You don't need to do the 89 dungeon in Ktiseos gear or Palaka gear or Cryptlurker gear (unless you're going through MSQ, see edit). You can get your dyable set of cool job gear and weapon from Tataru's one stop shop in Sharlayan. You don't have to pay for it, its literally a free set of left side gear for your job at level 89. You can easily run the 89 dungeon, which only drops accessories because your left-side gear for that level comes a from a store that gives it away. Because its yours! You earned it! It's free gear! It even scales up to level 90 so you can have it in expert dungeons, and not run them in mismatched leveling gear!
You won't die on double pulls if you have it while tanking, and everyone does so much more damage. And I know you like damage, who doesn't like damage? They all look pretty good too! Y'know, opinions and all that, but I think this is good looking job gear, which we don't usually get to wear for long unless you dedicate the glamour space, so here's a cool opportunity where you look great and have best in slot for a whole level!
Like, please. I'm begging, on my hands and knees begging for you to claim what's yours and reap the benefits. I know you have access, I see those Endwalker titles. So c'mon, get your free job gear, they are literally giving it away! I'm going to cry if I see another tank in Imperial gear in the 89 dungeon, please.
Edit: The preceding cry for help PSA does not apply to people going through MSQ for the first time, as for some reason you don't get your job gear until after the 89 dungeon. But let's be honest, most of you are just leveling alt jobsandshouldknowbetter