castle. But I'd put good money on the fact that the total amount of players who might bother doing that would be well under 1% of the total population.

On the other hand, fast-traveling to CAMPs now leads to TONS of accidental frustrations. No matter how you position your vendors (supposed to impact spawn location of players fast traveling), many more interesting CAMPs constantly lead to annoying locations for the players arriving. Cliff-based CAMPs leave you dangling on the edges (or sometimes just falling), water-based CAMPs spawn you in the water and by the time you can move you've already got parasites (again). Spawning into wooden foundations is still a thing, too.

MOST players want to sell their stuff, want to show off their CAMP, and want to enjoy the game while others do the same. MOST players would benefit massively from having a targeted fast-travel mat to decide where players arrive when they opt to visit. The creativity of CAMPs overall would increase significantly with a better arrival location. I have one of my favorite CAMPs in a super cool spot but no matter WHAT I do, players typically just fall to their death immediately, so I was forced to take the vendors offline indefinitely in hopes of a solution.

Please bring back the fast-travel mat. It will absolutely bring more good than harm to the game. If 1 out of every 200 fast-travels lands me in a punji board pit with flame traps or rad emitters everywhere, I promise I'll get over it.

Worst case give temp bans to a couple "grief CAMPs" if it ACTUALLY becomes an issue (I doubt it) and they'll probably get bored quickly.

Please give us back the fast-travel mat.

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over 4 years ago - /u/Ladydevann - Direct link

Some really good points in here!