over 2 years
ago -
Ryan Red
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CONTENT Item Art Rework
A example of some of the updated items.
After receiving a lot of feedback about how Raptor feeling unrewarding to take compared to other objectives on the map, we are now introducing a new Raptor system that intends to give it an identity outside of the favor system. Raptor will now grant four buffs, with the buffs received depending on how many raptors the killing team has taken. These buffs are team wide and will stay with the player for the duration of the game, while still giving a reduced amount of teamwide favor. We have also added in an endgame raptor intended to help teams finish out prolonged games, called the Alpha Raptor. The Alpha Raptor will give the killing team access to a combat buff over a short period that will deal true damage overtime to enemies and shred both armor types, scaling the damage with the amount of raptors they have slain throughout the game.
Power of the Ancients buff Killing Prime Raptor grants the members of the killing team that are alive the Power of the Ancients buff. The buff is removed once the player has died. Only teammates that are alive when the raptor is slain will be granted the buff.
Power of the Ancients: For the next 180 seconds, Damaging enemy and neutral units, excluding structures, deals 100 (+50 damage for every raptor slain by the team) true damage over 2.5 seconds, ticking every 0.5 seconds, with the first tick of damage starting on the application for a total of 6 ticks. Subsequent damage refreshes the duration.
Each tick of damage Shreds 2% of total physical and energy armor, stacking up to 10 times. Each target can only be affected by one instance of Power of the Ancients, with each new application just refreshing the duration of the damage.
Countess FEAST (R)
Lt. Belica VOID DRONE (P)
Blood Sabre
Goblin Glue
Cursed Blink
Quantum Blink
Death Blink
Map Lanes MID LANE
Menu Learn Tab
Settings Menu
BALANCE Heroes General
GRIM.exe Rework Grim's kit had a couple major issues we wanted to tackle, with his energy system being oppressive on a ranged poke hero in laning, specifically the duo lane, as well as having so many moving parts that it was hard for most players to pick him up and understand exactly how each interaction with him worked. In an effort to resolve both of these issues, we are changing Grim back to use mana, as well as reducing the amount of cooldowns, scalings, and base damages amongst other things. Grim's DEFLECT.exe has also been changed to no longer grant cooldown reductions back on abilities, but will now cost no mana to cast and will grant mana plus a portion of his missing mana back on a successful deflect.
Boots of Haste
Boots of the Hunt
Inertia Wraps
Shade Steps
S.I. Boots
Stoic Greaves
Warlock Wares
— Strange Matter Team
- All Legendary, Starter, and Word Items now have updated artworks.
A example of some of the updated items.
After receiving a lot of feedback about how Raptor feeling unrewarding to take compared to other objectives on the map, we are now introducing a new Raptor system that intends to give it an identity outside of the favor system. Raptor will now grant four buffs, with the buffs received depending on how many raptors the killing team has taken. These buffs are team wide and will stay with the player for the duration of the game, while still giving a reduced amount of teamwide favor. We have also added in an endgame raptor intended to help teams finish out prolonged games, called the Alpha Raptor. The Alpha Raptor will give the killing team access to a combat buff over a short period that will deal true damage overtime to enemies and shred both armor types, scaling the damage with the amount of raptors they have slain throughout the game.
- Favor per raptor decreased from 4 -> 1.
- Spawn times adjusted to 6 min.
- 1st: 6% Bonus Physical and Energy Power.
- 2nd: Deal 15% additional True Damage to enemy structures and large and epic monsters.
- 3rd: Gain 6% Out of Combat Movement Speed, increase Fountain Regeneration by 100%.
- 4th: Gain 6% Lifesteal and SpellVamp, increase Outgoing Heals and Shields by 15%.
- Apex Raptor spawns at 30 Min, and will respawn every 6 minutes after it is slain in place of Raptor.
- 5 favor per Apex Slain.
Power of the Ancients buff Killing Prime Raptor grants the members of the killing team that are alive the Power of the Ancients buff. The buff is removed once the player has died. Only teammates that are alive when the raptor is slain will be granted the buff.
Power of the Ancients: For the next 180 seconds, Damaging enemy and neutral units, excluding structures, deals 100 (+50 damage for every raptor slain by the team) true damage over 2.5 seconds, ticking every 0.5 seconds, with the first tick of damage starting on the application for a total of 6 ticks. Subsequent damage refreshes the duration.
Each tick of damage Shreds 2% of total physical and energy armor, stacking up to 10 times. Each target can only be affected by one instance of Power of the Ancients, with each new application just refreshing the duration of the damage.
- Fixed an issue blocking players from hovering hero's during the first ten seconds of hero selection.
Countess FEAST (R)
- Fixed an issue where Feast would not do damage.
- Can be cast mid air now.
Lt. Belica VOID DRONE (P)
- Fixed an issue with Void Drone applying spell on hit effects. (Eldritch/Matter Limiter).
- Can no longer be used while Grounded.
- Fixed an issue where the ability would stay active after blocking the first ability.
- Fixed an issue where the bleed would maintain minion aggro for longer than intended.
- Fixed an issue where all of the passive charges would be consumed in one auto-attack.
- Fixed an issue where at max level it would always give you 70 regen if you had no stacks instead of current passive level.
- Fixed an issue where the SFX and VFX for Beastial Wrath would play when hitting his target.
- Fixed an issue where the shield granted from Light of the Heavens wouldn't heal you with Siren's Call equipped
- Fixed an issue where if hit with hard Crowd Control Morigesh would lose Ghosting for the rest of the ability duration.
- Fixed a crash associated with Marking a Mastery Skin Phase.
- Now properly applies Eldritch Flame.
- Fixed an issue with stealthed hero's would stay blind for the duration of the game.
- Fixed an issue where Phase backing wouldn't break the link from hero's.
- Fixed an issue where the cooldown wasn't applied upon linking an enemy hero.
- Fixed an issue that occurred when two Phase's linked the same target, that last one applied would be invisible.
- Now properly applies on hit spell effects.
- Now properly applies Eldritch Flame
- Fixed an issue with the SFX for Rapid Fire would play upon activation.
Blood Sabre
- Can no longer be used while Stunned.
Goblin Glue
- Can no longer be used while Stunned.
- Can no longer be used while Grounded.
Cursed Blink
- Can no longer be used while Grounded.
Quantum Blink
- Can no longer be used while Grounded.
Death Blink
- Can no longer be used while Grounded.
Map Lanes MID LANE
- Fixed an issue with the mid lane ledge by the river having collision the end of it.
- Fixed an issue with white camps in Red side jungle getting stuck against a wall.
- Fixed an issue with Blue side Dusk stairs to mid lane collision near the opening to mid lane tier one.
Menu Learn Tab
- Fixed an issue with Mana and Health Regen rates rounding instead of showing appropriate decimal values.
- Fixed issue with Gadgets learn tab description not showing the movement speed increase for her E.
- Fixed multiple issues with Crunches learn tab descriptions.
- Fixed an issue with Sparrows passive not showing the bonus passive damage properly.
- Fixed various issues with items showing they build into improper legendary items in the shop.
Settings Menu
- Fixed an issue where settings were not saving between game instances.
- Fixed an issue with certain sound cues not being tied to the Master Volume slider.
- Added VO for all hero's abilities and hitting the jump pad on all hero's.
- Raptor SFX redesign.
- Murdoc SFX redesign.
- Boris SFX redesign.
- Changed Draft ambience SFX
- Added new dynamic volume sliders
BALANCE Heroes General
- Increased Movement Speed on every hero by 10.
GRIM.exe Rework Grim's kit had a couple major issues we wanted to tackle, with his energy system being oppressive on a ranged poke hero in laning, specifically the duo lane, as well as having so many moving parts that it was hard for most players to pick him up and understand exactly how each interaction with him worked. In an effort to resolve both of these issues, we are changing Grim back to use mana, as well as reducing the amount of cooldowns, scalings, and base damages amongst other things. Grim's DEFLECT.exe has also been changed to no longer grant cooldown reductions back on abilities, but will now cost no mana to cast and will grant mana plus a portion of his missing mana back on a successful deflect.
- All abilities now use the same cooldown -> 12 seconds at all levels.
- All Abilities now use the same base damage -> 60/100/140/180/220
- All abilities now use the same mana cost -> 60/70/80/90/100.
- All abilities now use the same energy and physical power scaling factors -> (80% Energy Power Scaling / 100% Physical Power Scaling)
- Mana used per non Ion shot - 25/22.5/20/17.5/15.
- Mana regained from Ion shot - (10% BAD + 5% Energy Power).
- Mana Regained from Detonation -> 50 (+ 25% Energy Power / 45% Physical Power)
- Removed Bonus Detonation Regeneration if Ion Mode was being used.
- Mana Cost -> 100 at all levels.
- Cooldown increased from 20/18/16/14/12 -> 22/20/18/16/14.
- Mana Cost -> 0.
- Mana Back -> 100/110/120/130/140 + 10% Missing Mana.
- Removed blast active cooldown reduction.
- Removed RMB active cooldown reduction.
- General
- Removed Energy Treads from the game.
Boots of Haste
- Cooldown Reduction reduced from 15 -> 10.
- Mana Increased from 200 -> 250.
- Now builds out of S.I. Boots and a Crystal.
Boots of the Hunt
- Now builds out of S.I. Boots and a Tempered Vial.
Inertia Wraps
- Energy Resistance increased from 18 -> 25.
- Now builds out of S.I Boots and a Protection Veil.
Shade Steps
- Gold Cost reduced from 1000 -> 900.
S.I. Boots
- Movement Speed increased from 40 -> 60.
Stoic Greaves
- Now builds out of S.I. Boots and a Force Shield.
Warlock Wares
- Energy Penetration increased from 15 -> 17.
- Now builds out of S.I. Boots.
- Removed - Prime Buff no longer increases outgoing damage.
- New - Prime Buff now grants Gain 12-50 Physical Power based on game time for the duration of the buff.
- New - Prime Buff now grants Gain 25-100 Energy Power based on game time for the duration of the buff.
- New - Enhanced Recall : Prime Buff now reduces recall duration from 8 -> 3 seconds for the duration of the buff.
- Shrines spawn time from 3:30 -> 3 min
- Lane Minion initial spawn reduced from 60 -> 30 seconds into the game. First wave will crash around the minute mark.
- Jungle Buffs initial spawn reduced from 85 -> 55.
- White Camp initial spawns reduced from 90 -> 60.
- Melee Minion gold increased from 21 -> 24.
- Ranged Minion gold increased from 14 -> 15.
- Siege/Super Minion starting gold reduced from 75 -> 70.
- Siege/Super minions gold will now increase overtime after the 5 minute mark, capping at the 20 minute mark at 95 gold.
— Strange Matter Team