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Hello folks! My cadre of misfits and miscreants need a bit of help.

We suckered a friend of mine to come to play Fallout 76 with us, and he got a steam edition Monday. Game pre-downloaded, the whole jazz and all. Double clicked the game, it starts up, gives him a clear box, then just closes. No error, no fuss. Just a clean close.

Now I've had him go through his folders looking for an ini file, you know the Fallout76prefs ini? See if its a window glitch. It's not there. In fact, he verified the cache twice, reinstalled both 76 and Steam, and the first-time startup opens a clear box, then just closes. There isn't even an exe to run the game from.

Is the Steam install borked? Because again re-installing and verifying has gotten us zilch. Anyone else got ideas?

SUPER EARLY UPDATE - He doesn't have the Bethesda Launcher, could THAT be a problem?

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over 4 years ago - /u/Ladydevann - Direct link

Hmm this is a new one to me, I haven't seen anyone else report this. Can you ask your friend to file a support ticket for us and send me the ticket number? https://help.bethesda.net/app/incident10

over 4 years ago - /u/Ladydevann - Direct link

Originally posted by ValorB

Am doing now. Thank you very much. Will message you the ticket number if that is fine, just waiting for the cagey old man to write the ticket. :D

Totally fine I appreciate it!