These are all goated but #5 is my personal favorite! Well done!
These are all goated but #5 is my personal favorite! Well done!
Interesting song choice. LOL
The first sentence of this poem gave me PTSD.
Oh this is such a sick mashup.
Hmm. Have you tried downloading directly from Steam or do you not have that option?
Uh oh guys look out it's Captain LawBoi
Oooo some of these are super sick, nice job!
We try our best to read as many threads, comments, and feedback mentions from pretty much everywhere. We are on Reddit a lot but we take feedback from all platforms the community talks about the Funny Sword Game!
Can you send me this image, preferably without the names being removed? Thanks.
Try verifying your game's files, that might do the trick.
Damn, never seen someone wake up dead before.
What in the what...
I would suggest verifying your game files to see if anything got jumbled during one of the recent updates.
This is just a Pirate. Why’d you take a picture of her?
A Pi-Rat-e, if you will.
Giving the Golden god some competition.
Circlepit \m/
Someone do a Wall of Death next. \m/
But... but... please don't take away the Loadout slots! I've waited too long.
Wouldn't dream of it! All 9 loadout slots are here to stay. <3
Looks like a fix for this was just deployed. Restart your game and you should be good to go. :)
A fix for this is hot off the presses! Make sure you restart your game so the fix can generate for you.
A fix for this issue just got released. If you're in-game, make sure you restart so the fix can be applied. :)