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As I continue my debate on whether to move from PC to XBOX, do we know if there will be an XBOX One X update point out? If so, do we know what it will do for the version. If you have a good PC, (which I do) playing For Honor on it is a true blast. I plan on buying an XBOX One X on release day. Moving to the XBOX one version, knowing that a graphical / fps update will come to the XBOX will make the transition easier.

Any chance you could just make the PC and XBOX one have cross play. This seems like the perfect game for it, you can play either on k/m or controller. There is no ranged targeting and it would fix my playerbase issue on the PC.
over 7 years ago - UbiNoty - Direct link
Originally Posted by druez

As I continue my debate on whether to move from PC to XBOX, do we know if there will be an XBOX One X update point out? If so, do we know what it will do for the version. If you have a good PC, (which I do) playing For Honor on it is a true blast. I plan on buying an XBOX One X on release day. Moving to the XBOX one version, knowing that a graphical / fps update will come to the XBOX will make the transition easier.

Any chance you could just make the PC and XBOX one have cross play. This seems like the perfect game for it, you can play either on k/m or controller. There is no ranged targeting and it would fix my playerbase issue on the PC.
I doubt there will be cross-platform options available any time soon since all three platforms each run their own servers and mixing PC with consoles is generally a bad idea in terms of PvP.
As for the XBox One X - I'm not sure either what kinds of compatibility and features it will have with FH, but I can ask what the plans are for it!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-P4in - Direct link
Please don't revive old threads, this one was 2.5 years old. Feel free to create a new thread if you wish to start up a discussion.

Thread Closed.