almost 8 years
ago -
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Exhaustion Recovery
Debuff Resistance
Stamina Cost Reduction
Stamina Regen
Revenge Mode Defense
Revenge Mode Duration
Defense Penetration
Block Damage
Execution Health Regen
Revive Speed
Revenge Gained
Revenge Mode Attack
- Defense reduces the Damage received from Attacks.
- Your Heros total Defense bonus is the sum of the Defense bonuses on all its Armor pieces.
- Defense does not reduce Damage from Bleeds, Feats or blocked attacks and is not applied while in Revenge Mode.
Exhaustion Recovery
- Exhaustion Recovery increases the speed at which your Hero come out of exhaustion (after running out of Stamina).
Debuff Resistance
- Debuff Resistance reduces the duration and effects of debuffs (bleed damage, stun duration, feats impact) affecting your Hero.
Stamina Cost Reduction
- Stamina Cost Reduction decreases the amount of Stamina required to perform actions.
- Stamina Cost Reduction affects all actions that use stamina, but does not reduce Stamina Damage received from opponents.
Stamina Regen
- Stamina Regen increases the speed at which Stamina regenerates.
Revenge Mode Defense
- Revenge Mode Defense reduces the Damage received from attacks while in Revenge Mode.
- Revenge Mode Defense does not reduce Damage from Bleeds, Feats or blocked attacks.
Revenge Mode Duration
- Revenge Mode Duration increases the amount of time the Revenge Mode lasts.
- Attack increases Damage dealt to enemy Heroes.
- Your Heros total Attack bonus is the sum of the Attack bonuses on all its weapon pieces.
- Attack does not increase Damage from Bleeds, Feats, blocked attacks and is not applied while in Revenge Mode..
Defense Penetration
- Defense Penetration allows your Hero's Attacks to ignore an amount of the enemy Heros Defense when attacking them.
- Your Hero ignores as much of the opponents Defense as the value of the Defense Penetration is.
Block Damage
- Block Damage increases the Damage dealt to enemy Heroes when they Block your Hero's attacks.
Execution Health Regen
- Execution Health Regen increases the amount of health your Hero regains by performing a successful Execution.
Revive Speed
- Revive Speed increases the speed at which your hero can Revive teammates.
Revenge Gained
- Revenge Gained increases the rate at which your Hero gain Revenge when attacked.
- (this is a combination of the season 1 Revenge Gained From Defense and Revenge Gained From Injury gear stats).
Revenge Mode Attack
- Revenge Mode Attack increases the Damage dealt to enemy Heroes while in Revenge Mode.
- Revenge Mode Attack doesnt affect Bleeds, Feats or blocked attacks.