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Howdy all, came back to the game recently and leveled up a new character, around level 70 thanks to the double xp giving me a big boost today. I was trying to work through the Alpha Silo and everything was going okay for me until I ran into a high level assaultron. My normal process to to shoot the legs out, but this one seemed to just 100% head laser me. I couldn't manage to get a leg out before she killed me even in x01. After a few tries I just gave up.

So, are they just broken right now or have they always been like that?

Thank you!

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almost 5 years ago - /u/LoneVaultWanderer - Direct link

They are tough enemies with that laser beam and tricky to handle, so it's not a matter of "gitting gud", honestly. Try again next time and avoid that laser beam at all costs!