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I was just playing in a private world with a friend, and suddenly, without either of us doing anything particular (I had just fast traveled to his camp, and he was crafting), he suddenly got kicked. I checked my Social Tab and he was just gone. So I went back to the main menu to check and was met with the message "Something went wrong while syncing your friends list. Your friends list will be unavailable. We will continue to retry in the background, so check back later. If the problem persists, please contact Bethesda Customer Service".

Anyone else having issues?

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about 3 years ago - /u/Valseek - Direct link

Thanks for the reports! We're actively working to resolve an issue affecting the social menus, and now seeing friends lists recovering on some platforms. We're still in the process of resolving this, and we're going to get your social menus back in action as soon as we can.

Additionally, we're separately investigating reports of client crashes happening shortly after logging in to the game. We will get this fixed up as soon as possible, as well.

Apologies for the inconvenience that the social menu and crashing issues are causing folks in the meantime. We're on the case!

about 3 years ago - /u/Valseek - Direct link

Originally posted by Valseek

Thanks for the reports! We're actively working to resolve an issue affecting the social menus, and now seeing friends lists recovering on some platforms. We're still in the process of resolving this, and we're going to get your social menus back in action as soon as we can.

Additionally, we're separately investigating reports of client crashes happening shortly after logging in to the game. We will get this fixed up as soon as possible, as well.

Apologies for the inconvenience that the social menu and crashing issues are causing folks in the meantime. We're on the case!

As an update, we've resolved both the social menu issue and the crash some players were experiencing after login. Thank you for your patience!